Jupyter notebooks for the code samples of the book "Deep Learning with Python"
✏️ Neural Style Transfer: A Review
project of CEN5035 Software Engineering
These are companion notebooks written in Julia and Python for: "Introduction to Applied Linear Algebra" by Boyd and Vandenberghe.
😎 Awesome list of Library Genesis, the world's largest free library.
Codes des exemples de l'article "Cadre déclaratif modulaire d'évaluation d'actions selon différents principes éthiques", pour la Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle
Reinforcement Learning And Advanced Deep Learning
Implementations of Reinforcement Learning Algorithm
1.Bit Coin Miner 2.Gossip and PushSum Protocol 3.Twitter Engine Simulator
Simulation of Twitter Engine (5 M users) with Actor Model (Scala) and Spray (REST API)
Simulating twitter functionalities using Akka actor model and implementing REST API functionalities using Spray CAN and Spray Client
The goal of this project was to implement a Twitter Clone and a client tester/simulator in Elixir. Through this project, we could also demonstrate performance improvement in using Erlang message pa…
Suave is a simple web development F# library providing a lightweight web server and a set of combinators to manipulate route flow and task composition.
code for the UE named RLD (RL and Deep)
The goal of this project is to implement a system that uses Huffman coding so that when enormous amount of data needs to be transferred, the overall data size is reduced.
A project to generate Huffman code using Pairing Heap, Binary Heap and 4 way cache optimized heap
Encoder & Decoder analyzing various heaps (pairing heaps / Dary (binary / 4way ) - kbased indexing)
• Developed application for decentralized object location and routing in peer-to-peer systems for 5000 peers. • Analyzed Pastry Protocol research paper and then implemented Distributed Hash Table t…
Projects I did as a part of my DOSP course
A project for the course 'Advanced MAchine Learning & Deep Learning 2019-2020'
The goal of this project was to determine the convergence of Gossip type algorithms through a simulator based on actors written in Elixir. Full, Line, 2D and Imperfect 2D topologies were implemente…
Projects for COP5615 Distributed Operating System Principles