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Using the runTests driver to run the test

The runTests helper script can be used to simplify creation and running of new tests. E.g.:

runTests gun

will read the test.cfg configuration file where it will find the specification for the "gun" test and it will expand it to a shell script and run it. You can see what runTests will do by supplying the --dry-run / -n option.

Each test consists of a variable number of steps, e.g.:

    - name: SIM 
    - name: REC

By default a step will expand to:

# Running Test example
cd test/<test name> && rm -rf *.root *.dat *.log fort* hlt hough raw* recraw/*.root recraw/*.log
# Step: <step name>
# Variant default

aliroot -b -q <lowercase step name>.C 2>&1 | tee  <lowercase step name>.log
mv syswatch.log <lowercase step name>watch.log

Where in this case:

  • is example
  • is either SIM or REC
  • is either sim or rec

Steps of a same test are guaranteed to be performed in order, as specified in the configuration file. E.g. SIM will always preceed REC for the above test.

Customization of the steps.

By default the steps will do the typical aliroot macro execution, as illustrated above, simply because that's the most common usecase.

It is however possible to customize a step by supplying the following parameters:

  • pre: What to execute before the step
  • driver: what to execute as a given step
  • post: what to execute after the step
  • setup: this is a per-test customization which allows to specify what to do before all steps.

For example the fastjetload test, also defined in test.cfg, looks like:

  setup: ""
    - name: LOAD
      pre: "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/usr/lib:/usr/lib64"
      driver: "root -l -b -q ${ALICE_PHYSICS}/PWGJE/macros/TestLoadFastJet.C 2>&1"
      post: ""

This will expand to simply:

Running Test loadfastjet

Step: LOAD

Variant default

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/usr/lib:/usr/lib64 root -l -b -q ${ALICE_PHYSICS}/PWGJE/macros/TestLoadFastJet.C 2>&1


One of the main reason to have a script like runTests, apart from easier parsing of the test details, is to allow for what we call "variants": simple changes of the default behavior of the test which share most of the configuration, but then extend it in order to use special tools, for example valgrind or igprof. Variants are defined per step and can be specified via a set of additional configurable options:

  • prefix: a prefix to the driver part.

For example if you want to define an igprof_performance and igprof_memory variant for the gun test you can do:

    - name: SIM
        default: {}
          prefix: "igprof -mp -o igprof.%(test_name)s_%(step_name)s_MEMORY.gz "
          prefix: "igprof -pp -o igprof.%(test_name)s_%(step_name)s_PERFORMANCE.gz "

You can specify which variant to run by passing them to runTests via the --variant option as comma separated labels. E.g. test/runTests gun --variant default,igprof_memory.

FIXME: add the ability to specify a label for a given test, so that tests can be selected by label (e.g. run all the tests in the pullrequest label). FIXME: add the ability to specify "cost" of a given test, so that we can select only those which add up to a maximum amount of time. FIXME: "default" variant should always be there. FIXME: "default" variant should be run if the requested variant is not found in a given step. FIXME: add ability to have a step depend on the step of a different test, for example have a "PbPbsimulation" test which has a SIM step and then have multiple "XYZreco" tests which have a REC step which depends on "PbPbsimulation/SIM" so that simulation is done only once.