Refresh = Reset + Migration
$ <FF_FOLDER>/firefox --reset-profile [--migration]
(On Windows -reset-profile [-migration])-
is created and passed @ XREMain::XRE_mainStartuprv = NS_NewToolkitProfileService(getter_AddRefs(mProfileSvc)); // ...... rv = SelectProfile(getter_AddRefs(mProfileLock), mProfileSvc, mNativeApp, &mStartOffline, &mProfileName);
@ nsAppRunner.cpp-
Check commandline arg
ar = CheckArg("reset-profile", true); if (ar == ARG_BAD) { PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "Error: argument --reset-profile is invalid when argument --osint is specified\n"); return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } if (ar == ARG_FOUND) { gDoProfileReset = true; }
Get old profile name
arg = PR_GetEnv("XRE_PROFILE_NAME"); if (arg && *arg && aProfileName) { aProfileName->Assign(nsDependentCString(arg)); if (gDoProfileReset) { gResetOldProfileName.Assign(*aProfileName); } }
Create new profile
if (gDoProfileReset) { // If we're resetting a profile, create a new one and use it to startup. nsCOMPtr<nsIToolkitProfile> newProfile; rv = CreateResetProfile(aProfileSvc, gResetOldProfileName, getter_AddRefs(newProfile)); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { rv = newProfile->GetRootDir(getter_AddRefs(lf)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); SaveFileToEnv("XRE_PROFILE_PATH", lf); rv = newProfile->GetLocalDir(getter_AddRefs(localDir)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); SaveFileToEnv("XRE_PROFILE_LOCAL_PATH", localDir); rv = newProfile->GetName(*aProfileName); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) aProfileName->Truncate(0); SaveWordToEnv("XRE_PROFILE_NAME", *aProfileName); } else { NS_WARNING("Profile reset failed."); gDoProfileReset = false; } }
@ ProfileReset.cpp-
Reuse the old profile name if available
nsAutoCString newProfileName; if (!aOldProfileName.IsEmpty()) { newProfileName.Assign(aOldProfileName); newProfileName.Append("-"); } else { newProfileName.AssignLiteral("default-"); } newProfileName.Append(nsPrintfCString("%" PRId64, PR_Now() / 1000));
Create new profile
nsresult rv = aProfileSvc->CreateProfile(nullptr, // choose a default dir for us newProfileName, getter_AddRefs(newProfile));
Back to
Import data from the old profile @
- run if did
$ <FF_FOLDER>/firefox --reset-profile --migration
(On Windows -reset-profile -migration) - See https://github.com/Fischer-L/FirefoxTech/blob/master/Profile_Migration.md
- run if did
Backup the old profile @
if (gDoProfileReset) { // `ProfileResetCleanup` will backup then delete the old profile nsresult backupCreated = ProfileResetCleanup(profileBeingReset); if (NS_FAILED(backupCreated)) NS_WARNING("Could not cleanup the profile that was reset"); nsCOMPtr<nsIToolkitProfile> newProfile; rv = GetCurrentProfile(mProfileSvc, mProfD, getter_AddRefs(newProfile)); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { // After the old profile is deleted, we can restore the profile name. // (We are reseting not creating an new one so keep the old name) newProfile->SetName(gResetOldProfileName); mProfileName.Assign(gResetOldProfileName); // Set the new profile as the default after we're done cleaning up the old profile, // iff that profile was already the default if (profileWasSelected) { rv = mProfileSvc->SetDefaultProfile(newProfile); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) NS_WARNING("Could not set current profile as the default"); } } else { NS_WARNING("Could not find current profile to set as default / change name."); } // Need to write out the fact that the profile has been removed, the new profile // renamed, and potentially that the selected/default profile changed. mProfileSvc->Flush(); }
- Flush the update records into the profile.ini file
When click the Refresh button in about:support,
is called -
@ ResetProfile.jsm-
Open the dialog to confirm with user
window.openDialog("chrome://global/content/resetProfile.xul", null, "chrome,modal,centerscreen,titlebar,dialog=yes", params);
Set MOZ_RESET_PROFILE_RESTART env ar then restart Firefox
// Set the reset profile environment variable. let env = Cc["@mozilla.org/process/environment;1"].getService(Ci.nsIEnvironment); env.set("MOZ_RESET_PROFILE_RESTART", "1"); // Restart let appStartup = Cc["@mozilla.org/toolkit/app-startup;1"].getService(Ci.nsIAppStartup); appStartup.quit(Ci.nsIAppStartup.eForceQuit | Ci.nsIAppStartup.eRestart);
During startup
@ nsAppRunner.cpp- Detecs the env arg then set the global variable
if (EnvHasValue("MOZ_RESET_PROFILE_RESTART")) { gDoProfileReset = true; gDoMigration = true; SaveToEnv("MOZ_RESET_PROFILE_RESTART="); // We only want to restore the previous session if the profile refresh was // triggered by user. And if it was a user-triggered profile refresh // through, say, the safeMode dialog or the troubleshooting page, the MOZ_RESET_PROFILE_RESTART // env variable would be set. Hence we set MOZ_RESET_PROFILE_MIGRATE_SESSION here so that // Firefox profile migrator would migrate old session data later. SaveToEnv("MOZ_RESET_PROFILE_MIGRATE_SESSION=1"); }
- Detecs the env arg then set the global variable
See the section of Reset by commandline for the rest