Code to reproduce this graph:
In Julia:
using DataFrames, FixedEffectModels
N = 10000000
K = 100
id1 = rand(1:(N/K), N)
id2 = rand(1:K, N)
x1 = randn(N)
x2 = randn(N)
@time reg(df,
@model(y ~ x1 + x2, fe = id1) )
@time reg(df,
@model(y ~ x1 + x2, fe = id1, vcov = cluster(id1) ) )
@time reg(df,
@model(y ~ x1 + x2, fe = id1 + id2 ) )
@time reg(df,
@model(y ~ x1 + x2, fe = id1 + id2, vcov = cluster(id1 + id2) ) )
In R
N = 1e7
K = 1e2
df = data.frame(
id1 = as.factor(sample(N/K, N, replace = TRUE)),
id2 = as.factor(sample(K, N, replace = TRUE)),
y = runif(N),
x1 = runif(N),
x2 = runif(N)
First using felm
felm(y ~ x1 + x2|id1, df)
felm(y ~ x1 + x2|id1|0|id1, df)
felm(y ~ x1 + x2|(id1 + id2), df)
felm(y ~ x1 + x2|(id1 + id2)|0|id1+id2, df)
And using FixedEffedtjlr
FixedEffect(df, lhs = "y", rhs = "x1 + x2",
fe = "id1", vcov = "robust")
FixedEffect(df, lhs = "y", rhs = "x1 + x2",
fe = "id1", vcov = "cluster(id1)")
FixedEffect(df, lhs = "y", rhs = "x1 + x2",
fe = "id1 + id2", vcov = "robust")
FixedEffect(df, lhs = "y", rhs = "x1 + x2",
fe = "id1 + id2", vcov = "cluster(id1 + id2)")
Matthieu uses the following code in Stata:
clear all
local N = 10000000
local K = 100
set obs `N'
gen id1 = floor(runiform() * (`N'+1)/`K')
gen id2 = floor(runiform() * (`K'+1))
gen y = runiform()
gen x1 = runiform()
gen x2 = runiform()
timer clear
set rmsg on
areg y x1 x2, a(id1)
areg y x1 x2, a(id1) cl(id1)
reghdfe y x1 x2, a(id1 id2) fast keepsingletons
reghdfe y x1 x2, a(id1 id2) cl(id1 id2) fast keepsingletons
Benchmark including stata with log scale