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This package contains libraries for processing of Sigma rules and the following command line tools:

  • sigmac: converter between Sigma rules and SIEM queries:
    • Elasticsearch query strings
    • Kibana JSON with searches
    • Splunk SPL queries
    • Elasticsearch X-Pack Watcher
    • Logpoint queries
  • merge_sigma: Merge Sigma collections into simple Sigma rules.



  usage: sigmac [-h] [--recurse] [--filter FILTER]
                [--target {es-dsl,es-qs,graylog,kibana,xpack-watcher,logpoint,splunk,grep,fieldlist}]
                [--target-list] [--config CONFIG] [--output OUTPUT]
                [--backend-option BACKEND_OPTION] [--defer-abort]
                [--ignore-not-implemented] [--verbose] [--debug]
                [inputs [inputs ...]]

  Convert Sigma rules into SIEM signatures.

  positional arguments:
    inputs                Sigma input files

  optional arguments:
    -h, --help            show this help message and exit
    --recurse, -r         Recurse into subdirectories (not yet implemented)
    --filter FILTER, -f FILTER
                          Define comma-separated filters that must match (AND-
                          linked) to rule to be processed. Valid filters:
                          level<=x, level>=x, level=x, status=y, logsource=z. x
                          is one of: low, medium, high, critical. y is one of:
                          experimental, testing, stable. z is a word appearing
                          in an arbitrary log source attribute. Multiple log
                          source specifications are AND linked.
    --target {es-dsl,es-qs,graylog,kibana,xpack-watcher,logpoint,splunk,grep,fieldlist}, -t {es-dsl,es-qs,graylog,kibana,xpack-watcher,logpoint,splunk,grep,fieldlist}
                          Output target format
    --target-list, -l     List available output target formats
    --config CONFIG, -c CONFIG
                          Configuration with field name and index mapping for
                          target environment (not yet implemented)
    --output OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT
                          Output file or filename prefix if multiple files are
                          generated (not yet implemented)
    --backend-option BACKEND_OPTION, -O BACKEND_OPTION
                          Options and switches that are passed to the backend
    --defer-abort, -d     Don't abort on parse or conversion errors, proceed
                          with next rule. The exit code from the last error is
    --ignore-not-implemented, -I
                          Only return error codes for parse errors and ignore
                          errors for rules with not implemented features
    --verbose, -v         Be verbose
    --debug, -D           Debugging output

  Backend options:
      es        : Host and port of Elasticsearch instance (default: http://localhost:9200)
      output    : Output format: import = JSON search request, curl = Shell script that do the search queries via curl (default: import)
      rulecomment: Prefix generated query with comment containing title (default: False)
      rulecomment: Prefix generated query with comment containing title (default: False)
      output    : Output format: import = JSON file manually imported in Kibana, curl = Shell script that imports queries in Kibana via curl (jq is additionally required) (default: import)
      es        : Host and port of Elasticsearch instance (default: localhost:9200)
      index     : Kibana index (default: .kibana)
      prefix    : Title prefix of Sigma queries (default: Sigma: )
      output    : Output format: curl = Shell script that imports queries in Watcher index with curl (default: curl)
      es        : Host and port of Elasticsearch instance (default: localhost:9200)
      mail      : Mail address for Watcher notification (only logging if not set) (default: None)
      rulecomment: Prefix generated query with comment containing title (default: False)
      rulecomment: Prefix generated query with comment containing title (default: False)