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Renderer for DeepSee Dashboards in Browser with MDX2JSON as a Serverside and JS web-client


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Renderer for DeepSee Dashboards in Browser with MDX2JSON as a Serverside and JS web-client.
Developed using AngularJS and Bootstrap.

Whats new in 3.0

This is newly rewritten DeepSeeWeb with TypeScript & Angular 10!

Current version is alpha!

Some features of new version:

  • Clean navigation


Now user can clearly see and navigate to dashboards via breadcrumbs, changing namespace, etc. Query parameter "ns" for namespace was gone. Now url constructed by following rule "/namespace/folder/folder/.../dashboard.dashboard", eg.

  • Redesigned login screen


  • New sidebar with main menu


Now user can easly see options available for each screen and change settings


  • More clean dashboards. Colors adjusted to show important data, whilst other information displayed in light colors. Also new design is more suitable for large screens. Top - new design, buttom - old:


  • Clean widget actions


  • Redesigned styles for filters, modals
  • Added service workers to improve application startup
  • Now all libs(eg. Highcharts, gridster) can be easily updated via npm
  • Removed a lot of old code(300k+ lines) and refactored services
  • Changed widget classes to more OOP style, removed all prototypes, etc.
  • Changed templates to take advantage of component approach

Not supported in alpha:

  • user addons, beacuse old addons has been written on Angular1 (but base addons as map, html text, worldmap are included in bundle already)
  • changing app settings via UI(only configs supported)
  • color adjustments and theming
  • some specific widget settings or features(eg. changing type of chart)

This features will be implemented soon and are to be included in RC

Supported widgets

  • Area chart
  • Line chart
  • Chart with markers
  • Bar chart
  • Column chart
  • Pie chart
  • Time chart
  • Pivot table
  • Text widget
  • Combo chart
  • Bubble chart
  • Hi-Low chart
  • Quadtree chart
  • Bullseye chart
  • Speedometer
  • Fuel gauge


  1. First be sure, that you have MDX2JSON installed. To test it open URL <server:port>/MDX2JSON/Test You should see something like this: { "DefaultApp":"\/mdx2json", "Mappings": { "Mapped":["MDX2JSON","SAMPLES" ], "Unmapped":["%SYS","DOCBOOK","USER" ] }, "Status":"OK", "User":"UnknownUser", "Version":2.2 }

  2. Download the latest release xml file:

  3. Import it to any Caché namespace, f.e. to USER.

  4. Run in terminal:

USER> d ##class(DSW.Installer).setup()

It will:

  • create /dsw web app,
  • create ...csp/dsw folder
  • put all the necessary DeepSee Web files into .../csp/dsw folder.

To use DSW Open server:port/dsw/index.html


Known issues:

Sometimes after installation you can see umlyauts in the client. like in the shot: Install To fix this there are tow ways:

  • Copy index.html to index.csp and try to connect to it same way you do with index.html page. Symbols should go in Unicode now.


  • Write your current codepage setting in CSP Gateway for the files:
zw ^%SYS("CSP","DefaultFileCharset")

This setting should be "utf-8". If there is another setting, save it somewhere and change to "utf-8"

So this should fix it:

set ^%SYS("CSP","DefaultFileCharset")="utf-8"

Embedding widgets

Widgets can be embedded in other pages. Easiest way to embed a widget is to navigate to the widget, set it into a desired state, press RMB to open context menu and press Share button. It would show a url for embedding.

Embedded URL is generated as follows. Start with a dashboard URL and add required widget parameter. Optionally add other URL parameters. All parameter values MUST be URL escaped. Available parameters are:

Name Value Value, escaped Description
widget 1 1 Which widget from the dashboard to show (in order of widget definition).
FILTERS TARGET:*;FILTER:[period].[H1].[period].&[10\] TARGET:*;FILTER:%5Bperiod%5D.%5BH1%5D.%5Bperiod%5D.%26%5B104%5D Filters to use. Follows InterSystems BI FILTERS url parameter.
variables variable1.value1
Provide pivot variable values. Variables are separated by ~. Variable and value are separated by ..
drilldown level1
Drilldown on a widget. Drilldown levels are separated by ~.
noheader 1 1 Do not display header information. Defaults to 0.
datasource map/weights.pivot map%2Fweights.pivot What datasource to use for widget.

Embedded widgets callbacks

Embedded widgets interact with a parent in two ways:

  1. Communicate with parent window using event passing via dsw object for shared widgets:
// Define dsw object in a parent window using this interface:
export interface IDSW {
    onFilter: (e: IWidgetEvent) => void;
    onDrill: (e: IWidgetEvent) => void;
// Widget event
export interface IWidgetEvent {
    index: number;
    widget: IWidgetInfo;
    drills?: IWidgetDrill[];
    filters?: string;

// Example:
window.dsw = {
    onDrill: (data) => {
         // handle drill event here
    onFilter: (data) => {
         // handle filter event here
  1. Communicate with parent window using postMessage (supports CORS and crossdomain setup where DSW and parent app are on a separate servers/domains):
// Extended interface for widget event
export interface IWidgetEvent {
    type: WidgetEventType;
    index: number;
    widget: IWidgetInfo;
    drills?: IWidgetDrill[];
    filters?: string;
    datasource?: string;

// Example listener in parent
window.addEventListener('message', e => {
    const event = as IWidgetEvent;
    switch (event.type) {
        case 'drill':
            // code ... 
        case 'filter': 
            // code ... 
        case 'datasource': 
            // code ... 
  1. Apply styles for map widget
  // hide map controls, assuming widget in iframe element
  iframe.postMessage({ type: 'map.applyStyle', selector: '.ol-control', style: 'display', value:'none' });
  1. Disable context menu on widgets Use disableContextMenu=1 data property to disable DSW context menu on any widget. Also, context menu can be disabled on shared widget by passing url parameter disableContextMenu=1

Map widget

To create a map widget you'll need:

  1. Get a polygon file. GeoJSON is supported, and there's also support for a legacy js format.
  2. Save a polygon file into a root directory of a default web application of your namespace.
  3. Create a widget with type: map and name equal to the polygons file.
  4. Your GeoJSON contains an array of polygons, with some property being a unique identifier for a polygon. Create a coordsProperty dataproperty with the value being the name of this property in your widget.
  5. In the widget data source, you must create a column with the same name as coordsProperty value, with the values being unique polygon identifiers.
  6. Add other properties/data properties as needed.
Data Property Type Description Value Default
tooltipProperty dataproperty Define custom tooltip. Tooltip appears when user's cursor hovers over a polygon. Datasource column name Row name
popupProperty dataproperty Define custom popup. Tooltip appears when user's cursor presses LMB on a polygon and there's no DRILLDOWN. Datasource column name Row name
coordsProperty dataproperty Property present in both the datasource AND geojson containing polygon id for a tile Datasource column name
colorProperty dataproperty Name of a numeric property, defining polygon color. Datasource column name
tileUrl dataproperty Tile server URL{z}/{x}/{y}.png
coordsJsFile property File with a JS or GeoJSON polygons. Requested from the root of a default web app for a namespace js or geojson path Widget name
colorFormula property Formula used to calculate polygon color. hsl((255-x)/255 * 120, 100%, 50%)
rgb(x, 255-x, 0)
polygonTitleProperty property Define custom polygon title Datasource column name
colorProperty property Deprecated by a dataproperty with a same name
markerPopupContentProperty property Deprecated by a popupProperty dataproperty
colorClientProperty property Deprecated by a colorProperty dataproperty

Creating custom widgets

DeepSeeWeb allows modification of exist widgets and custom widget registration as well. For base widget class methods and properties description please read Addons. To setup custom widget simply copy widget js file to /addons folder.

For custom widget example, please look at src/factories/customWidget.js. This is simple custom widget that represents html5 canvas for drawing.

Creating custom themes

User can create or use custom themes, more about it here: Custom themes.


Though DeepSeeWeb source goes with MIT License it uses hicharts.js for visualisation of several widgets so please obey the Highcharts license when use DeepSeeWeb for commercial applications. According to Highcharts license it's free for non-commercial usage

Article and discussion around DeepSee Web

Here is the article on InterSystems Developer Community describing DSW features and capabilites.


Renderer for DeepSee Dashboards in Browser with MDX2JSON as a Serverside and JS web-client







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  • TypeScript 72.0%
  • JavaScript 13.7%
  • SCSS 9.5%
  • HTML 4.6%
  • Dockerfile 0.1%
  • ObjectScript 0.1%