This file is designed to track changes to the integrated test baselines. Any developer who updates the baseline ID in the .integrated_tests.yaml file is expected to create an entry in this file with the pull request number, date, and their justification for rebaselining. These notes should be in reverse-chronological order, and use the following time format: (YYYY-MM-DD).
Remove relative permeability from wells.
Add an option to skip density and viscosity computes when phase is not present for CO2 fluid update.
Do not allow negative pressure by default, except for hydrofrac.
Add Passing Crack to the integrated tests.
Well control parallel synchronization fix.
Added tests for overall composition (Z) formulation.
Multiphase contact bugfix, add test case to ats, removed redundant linear solver params for other tests.
Fix 1d edfm case and add it to ats.
Replace array1d with std::vector.
Add targetRegion for perforations (optional).
Add array to store the source values in time inside wave solvers.
Add new fields and change the default input for some tests.
Refactoring of induced seismicity EQ solvers to add coupling.
Scalable rock toughness required new field.
deltaVolume added in multiphase.
Add missing logic to support switching from fixed mass rate injection rate constraint to max injection pressure.
Added plastic strain output.
useNewGravity became gravityDensityScheme.
Refine inputFiles/compositionalMultiphaseFlow: shift reference pressures to initial pressures, make nonlinear tuning more reasonable, minimize output.
Fix timestep selector flaw in SolidMechanicsLagrangeContact.
Added test for explicit runge kutta sprinslider.
Add "logLevel" parameter under /Problem/Outputs in baseline files
Revert default gravity treatment to old version. Make the way introduced in #3337 optional.
Baseline diffs after reimplementation of wave equation acoustic gradient for velocity and density parameters: new field "partialGradient2" and "pressureForward" field replacing "pressureDoubleDerivative".
Fix netToGross bug.
A few baseline diffs for order FaceElementSubRegion::m_toFacesRelation map. Not sure why this was changed by this PR, but the previous order seems incorrect for a couple of cases.
Added ExternalDataRepository.
Switched the FaceElementSubRegion::m_toFacesRelation and FaceElementSubRegion::m_2dElemToElems back to array2d instead of ArrayOfArray. This results in a reordering m_toFacesRelation back to the "correct" assumed order of "original face first". This fixes a bug that failed to remove the CellStencil entry when a FaceElement splits two cells.
Added numberOfTargetProcesses.
EDFM bugfixes: derivatives sign, frac/cell element volume, fix apertures inconsistency in test cases.
Added Lagrange multiplier with bubble functions stabilization (sli only) and possibility to specify a slip.
Hypre improvements, rebaseline is due to field value change (amgNumFunctions).
Bugfix: Fixed output of ArrayOfArray objects to restart files.
Bugfix for gravity treatment in flux for thermal.
Fix a bug related to mass and energy updates for poromechanics.
Bugfix: reset accumulation in fracture when time step cut occurs in hydrofrac solver.
Add tests for poro-thermo-plastic model.
Change density treatment for gravity in multiphase flow solver.
EFEM bugfixes: effective traction + oldStress.
Added Sprig-slider test.
Add routine for automatic time steps in waveSolvers with new attributes
Restart check errors due to 1) schema node added to enable thermal option in well model and 2) arrays removed/added for option. Max difference errors due treatment of shutin wells. Previously non-zero rate value reported for shutin well, new code will set rate arrays to zero.
Sorted region cellBlocks names alphabetically. Therefore affected ordering of: faceManager/elemSubRegionList, nodeManager/elemList, nodeManager/elemSubRegionList, SurfaceElementSubRegion::fractureElementsToCellSubRegions, field::perforation::reservoirElementSubregion.
Enable reservoir+wells+contact mechanics. Rebaseline needed because of 'allowNegativePressure' flag added for wells.
Separate mass and volume residuals for output in compositional flow solver. Baseline update because of minor numerical diffs.
Added new field "writeCSV"
Added new fields (krylovStrongestTol, adaptiveGamma, adaptiveExponent) to the LinearSolverParameters for adaptive tolerances.
Updated time-stepping logic. Rebaseline due to new input parameter and minor numerical diffs.
ALM slip and open modes with relative tests.
Modified SeismicityRate poroelastic case.
Print out fracture state for contact model. Rebaseline the corresponding cases.
Added restartcheks to hydrofrac cases and reduced time of cases that were too long.
Temperature dependent single phase thermal conductivity. Rebaseline all thermal cases.
Re-enable enforcement of wave propagation integrated test pass.
Re-enable floating point exceptions. Rebaseline due to minor changing default value of maxRelativeCompDensChange from 1.7976931348623157e+308 to 1.7976931348623157e+208.
Reuse computeSinglePhaseFlux. Rebaseline due to minor numerical diffs.
Two initialization options for poromechanical models. Rebaseline the corresponding cases.
Renamed GEOSX to GEOS in enternal mesh import, so rebaseline to change these names is the baselines.
Acoustic VTI tests needed rebaselining after update in source and receiver location algorithm.
Changed the default value for massCreation and name of the wrapper.
Check pore volume for all element types, also check that default aperture > 0. Rebaseline for modified tests. No real results change.
Added baselines for new tests on Dirichlet boundary conditions for multiphase flow.
Use aperture table in poromechanics with conforming fractures. Rebaseline the corresponding cases.
Added baselines for new tests. Relaxing tolerances for singlePhasePoromechanics_FaultModel_smoke.
Added isLaggingFractureStencilWeightsUpdate to hydrofracture solve. Rebaseline because of the new input.
Added logLevel to TimeHistoryOutput. Rebaseline because of the new input flag.
Decouple debug matrix output from logLevel. Rebaseline because of the new input flag.
Adding output of total strain. Rebaseline because of new inclusion of strain in output.
Fix tutorial example for thermal debonding wellbore problem. Test case modified.
New solver for contact mechanics based on the Augmented Lagrangian Method (ALM). New test case added.
Two experimental options for compositional flow solver. Rebaseline because of the new input flags.
Small bug fix. Rebaseline required due to appearance of useTotalMassEquation in well solver params. No real results change.
Adding temperature-dependent Solid Volumetric Heat Capacity. Rebaseline because of the parameter change in SolidInternalEnergy.
Adding pressure stabilization for single phase poromechanics.
Fix node ordering for faceElements.
Preparatory work for fractures + wells. New test case added.
Some random things. Baseline update because of the new parameter (minScalingFactor).
Properly sync nonlinear solver params for coupled solver. Baseline update mostly due to number of iterations change in baseline files.
Fixed derivative in EzrokhiBrineDensity
Rebaseline after adding viscoelastic wave propagator.
Introduce configuration tolerance. Rebaseline because of the new parameter in NonlinearSolverParameters.
Add missing compositionalMultiphaseFlow tests into ATS and adjust output naming. Rebaseline accordingly.
Add general version updateConfiguration. Rebaseline of some edfm cases is needed.
Spatially varying grain bulk modulus. Rebaseline of all poromechanics cases needed.
Test cashing baselines locally.
Remove field to store pressure gradient cell-wise for solvers that don't need it.
new field to store pressure gradient cell-wise.
Rebaselined after addition of elastic VTI wave propagator.
Added smoke tests for SeismicityRate solver in inducedSeismicity.
Added a presure-dependent permeability model and the transmissibility calculation in the CellElementStencil
Added missing derivative for temperature, hence small numerical diffs in thermal tests results and numeracal behavior
New fields for wellsControls: wellControls1_ConstantMassRate_table, targetMassRate, massDensity, ...
Removed old integratedTests submodule Implemented new baseline storage Implemented new CI integrated tests