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381 lines (286 loc) · 12.3 KB


This file is designed to track changes to the integrated test baselines. Any developer who updates the baseline ID in the .integrated_tests.yaml file is expected to create an entry in this file with the pull request number, date, and their justification for rebaselining. These notes should be in reverse-chronological order, and use the following time format: (YYYY-MM-DD).

PR #3483 (2025-03-02)

Remove relative permeability from wells.

PR #3576 (2025-03-01)

Add an option to skip density and viscosity computes when phase is not present for CO2 fluid update.

PR #3571 (2025-02-28)

Do not allow negative pressure by default, except for hydrofrac.

PR #3551 (2025-02-19)

Add Passing Crack to the integrated tests.

PR #3541 (2025-02-18)

Well control parallel synchronization fix.

PR #3443 (2025-02-17)

Added tests for overall composition (Z) formulation.

PR #3547 (2025-02-17)

Multiphase contact bugfix, add test case to ats, removed redundant linear solver params for other tests.

PR #3546 (2025-02-15)

Fix 1d edfm case and add it to ats.

PR #2968 (2025-02-13)

Replace array1d with std::vector.

PR #3227 (2025-02-06)

Add targetRegion for perforations (optional).

PR #3502 (2025-02-04)

Add array to store the source values in time inside wave solvers.

PR #3395 (2025-01-22)

Add new fields and change the default input for some tests.

PR #3416 (2025-01-21)

Refactoring of induced seismicity EQ solvers to add coupling.

PR #3310 (2025-01-21)

Scalable rock toughness required new field.

PR #3228 (2025-01-15)

deltaVolume added in multiphase.

PR #3495 (2025-01-08)

Add missing logic to support switching from fixed mass rate injection rate constraint to max injection pressure.

PR #3384 (2025-01-07)

Added plastic strain output.

PR #3486 (2025-01-06)

useNewGravity became gravityDensityScheme.

PR #3479 (2024-12-15)

Refine inputFiles/compositionalMultiphaseFlow: shift reference pressures to initial pressures, make nonlinear tuning more reasonable, minimize output.

PR #3450 (2024-12-14)

Fix timestep selector flaw in SolidMechanicsLagrangeContact.

PR #3450 (2024-12-08)

Added test for explicit runge kutta sprinslider.

PR #3480 (2024-12-06)

Add "logLevel" parameter under /Problem/Outputs in baseline files

PR #3361 (2024-12-03)

Revert default gravity treatment to old version. Make the way introduced in #3337 optional.

PR #3361 (2024-12-03)

Baseline diffs after reimplementation of wave equation acoustic gradient for velocity and density parameters: new field "partialGradient2" and "pressureForward" field replacing "pressureDoubleDerivative".

PR #3393 (2024-12-02)

Fix netToGross bug.

PR #3381 (2024-12-01)

A few baseline diffs for order FaceElementSubRegion::m_toFacesRelation map. Not sure why this was changed by this PR, but the previous order seems incorrect for a couple of cases.

PR #2957 (2024-11-27)

Added ExternalDataRepository.

PR #3448 (2024-11-21)

Switched the FaceElementSubRegion::m_toFacesRelation and FaceElementSubRegion::m_2dElemToElems back to array2d instead of ArrayOfArray. This results in a reordering m_toFacesRelation back to the "correct" assumed order of "original face first". This fixes a bug that failed to remove the CellStencil entry when a FaceElement splits two cells.

PR #2637 (2024-11-21)

Added numberOfTargetProcesses.

PR #3439 (2024-11-20)

EDFM bugfixes: derivatives sign, frac/cell element volume, fix apertures inconsistency in test cases.

PR ##3440 (2024-11-18)

Added Lagrange multiplier with bubble functions stabilization (sli only) and possibility to specify a slip.

PR #3339 (2024-11-14)

Hypre improvements, rebaseline is due to field value change (amgNumFunctions).

PR #3434 (2024-11-09)

Bugfix: Fixed output of ArrayOfArray objects to restart files.

PR #3374 (2024-11-09)

Bugfix for gravity treatment in flux for thermal.

PR #3372 (2024-11-09)

Fix a bug related to mass and energy updates for poromechanics.

PR #3426 (2024-11-08)

Bugfix: reset accumulation in fracture when time step cut occurs in hydrofrac solver.

PR #3413 (2024-11-07)

Add tests for poro-thermo-plastic model.

PR #3337 (2024-11-06)

Change density treatment for gravity in multiphase flow solver.

PR #3408 (2024-11-06)

EFEM bugfixes: effective traction + oldStress.

PR #3280 (2024-11-05)

Added Sprig-slider test.

PR #2909 (2024-10-30)

Add routine for automatic time steps in waveSolvers with new attributes

PR #3156 (2024-10-29)

Restart check errors due to 1) schema node added to enable thermal option in well model and 2) arrays removed/added for option. Max difference errors due treatment of shutin wells. Previously non-zero rate value reported for shutin well, new code will set rate arrays to zero.

PR #2878 (2024-10-17)

Sorted region cellBlocks names alphabetically. Therefore affected ordering of: faceManager/elemSubRegionList, nodeManager/elemList, nodeManager/elemSubRegionList, SurfaceElementSubRegion::fractureElementsToCellSubRegions, field::perforation::reservoirElementSubregion.

PR #3364( 2024-10-15)

Enable reservoir+wells+contact mechanics. Rebaseline needed because of 'allowNegativePressure' flag added for wells.

PR #3364( 2024-10-01)

Separate mass and volume residuals for output in compositional flow solver. Baseline update because of minor numerical diffs.

PR #3149( 2024-09-30)

Added new field "writeCSV"

PR #3163 (2024-09-20)

Added new fields (krylovStrongestTol, adaptiveGamma, adaptiveExponent) to the LinearSolverParameters for adaptive tolerances.

PR #3338 (2024-09-19)

Updated time-stepping logic. Rebaseline due to new input parameter and minor numerical diffs.

PR #3217 (2024-09-16)

ALM slip and open modes with relative tests.

PR #3318 (2024-09-12)

Modified SeismicityRate poroelastic case.

PR #3322 (2024-09-06)

Print out fracture state for contact model. Rebaseline the corresponding cases.

PR #3302 (2024-09-05)

Added restartcheks to hydrofrac cases and reduced time of cases that were too long.

PR #3135 (2024-09-04)

Temperature dependent single phase thermal conductivity. Rebaseline all thermal cases.

PR #3294 (2024-09-01)

Re-enable enforcement of wave propagation integrated test pass.

PR #3300 (2024-08-28)

Re-enable floating point exceptions. Rebaseline due to minor changing default value of maxRelativeCompDensChange from 1.7976931348623157e+308 to 1.7976931348623157e+208.

PR #3283 (2024-08-22)

Reuse computeSinglePhaseFlux. Rebaseline due to minor numerical diffs.

PR #3249 (2024-08-14)

Two initialization options for poromechanical models. Rebaseline the corresponding cases.

PR #3278 (2024-08-12)

Renamed GEOSX to GEOS in enternal mesh import, so rebaseline to change these names is the baselines.

PR #3202 (2024-08-03)

Acoustic VTI tests needed rebaselining after update in source and receiver location algorithm.

PR #3215 (2024-07-23)

Changed the default value for massCreation and name of the wrapper.

PR #3194 (2024-07-22)

Check pore volume for all element types, also check that default aperture > 0. Rebaseline for modified tests. No real results change.

PR #3213 (2024-07-12)

Added baselines for new tests on Dirichlet boundary conditions for multiphase flow.

PR #3194 (2024-07-10)

Use aperture table in poromechanics with conforming fractures. Rebaseline the corresponding cases.

PR #3006 (2024-07-01)

Added baselines for new tests. Relaxing tolerances for singlePhasePoromechanics_FaultModel_smoke.

PR #3196 (2024-06-28)

Added isLaggingFractureStencilWeightsUpdate to hydrofracture solve. Rebaseline because of the new input.

PR #3177 (2024-06-28)

Added logLevel to TimeHistoryOutput. Rebaseline because of the new input flag.

PR #3181 (2024-06-25)

Decouple debug matrix output from logLevel. Rebaseline because of the new input flag.

PR #3142 (2024-06-20)

Adding output of total strain. Rebaseline because of new inclusion of strain in output.

PR #3170 (2024-06-19)

Fix tutorial example for thermal debonding wellbore problem. Test case modified.

PR #3130 (2024-06-19)

New solver for contact mechanics based on the Augmented Lagrangian Method (ALM). New test case added.

PR #3160 (2024-06-18)

Two experimental options for compositional flow solver. Rebaseline because of the new input flags.

PR #3165 (2024-06-18)

Small bug fix. Rebaseline required due to appearance of useTotalMassEquation in well solver params. No real results change.

PR #3088 (2024-06-17)

Adding temperature-dependent Solid Volumetric Heat Capacity. Rebaseline because of the parameter change in SolidInternalEnergy.

PR #3100 (2024-06-14)

Adding pressure stabilization for single phase poromechanics.

PR #3133 (2024-06-14)

Fix node ordering for faceElements.

PR #3021 (2024-06-13)

Preparatory work for fractures + wells. New test case added.

PR #3152 (2024-06-13)

Some random things. Baseline update because of the new parameter (minScalingFactor).

PR #3138 (2024-06-11)

Properly sync nonlinear solver params for coupled solver. Baseline update mostly due to number of iterations change in baseline files.

PR #3140 (2024-06-11)

Fixed derivative in EzrokhiBrineDensity

PR #3080 (2024-06-07)

Rebaseline after adding viscoelastic wave propagator.

PR #3075 (2024-06-05)

Introduce configuration tolerance. Rebaseline because of the new parameter in NonlinearSolverParameters.

PR #3120 (2024-06-05)

Add missing compositionalMultiphaseFlow tests into ATS and adjust output naming. Rebaseline accordingly.

PR #3113 (2024-06-05)

Add general version updateConfiguration. Rebaseline of some edfm cases is needed.

PR #3050 (2024-05-20)

Spatially varying grain bulk modulus. Rebaseline of all poromechanics cases needed.

PR #3141 (2024-05-28)

Test cashing baselines locally.

PR #3125 (2024-05-16)

Remove field to store pressure gradient cell-wise for solvers that don't need it.

PR #2110 (2024-05-13)

new field to store pressure gradient cell-wise.

PR #3060 (2024-05-13)

Rebaselined after addition of elastic VTI wave propagator.

PR #4950 (2024-05-10)

Added smoke tests for SeismicityRate solver in inducedSeismicity.

PR #3086 (2024-05-09)

Added a presure-dependent permeability model and the transmissibility calculation in the CellElementStencil

PR #3105 (2024-05-08)

Added missing derivative for temperature, hence small numerical diffs in thermal tests results and numeracal behavior

PR #2917 (2024-05-07)

New fields for wellsControls: wellControls1_ConstantMassRate_table, targetMassRate, massDensity, ...

PR #3044 (2024-05-02)

Removed old integratedTests submodule Implemented new baseline storage Implemented new CI integrated tests