Cardtrick -
by Stian Martinsen, 2021
Intro: My first own JavaScript-project. Created before I have had any classes of JavaScript, so there is probably some rookie-mistakes. The idea came up when one of my teachers ( introduced me to the deckofcards API, when he showed how to make a BlackJack-game:
- Use JavaScript to create a card trick.
- Get some experience on async functions.
- Use the API from
Why this trick?
- I selected this trick because it is easy, and there is no cheating. In theory you could use your own deck and follow along during the trick.
- By adding animations on dealing and undealing of the cards, I probably could have improved the user experience even more, but the trick is still the same.
Some comments and questions after creating the project:
How much info should be put in the HTML?
I probably should have added some error handling when the API-call fails?
During the API-call I get a result of "arrays in arrays" (see below) and I can easily grab the array of "cards", but doing the same with the inner array to get the "image" did not work as expected. I expect there to be a simpler way to store the correct value directly in the cards-variable, but I used a workaround that iterates a push of each value and did not bother to look more into it.
Is there a better way to fetch the image-property directly into a new array?
"success": true,
"deck_id": "bvswbt1xf380",
"cards": [
{"code": "0D", "image": "", "images": {"svg": "", "png": ""}, "value": "10", "suit": "DIAMONDS"},
{"code": "KS", "image": "", "images": {"svg": "", "png": ""}, "value": "KING", "suit": "SPADES"},
{"code": "0S", "image": "", "images": {"svg": "", "png": ""}, "value": "10", "suit": "SPADES"},
"remaining": 31
Each pile got its own array of cards. Maybe there is a simpler way than I have used to define these?
pile1 = [