Make End-of-the-month-process Great Again!
This is the repository holding the sources for our MEGA application, which provides us an aggregated view over our employees ZEP time entries.
MEGA 1.x.x
The first intention was to provide our employees an application where at the beginning of a month the employees can check their time entries of the former month.
MEGA 2.x.x
In this version we implemented features for project managers whereby the project managers can check project related time entries of their project members.
The following image illustrates the service structure of the MEGA services and external services MEGA depends on.
The following services are provided by MEGA:
The Quarkus microservice representing the REST backend for the frontend application and integrates the external services such asZEP
The Apache service hosting the compiled Angular frontend application which retrieves its data from the backend -
Database (PostgreSQL)
The MEGA database which holds transformed and aggregated data retrieved from the ZEP time management system
The following external services are integrated and used by MEGA:
OAUTH (Google)
The OAUTH service provided by Google which is used to authenticate our employees -
GMAIL (Google)
The Gmail email service provided by Google which is used by MEGA for communicating with our employees -
The time management system where all our employees enter their time entries
The following listing shows the technologies used by the project MEGA.
MEGA depends on an Openshift Infrastructure setup with mega-infrastructure:2.x.
The following sections will explain how a developer can setup the local development environment and get MEGA running.
You need the following software suitable for your used platform:
OpenJDK 11
Maven 3.6.3
NodeJS 12.x.x
Npm 6+
The backend project is located at ./mega-zep-backend
Start local postgres instance
docker run -p 5432:5432 --env POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mega --env POSTGRES_USER=mega --env POSTGRES_DB=mega --name mega-db postgres:10
Go to
cd ./mega-zep-backend
Build the application
mvn clean install
Start quarkus in development mode
mvn quarkus:dev
The database schema will be created/migrated after the service started with quarkus:dev
The frontend project is located at ./mega-zep-frontend
Install global dependencies
npm install -g @angular/cli
Go to the project
cd ./mega-zep-frontend/src/main/angular/frontend
Install project dependencies
npm install
Start webserver
npx ng serve
Test the frontend
npx ng test
Test the frontend with cypress
npx cypress open
The frontend will take some time to come up which is due to the compilation process which takes some time.
The following file ./mega-zep-backend/.env
contains the secret values and has to be added manually by the developers.
# The auth token provided by ZEP
# The gmail password to use
## STAGE deployments only, not for local
# The database user
# the database users password
# the host:port where to reach the database
Without this file the backend won’t start. |
The following file ./mega-zep-frontend/src/main/angular/frontend/.env
contains the secret values and has to be added manually by the developers.
# The client id of the mega test automation user
# The secret of the mega test automation user
# The refresh token to poll or refresh the access token
Without this file it’s not possible to run End-To-End tests with cypress. |
MEGA uses a database to store persistent data whereby the database is managed by liquibase.
For the local development we use Postgres which is automatically setup by liquibase during mvn quarkus:dev
We use the liquibase-maven-plugin
which provides maven goals to manage the local database.
The source definition of our database schema is the JPA datamodel, and we generate the changeset files via the liquibase-maven-plugin
All liquibase maven goals work on the compiled sources and resources located in ./mega-zep-backend/target/classes/ .
The following sections provide information about how to use the liquibase-maven-plugin properly.
Drop the current database schema
mvn liquibase:dropAll
Generate the changeset
mvn liquibase:generateChangeLog
Ensure that the generated full changeset is proper and that everything has been defined in the JPA model. |
Ensure the database is consistent with the current liquibase definitions
Generate the diff changeset
mvn liquibase:diff
Apply newly created changeset
Liquibase updates only work on consistent database states defined by changeset files, and the state persisted in the liquibase specific tables, so if a changeset has already been applied then it cannot be reapplied again anymore, and the database needs to be dropped and recreated in full. |