a jQuery plugin for generate animated Intro Loading Pages.
This plugin help jquery beginners to add some cool animated intro page on a website.
This plugin is very easy to install and use.
Home | Documentation | Demo
###Why use it?
- It's cool!
- It's responsive!
- It's useful!
- It's light!
- It's simple to use!
- You don't need to know jQuery to obtain cool animations!
- It's perfect for jQuery beginners!
<!-- CSS -->
<link href="path/to/css/introLoader.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
<!-- PLUGIN (with helper plugins included) -->
<script src="path/to/plugin/jquery.introLoader.pack.min.js"></script>
<div id="element" class="introLoading"></div>
$(document).ready(function() {
Read documentation to learn more about plugin options and use.
From version 1.4.0 some option names are changed.
On official documentation page you can find a table with all changes.
You can find an exaustive documentation on plugin home page
###{less} Stylesheet
From version 1.3.2 introLoaderLess.less file was added to the project.
This file allow you to modify easly and quickly the animations' styles and colors.
Even though the css plugin is simple, use Less for the compilation of the CSS makes work easier.
###Available Animations and Styles
At now we provide 3 kind of animations and 7 color styles
Animations: simpleLoader - doubleLoader - lettersLoader
Styles: light (default style) - dark - ocean - forest - fluoGreen - fluoMagenta - fluoYellow
Warning: lettersLoader animation is at beta version, but you can use it. I'm working to refine it.
###Sofware incuded
This plugin use some tird party software to do something during animations.
SpinJs and jQueryEasing
###Last Updates
version 1.4.3
onAfter function bug fixed on "lettersLoader" animation.
version 1.4.2
Some javascript bugs fixed.
version 1.4.1
z-index css property setted on value 9999.
version 1.4.0
Some option names was changed.
Read documentation to learn more about this changes.
version 1.3.9
.destroy() method added.
version 1.3.8
Body class assignment bug fixed.