JavaScript-based Python parser. Outputs an abstract syntax tree as specified by the Mozilla Parser API.
This parser is a work in progress, adapted from the JavaScript parser Acorn.
grunt test
Python3 is the target language. Much of it is working, and the remaining pieces are outlined below.
False None True and break class continue def elif else for if in is not or pass return while
as assert del except finally from import global lambda nonlocal raise try with yield
abs() all() any() bool() chr() dict() enumerate() filter() float() hex() int() len() list() map() max() min() oct() ord() pow() print() range() repr() reversed() round() sorted() str() sum() tuple()
ascii() bin() bytearray() bytes() callable() classmethod() compile() complex() delattr() dir() divmod() eval() exec() format() frozenset() getattr() globals() hasattr() hash() help() id() input() isinstance() issubclass() iter() locals() memoryview() next() object() open() property() set() setattr() slice() staticmethod() super() type() vars() zip() _import_()
TODO: what's left?