- https://twitter.com/BHinfoSecurity/status/1299743624553549825?s=09
- https://youtu.be/ghfmx4pr1Qg ( very begginer friendly)
- https://medium.com/ag-grid/a-plain-english-introduction-to-json-web-tokens-jwt-what-it-is-and-what-it-isnt-8076ca679843
- https://medium.com/swlh/hacking-json-web-tokens-jwts-9122efe91e4a
- What the heck is this ?!
1. It is an authentication type
2. It consists of header,payload,Signature
- Header
"alg" : "HS256",
"typ" : "JWT"
- Payload
"loggedInAs" : "admin",
"iat" : 1422779638
- Signature
base64urlEncoding(header) + '.' +
- Changing alg to null
- Example
"alg" : "NONE",
"typ" : "JWT"
Note;;////--remove the signuature
You can also use none,nOne,None,n0Ne
- Change the payload like
"loggedInAs" : "admin",
"iat" : 1422779638
- Here change user to admin
- First decode full token or 1 1 each part of token to base64
- Change the payload use jwt web token burp
- Changing encrption rs256 to sh256
- Signature not changes remove it or temper it,
- Brute forcing the key in hs256 because it use same key to sign and verify means publickey=private key
Jwt token attack burp extention
(Link - https://github.com/portswigger/json-web-token-attacker)
Base64 decoder
jwt.io to analyse the struct of token
jwt cat for weak secret token
- Youtube,Medium,Github,Google