Dask is an open source set of tools for parallelizing Python analytics tasks. It is developed in coordination with popular open source Python libraries including Numpy, Pandas and Scikit-Learn.
This initialization action will set up Dask on a
Google Cloud Dataproc cluster to run with
either yarn
or standalone
, both taking advantage of
Dask Distributed. This
initialization action is supported on Dataproc image versions 2.0 and newer.
In yarn
mode, the cluster is configured with
Dask-Yarn. You can then take advantage of Dataproc's
features such as scaling out workloads with
In standalone
mode, Dataproc workers are treated as their own distributed
machines separate from YARN.
You can also add RAPIDS and GPUs to your environment by following the instructions in the RAPIDS initialization action. Note: RAPIDS with Dask is only supported on Dataproc image version 2.0+.
The following command will create a Google Cloud Dataproc cluster with Dask and Dask-Yarn installed.
gcloud dataproc clusters create ${CLUSTER_NAME} \
--region ${REGION} \
--master-machine-type e2-standard-16 \
--worker-machine-type e2-highmem-32 \
--initialization-actions gs://goog-dataproc-initialization-actions-${REGION}/dask/dask.sh \
--initialization-action-timeout 20m
You can create a cluster with the Jupyter optional component and component gateway to use Dask and Dask-Yarn from a notebook environment:
gcloud dataproc clusters create ${CLUSTER_NAME} \
--region ${REGION} \
--master-machine-type e2-standard-16 \
--worker-machine-type e2-highmem-32 \
--optional-components JUPYTER \
--initialization-actions gs://goog-dataproc-initialization-actions-${REGION}/dask/dask.sh \
--initialization-action-timeout 45m \
The following command will create a Google Cloud Dataproc cluster with Dask in standalone mode and Cloud Logging enabled.
gcloud dataproc clusters create ${CLUSTER_NAME} \
--region ${REGION} \
--master-machine-type e2-standard-16 \
--worker-machine-type e2-highmem-32 \
--initialization-actions gs://goog-dataproc-initialization-actions-${REGION}/dask/dask.sh \
--initialization-action-timeout 20m \
--metadata dask-runtime=standalone \
--metadata dask-cloud-logging=true
### Dask examples
#### Dask standalone
from dask.distributed import Client
import dask.array as da
import numpy as np
client = Client("localhost:8786")
x = da.sum(np.ones(5))
from dask_yarn import YarnCluster
from dask.distributed import Client
import dask.array as da
import numpy as np
cluster = YarnCluster()
client = Client(cluster)
cluster.adapt() # Dynamically scale Dask resources
x = da.sum(np.ones(5))
Several libraries exist within the Dask ecosystem for interacting with various data services. More information can be found here.
By default, Dataproc image version 2.0+ comes with pyarrow
, gcsfs
and fastavro
With the
optional component, you can select the dask
environment as your kernel.
You can also ssh
into the cluster and execute Dask jobs from Python files. To
run jobs, you can either scp
a file onto your cluster or use gsutil
on the
cluster to download the Python file.
gcloud compute ssh <cluster-name> --command="gsutil cp gs://path/to/file.py .; python file.py
You can monitor your Dask applications using Web UIs, depending on which runtime you are using.
For standalone
mode, you can access the native Dask UI in one of the following ways:
If Component Gateway is enabled, the Dask UI can be accessible through
. -
Create an SSH port forwarding by running
gcloud compute ssh ${vm} --zone="${zone}" -- -L ":8787:${vm}:8787" -N
on the local machine, then access the Dask UI throughhttp://localhost:8787
in the browser. -
Create an SSH tunnel to access the Dask UI on port 8787.
For yarn
mode, you can access the Skein Web UI via the YARN ResourceManager.
To access the YARN ResourceManager, create your cluster with component gateway
enabled or create an SSH tunnel. You can then access the Skein Web
UI by following these instructions.
This initialization action supports the following metadata
: Dask runtime. Default isyarn
: Treat Dask master node as an additional worker. Default istrue
: Whether to enable Cloud Logging for Dask logs, only applies to standalone mode. Possible values aretrue
, the default isfalse