Application/Service in NodeJS + Express to create API documentation from code.
This application is designed to run in Docker on Google Cloud Run.
Google Cloud's Vertex AI is used in the implementation.
For those in a rush, head to file.
This app relies on the following environment variables to execute:
export PORT=8080
export APIKEY="random generated api key"
export PROJECT_ID="gcp-project-id"
export USER_AGENT="string to look for in user agent header"
Note: APIKEY should be 64 random char string.
The app uses file config/default.yaml
as its config file:
location: us-east1
# gemini-1.0-pro-001 / gemini-1.5-flash-001 / gemini-1.5-pro-001
model: gemini-1.5-pro-001
temperature: 0.2
maxtokens: 8192
keepalive_timeout: 30000
keepalive_time: 10000
enable_retries: 1
dns_min_time_between_resolutions_ms: 10000
initial_reconnect_backoff_ms: 10000
max_reconnect_backoff_ms: 60000
client_idle_timeout_ms: 60000
# en / br : Must match *_XX.txt file names
language: en
retry: true
max_retries: 15
timeout: 60000
format: combined
name: api-overview
The prompts that are sent to Vertex AI are present on the following files config/*_XX.txt
according to the language.
The local build can be performed by following the steps below:
export PROJECT_ID="gcp-project-id"
export REPOSITORY_LOCATION="southamerica-east1"
export REPOSITORY_ID="docker-repo"
export TAG="1.0.0"
docker build -t ${REPOSITORY_LOCATION}${PROJECT_ID}/${REPOSITORY_ID}/api-overview/api-overview:${TAG} .
docker push ${REPOSITORY_LOCATION}${PROJECT_ID}/${REPOSITORY_ID}/api-overview/api-overview:${TAG}
To deploy the app follow the steps:
export PROJECT_ID="gcp-project-id"
export REPOSITORY_LOCATION="artifact registry repository location"
export REPOSITORY_ID="artifact registry repository id"
export CLOUDRUN_LOCATION="southamerica-east1"
export TAG="1.0.0"
gcloud run deploy api-overview --image ${REPOSITORY_LOCATION}${PROJECT_ID}/${REPOSITORY_ID}/api-overview/api-overview:${TAG} --region ${CLOUDRUN_LOCATION} --project ${PROJECT_ID} --allow-unauthenticated
Google Cloud's CLI/SDK can be set up as the example:
gcloud auth login
gcloud config set project gcp-project-id
gcloud auth configure-docker,
To run locally:
export PORT=8080
export APIKEY="random generated api key"
export PROJECT_ID="gcp-project-id"
export USER_AGENT="string to look for in user agent header"
npm install
npm start