App/Service in NodeJS + Express to generate Dependency Overview Report.
This application is designed to run in Docker on Google Cloud Run.
Google Cloud's Vertex AI is used in the implementation.
For those in a rush, head to file.
This app relies on the following environment variables to execute:
export PORT=8080
export APIKEY="random generated api key"
export PROJECT_ID="gcp-project-id"
export USER_AGENT="string to look for in user agent header"
Note: APIKEY should be 64 random char string.
The app uses file config/default.yaml
as its config file:
location: us-east1
# gemini-1.0-pro-001 / gemini-1.5-flash-001 / gemini-1.5-pro-001
model: gemini-1.5-pro-001
temperature: 0.2
maxtokens: 8192
keepalive_timeout: 30000
keepalive_time: 10000
enable_retries: 1
dns_min_time_between_resolutions_ms: 10000
initial_reconnect_backoff_ms: 10000
max_reconnect_backoff_ms: 60000
client_idle_timeout_ms: 60000
# en / br : Must match *_XX.txt file names
language: en
retry: true
max_retries: 15
timeout: 60000
format: combined
name: dependency-overview
The prompt that is sent to Vertex AI is present on the following files config/*_XX.txt
Note: The prompt works as a config file for Vertex AI.
The local build can be performed by following the steps below:
export PROJECT_ID="gcp-project-id"
export REPOSITORY_LOCATION="southamerica-east1"
export REPOSITORY_ID="docker-repo"
export TAG="1.0.0"
docker build -t ${REPOSITORY_LOCATION}${PROJECT_ID}/${REPOSITORY_ID}/dependency-overview/dependency-overview:${TAG} .
docker push ${REPOSITORY_LOCATION}${PROJECT_ID}/${REPOSITORY_ID}/dependency-overview/dependency-overview:${TAG}
To deploy the app follow the steps:
export PROJECT_ID="gcp-project-id"
export REPOSITORY_LOCATION="artifact registry repository location"
export REPOSITORY_ID="artifact registry repository id"
export CLOUDRUN_LOCATION="southamerica-east1"
export TAG="1.0.0"
gcloud run deploy dependency-overview --image ${REPOSITORY_LOCATION}${PROJECT_ID}/${REPOSITORY_ID}/dependency-overview/dependency-overview:${TAG} --region ${CLOUDRUN_LOCATION} --project ${PROJECT_ID} --allow-unauthenticated
Google Cloud's CLI/SDK can be set up as the example:
gcloud auth login
gcloud config set project gcp-project-id
gcloud auth configure-docker,
To run locally:
export PORT=8080
export APIKEY="random generated api key"
export PROJECT_ID="gcp-project-id"
export USER_AGENT="string to look for in user agent header"
npm install
npm start