- serialization for public models
- XCFramework output
with handyDefaultHighlightsResultListener
function forSyntaxThemes
- Kotlin version to 2.0.20
- direct snapshot field access to
- strings in comment locating
- partial analysis for same length strings
- loading local.properties
- splitting javascript keywords
- Atom One theme. Thanks Nek-12!
- languages snippet tests
- keyword highlighted in oneline comment
- keyword highlighted inside other word
- Kotlin version to 1.9.23
- Dart keywords
- TypeScript keywords
- GO keywords
- PHP keywords
- supported languages list to README
- all current keywords
- Kotlin version to 1.9.22
- scientific notation numbers highlight length
- redundant keyword highlights in strings and comments
- ambiguous nested forEach returns
- unclosed string notation during input
field toSyntaxTheme
function toSyntaxThemes
SyntaxTheme.useDark(darkMode: Boolean)
extension toSyntaxThemes
- static theme constructors names in
- support for other non-mobile targets
- project maven description
- Kotlin version to 1.9.0
- publication script to add pom and java doc to all targets
- version everywhere to 0.4.2
- more sections to README
- snapshot is moved to Highlights to keep it with each instance
- README code usage examples
- folder with sample
- README installation section
- public static
functions for easier accessing all predefined values
- this CHANGELOG file to hopefully serve as an evolving example of a standardized open source project CHANGELOG
- own native algorithm for
function - KMM targets (iosArm64, iosX64, iosSimulatorArm64, jvm)
- Java target to Kotlin
- escaped comment indicator characters to the regular ones
- token locators and other internal core components
- unit tests
- public API interface