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File metadata and controls

435 lines (283 loc) · 12.1 KB
# The United States Environmental Protection Agency through its Office of
# Research and Development has developed this software. The code is made
# publicly available to better communicate the research. All input data
# used fora given application should be reviewed by the researcher so
# that the model results are based on appropriate data for any given
# application. This model is under continued development. The model and
# data included herein do not represent and should not be construed to
# represent any Agency determination or policy.
# This file was written by Dr. Namdi Brandon
# ORCID: 0000-0001-7050-1538
# March 20, 2018

This code does some variation calculations. However, this code is NOT part of the Agent-Based Model of Human Activity Patterns (ABMHAP) and should not be added to the ABMHAP code package.


import sys, zipfile

# math functions
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

# ABMHAP modules
import chad_demography_adult_non_work as cdanw
import chad_demography_adult_work as cdaw
import chad_demography_child_school as cdcs
import chad_demography_child_young as cdcy
import demography as dmg
import my_globals as mg
import evaluation as ev

import activity, analyzer, chad, omni_trial, params

function declarations

def get_longitude_data(t, z, fname_stats, s_params):

    # get the specific filenames
    fname_start, fname_end, fname_dt = fname_stats[chad.START], fname_stats[chad.END], fname_stats[chad.DT]

    # the data for the start time, end time, and duration
    long_start    = t.get_chad_stats_data_start(z, fname_start, s_params)
    long_end      = t.get_chad_stats_data_end(z, fname_end, s_params)
    long_dt       = t.get_chad_stats_data_dt(z, fname_dt, s_params)

    return long_start, long_end, long_dt

def get_plot_data(data_id, solo_start, solo_end, solo_dt, long_start, long_end, long_dt, df_abm, record, do_periodic):

    chooser_data = {chad.START: (solo_start['mu'].values, long_start['mu'].values, df_abm.start.values, \
                    chad.END: (solo_end['mu'].values, long_end['mu'].values, df_abm.end.values, record.end.values), \
                    chad.DT: (solo_dt['mu'].values, long_dt['mu'].values, df_abm.dt.values, record.dt.values), }

    solo, long, abm, rec = chooser_data[data_id]

    if (data_id != chad.DT) and do_periodic:
        rec = mg.to_periodic(rec, do_hours=True)
        abm = mg.to_periodic(abm, do_hours=True)

    return solo, long, abm, rec

def get_record_data(z, fname_stats, do_periodic):

    f_record = fname_stats[chad.RECORD]

    raw = pd.read_csv( )
    record = s_params.get_record(raw, do_periodic=do_periodic)

    return record

def get_solo_data(t, z, fname_stats, s_params):

    f_start, f_end, f_dt, f_record = [fname_stats[x].replace('longitude', 'solo') \
                                  for x in (chad.START, chad.END, chad.DT, chad.RECORD)]

    # store the original value
    N_old = s_params.N

    # set the value to 1 to obtain the solo results
    s_params.N = 1

    solo_start = t.get_chad_stats_data_start(z, f_start, s_params)
    solo_end = t.get_chad_stats_data_end(z, f_end, s_params)
    solo_dt = t.get_chad_stats_data_dt(z, f_dt, s_params)

    # reset to the original value
    s_params.N = N_old

    return solo_start, solo_end, solo_dt

def variance(X):

    mu_total = X.mean()
    mu_A     = np.mean(X, axis=1)
    mu_B     = np.mean(X, axis=0)

    n_A   = len(mu_A)
    n_B   = len(mu_B)

    temp = (X - mu_total).flatten()

    # total sum of squares
    SS_total =, temp)

    # sum of squares of rows
    SS_A  = n_B * - mu_total, mu_A - mu_total)

    # sum of squares of columns
    SS_B  = n_A * - mu_total, mu_B - mu_total)

    # sum of squares of rows and columns
    SS_AB = SS_total - (SS_A + SS_B)

    return SS_total, SS_A, SS_B, SS_AB
%matplotlib auto
Using matplotlib backend: Qt5Agg


chooser = { dmg.ADULT_WORK: cdaw.CHAD_demography_adult_work(),
                dmg.ADULT_NON_WORK: cdanw.CHAD_demography_adult_non_work(),
                dmg.CHILD_SCHOOL: cdcs.CHAD_demography_child_school(),
                dmg.CHILD_YOUNG: cdcy.CHAD_demography_child_young(),

set up the trial

# default parameters
p = params.Params(num_people=1, num_days=1, num_hours=0, num_min=0, do_minute_by_minute=False)

# choose demographic
demo = dmg.ADULT_WORK
chad_demo = chooser[demo]

# trial
t = omni_trial.Omni_Trial(p, chad_demo.int_2_param, demo)

get the abm data

# load the data

# Get filename to load the data

# get the file name
f_data_ending = '\\11_21_2017\\n8192_d364'

fpath = mg.FDIR_MY_DATA + f_data_ending

fname_load_data = fpath + '\\data_adult_work.pkl'

print('Loading data from:\t%s' % fname_load_data)

# clear variables
fname, fpath = None, None

# load the data
x = mg.load(fname_load_data)

# get all of the data frames
df_list = x.get_all_data()

# demographic
demo = x.demographic
Loading data from:  ..my_data11_21_2017n8192_d364data_adult_work.pkl

set the activities

# choose the key that represents an activity
keys = [ mg.KEY_COMMUTE_TO_WORK]
#keys = chad_demo.keys

# the demographic data
z = zipfile.ZipFile(chad_demo.fname_zip, mode='r')

# dictionary of the file names for the statistical data
fname_stats = chad_demo.fname_stats

get the longitudinal data

for k in keys:
    msg = 'key: %s' % activity.INT_2_STR[k]

    do_periodic = False
    if k == mg.KEY_SLEEP:
        do_periodic = True

    # store the relevant file names
    f_stats = fname_stats[k]

    # store the sampling paramters for this activity
    s_params = chad_demo.int_2_param[k]

    # get the data

    # get the longitudinal data
    long_start, long_end, long_dt = get_longitude_data(t, z, f_stats, s_params)

    # get the solo data
    solo_start, solo_end, solo_dt = get_solo_data(t, z, f_stats, s_params)

    # the CHAD single day records
    record = get_record_data(z, f_stats, do_periodic)

    # get the raw ABM data
    abm_list = analyzer.get_simulation_data(df_list, k)

    # sample the ABM data
    df_abm  = ev.sample_activity_abm(df_list, k)

    # print
    if s_params.do_start:
        print('start: %d\tN: %d' % (len(long_start), s_params.N) )
    if s_params.do_end:
        print('end: %d\tN: %d' % (len(long_end), s_params.N) )
    if s_params.do_dt:
        print('dt: %d\tN: %d' % (len(long_dt), s_params.N) )

    # plot the graphs
    x_plots = [(s_params.do_start, chad.START), (s_params.do_end, chad.END), (s_params.do_dt, chad.DT) ]

    for (do_plot, data_id) in x_plots:

        if (do_plot):

            # get data for plotting
            solo, long, abm, rec = get_plot_data(data_id, solo_start, solo_end, solo_dt, long_start, long_end, long_dt, \
                                                 df_abm, record, do_periodic)

            # get the ecdf data
            (x_solo,  y_solo), (x_long, y_long), (x_abm, y_abm), (x_rec, y_rec) = \
            [ ( mg.get_ecdf(d, N=1000)) for d in (solo, long, abm, rec) ]

            # plot the longitude means vs solo means
            plt.title('Longitude vs Solo "means"')
            plt.plot(x_long, y_long, label='long')
            plt.plot(x_solo, y_solo, label='solo')

            # plot the random abm data vs random single-day data
            plt.title('Random ABM vs Random Single-day')
            plt.plot(x_abm, y_abm, label='abm')
            plt.plot(x_rec, y_rec, label='chad record')

            # plot the random abm record vs longitudinal means
            plt.title('Random ABM Record vs Longitudinal Means')
            plt.plot(x_abm, y_abm, label='abm')
            plt.plot(x_long, y_long, label='long')

            # plot the random abm data vs random single-day data
            plt.title('Random Single-day vs Solo "mean"')
            plt.plot(x_rec, y_rec, label='chad record')
            plt.plot(x_solo, y_solo, label='solo mean')
key: Commute to Work
start: 1736 N: 1
end: 1769   N: 1
dt: 1577    N: 1


"cheap" calculation variation

temp = abm_list

if data_id == chad.START:
    xx = [ v.start.values for v in temp]
elif data_id == chad.END:
    xx = [ v.end.values for v in temp]
    xx = [ v.dt.values for v in temp]

df = pd.DataFrame(xx)
mu_agent = np.array( [ df.iloc[i].mean() for i in range(len(df)) ] )
std_agent = np.array( [ df.iloc[i].std() for i in range(len(df)) ] )

var_intra = std_agent.mean()
var_inter = mu_agent.std()
# the amount of variation
print('intra var: %.2f\t\tinter var: %.2f' % (var_intra, var_inter))
intra var: 0.07             inter var: 0.24

brute force calculation

# get the indicies of non NaN entries for each row
idx = [ ~pd.isnull( df.iloc[i] ) for i in range( len(df)) ]

# the number of non NaN entries for each row
jdx = np.array( [ sum(xx) for xx in idx] )

# the minimum number to sample
n_min = jdx.min()

print('The number of events to sample in the ABM: %d' % n_min)
The number of events to sample in the ABM: 260
# sample each non NaN value
d = [ df.iloc[i][ idx[i] ].sample(n_min).values for i in range( len(idx) ) ]

# store the data
data = pd.DataFrame(d)
# calculate the variance

# calculate the variance
SS_total, SS_agent, SS_act, SS_agent_act = variance(data.values)

# scale the variance by the total variance
ss_agent, ss_act, ss_agent_act = [ y / SS_total for y in (SS_agent, SS_act, SS_agent_act) ]
# the amount of variation
print('intra-individual: %.4f' % (ss_act) )
print('inter-individual: %.4f' % (ss_agent) )
print('combo: %.4f' % (ss_agent_act) )
intra-individual: 0.0000
inter-individual: 0.9025
combo: 0.0975
start mean min: 5.000, start mean max: 10.917, start std max: 2.000
end mean min: 5.083, end mean max: 11.917, end std max: 1.000
dt mean min: 0.083, dt mean max: 1.000, dt std max: 2.000