diff --git a/src/content/docs/reference/blobs/lighthouse.mdx b/src/content/docs/reference/blobs/lighthouse.mdx
index 41f726c..be9f299 100644
--- a/src/content/docs/reference/blobs/lighthouse.mdx
+++ b/src/content/docs/reference/blobs/lighthouse.mdx
@@ -3,8 +3,13 @@ title: Lighthouse blob
description: Reference docs for the Lighthouse blob
-_Appears in: [`pages` table](/reference/tables/pages/)_
+_Appears in: [`pages`](/reference/tables/pages/) table_\
+_As: [`lighthouse`](/reference/tables/pages/#lighthouse)_
JSON-encoded blob of Lighthouse data for the page.
-**The actual schema of the Lighthouse object is liable to change depending on the page and Lighthouse version.**
\ No newline at end of file
+**The actual schema of the Lighthouse object is liable to change depending on the page and Lighthouse version.**
+## Schema
diff --git a/src/content/docs/reference/blobs/page-metadata.mdx b/src/content/docs/reference/blobs/page-metadata.mdx
index 8cc7b19..29a37e5 100644
--- a/src/content/docs/reference/blobs/page-metadata.mdx
+++ b/src/content/docs/reference/blobs/page-metadata.mdx
@@ -3,13 +3,13 @@ title: Page metadata blob
description: Reference docs for the HAR page metadata blob
-_Appears in: [`pages` table](/reference/tables/pages/)_\
-_As: `metadata`_
+_Appears in: [`pages`](/reference/tables/pages/) table_\
+_As: [`metadata`](/reference/tables/pages/#metadata)_
JSON-encoded HTTP Archive metadata about the page that was tested.
-Here's an example of the decoded object:
+An example of the decoded object
"crawl_depth": 1,
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ Here's an example of the decoded object:
## Schema
diff --git a/src/content/docs/reference/structs/page-payload.md b/src/content/docs/reference/blobs/page-payload.mdx
similarity index 50%
rename from src/content/docs/reference/structs/page-payload.md
rename to src/content/docs/reference/blobs/page-payload.mdx
index 6c9d42e..f7d99c9 100644
--- a/src/content/docs/reference/structs/page-payload.md
+++ b/src/content/docs/reference/blobs/page-payload.mdx
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-title: Pages payload struct
-description: Reference docs for the page payload struct
+title: Page payload blob
+description: Reference docs for the page payload blob
-_Appears in: [`pages` table](/reference/tables/pages/#payload)_\
-_As: `payload`_
+_Appears in: [`pages` table](/reference/tables/pages/)_\
+_As: [`payload`](/reference/tables/pages/#payload)_
JSON-encoded WebPageTest result data for a page.
-Here's an example of the decoded object:
+An example of the decoded object
"_LargestContentfulPaintNodeType": "P",
@@ -285,435 +285,404 @@ Here's an example of the decoded object:
"title": "Run 1, First View for https://www.example.com/"
## Schema
-Field | Type | Description
--- | -- | --
-[`_LargestContentfulPaintNodeType`](#_largestcontentfulpaintnodetype) | `string` | The node type of the largest contentful paint
-[`_LargestContentfulPaintType`](#_largestcontentfulpainttype) | `string` | The type of the largest contentful paint
-[`_LastInteractive`](#_lastinteractive) | `int` | The time when the page was last interactive in milliseconds
-[`_PerformancePaintTiming.first-contentful-paint`](#_performancepainttimingfirst-contentful-paint) | `float` | The time when the first contentful paint occurred in milliseconds
-[`_PerformancePaintTiming.first-paint`](#_performancepainttimingfirst-paint) | `float` | The time when the first paint occurred in milliseconds
-[`_SpeedIndex`](#_speedindex) | `int` | The Speed Index score
-[`_TTFB`](#_ttfb) | `int` | The time to first byte in milliseconds
-[`_TTIMeasurementEnd`](#_ttimeasurementend) | `int` | The time when the TTI measurement ended in milliseconds
-[`_URL`](#_url) | `string` | The URL of the page
-[`_aft`](#_aft) | `int` | The above-the-fold time in milliseconds
-[`_audit_issues`](#_audit_issues) | `array` | Audit issues
-[`_basePageSSLTime`](#_basepagessltime) | `int` | The time spent on SSL for the base page in milliseconds
-[`_base_page_cdn`](#_base_page_cdn) | `string` | The CDN used for the base page
-[`_base_page_cname`](#_base_page_cname) | `string` | The CNAME used for the base page
-[`_base_page_dns_server`](#_base_page_dns_server) | `string` | The DNS server used for the base page
-[`_base_page_ip_ptr`](#_base_page_ip_ptr) | `string` | The IP PTR used for the base page
-[`_browserVersion`](#_browserversion) | `string` | The browser version
-[`_browser_name`](#_browser_name) | `string` | The browser name
-[`_browser_version`](#_browser_version) | `string` | The browser version
-[`_bytesIn`](#_bytesin) | `int` | The number of bytes received in
-[`_bytesInDoc`](#_bytesindoc) | `int` | The number of bytes received in the document
-[`_bytesOut`](#_bytesout) | `int` | The number of bytes sent out
-[`_bytesOutDoc`](#_bytesoutdoc) | `int` | The number of bytes sent out in the
-[`_cached`](#_cached) | `int` | Whether the page was cached
-[`_chromeUserTiming`](#_chromeusertiming) | `array` | Chrome user timing
-[`_chromeUserTiming.CumulativeLayoutShift`](#_chromeusertimingcumulativelayoutshift) | `int` | The cumulative layout shift
-[`_chromeUserTiming.LargestContentfulPaint`](#_chromeusertiminglargestcontentfulpaint) | `int` | The largest contentful paint
-[`_chromeUserTiming.LargestTextPaint`](#_chromeusertiminglargesttextpaint) | `int` | The largest text paint
-[`_chromeUserTiming.TotalLayoutShift`](#_chromeusertimingtotallayoutshift) | `int` | The total layout shift
-[`_chromeUserTiming.commitNavigationEnd`](#_chromeusertimingcommitnavigationend) | `int` | The commit navigation end
-[`_chromeUserTiming.domComplete`](#_chromeusertimingdomcomplete) | `int` | The DOM complete
-[`_chromeUserTiming.domContentLoadedEventEnd`](#_chromeusertimingdomcontentloadedeventend) | `int` | The DOM content loaded event end
-[`_chromeUserTiming.domContentLoadedEventStart`](#_chromeusertimingdomcontentloadedeventstart) | `int` | The DOM content loaded event start
-[`_chromeUserTiming.domInteractive`](#_chromeusertimingdominteractive) | `int` | The DOM interactive
-[`_chromeUserTiming.domLoading`](#_chromeusertimingdomloading) | `int` | The DOM loading
-[`_chromeUserTiming.fetchStart`](#_chromeusertimingfetchstart) | `int` | The fetch start
-[`_chromeUserTiming.firstContentfulPaint`](#_chromeusertimingfirstcontentfulpaint) | `int` | The first contentful paint
-[`_chromeUserTiming.firstMeaningfulPaint`](#_chromeusertimingfirstmeaningfulpaint) | `int` | The first meaningful paint
-[`_chromeUserTiming.firstMeaningfulPaintCandidate`](#_chromeusertimingfirstmeaningfulpaintcandidate) | `int` | The first meaningful paint candidate
-[`_chromeUserTiming.firstPaint`](#_chromeusertimingfirstpaint) | `int` | The first paint
-[`_chromeUserTiming.loadEventEnd`](#_chromeusertimingloadeventend) | `int` | The load event end
-[`_chromeUserTiming.loadEventStart`](#_chromeusertimingloadeventstart) | `int` | The load event start
-[`_chromeUserTiming.markAsMainFrame`](#_chromeusertimingmarkasmainframe) | `int` | The mark as main frame
-[`_chromeUserTiming.navigationStart`](#_chromeusertimingnavigationstart) | `int` | The navigation start
-[`_chromeUserTiming.responseEnd`](#_chromeusertimingresponseend) | `int` | The response end
-[`_chromeUserTiming.unloadEventEnd`](#_chromeusertimingunloadeventend) | `int` | The unload event end
-[`_chromeUserTiming.unloadEventStart`](#_chromeusertimingunloadeventstart) | `int` | The unload event start
-[`_connections`](#_connections) | `int` | The number of connections
-[`_consoleLog`](#_consolelog) | `array` | Console logs
-[`_cpu.CommitLoad`](#_cpucommitload) | `int` | The CPU time spent on commit load in milliseconds
-[`_cpu.EventDispatch`](#_cpueventdispatch) | `int` | The CPU time spent on event dispatch in milliseconds
-[`_cpu.FunctionCall`](#_cpufunctioncall) | `int` | The CPU time spent on function call in milliseconds
-[`_cpu.HTMLDocumentParser::FetchQueuedPreloads`](#_cpuhtmldocumentparserfetchqueuedpreloads) | `int` | The CPU time spent on HTML document parser fetch queued preloads in milliseconds
-[`_cpu.Idle`](#_cpuidle) | `int` | The CPU time spent on idle in milliseconds
-[`_cpu.Layerize`](#_cpulayerize) | `int` | The CPU time spent on layerize in milliseconds
-[`_cpu.Layout`](#_cpulayout) | `int` | The CPU time spent on layout in milliseconds
-[`_cpu.MarkDOMContent`](#_cpumarkdomcontent) | `int` | The CPU time spent on marking DOM content in milliseconds
-[`_cpu.MarkLoad`](#_cpumarkload) | `int` | The CPU time spent on marking load in milliseconds
-[`_cpu.Paint`](#_cpupaint) | `int` | The CPU time spent on paint in milliseconds
-[`_cpu.ParseHTML`](#_cpuparsehtml) | `int` | The CPU time spent on parsing HTML in milliseconds
-[`_cpu.PrePaint`](#_cpuprepaint) | `int` | The CPU time spent on pre-paint in milliseconds
-[`_cpu.ResourceFetcher::requestResource`](#_cpuresourcefetcherrequestresource) | `int` | The CPU time spent on resource fetcher request resource in milliseconds
-[`_cpu.UpdateLayoutTree`](#_cpuupdatelayouttree) | `int` | The CPU time spent on updating layout tree in milliseconds
-[`_cpu.V8.GC_TIME_TO_SAFEPOINT`](#_cpuv8gc_timeto_safepoint) | `int` | The CPU time spent on V8 GC time to safepoint in milliseconds
-[`_cpu.largestContentfulPaint::Candidate`](#_cpulargestcontentfulpaintcandidate) | `int` | The CPU time spent on largest contentful paint candidate in milliseconds
-[`_cpuTimes`](#_cputimes) | `object` | CPU times
-[`_cpuTimesDoc`](#_cputimesdoc) | `object` | CPU times for the document
-[`_date`](#_date) | `float` | The date in Unix timestamp format
-[`_docTime`](#_doctime) | `int` | The document time in milliseconds
-[`_document_URL`](#_document_url) | `string` | The URL of the document
-[`_document_hostname`](#_document_hostname) | `string` | The hostname of the document
-[`_document_origin`](#_document_origin) | `string` | The origin of the document
-[`_domComplete`](#_domcomplete) | `int` | The DOM complete in milliseconds
-[`_domContentLoadedEventEnd`](#_domcontentloadedeventend) | `int` | The DOM content loaded event end in milliseconds
-[`_domContentLoadedEventStart`](#_domcontentloadedeventstart) | `int` | The DOM content loaded event start in milliseconds
-[`_domElements`](#_domelements) | `int` | The number of DOM elements
-[`_domInteractive`](#_dominteractive) | `int` | The DOM interactive in milliseconds
-[`_domLoading`](#_domloading) | `int` | The DOM loading in milliseconds
-[`_domTime`](#_domtime) | `int` | The DOM time in milliseconds
-[`_edge-processed`](#_edge-processed) | `boolean` | Whether the page was processed by Edge
-[`_effectiveBps`](#_effectivebps) | `int` | The effective BPS
-[`_eventName`](#_eventname) | `string` | The event name
-[`_execution_contexts`](#_execution_contexts) | `array` | Execution contexts
-[`_final_base_page_request`](#_final_base_page_request) | `int` | The final base page request
-[`_final_base_page_request_id`](#_final_base_page_request_id) | `string` | The final base page request ID
-[`_final_url`](#_final_url) | `string` | The final URL
-[`_firstContentfulPaint`](#_firstcontentfulpaint) | `int` | The first contentful paint in milliseconds
-[`_firstMeaningfulPaint`](#_firstmeaningfulpaint) | `int` | The first meaningful paint in milliseconds
-[`_firstPaint`](#_firstpaint) | `float` | The first paint in milliseconds
-[`_fullyLoaded`](#_fullyloaded) | `int` | The fully loaded time in milliseconds
-[`_fullyLoadedCPUms`](#_fullyloadedcpums) | `int` | The fully loaded CPU time in milliseconds
-[`_fullyLoadedCPUpct`](#_fullyloadedcpupct) | `float` | The fully loaded CPU percentage
-[`_gzip_savings`](#_gzip_savings) | `int` | The bytes saved by gzip compression
-[`_gzip_total`](#_gzip_total) | `int` | The total bytes in gzip compression
-[`_image_savings`](#_image_savings) | `int` | The bytes saved by image compression
-[`_image_total`](#_image_total) | `int` | The total bytes in image compression
-[`_interactivePeriods`](#_interactiveperiods) | `array` | Interactive periods
-[`_largestPaints`](#_largestpaints) | `array` | Largest paints
-[`_lastVisualChange`](#_lastvisualchange) | `int` | The time of the last visual change in milliseconds
-[`_lighthouse.Accessibility`](#_lighthouseaccessibility) | `float` | The Lighthouse accessibility score
-[`_lighthouse.BestPractices`](#_lighthousebestpractices) | `float` | The Lighthouse best practices score
-[`_lighthouse.Performance`](#_lighthouseperformance) | `float` | The Lighthouse performance score
-[`_lighthouse.Performance.cumulative-layout-shift`](#_lighthouseperformancecumulative-layout-shift) | `int` | The Lighthouse cumulative layout shift
-[`_lighthouse.Performance.first-contentful-paint`](#_lighthouseperformancefirst-contentful-paint) | `float` | The Lighthouse first contentful paint
-[`_lighthouse.Performance.largest-contentful-paint`](#_lighthouseperformancelargest-contentful-paint) | `float` | The Lighthouse largest contentful paint
-[`_lighthouse.Performance.speed-index`](#_lighthouseperformancespeed-index) | `int` | The Lighthouse speed index
-[`_lighthouse.Performance.total-blocking-time`](#_lighthouseperformancetotal-blocking-time) | `int` | The Lighthouse total blocking time
-[`_lighthouse.SEO`](#_lighthouseseo) | `float` | The Lighthouse SEO score
-[`_loadEventEnd`](#_loadeventend) | `int` | The load event end in milliseconds
-[`_loadEventStart`](#_loadeventstart) | `int` | The load event start in milliseconds
-[`_loadTime`](#_loadtime) | `int` | The load time in milliseconds
-[`_main_frame`](#_main_frame) | `string` | The main frame
-[`_minify_savings`](#_minify_savings) | `int` | The bytes saved by minification
-[`_minify_total`](#_minify_total) | `int` | The total bytes in minification
-[`_optimization_checked`](#_optimization_checked) | `int` | Whether optimization checks were performed
-[`_origin_dns`](#_origin_dns) | `object` | Origin DNS
-[`_osPlatform`](#_osplatform) | `string` | The OS platform
-[`_osVersion`](#_osversion) | `string` | The OS version
-[`_os_version`](#_os_version) | `string` | The OS version
-[`_render`](#_render) | `int` | The render time in milliseconds
-[`_renderBlockingCSS`](#_renderblockingcss) | `int` | The render blocking CSS time in milliseconds
-[`_renderBlockingJS`](#_renderblockingjs) | `int` | The render blocking JS time in milliseconds
-[`_requests`](#_requests) | `int` | The number of requests
-[`_requestsDoc`](#_requestsdoc) | `int` | The number of requests in the document
-[`_requestsFull`](#_requestsfull) | `int` | The number of full requests
-[`_responses_200`](#_responses_200) | `int` | The number of 200 responses
-[`_responses_404`](#_responses_404) | `int` | The number of 404 responses
-[`_responses_other`](#_responses_other) | `int` | The number of other responses
-[`_result`](#_result) | `int` | The result
-[`_run`](#_run) | `int` | The run
-[`_score_cache`](#_score_cache) | `int` | The cache score
-[`_score_cdn`](#_score_cdn) | `int` | The CDN score
-[`_score_combine`](#_score_combine) | `int` | The combine score
-[`_score_compress`](#_score_compress) | `int` | The compress score
-[`_score_cookies`](#_score_cookies) | `int` | The cookies score
-[`_score_etags`](#_score_etags) | `int` | The etags score
-[`_score_gzip`](#_score_gzip) | `int` | The gzip score
-[`_score_keep-alive`](#_score_keep-alive) | `int` | The keep-alive score
-[`_score_minify`](#_score_minify) | `int` | The minify score
-[`_score_progressive_jpeg`](#_score_progressive_jpeg) | `int` | The progressive JPEG score
-[`_server_rtt`](#_server_rtt) | `int` | The server RTT
-[`_start_epoch`](#_start_epoch) | `float` | The start epoch in Unix timestamp format
-[`_step`](#_step) | `int` | The step
-[`_testID`](#_testid) | `string` | The test ID
-[`_testStartOffset`](#_teststartoffset) | `int` | The test start offset
-[`_testUrl`](#_testurl) | `string` | The test URL
-[`_test_run_time_ms`](#_test_run_time_ms) | `int` | The test run time in milliseconds
-[`_tester`](#_tester) | `string` | The tester
-[`_titleTime`](#_titletime) | `int` | The title time in milliseconds
-[`_v8Stats`](#_v8stats) | `object` | V8 stats
-[`_viewport`](#_viewport) | `object` | The viewport
-[`_visualComplete`](#_visualcomplete) | `int` | The visual complete time in milliseconds
-[`_visualComplete85`](#_visualcomplete85) | `int` | The 85th percentile visual complete time in milliseconds
-[`_visualComplete90`](#_visualcomplete90) | `int` | The 90th percentile visual complete time in milliseconds
-[`_visualComplete95`](#_visualcomplete95) | `int` | The 95th percentile visual complete time in milliseconds
-[`_visualComplete99`](#_visualcomplete99) | `int` | The 99th percentile visual complete time in milliseconds
-[`id`](#id) | `string` | The page ID
-[`pageTimings`](#pagetimings) | `object` | Page timings
-[`startedDateTime`](#starteddatetime) | `string` | The start date and time of the page in Unix timestamp format
-[`testID`](#testid) | `string` | The test ID
-[`title`](#title) | `string` | The page title
### `_LargestContentfulPaintNodeType`
+Type: `string`
The node type of the largest contentful paint
### `_LargestContentfulPaintType`
+Type: `string`
The type of the largest contentful paint
### `_LastInteractive`
+Type: `int`
The time when the page was last interactive in milliseconds
-### `_PerformancePaintTimingfirst-contentful-paint`
+### `_PerformancePaintTiming.first-contentful-paint`
+Type: `float`
The time when the first contentful paint occurred in milliseconds
-### `_PerformancePaintTimingfirst-paint`
+### `_PerformancePaintTiming.first-paint`
+Type: `float`
The time when the first paint occurred in milliseconds
### `_SpeedIndex`
+Type: `int`
The Speed Index score
### `_TTFB`
+Type: `int`
The time to first byte in milliseconds
### `_TTIMeasurementEnd`
+Type: `int`
The time when the TTI measurement ended in milliseconds
### `_URL`
+Type: `string`
The URL of the page
### `_aft`
+Type: `int`
The above-the-fold time in milliseconds
### `_audit_issues`
+Type: `array`
Audit issues
### `_basePageSSLTime`
+Type: `int`
The time spent on SSL for the base page in milliseconds
### `_base_page_cdn`
+Type: `string`
The CDN used for the base page
### `_base_page_cname`
+Type: `string`
The CNAME used for the base page
### `_base_page_dns_server`
+Type: `string`
The DNS server used for the base page
### `_base_page_ip_ptr`
+Type: `string`
The IP PTR used for the base page
### `_browserVersion`
+Type: `string`
The browser version
### `_browser_name`
+Type: `string`
The browser name
### `_browser_version`
+Type: `string`
The browser version
### `_bytesIn`
+Type: `int`
The number of bytes received in
### `_bytesInDoc`
+Type: `int`
The number of bytes received in the document
### `_bytesOut`
+Type: `int`
The number of bytes sent out
### `_bytesOutDoc`
+Type: `int`
The number of bytes sent out in the document
### `_cached`
+Type: `int`
Whether the page was cached
### `_chromeUserTiming`
+Type: `array`
Chrome user timing
-### `_chromeUserTimingCumulativeLayoutShift`
+### `_chromeUserTiming.CumulativeLayoutShift`
+Type: `int`
The cumulative layout shift
-### `_chromeUserTimingLargestContentfulPaint`
+### `_chromeUserTiming.LargestContentfulPaint`
+Type: `int`
The largest contentful paint
-### `_chromeUserTimingLargestTextPaint`
+### `_chromeUserTiming.LargestTextPaint`
+Type: `int`
The largest text paint
-### `_chromeUserTimingTotalLayoutShift`
+### `_chromeUserTiming.TotalLayoutShift`
+Type: `int`
The total layout shift
-### `_chromeUserTimingcommitNavigationEnd`
+### `_chromeUserTiming.commitNavigationEnd`
+Type: `int`
The commit navigation end
-### `_chromeUserTimingdomComplete`
+### `_chromeUserTiming.domComplete`
+Type: `int`
The DOM complete
-### `_chromeUserTimingdomContentLoadedEventEnd`
+### `_chromeUserTiming.domContentLoadedEventEnd`
+Type: `int`
The DOM content loaded event end
-### `_chromeUserTimingdomContentLoadedEventStart`
+### `_chromeUserTiming.domContentLoadedEventStart`
+Type: `int`
The DOM content loaded event start
-### `_chromeUserTimingdomInteractive`
+### `_chromeUserTiming.domInteractive`
+Type: `int`
The DOM interactive
-### `_chromeUserTimingdomLoading`
+### `_chromeUserTiming.domLoading`
+Type: `int`
The DOM loading in milliseconds
-### `_chromeUserTimingfetchStart`
+### `_chromeUserTiming.fetchStart`
+Type: `int`
The fetch start in milliseconds
-### `_chromeUserTimingfirstContentfulPaint`
+### `_chromeUserTiming.firstContentfulPaint`
+Type: `int`
The first contentful paint
-### `_chromeUserTimingfirstMeaningfulPaint`
+### `_chromeUserTiming.firstMeaningfulPaint`
+Type: `int`
The first meaningful paint
-### `_chromeUserTimingfirstMeaningfulPaintCandidate`
+### `_chromeUserTiming.firstMeaningfulPaintCandidate`
+Type: `int`
The first meaningful paint candidate
-### `_chromeUserTimingfirstPaint`
+### `_chromeUserTiming.firstPaint`
+Type: `int`
The first paint
-### `_chromeUserTimingloadEventEnd`
+### `_chromeUserTiming.loadEventEnd`
+Type: `int`
The load event end
-### `_chromeUserTimingloadEventStart`
+### `_chromeUserTiming.loadEventStart`
+Type: `int`
The load event start
-### `_chromeUserTimingmarkAsMainFrame`
+### `_chromeUserTiming.markAsMainFrame`
+Type: `int`
The mark as main frame
-### `_chromeUserTimingnavigationStart`
+### `_chromeUserTiming.navigationStart`
+Type: `int`
The navigation start
-### `_chromeUserTimingresponseEnd`
+### `_chromeUserTiming.responseEnd`
+Type: `int`
The response end
-### `_chromeUserTimingunloadEventEnd`
+### `_chromeUserTiming.unloadEventEnd`
+Type: `int`
The unload event end
-### `_chromeUserTimingunloadEventStart`
+### `_chromeUserTiming.unloadEventStart`
+Type: `int`
The unload event start
### `_connections`
+Type: `int`
The number of connections
### `_consoleLog`
+Type: `array`
Console logs
-### `_cpuCommitLoad`
+### `_cpu.CommitLoad`
+Type: `int`
The CPU time spent on commit load in milliseconds
-### `_cpuEventDispatch`
+### `_cpu.EventDispatch`
+Type: `int`
The CPU time spent on event dispatch in milliseconds
-### `_cpuFunctionCall`
+### `_cpu.FunctionCall`
+Type: `int`
The CPU time spent on function call in milliseconds
-### `_cpuHTMLDocumentParserFetchQueuedPreloads`
+### `_cpu.HTMLDocumentParser::FetchQueuedPreloads`
+Type: `int`
The CPU time spent on HTML document parser fetch queued preloads in milliseconds
-### `_cpuIdle`
+### `_cpu.Idle`
+Type: `int`
The CPU time spent on idle in milliseconds
-### `_cpuLayerize`
+### `_cpu.Layerize`
+Type: `int`
The CPU time spent on layerize in milliseconds
-### `_cpuLayout`
+### `_cpu.Layout`
+Type: `int`
The CPU time spent on layout in milliseconds
-### `_cpuMarkDOMContent`
+### `_cpu.MarkDOMContent`
+Type: `int`
The CPU time spent on marking DOM content in milliseconds
-### `_cpuMarkLoad`
+### `_cpu.MarkLoad`
+Type: `int`
The CPU time spent on marking load in milliseconds
-### `_cpuPaint`
+### `_cpu.Paint`
+Type: `int`
The CPU time spent on paint in milliseconds
-### `_cpuParseHTML`
+### `_cpu.ParseHTML`
+Type: `int`
The CPU time spent on parsing HTML in milliseconds
-### `_cpuPrePaint`
+### `_cpu.PrePaint`
+Type: `int`
The CPU time spent on pre-paint in milliseconds
-### `_cpuResourceFetcherrequestResource`
+### `_cpu.ResourceFetcher::requestResource`
+Type: `int`
The CPU time spent on resource fetcher request resource in milliseconds
-### `_cpuUpdateLayoutTree`
+### `_cpu.UpdateLayoutTree`
+Type: `int`
The CPU time spent on updating layout tree in milliseconds
+Type: `int`
The CPU time spent on V8 GC time to safepoint in milliseconds
-### `_cpulargestContentfulPaintCandidate`
+### `_cpu.largestContentfulPaint::Candidate`
+Type: `int`
The CPU time spent on largest contentful paint candidate in milliseconds
### `_cpuTimes`
+Type: `object`
CPU times
### `_cpuTimesDoc`
@@ -742,356 +711,534 @@ The origin of the document
### `_domComplete`
+Type: `int`
The DOM complete in milliseconds
### `_domContentLoadedEventEnd`
+Type: `int`
The DOM content loaded event end in milliseconds
### `_domContentLoadedEventStart`
+Type: `int`
The DOM content loaded event start in milliseconds
### `_domElements`
+Type: `int`
The number of DOM elements
### `_domInteractive`
+Type: `int`
The DOM interactive in milliseconds
### `_domLoading`
+Type: `int`
The DOM loading in milliseconds
### `_domTime`
+Type: `int`
The DOM time in milliseconds
### `_edge-processed`
+Type: `boolean`
Whether the page was processed by Edge
### `_effectiveBps`
+Type: `int`
The effective BPS
### `_eventName`
+Type: `string`
The event name
### `_execution_contexts`
+Type: `array`
Execution contexts
### `_final_base_page_request`
+Type: `int`
The final base page request
### `_final_base_page_request_id`
+Type: `string`
The final base page request ID
### `_final_url`
+Type: `string`
The final URL
### `_firstContentfulPaint`
+Type: `int`
The first contentful paint in milliseconds
### `_firstMeaningfulPaint`
+Type: `int`
The first meaningful paint in milliseconds
### `_firstPaint`
+Type: `float`
The first paint in milliseconds
### `_fullyLoaded`
+Type: `int`
The fully loaded time in milliseconds
### `_fullyLoadedCPUms`
+Type: `int`
The fully loaded CPU time in milliseconds
### `_fullyLoadedCPUpct`
+Type: `float`
The fully loaded CPU percentage
### `_gzip_savings`
+Type: `int`
The bytes saved by gzip compression
### `_gzip_total`
+Type: `int`
The total bytes in gzip compression
### `_image_savings`
+Type: `int`
The bytes saved by image compression
### `_image_total`
+Type: `int`
The total bytes in image compression
### `_interactivePeriods`
+Type: `array`
Interactive periods in milliseconds
### `_largestPaints`
+Type: `array`
Largest paints
### `_lastVisualChange`
+Type: `int`
The time of the last visual change in milliseconds
-### `_lighthouseAccessibility`
+### `_lighthouse.Accessibility`
+Type: `float`
The Lighthouse accessibility score
-### `_lighthouseBestPractices`
+### `_lighthouse.BestPractices`
+Type: `float`
The Lighthouse best practices score
-### `_lighthousePerformance`
+### `_lighthouse.Performance`
+Type: `float`
The Lighthouse performance score
-### `_lighthousePerformancecumulative-layout-shift`
+### `_lighthouse.Performance.cumulative-layout-shift`
+Type: `int`
The Lighthouse cumulative layout shift
-### `_lighthousePerformancefirst-contentful-paint`
+### `_lighthouse.Performance.first-contentful-paint`
+Type: `float`
The Lighthouse first contentful paint
-### `_lighthousePerformancelargest-contentful-paint`
+### `_lighthouse.Performance.largest-contentful-paint`
+Type: `float`
The Lighthouse largest contentful paint
-### `_lighthousePerformancespeed-index`
+### `_lighthouse.Performance.speed-index`
+Type: `int`
The Lighthouse speed index
-### `_lighthousePerformancetotal-blocking-time`
+### `_lighthouse.Performance.total-blocking-time`
+Type: `int`
The Lighthouse total blocking time
-### `_lighthouseSEO`
+### `_lighthouse.SEO`
+Type: `float`
The Lighthouse SEO score
### `_loadEventEnd`
+Type: `int`
The load event end in milliseconds
### `_loadEventStart`
+Type: `int`
The load event start in milliseconds
### `_loadTime`
+Type: `int`
The load time in milliseconds
### `_main_frame`
+Type: `string`
The main frame
### `_minify_savings`
+Type: `int`
The bytes saved by minification
### `_minify_total`
+Type: `int`
The total bytes in minification
### `_optimization_checked`
+Type: `int`
Whether optimization checks were performed
### `_origin_dns`
+Type: `object`
Origin DNS
### `_osPlatform`
+Type: `string`
The OS platform
### `_osVersion`
+Type: `string`
The OS version
### `_os_version`
+Type: `string`
The OS version
### `_render`
+Type: `int`
The render time in milliseconds
### `_renderBlockingCSS`
+Type: `int`
The render blocking CSS time in milliseconds
### `_renderBlockingJS`
+Type: `int`
The render blocking JS time in milliseconds
### `_requests`
+Type: `int`
The number of requests
### `_requestsDoc`
+Type: `int`
The number of requests in the document
### `_requestsFull`
+Type: `int`
The number of full requests
### `_responses_200`
+Type: `int`
The number of 200 responses
### `_responses_404`
+Type: `int`
The number of 404 responses
### `_responses_other`
+Type: `int`
The number of other responses
### `_result`
+Type: `int`
The result code of the test run
### `_run`
+Type: `int`
The run number
### `_score_cache`
+Type: `int`
The cache score
### `_score_cdn`
+Type: `int`
The CDN score
### `_score_combine`
+Type: `int`
The combine score
### `_score_compress`
+Type: `int`
The compress score
### `_score_cookies`
+Type: `int`
The cookies score
### `_score_etags`
+Type: `int`
The etags score
### `_score_gzip`
+Type: `int`
The gzip score
### `_score_keep-alive`
+Type: `int`
The keep-alive score
### `_score_minify`
+Type: `int`
The minify score
### `_score_progressive_jpeg`
+Type: `int`
The progressive JPEG score
### `_server_rtt`
+Type: `int`
The server RTT
### `_start_epoch`
+Type: `float`
The start epoch in Unix timestamp format
### `_step`
+Type: `int`
The step number
### `_testID`
+Type: `string`
The test ID
### `_testStartOffset`
+Type: `int`
The test start offset
### `_testUrl`
+Type: `string`
The test URL
### `_test_run_time_ms`
+Type: `int`
The test run time in milliseconds
### `_tester`
+Type: `string`
The tester
### `_titleTime`
+Type: `int`
The title time in milliseconds
### `_v8Stats`
+Type: `object`
V8 stats
### `_viewport`
+Type: `object`
The viewport dimensions
### `_visualComplete`
+Type: `int`
The visual complete time in milliseconds
### `_visualComplete85`
+Type: `int`
The 85th percentile visual complete time in milliseconds
### `_visualComplete90`
+Type: `int`
The 90th percentile visual complete time in milliseconds
### `_visualComplete95`
+Type: `int`
The 95th percentile visual complete time in milliseconds
### `_visualComplete99`
+Type: `int`
The 99th percentile visual complete time in milliseconds
### `id`
+Type: `string`
The page ID
### `pageTimings`
+Type: `object`
Page timings
### `startedDateTime`
+Type: `string`
The start date and time of the page in Unix timestamp format
### `testID`
+Type: `string`
The test ID
### `title`
+Type: `string`
The page title
diff --git a/src/content/docs/reference/structs/page-summary.md b/src/content/docs/reference/blobs/page-summary.mdx
similarity index 94%
rename from src/content/docs/reference/structs/page-summary.md
rename to src/content/docs/reference/blobs/page-summary.mdx
index 36f1ad4..69e841a 100644
--- a/src/content/docs/reference/structs/page-summary.md
+++ b/src/content/docs/reference/blobs/page-summary.mdx
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-title: Page summary struct
-description: Reference docs for the page summary struct
+title: Page summary blob
+description: Reference docs for the page summary blob
-_Appears in: [`pages` table](/reference/tables/pages/)_\
-_As: `summary`_
+_Appears in: [`pages`](/reference/tables/pages/) table_\
+_As: [`summary`](/reference/tables/pages/#summary)_
JSON-encoded summarization of the page-level data.
-Here's an example of the decoded object:
+An example of the decoded object
"SpeedIndex": 400,
@@ -97,6 +97,7 @@ Here's an example of the decoded object:
"visualComplete": 400
## Schema
diff --git a/src/content/docs/reference/structs/request-payload.md b/src/content/docs/reference/blobs/request-payload.mdx
similarity index 51%
rename from src/content/docs/reference/structs/request-payload.md
rename to src/content/docs/reference/blobs/request-payload.mdx
index 54607d1..d2782fc 100644
--- a/src/content/docs/reference/structs/request-payload.md
+++ b/src/content/docs/reference/blobs/request-payload.mdx
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
-title: Request payload struct
-description: Reference docs for the request payload struct
+title: Request payload blob
+description: Reference docs for the request payload blob
-_Appears in: [`requests` table](/reference/tables/requests/#payload)_\
-_As: `payload`_
+_Appears in: [`requests`](/reference/tables/requests/) table_\
+_As: [`payload`](/reference/tables/requests/#payload)_
JSON-encoded WebPageTest result data for a request.
-**The actual schema of the WebPageTest result data is liable to change, depending on a request.**
-Here's an example of the decoded object:
+**The actual schema is liable to change, depending on a request.**
+An example of the decoded object
"_all_end": 234,
@@ -247,788 +247,942 @@ Here's an example of the decoded object:
## Schema
-| Field | Type | Description |
-| ---------------------------------------------------- | -------- | ------------------------------------------------- |
-| `_all_end` | `int` | End time of all operations. |
-| `_all_ms` | `int` | Total time taken for all operations. |
-| `_all_start` | `int` | Start time of all operations. |
-| `_body_file` | `string` | File containing the body of the request. |
-| `_bytesIn` | `int` | Number of bytes received. |
-| `_bytesOut` | `int` | Number of bytes sent. |
-| `_cache_time` | `int` | Cache time. |
-| `_cacheControl` | `string` | Cache control header value. |
-| `_cached` | `int` | Indicates if the request was cached (0 or 1). |
-| `_cdn_provider` | `string` | CDN provider used. |
-| `_certificates` | `array` | Certificates used. |
-| `_chunks` | `array` | Array of chunks received. |
-| `_chunks[].bytes` | `int` | Size of the chunk. |
-| `_chunks[].inflated` | `int` | Size of the inflated chunk. |
-| `_chunks[].ts` | `int` | Timestamp of the chunk. |
-| `_connect_end` | `int` | Connection end time. |
-| `_connect_ms` | `int` | Connection time in milliseconds. |
-| `_connect_start` | `int` | Connection start time. |
-| `_contentEncoding` | `string` | Content encoding of the response. |
-| `_contentType` | `string` | Content type of the response. |
-| `_created` | `int` | Creation time of the request. |
-| `_dns_end` | `int` | DNS end time. |
-| `_dns_info` | `object` | DNS information. |
-| `_dns_info.results.aliases` | `array` | Aliases for the domain. |
-| `_dns_info.results.canonical_names` | `array` | Canonical names for the domain. |
-| `_dns_info.results.endpoint_metadatas` | `array` | Endpoint metadata. |
-| `_dns_info.results.expiration` | `string` | Expiration date of the DNS query. |
-| `_dns_info.results.host_ports` | `array` | Host ports. |
-| `_dns_info.results.hostname_results` | `array` | Hostname results. |
-| `_dns_info.results.ip_endpoints[].endpoint_address` | `string` | IP address of the endpoint. |
-| `_dns_info.results.ip_endpoints[].endpoint_port` | `int` | Port of the endpoint. |
-| `_dns_info.results.ip_endpoints` | `array` | IP endpoints. |
-| `_dns_info.results.text_records` | `array` | Text records. |
-| `_dns_info.results` | `object` | Results of the DNS query. |
-| `_dns_info.secure` | `int` | Indicates if the DNS query is secure. |
-| `_dns_info.transactions_needed[].dns_query_type` | `string` | Type of DNS query. |
-| `_dns_info.transactions_needed` | `array` | Transactions needed for DNS query. |
-| `_dns_ms` | `int` | DNS lookup time in milliseconds. |
-| `_dns_start` | `int` | DNS start time. |
-| `_documentURL` | `string` | Document URL of the request. |
-| `_download_end` | `int` | Download end time. |
-| `_download_ms` | `int` | Download time in milliseconds. |
-| `_download_start` | `int` | Download start time. |
-| `_expires` | `string` | Expiry date of the request. |
-| `_final_base_page` | `int` | Indicates if the request is the final base page. |
-| `_frame_id` | `string` | Frame ID where the request was made. |
-| `_full_url` | `string` | Full URL of the request. |
-| `_gzip_save` | `int` | Size saved due to gzip compression. |
-| `_gzip_total` | `int` | Total size of the gzip-compressed content. |
-| `_host` | `string` | Host of the request. |
-| `_http2_server_settings` | `object` | HTTP/2 server settings. |
-| `_http2_stream_dependency` | `int` | HTTP/2 stream dependency. |
-| `_http2_stream_exclusive` | `int` | HTTP/2 stream exclusivity. |
-| `_http2_stream_id` | `int` | HTTP/2 stream ID. |
-| `_http2_stream_weight` | `int` | HTTP/2 stream weight. |
-| `_id` | `string` | Unique identifier for the request. |
-| `_image_save` | `int` | Size saved due to image optimization. |
-| `_image_total` | `int` | Total size of images. |
-| `_index` | `int` | Index of the request. |
-| `_initial_priority` | `string` | Initial priority of the request. |
-| `_initiator_column` | `string` | Column number of the initiator. |
-| `_initiator_line` | `string` | Line number of the initiator. |
-| `_initiator_type` | `string` | Type of initiator (e.g., script). |
-| `_initiator` | `string` | Initiator of the request. |
-| `_ip_addr` | `string` | IP address of the requested server. |
-| `_is_base_page` | `int` | Indicates if the request is the base page. |
-| `_is_secure` | `int` | Indicates if the request is secure (0 or 1). |
-| `_load_end` | `int` | Load end time. |
-| `_load_ms` | `int` | Load time in milliseconds. |
-| `_load_start_float` | `float` | Precise start time of load. |
-| `_load_start` | `int` | Start time of load in milliseconds. |
-| `_method` | `string` | HTTP method used for the request. |
-| `_minify_save` | `int` | Size saved due to minification. |
-| `_minify_total` | `int` | Total size of minified content. |
-| `_netlog_id` | `int` | Netlog ID. |
-| `_number` | `int` | Number of the request. |
-| `_objectSize` | `int` | Size of the object received. |
-| `_objectSizeUncompressed` | `int` | Uncompressed size of the object received. |
-| `_priority` | `string` | Priority of the request. |
-| `_protocol` | `string` | Protocol used for the request. |
-| `_raw_id` | `string` | Raw ID for the request. |
-| `_request_id` | `string` | Identifier for the original request. |
-| `_request_type` | `string` | Type of the request (e.g., Document). |
-| `_responseCode` | `int` | HTTP response code. |
-| `_run` | `int` | The run number of the test. |
-| `_score_cache` | `int` | Cache score. |
-| `_score_cdn` | `int` | CDN score. |
-| `_score_combine` | `int` | Combine score. |
-| `_score_compress` | `int` | Compression score. |
-| `_score_cookies` | `int` | Cookies score. |
-| `_score_etags` | `int` | ETags score. |
-| `_score_gzip` | `int` | Gzip compression score. |
-| `_score_keep-alive` | `int` | Keep-alive score. |
-| `_score_minify` | `int` | Minification score. |
-| `_securityDetails` | `object` | Security details of the request. |
-| `_securityDetails.certificateId` | `int` | Certificate ID. |
-| `_securityDetails.certificateTransparencyCompliance` | `string` | Certificate transparency compliance. |
-| `_securityDetails.cipher` | `string` | Cipher used. |
-| `_securityDetails.encryptedClientHello` | `int` | Indicates if the client hello is encrypted. |
-| `_securityDetails.issuer` | `string` | Issuer of the certificate. |
-| `_securityDetails.keyExchange` | `string` | Key exchange used. |
-| `_securityDetails.keyExchangeGroup` | `string` | Key exchange group used. |
-| `_securityDetails.protocol` | `string` | Security protocol used. |
-| `_securityDetails.sanList` | `array` | Subject alternative names. |
-| `_securityDetails.serverSignatureAlgorithm` | `int` | Server signature algorithm. |
-| `_securityDetails.signedCertificateTimestampList` | `array` | List of signed certificate timestamps. |
-| `_securityDetails.subjectName` | `string` | Subject name of the certificate. |
-| `_securityDetails.validFrom` | `int` | Valid from date of the certificate. |
-| `_securityDetails.validTo` | `int` | Valid to date of the certificate. |
-| `_server_count` | `int` | Number of servers used. |
-| `_server_port` | `string` | Server port. |
-| `_server_rtt` | `int` | Server round-trip time. |
-| `_socket_group` | `string` | Socket group. |
-| `_socket` | `int` | Socket used for the request. |
-| `_ssl_end` | `int` | SSL handshake end time. |
-| `_ssl_ms` | `int` | SSL handshake time in milliseconds. |
-| `_ssl_start` | `int` | SSL handshake start time. |
-| `_tls_cipher_suite` | `int` | Cipher suite used. |
-| `_tls_next_proto` | `string` | Next protocol used. |
-| `_tls_resumed` | `string` | Indicates if the TLS session was resumed. |
-| `_tls_version` | `string` | TLS version used. |
-| `_ttfb_end` | `int` | Time to first byte end time. |
-| `_ttfb_ms` | `int` | Time to first byte in milliseconds. |
-| `_ttfb_start` | `int` | Time to first byte start time. |
-| `_type` | `int` | Type identifier for the request. |
-| `_url` | `string` | URL path of the request. |
-| `cache` | `object` | Cache details (empty in this example). |
-| `pageref` | `string` | Reference to the page containing this request. |
-| `request` | `object` | Details of the request. |
-| `request.bodySize` | `int` | Size of the request body. |
-| `request.cookies` | `array` | Cookies sent with the request. |
-| `request.headersSize` | `int` | Size of the request headers. |
-| `request.httpVersion` | `string` | HTTP version used for the request. |
-| `request.method` | `string` | HTTP method used for the request. |
-| `request.queryString` | `array` | Query string parameters. |
-| `request.url` | `string` | URL of the requested resource. |
-| `response` | `object` | Details of the response. |
-| `response.bodySize` | `int` | Size of the response body. |
-| `response.content.mimeType` | `string` | MIME type of the content. |
-| `response.content.size` | `int` | Size of the content. |
-| `response.content` | `object` | Content details of the response. |
-| `response.cookies` | `array` | Cookies received with the response. |
-| `response.headersSize` | `int` | Size of the response headers. |
-| `response.httpVersion` | `string` | HTTP version used for the response. |
-| `response.status` | `int` | HTTP response status code. |
-| `response.statusText` | `string` | Status text of the response. |
-| `startedDateTime` | `string` | Start time of the request. |
-| `time` | `int` | Total time taken for the request in milliseconds. |
-| `timings` | `object` | Timing details of various stages of the request. |
-| `timings.blocked` | `int` | Time spent in blocking. |
-| `timings.connect` | `int` | Time spent in establishing a connection. |
-| `timings.dns` | `int` | Time spent in DNS lookup. |
-| `timings.receive` | `int` | Time spent in receiving the response. |
-| `timings.send` | `int` | Time spent in sending the request. |
-| `timings.ssl` | `int` | Time spent in SSL handshake. |
-| `timings.wait` | `int` | Time spent in waiting for the response. |
### `_all_end`
+Type: `int`
End time of all operations.
### `_all_ms`
+Type: `int`
Total time taken for all operations.
### `_all_start`
+Type: `int`
Start time of all operations.
### `_body_file`
+Type: `string`
File containing the body of the request.
### `_bytesIn`
+Type: `int`
Number of bytes received.
### `_bytesOut`
+Type: `int`
Number of bytes sent.
### `_cacheControl`
+Type: `string`
Cache control header value.
### `_cache_time`
+Type: `int`
Cache time.
### `_cached`
+Type: `int`
Indicates if the request was cached (0 or 1).
### `_cdn_provider`
+Type: `string`
CDN provider used.
### `_certificates`
-array | Certificates used.
+Type: `array`
+Certificates used.
### `_chunks`
-array | Array of chunks received.
+Type: `array`
+Array of chunks received.
- #### `_chunks[].bytes`
+ Type: `int`
Size of the chunk.
- #### `_chunks[].inflated`
+ Type: `int`
Size of the inflated chunk.
- #### `_chunks[].ts`
+ Type: `int`
Timestamp of the chunk.
### `_connect_end`
+Type: `int`
Connection end time.
### `_connect_ms`
+Type: `int`
Connection time in milliseconds.
### `_connect_start`
+Type: `int`
Connection start time.
### `_contentEncoding`
+Type: `string`
Content encoding of the response.
### `_contentType`
+Type: `string`
Content type of the response.
### `_created`
+Type: `int`
Creation time of the request.
### `_dns_end`
+Type: `int`
DNS end time.
### `_dns_info`
+Type: `object`
DNS information.
- #### `_dns_info.results`
+ Type: `object`
Results of the DNS query.
- #### `_dns_info.results.aliases`
+ Type: `array`
Aliases for the domain.
- #### `_dns_info.results.canonical_names`
+ Type: `array`
Canonical names for the domain.
- #### `_dns_info.results.endpoint_metadatas`
+ Type: `array`
Endpoint metadata.
- #### `_dns_info.results.expiration`
+ Type: `string`
Expiration date of the DNS query.
- #### `_dns_info.results.host_ports`
+ Type: `array`
Host ports.
- #### `_dns_info.results.hostname_results`
+ Type: `array`
Hostname results.
- #### `_dns_info.results.ip_endpoints`
+ Type: `array`
IP endpoints.
- #### `_dns_info.results.ip_endpoints[].endpoint_address`
+ Type: `string`
IP address of the endpoint.
- #### `_dns_info.results.ip_endpoints[].endpoint_port`
+ Type: `int`
Port of the endpoint.
- #### `_dns_info.results.text_records`
+ Type: `array`
Text records.
- #### `_dns_info.secure`
+ Type: `int`
Indicates if the DNS query is secure.
- #### `_dns_info.transactions_needed`
+ Type: `array`
Transactions needed for DNS query.
- #### `_dns_info.transactions_needed[].dns_query_type`
+ Type: `string`
Type of DNS query.
### `_dns_ms`
+Type: `int`
DNS lookup time in milliseconds.
### `_dns_start`
+Type: `int`
DNS start time.
### `_documentURL`
+Type: `string`
Document URL of the request.
### `_download_end`
+Type: `int`
Download end time.
### `_download_ms`
+Type: `int`
Download time in milliseconds.
### `_download_start`
+Type: `int`
Download start time.
### `_expires`
+Type: `string`
Expiry date of the request.
### `_final_base_page`
+Type: `int`
Indicates if the request is the final base page.
### `_frame_id`
+Type: `string`
Frame ID where the request was made.
### `_full_url`
+Type: `string`
Full URL of the request.
### `_gzip_save`
+Type: `int`
Size saved due to gzip compression.
### `_gzip_total`
+Type: `int`
Total size of the gzip-compressed content.
### `_host`
+Type: `string`
Host of the request.
### `_http2_server_settings`
+Type: `object`
HTTP/2 server settings.
### `_http2_stream_dependency`
+Type: `int`
HTTP/2 stream dependency.
### `_http2_stream_exclusive`
+Type: `int`
HTTP/2 stream exclusivity.
### `_http2_stream_id`
+Type: `int`
HTTP/2 stream ID.
### `_http2_stream_weight`
+Type: `int`
HTTP/2 stream weight.
### `_id`
+Type: `string`
Unique identifier for the request.
### `_image_save`
+Type: `int`
Size saved due to image optimization.
### `_image_total`
+Type: `int`
Total size of images.
### `_index`
+Type: `int`
Index of the request.
### `_initial_priority`
+Type: `string`
Initial priority of the request.
### `_initiator`
+Type: `string`
Initiator of the request.
### `_initiator_column`
+Type: `string`
Column number of the initiator.
### `_initiator_line`
+Type: `string`
Line number of the initiator.
### `_initiator_type`
+Type: `string`
Type of initiator (e.g., script).
### `_ip_addr`
+Type: `string`
IP address of the requested server.
### `_is_base_page`
+Type: `int`
Indicates if the request is the base page.
### `_is_secure`
+Type: `int`
Indicates if the request is secure (0 or 1).
### `_load_end`
+Type: `int`
Load end time.
### `_load_ms`
+Type: `int`
Load time in milliseconds.
### `_load_start`
+Type: `int`
Start time of load in milliseconds.
### `_load_start_float`
-float | Precise start time of load.
+Type: `float`
+Precise start time of load.
### `_method`
+Type: `string`
HTTP method used for the request.
### `_minify_save`
+Type: `int`
Size saved due to minification.
### `_minify_total`
+Type: `int`
Total size of minified content.
### `_netlog_id`
+Type: `int`
Netlog ID.
### `_number`
+Type: `int`
Number of the request.
### `_objectSize`
+Type: `int`
Size of the object received.
### `_objectSizeUncompressed`
+Type: `int`
Uncompressed size of the object received.
### `_priority`
+Type: `string`
Priority of the request.
### `_protocol`
+Type: `string`
Protocol used for the request.
### `_raw_id`
+Type: `string`
Raw ID for the request.
### `_request_id`
+Type: `string`
Identifier for the original request.
### `_request_type`
+Type: `string`
Type of the request (e.g., Document).
### `_responseCode`
+Type: `int`
HTTP response code.
### `_run`
+Type: `int`
The run number of the test.
### `_score_cache`
+Type: `int`
Cache score.
### `_score_cdn`
+Type: `int`
CDN score.
### `_score_combine`
+Type: `int`
Combine score.
### `_score_compress`
+Type: `int`
Compression score.
### `_score_cookies`
+Type: `int`
Cookies score.
### `_score_etags`
+Type: `int`
ETags score.
### `_score_gzip`
+Type: `int`
Gzip compression score.
### `_score_keep-alive`
+Type: `int`
Keep-alive score.
### `_score_minify`
+Type: `int`
Minification score.
### `_securityDetails`
+Type: `object`
Security details of the request.
- #### `_securityDetails.certificateId`
+ Type: `int`
Certificate ID.
- #### `_securityDetails.certificateTransparencyCompliance`
+ Type: `string`
Certificate transparency compliance.
- #### `_securityDetails.cipher`
+ Type: `string`
Cipher used.
- #### `_securityDetails.encryptedClientHello`
+ Type: `int`
Indicates if the client hello is encrypted.
- #### `_securityDetails.issuer`
+ Type: `string`
Issuer of the certificate.
- #### `_securityDetails.keyExchange`
+ Type: `string`
Key exchange used.
- #### `_securityDetails.keyExchangeGroup`
+ Type: `string`
Key exchange group used.
- #### `_securityDetails.protocol`
+ Type: `string`
Security protocol used.
- #### `_securityDetails.sanList`
+ Type: `array`
Subject alternative names.
- #### `_securityDetails.serverSignatureAlgorithm`
+ Type: `int`
Server signature algorithm.
- #### `_securityDetails.signedCertificateTimestampList`
+ Type: `array`
List of signed certificate timestamps.
- #### `_securityDetails.subjectName`
+ Type: `string`
Subject name of the certificate.
- #### `_securityDetails.validFrom`
+ Type: `int`
Valid from date of the certificate.
- #### `_securityDetails.validTo`
+ Type: `int`
Valid to date of the certificate.
### `_server_count`
+Type: `int`
Number of servers used.
### `_server_port`
+Type: `string`
Server port.
### `_server_rtt`
+Type: `int`
Server round-trip time.
### `_socket`
+Type: `int`
Socket used for the request.
### `_socket_group`
+Type: `string`
Socket group.
### `_ssl_end`
+Type: `int`
SSL handshake end time.
### `_ssl_ms`
+Type: `int`
SSL handshake time in milliseconds.
### `_ssl_start`
+Type: `int`
SSL handshake start time.
### `_tls_cipher_suite`
+Type: `int`
Cipher suite used.
### `_tls_next_proto`
+Type: `string`
Next protocol used.
### `_tls_resumed`
+Type: `string`
Indicates if the TLS session was resumed.
### `_tls_version`
+Type: `string`
TLS version used.
### `_ttfb_end`
+Type: `int`
Time to first byte end time.
### `_ttfb_ms`
+Type: `int`
Time to first byte in milliseconds.
### `_ttfb_start`
+Type: `int`
Time to first byte start time.
### `_type`
+Type: `int`
Type identifier for the request.
### `_url`
+Type: `string`
URL path of the request.
### `cache`
+Type: `object`
Cache details (empty in this example).
### `pageref`
+Type: `string`
Reference to the page containing this request.
### `request`
+Type: `object`
Details of the request.
- #### `request.bodySize`
+ Type: `int`
Size of the request body.
- #### `request.cookies`
+ Type: `array`
Cookies sent with the request.
- #### `request.headersSize`
+ Type: `int`
Size of the request headers.
- #### `request.httpVersion`
+ Type: `string`
HTTP version used for the request.
- #### `request.method`
+ Type: `string`
HTTP method used for the request.
- #### `request.queryString`
+ Type: `array`
Query string parameters.
- #### `request.url`
+ Type: `string`
URL of the requested resource.
### `response`
+Type: `object`
Details of the response.
- #### `response.bodySize`
+ Type: `int`
Size of the response body.
- #### `response.content`
+ Type: `object`
Content details of the response.
- #### `response.content.mimeType`
+ Type: `string`
MIME type of the content.
- #### `response.content.size`
+ Type: `int`
Size of the content.
- #### `response.cookies`
+ Type: `array`
Cookies received with the response.
- #### `response.headersSize`
+ Type: `int`
Size of the response headers.
- #### `response.httpVersion`
+ Type: `string`
HTTP version used for the response.
- #### `response.status`
+ Type: `int`
HTTP response status code.
- #### `response.statusText`
+ Type: `string`
Status text of the response.
### `startedDateTime`
+Type: `string`
Start time of the request.
### `time`
+Type: `int`
Total time taken for the request in milliseconds.
### `timings`
+Type: `object`
Timing details of various stages of the request.
- #### `timings.blocked`
+ Type: `int`
Time spent in blocking.
- #### `timings.connect`
+ Type: `int`
Time spent in establishing a connection.
- #### `timings.dns`
+ Type: `int`
Time spent in DNS lookup.
- #### `timings.receive`
+ Type: `int`
Time spent in receiving the response.
- #### `timings.send`
+ Type: `int`
Time spent in sending the request.
- #### `timings.ssl`
+ Type: `int`
Time spent in SSL handshake.
- #### `timings.wait`
+ Type: `int`
Time spent in waiting for the response.
diff --git a/src/content/docs/reference/structs/request-summary.md b/src/content/docs/reference/blobs/request-summary.mdx
similarity index 85%
rename from src/content/docs/reference/structs/request-summary.md
rename to src/content/docs/reference/blobs/request-summary.mdx
index f2fcd28..d383dcc 100644
--- a/src/content/docs/reference/structs/request-summary.md
+++ b/src/content/docs/reference/blobs/request-summary.mdx
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-title: Request summary struct
-description: Reference docs for the request summary struct
+title: Request summary blob
+description: Reference docs for the request summary blob
-_Appears in: [`requests` table](/reference/tables/requests/#summary)_\
-_As: `summary`_
+_Appears in: [`requests` table](/reference/tables/requests/)_\
+_As: [`summary`](/reference/tables/requests/#summary)_
JSON-encoded summarization of request data.
-Here's an example of the decoded object:
+An example of the decoded object
"_cdn_provider": "Edgecast",
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ Here's an example of the decoded object:
"type": "html"
## Schema
diff --git a/src/content/docs/reference/custom-metrics/ads.md b/src/content/docs/reference/custom-metrics/ads.md
deleted file mode 100644
index e121df0..0000000
--- a/src/content/docs/reference/custom-metrics/ads.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-title: Ads custom metric
-description: Reference docs for the feature struct
-_Appears in: [`custom_metrics` struct](/reference/structs/custom-metrics/)_\
-_As: [`ads`](/reference/structs/custom-metrics/#ads)_
-## Schema
-| Field name | Type | Description |
-| ------------------------------------------------ | ------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `ads` | object | Contains information about the ads.txt file. |
-| `ads.present` | boolean | Indicates if the ads.txt file is present. |
-| `ads.status` | integer | HTTP status code of the ads.txt file response. |
-| `ads.redirected` | boolean | Indicates if the ads.txt file request was redirected. |
-| `ads.redirected_to` | string | URL to which the ads.txt resource was redirected. |
-| `ads.account_count` | integer | Number of advertising accounts listed in the ads.txt file. |
-| `ads.account_types` | object | Types of accounts (direct or reseller) listed in the ads.txt file. |
-| `ads.account_types.direct` | object | Information about direct advertising accounts. |
-| `ads.account_types.direct.domains` | array | List of domains with direct advertising accounts. |
-| `ads.account_types.direct.account_count` | integer | Number of direct advertising accounts. |
-| `ads.account_types.direct.domain_count` | integer | Number of unique domains with direct advertising accounts. |
-| `ads.account_types.reseller` | object | Information about reseller advertising accounts. |
-| `ads.account_types.reseller.domains` | array | List of domains with reseller advertising accounts. |
-| `ads.account_types.reseller.account_count` | integer | Number of reseller advertising accounts. |
-| `ads.account_types.reseller.domain_count` | integer | Number of unique domains with reseller advertising accounts. |
-| `ads.line_count` | integer | Total number of lines in the ads.txt file. |
-| `ads.variables` | array | List of variables found in the ads.txt file. |
-| `ads.variable_count` | integer | Number of variables found in the ads.txt file. |
-| `app_ads` | object | Contains information about the app-ads.txt file. |
-| `app_ads.present` | boolean | Indicates if the app-ads.txt file is present. |
-| `app_ads.status` | integer | HTTP status code of the app-ads.txt file response. |
-| `app_ads.redirected` | boolean | Indicates if the app-ads.txt file request was redirected. |
-| `app_ads.redirected_to` | string | URL to which the app-ads.txt resource was redirected. |
-| `app_ads.account_count` | integer | Number of advertising accounts listed in the app-ads.txt file. |
-| `app_ads.account_types` | object | Types of accounts (direct or reseller) listed in the app-ads.txt file. |
-| `app_ads.account_types.direct` | object | Information about direct advertising accounts. |
-| `app_ads.account_types.direct.domains` | array | List of domains with direct advertising accounts. |
-| `app_ads.account_types.direct.account_count` | integer | Number of direct advertising accounts. |
-| `app_ads.account_types.direct.domain_count` | integer | Number of unique domains with direct advertising accounts. |
-| `app_ads.account_types.reseller` | object | Information about reseller advertising accounts. |
-| `app_ads.account_types.reseller.domains` | array | List of domains with reseller advertising accounts. |
-| `app_ads.account_types.reseller.account_count` | integer | Number of reseller advertising accounts. |
-| `app_ads.account_types.reseller.domain_count` | integer | Number of unique domains with reseller advertising accounts. |
-| `app_ads.line_count` | integer | Total number of lines in the app-ads.txt file. |
-| `app_ads.variables` | array | List of variables found in the app-ads.txt file. |
-| `app_ads.variable_count` | integer | Number of variables found in the app-ads.txt file. |
-| `sellers` | object | Contains information about the sellers.json file. |
-| `sellers.present` | boolean | Indicates if the sellers.json file is present. |
-| `sellers.status` | integer | HTTP status code of the sellers.json file response. |
-| `sellers.redirected` | boolean | Indicates if the sellers.json file request was redirected. |
-| `sellers.redirected_to` | string | URL to which the sellers.json resource was redirected. |
-| `sellers.seller_count` | integer | Number of sellers listed in the sellers.json file. |
-| `sellers.seller_types` | object | Types of sellers (publisher, intermediary, both) listed in the sellers.json file. |
-| `sellers.seller_types.publisher` | object | Information about publisher sellers. |
-| `sellers.seller_types.publisher.domains` | array | List of domains associated with publisher sellers. |
-| `sellers.seller_types.publisher.seller_count` | integer | Number of publisher sellers. |
-| `sellers.seller_types.publisher.domain_count` | integer | Number of unique domains associated with publisher sellers. |
-| `sellers.seller_types.intermediary` | object | Information about intermediary sellers. |
-| `sellers.seller_types.intermediary.domains` | array | List of domains associated with intermediary sellers. |
-| `sellers.seller_types.intermediary.seller_count` | integer | Number of intermediary sellers. |
-| `sellers.seller_types.intermediary.domain_count` | integer | Number of unique domains associated with intermediary sellers. |
-| `sellers.seller_types.both` | object | Information about sellers who are both publishers and intermediaries. |
-| `sellers.seller_types.both.domains` | array | List of domains associated with sellers who are both publishers and intermediaries. |
-| `sellers.seller_types.both.seller_count` | integer | Number of sellers who are both publishers and intermediaries. |
-| `sellers.seller_types.both.domain_count` | integer | Number of unique domains associated with sellers who are both publishers and intermediaries. |
-| `sellers.passthrough_count` | integer | Number of passthrough sellers listed in the sellers.json file. |
-| `sellers.confidential_count` | integer | Number of confidential sellers listed in the sellers.json file. |
-Here's an example of the decoded object from `https://www.amazon.com/` page crawl:
- "ads": {
- "present": true,
- "status": 200,
- "redirected": false,
- "account_count": 1,
- "account_types": {
- "direct": {
- "domains": [
- "placeholder.example.com"
- ],
- "account_count": 1,
- "domain_count": 1
- },
- "reseller": {
- "domains": [],
- "account_count": 0,
- "domain_count": 0
- }
- },
- "line_count": 10,
- "variables": [],
- "variable_count": 0
- },
- "app_ads": {
- "present": true,
- "status": 200,
- "redirected": false,
- "account_count": 1,
- "account_types": {
- "direct": {
- "domains": [
- "placeholder.example.com"
- ],
- "account_count": 1,
- "domain_count": 1
- },
- "reseller": {
- "domains": [],
- "account_count": 0,
- "domain_count": 0
- }
- },
- "line_count": 10,
- "variables": [],
- "variable_count": 0
- },
- "sellers": {
- "present": true,
- "redirected": true,
- "status": 200,
- "seller_count": 2732,
- "seller_types": {
- "publisher": {
- "domains": [
- "cumuli.com",
- "realself.com",
- "trendscatchers.io",
- ...
- ],
- "seller_count": 2199,
- "domain_count": 1923
- },
- "intermediary": {
- "domains": [
- "bidsxchange.com",
- "vuukle.com",
- "vdo.ai",
- ...
- ],
- "seller_count": 232,
- "domain_count": 172
- },
- "both": {
- "domains": [
- "gourmetads.com",
- "freestar.com",
- "shinez.io",
- ...
- ],
- "seller_count": 148,
- "domain_count": 134
- }
- },
- "passthrough_count": 0,
- "confidential_count": 2
- }
diff --git a/src/content/docs/reference/custom-metrics/ads.mdx b/src/content/docs/reference/custom-metrics/ads.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4856a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/content/docs/reference/custom-metrics/ads.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,446 @@
+title: Ads custom metric
+description: Reference docs for the feature struct
+_Appears in: [`custom_metrics.other`](/reference/custom-metrics/other/) struct_\
+_As: [`ads`](/reference/custom-metrics/other/#ads)_
+An example of the decoded object from `https://www.amazon.com/` page crawl
+ "ads": {
+ "present": true,
+ "status": 200,
+ "redirected": false,
+ "account_count": 1,
+ "account_types": {
+ "direct": {
+ "domains": [
+ "placeholder.example.com"
+ ],
+ "account_count": 1,
+ "domain_count": 1
+ },
+ "reseller": {
+ "domains": [],
+ "account_count": 0,
+ "domain_count": 0
+ }
+ },
+ "line_count": 10,
+ "variables": [],
+ "variable_count": 0
+ },
+ "app_ads": {
+ "present": true,
+ "status": 200,
+ "redirected": false,
+ "account_count": 1,
+ "account_types": {
+ "direct": {
+ "domains": [
+ "placeholder.example.com"
+ ],
+ "account_count": 1,
+ "domain_count": 1
+ },
+ "reseller": {
+ "domains": [],
+ "account_count": 0,
+ "domain_count": 0
+ }
+ },
+ "line_count": 10,
+ "variables": [],
+ "variable_count": 0
+ },
+ "sellers": {
+ "present": true,
+ "redirected": true,
+ "status": 200,
+ "seller_count": 2732,
+ "seller_types": {
+ "publisher": {
+ "domains": [
+ "cumuli.com",
+ "realself.com",
+ "trendscatchers.io",
+ ...
+ ],
+ "seller_count": 2199,
+ "domain_count": 1923
+ },
+ "intermediary": {
+ "domains": [
+ "bidsxchange.com",
+ "vuukle.com",
+ "vdo.ai",
+ ...
+ ],
+ "seller_count": 232,
+ "domain_count": 172
+ },
+ "both": {
+ "domains": [
+ "gourmetads.com",
+ "freestar.com",
+ "shinez.io",
+ ...
+ ],
+ "seller_count": 148,
+ "domain_count": 134
+ }
+ },
+ "passthrough_count": 0,
+ "confidential_count": 2
+ }
+## Schema
+### `ads`
+Type: `object`
+Contains information about the ads.txt file.
+#### `ads.present`
+Type: `boolean`
+Indicates if the ads.txt file is present.
+#### `ads.status`
+Type: `integer`
+HTTP status code of the ads.txt file response.
+#### `ads.redirected`
+Type: `boolean`
+Indicates if the ads.txt file request was redirected.
+#### `ads.redirected_to`
+Type: `string`
+URL to which the ads.txt resource was redirected.
+#### `ads.account_count`
+Type: `integer`
+Number of advertising accounts listed in the ads.txt file.
+#### `ads.account_types`
+Type: `object`
+Types of accounts (direct or reseller) listed in the ads.txt file.
+#### `ads.account_types.direct`
+Type: `object`
+Information about direct advertising accounts.
+##### `ads.account_types.direct.domains`
+Type: `array`
+List of domains with direct advertising accounts.
+##### `ads.account_types.direct.account_count`
+Type: `integer`
+Number of direct advertising accounts.
+##### `ads.account_types.direct.domain_count`
+Type: `integer`
+Number of unique domains with direct advertising accounts.
+#### `ads.account_types.reseller`
+Type: `object`
+Information about reseller advertising accounts.
+##### `ads.account_types.reseller.domains`
+Type: `array`
+List of domains with reseller advertising accounts.
+##### `ads.account_types.reseller.account_count`
+Type: `integer`
+Number of reseller advertising accounts.
+##### `ads.account_types.reseller.domain_count`
+Type: `integer`
+Number of unique domains with reseller advertising accounts.
+#### `ads.line_count`
+Type: `integer`
+Total number of lines in the ads.txt file.
+#### `ads.variables`
+Type: `array`
+List of variables found in the ads.txt file.
+#### `ads.variable_count`
+Type: `integer`
+Number of variables found in the ads.txt file.
+### `app_ads`
+Type: `object`
+Contains information about the app-ads.txt file.
+#### `app_ads.present`
+Type: `boolean`
+Indicates if the app-ads.txt file is present.
+#### `app_ads.status`
+Type: `integer`
+HTTP status code of the app-ads.txt file response.
+#### `app_ads.redirected`
+Type: `boolean`
+Indicates if the app-ads.txt file request was redirected.
+#### `app_ads.redirected_to`
+Type: `string`
+URL to which the app-ads.txt resource was redirected.
+#### `app_ads.account_count`
+Type: `integer`
+Number of advertising accounts listed in the app-ads.txt file.
+#### `app_ads.account_types`
+Type: `object`
+Types of accounts (direct or reseller) listed in the app-ads.txt file.
+#### `app_ads.account_types.direct`
+Type: `object`
+Information about direct advertising accounts.
+##### `app_ads.account_types.direct.domains`
+Type: `array`
+List of domains with direct advertising accounts.
+##### `app_ads.account_types.direct.account_count`
+Type: `integer`
+Number of direct advertising accounts.
+##### `app_ads.account_types.direct.domain_count`
+Type: `integer`
+Number of unique domains with direct advertising accounts.
+#### `app_ads.account_types.reseller`
+Type: `object`
+Information about reseller advertising accounts.
+##### `app_ads.account_types.reseller.domains`
+Type: `array`
+List of domains with reseller advertising accounts.
+##### `app_ads.account_types.reseller.account_count`
+Type: `integer`
+Number of reseller advertising accounts.
+##### `app_ads.account_types.reseller.domain_count`
+Type: `integer`
+Number of unique domains with reseller advertising accounts.
+#### `app_ads.line_count`
+Type: `integer`
+Total number of lines in the app-ads.txt file.
+#### `app_ads.variables`
+Type: `array`
+List of variables found in the app-ads.txt file.
+#### `app_ads.variable_count`
+Type: `integer`
+Number of variables found in the app-ads.txt file.
+### `sellers`
+Type: `object`
+Contains information about the sellers.json file.
+#### `sellers.present`
+Type: `boolean`
+Indicates if the sellers.json file is present.
+#### `sellers.status`
+Type: `integer`
+HTTP status code of the sellers.json file response.
+#### `sellers.redirected`
+Type: `boolean`
+Indicates if the sellers.json file request was redirected.
+#### `sellers.redirected_to`
+Type: `string`
+URL to which the sellers.json resource was redirected.
+#### `sellers.seller_count`
+Type: `integer`
+Number of sellers listed in the sellers.json file.
+#### `sellers.seller_types`
+Type: `object`
+Types of sellers (publisher, intermediary, both) listed in the sellers.json file.
+#### `sellers.seller_types.publisher`
+Type: `object`
+Information about publisher sellers.
+##### `sellers.seller_types.publisher.domains`
+Type: `array`
+List of domains associated with publisher sellers.
+##### `sellers.seller_types.publisher.seller_count`
+Type: `integer`
+Number of publisher sellers.
+##### `sellers.seller_types.publisher.domain_count`
+Type: `integer`
+Number of unique domains associated with publisher sellers.
+#### `sellers.seller_types.intermediary`
+Type: `object`
+Information about intermediary sellers.
+##### `sellers.seller_types.intermediary.domains`
+Type: `array`
+List of domains associated with intermediary sellers.
+##### `sellers.seller_types.intermediary.seller_count`
+Type: `integer`
+Number of intermediary sellers.
+##### `sellers.seller_types.intermediary.domain_count`
+Type: `integer`
+Number of unique domains associated with intermediary sellers.
+#### `sellers.seller_types.both`
+Type: `object`
+Information about sellers who are both publishers and intermediaries.
+##### `sellers.seller_types.both.domains`
+Type: `array`
+List of domains associated with sellers who are both publishers and intermediaries.
+##### `sellers.seller_types.both.seller_count`
+Type: `integer`
+Number of sellers who are both publishers and intermediaries.
+##### `sellers.seller_types.both.domain_count`
+Type: `integer`
+Number of unique domains associated with sellers who are both publishers and intermediaries.
+#### `sellers.passthrough_count`
+Type: `integer`
+Number of passthrough sellers listed in the sellers.json file.
+#### `sellers.confidential_count`
+Type: `integer`
+Number of confidential sellers listed in the sellers.json file.
diff --git a/src/content/docs/reference/custom-metrics/other.mdx b/src/content/docs/reference/custom-metrics/other.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1883d16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/content/docs/reference/custom-metrics/other.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+title: Other custom metric
+description: Reference docs for the other custom metric
+_Appears in: [`custom_metrics` struct](/reference/structs/custom-metrics/)_\
+_As: [`other`](/reference/structs/custom-metrics/#other)_
+## Schema
+### `ads`
+Advertising technology and usage. See the [ads](/reference/custom-metrics/ads/) custom metric for more information.
+### `almanac`
+Metrics defined in the early versions of Web Almanac crawls.
+### `aurora`
+Project Aurora.
+### `avg_dom_depth`
+The average DOM depth of a page.
+### `Colordepth`
+Color depth of a screen.
+### `crawl_links`
+The links found during a crawl.
+### `css`
+CSS usage.
+### `doctype`
+Document type declaration.
+### `document_height`
+Height of the document.
+### `document_width`
+Width of the document.
+### `Dpi`
+Dots per inch (DPI) of a screen.
+### `event-names`
+Event names used in JavaScript.
+### `fugu-apis`
+Usage of Fugu APIs.
+### `generated-content`
+Client-side generated content.
+### `has_shadow_root`
+Presence of shadow DOM roots.
+### `Images`
+Images usage.
+### `img-loading-attr`
+Image loading attributes.
+### `initiators`
+Resource initiators.
+### `inline_style_bytes`
+Type: `integer`
+Size of inline styles.
+### `lib-detector-version`
+Libraries detector version.
+### `localstorage_size`
+Size of local storage.
+### `meta_viewport`
+Meta viewport tag.
+### `num_iframes`
+Type: `integer`
+Number of iframes on a page.
+### `num_scripts`
+Type: `integer`
+Number of script tags.
+### `num_scripts_async`
+Type: `integer`
+Number of asynchronous scripts.
+### `num_scripts_sync`
+Type: `integer`
+Number of synchronous scripts.
+### `observers`
+Metrics related to the usage of observer APIs.
+### `privacy-sandbox`
+Privacy Sandbox initiative usage.
+### `pwa`
+Progressive Web Apps.
+### `quirks_mode`
+Usage of quirks mode in browsers.
+### `Resolution`
+Resolution of a screen.
+### `robots_meta`
+Robots meta tag.
+### `sass`
+Usage of Sass.
+### `sessionstorage_size`
+Size of session storage.
+### `usertiming`
+User Timing API.
+### `valid-head`
+Validity of the head element.
diff --git a/src/content/docs/reference/custom-metrics/performance.mdx b/src/content/docs/reference/custom-metrics/performance.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index ebb27f5..0000000
--- a/src/content/docs/reference/custom-metrics/performance.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-title: Performance custom metric
-description: Reference docs for the feature struct
-_Appears in: [`custom_metrics` struct](/reference/structs/custom-metrics/)_
-## Schema
diff --git a/src/content/docs/reference/custom-metrics/privacy.md b/src/content/docs/reference/custom-metrics/privacy.md
deleted file mode 100644
index ec84277..0000000
--- a/src/content/docs/reference/custom-metrics/privacy.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-title: Privacy custom metric
-description: Reference docs for the feature struct
-_Appears in: [`custom_metrics` struct](/reference/structs/custom-metrics/)_\
-_As: [`privacy`](/reference/structs/custom-metrics/#privacy)_
-## Schema
-| Field name | Type | Description |
-| -------------------------------------------- | ------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `privacy_wording_links` | array