From 23e60c38e5cc5fffee3fe760899bdd0f7bbf0c66 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Max Ostapenko <> Date: Tue, 6 Aug 2024 19:33:44 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] all.requests.payload schema (#14) * payload schema * more details * fields list * table format * 1-based index --- .../docs/reference/structs/ | 1097 +++++++++++++++++ .../docs/reference/structs/ | 2 +- .../docs/reference/tables/requests.mdx | 4 +- 3 files changed, 1101 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) create mode 100644 src/content/docs/reference/structs/ diff --git a/src/content/docs/reference/structs/ b/src/content/docs/reference/structs/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e03fd94 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/content/docs/reference/structs/ @@ -0,0 +1,1097 @@ +--- +title: Request payload struct +description: Reference docs for the request payload struct +--- + +_Appears in: [`requests` table](/reference/tables/requests/#payload)_\ +_As: `payload`_ + +JSON-encoded WebPageTest result data for a request. + +**The actual schema of the WebPageTest result data is liable to change, depending on a request.** + +Here's an example of the decoded object: + +```json +{ + "pageref": "page_1_0_1", + "_run": 1, + "_cached": 0, + "startedDateTime": "2024-07-12T12:44:30.448119", + "time": 1080, + "request": { + "method": "GET", + "url": "", + "headersSize": 705, + "bodySize": -1, + "cookies": [], + "headers": [ + { + "name": "accept", + "value": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.7" + } + ], + "httpVersion": "HTTP/2", + "queryString": [] + }, + "response": { + "status": 200, + "statusText": "", + "headersSize": 354, + "bodySize": 648, + "headers": [ + { + "name": "age", + "value": "297291" + } + ], + "httpVersion": "HTTP/2", + "content": { + "size": 648, + "mimeType": "text/html" + }, + "cookies": [] + }, + "cache": {}, + "timings": { + "blocked": 172, + "dns": 182, + "connect": 539, + "ssl": 363, + "send": 0, + "wait": 186, + "receive": 1 + }, + "_type": 3, + "_id": "091B5FD213B68B9F34A44A6D463C118C", + "_request_id": "091B5FD213B68B9F34A44A6D463C118C", + "_ip_addr": "", + "_full_url": "", + "_is_secure": 1, + "_method": "GET", + "_host": "", + "_url": "/", + "_raw_id": "091B5FD213B68B9F34A44A6D463C118C", + "_frame_id": "1D859F37F34AE0AAA923D0A54914BBEB", + "_documentURL": "", + "_responseCode": 200, + "_request_type": "Document", + "_load_ms": 187, + "_ttfb_ms": 186, + "_load_start": 723, + "_load_start_float": 723.000078, + "_bytesIn": 648, + "_objectSize": 648, + "_objectSizeUncompressed": 1256, + "_chunks": [ + { + "ts": 909, + "bytes": 648, + "inflated": 1256 + } + ], + "_expires": "Fri, 19 Jul 2024 12:44:31 GMT", + "_cacheControl": "max-age=604800", + "_contentType": "text/html", + "_contentEncoding": "gzip", + "_socket": 91, + "_protocol": "HTTP/2", + "_dns_start": 1, + "_dns_end": 183, + "_connect_start": 183, + "_connect_end": 359, + "_ssl_start": 359, + "_ssl_end": 722, + "_securityDetails": { + "protocol": "TLS 1.3", + "keyExchange": "", + "keyExchangeGroup": "P-256", + "cipher": "AES_256_GCM", + "certificateId": 0, + "subjectName": "", + "sanList": [ + "" + ], + "issuer": "DigiCert Global G2 TLS RSA SHA256 2020 CA1", + "validFrom": 1706572800, + "validTo": 1740873599, + "signedCertificateTimestampList": [ + { + "status": "Verified", + "origin": "Embedded in certificate", + "logDescription": "Google 'Argon2025h1' log", + "logId": "4E75A3275C9A10C3385B6CD4DF3F52EB1DF0E08E1B8D69C0B1FA64B1629A39DF", + "timestamp": 1706642570340, + "hashAlgorithm": "SHA-256", + "signatureAlgorithm": "ECDSA", + "signatureData": "3043021F40510A0C4F6C1055C61716676E9AF0909EF373F5259EB09AFE7A1AC55CC8C00220382931B128E472484D344F9E8C93E261BC70BAD68C4BE172151D11C594BA4D53" + } + ], + "certificateTransparencyCompliance": "compliant", + "serverSignatureAlgorithm": 2052, + "encryptedClientHello": false + }, + "_initiator": "", + "_initiator_line": "", + "_initiator_column": "", + "_initiator_type": "script", + "_priority": "Highest", + "_initial_priority": "Highest", + "_server_rtt": null, + "_headers": { + "request": [ + ":authority:", + ":method: GET", + ":path: /", + ":scheme: https", + "accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.7", + "accept-encoding: gzip, deflate, br, zstd", + "accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.9", + "priority: u=0, i", + "sec-ch-ua: \" Not A;Brand\";v=\"99\", \"Chromium\";v=\"126\", \"Google Chrome\";v=\"126\"", + "sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?1", + "sec-ch-ua-platform: \"Android\"", + "sec-fetch-dest: document", + "sec-fetch-mode: navigate", + "sec-fetch-site: cross-site", + "upgrade-insecure-requests: 1", + "user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 8.1.0; Moto G (4)) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36 PTST/240709.152506" + ], + "response": [ + "age: 297291", + "cache-control: max-age=604800", + "content-encoding: gzip", + "content-length: 648", + "content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8", + "date: Fri, 12 Jul 2024 12:44:31 GMT", + "etag: \"3147526947+gzip\"", + "expires: Fri, 19 Jul 2024 12:44:31 GMT", + "last-modified: Thu, 17 Oct 2019 07:18:26 GMT", + "server: ECAcc (lac/55D2)", + "vary: Accept-Encoding", + "x-cache: HIT", + ":status: 200" + ] + }, + "_bytesOut": 2209, + "_score_cache": -1, + "_score_cdn": 100, + "_score_gzip": 100, + "_score_cookies": -1, + "_score_keep-alive": 100, + "_score_minify": -1, + "_score_combine": -1, + "_score_compress": -1, + "_score_etags": -1, + "_dns_ms": 182, + "_connect_ms": 176, + "_ssl_ms": 363, + "_gzip_total": 648, + "_gzip_save": 0, + "_minify_total": null, + "_minify_save": null, + "_image_total": null, + "_image_save": null, + "_cache_time": null, + "_cdn_provider": "Edgecast", + "_server_count": null, + "_created": 11, + "_dns_info": { + "secure": false, + "transactions_needed": [ + { + "dns_query_type": "A" + }, + { + "dns_query_type": "HTTPS" + } + ], + "results": { + "aliases": [ + "" + ], + "canonical_names": [ + "" + ], + "endpoint_metadatas": [], + "expiration": "13365194235802105", + "host_ports": [], + "hostname_results": [], + "ip_endpoints": [ + { + "endpoint_address": "", + "endpoint_port": 0 + } + ], + "text_records": [] + } + }, + "_socket_group": " ", + "_http2_stream_id": 1, + "_http2_stream_dependency": 0, + "_http2_stream_weight": 256, + "_http2_stream_exclusive": 1, + "_http2_server_settings": { + "SETTINGS_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE": 16384, + "SETTINGS_MAX_FRAME_SIZE": 16384, + "SETTINGS_INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE": 1048576, + "SETTINGS_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS": 100, + "SETTINGS_HEADER_TABLE_SIZE": 4096, + "SETTINGS_DEPRECATE_HTTP2_PRIORITIES": 0, + "SETTINGS_ENABLE_PUSH": 0 + }, + "_tls_version": "TLS 1.3", + "_tls_resumed": "False", + "_tls_next_proto": "h2", + "_tls_cipher_suite": 4866, + "_netlog_id": 78, + "_certificates": [ + "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\nFfnzxLutUV++3seshgefQOy5C/ayi8y1VTNmujPCxPCi6Q==\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n" + ], + "_server_port": "443", + "_final_base_page": true, + "_is_base_page": true, + "_load_end": 910, + "_ttfb_start": 723, + "_ttfb_end": 909, + "_download_start": 909, + "_download_end": 910, + "_download_ms": 1, + "_all_start": 1, + "_all_end": 910, + "_all_ms": 908, + "_index": 0, + "_number": 1, + "_body_file": "001-091B5FD213B68B9F34A44A6D463C118C-body.txt" +} +``` + +## Schema + +Field | Type | Description +-- | -- | -- +`pageref` | `string` | Reference to the page containing this request. +`_run` | `int` | The run number of the test. +`_cached` | `int` | Indicates if the request was cached (0 or 1). +`startedDateTime` | `string` | Start time of the request. +`time` | `int` | Total time taken for the request in milliseconds. +`request` | `object` | Details of the request. +`request.method` | `string` | HTTP method used for the request. +`request.url` | `string` | URL of the requested resource. +`request.headersSize` | `int` | Size of the request headers. +`request.bodySize` | `int` | Size of the request body. +`request.cookies` | `array` | Cookies sent with the request. +`request.headers` | `array` | Headers sent with the request. +`request.headers[].name` | `string` | Header name. +`request.headers[].value` | `string` | Header value. +`request.httpVersion` | `string` | HTTP version used for the request. +`request.queryString` | `array` | Query string parameters. +`response` | `object` | Details of the response. +`response.status` | `int` | HTTP response status code. +`response.statusText` | `string` | Status text of the response. +`response.headersSize` | `int` | Size of the response headers. +`response.bodySize` | `int` | Size of the response body. +`response.headers` | `array` | Headers sent with the response. +`response.headers[].name` | `string` | Header name. +`response.headers[].value` | `string` | Header value. +`response.httpVersion` | `string` | HTTP version used for the response. +`response.content` | `object` | Content details of the response. +`response.content.size` | `int` | Size of the content. +`response.content.mimeType` | `string` | MIME type of the content. +`response.cookies` | `array` | Cookies received with the response. +`cache` | `object` | Cache details (empty in this example). +`timings` | `object` | Timing details of various stages of the request. +`timings.blocked` | `int` | Time spent in blocking. +`timings.dns` | `int` | Time spent in DNS lookup. +`timings.connect` | `int` | Time spent in establishing a connection. +`timings.ssl` | `int` | Time spent in SSL handshake. +`timings.send` | `int` | Time spent in sending the request. +`timings.wait` | `int` | Time spent in waiting for the response. +`timings.receive` | `int` | Time spent in receiving the response. +`_type` | `int` | Type identifier for the request. +`_id` | `string` | Unique identifier for the request. +`_request_id` | `string` | Identifier for the original request. +`_ip_addr` | `string` | IP address of the requested server. +`_full_url` | `string` | Full URL of the request. +`_is_secure` | `int` | Indicates if the request is secure (0 or 1). +`_method` | `string` | HTTP method used for the request. +`_host` | `string` | Host of the request. +`_url` | `string` | URL path of the request. +`_raw_id` | `string` | Raw ID for the request. +`_frame_id` | `string` | Frame ID where the request was made. +`_documentURL` | `string` | Document URL of the request. +`_responseCode` | `int` | HTTP response code. +`_request_type` | `string` | Type of the request (e.g., Document). +`_load_ms` | `int` | Load time in milliseconds. +`_ttfb_ms` | `int` | Time to first byte in milliseconds. +`_load_start` | `int` | Start time of load in milliseconds. +`_load_start_float` | `float` | Precise start time of load. +`_bytesIn` | `int` | Number of bytes received. +`_objectSize` | `int` | Size of the object received. +`_objectSizeUncompressed` | `int` | Uncompressed size of the object received. +`_chunks` | `array` | Array of chunks received. +`_chunks[].ts` | `int` | Timestamp of the chunk. +`_chunks[].bytes` | `int` | Size of the chunk. +`_chunks[].inflated` | `int` | Size of the inflated chunk. +`_expires` | `string` | Expiry date of the request. +`_cacheControl` | `string` | Cache control header value. +`_contentType` | `string` | Content type of the response. +`_contentEncoding` | `string` | Content encoding of the response. +`_socket` | `int` | Socket used for the request. +`_protocol` | `string` | Protocol used for the request. +`_dns_start` | `int` | DNS start time. +`_dns_end` | `int` | DNS end time. +`_connect_start` | `int` | Connection start time. +`_connect_end` | `int` | Connection end time. +`_ssl_start` | `int` | SSL handshake start time. +`_ssl_end` | `int` | SSL handshake end time. +`_securityDetails` | `object` | Security details of the request. +`_securityDetails.protocol` | `string` | Security protocol used. +`_securityDetails.keyExchange` | `string` | Key exchange used. +`_securityDetails.keyExchangeGroup` | `string` | Key exchange group used. +`_securityDetails.cipher` | `string` | Cipher used. +`_securityDetails.certificateId` | `int` | Certificate ID. +`_securityDetails.subjectName` | `string` | Subject name of the certificate. +`_securityDetails.sanList` | `array` | Subject alternative names. +`_securityDetails.issuer` | `string` | Issuer of the certificate. +`_securityDetails.validFrom` | `int` | Valid from date of the certificate. +`_securityDetails.validTo` | `int` | Valid to date of the certificate. +`_securityDetails.signedCertificateTimestampList` | `array` | List of signed certificate timestamps. +`_securityDetails.certificateTransparencyCompliance` | `string` | Certificate transparency compliance. +`_securityDetails.serverSignatureAlgorithm` | `int` | Server signature algorithm. +`_securityDetails.encryptedClientHello` | `int` | Indicates if the client hello is encrypted. +`_initiator` | `string` | Initiator of the request. +`_initiator_line` | `string` | Line number of the initiator. +`_initiator_column` | `string` | Column number of the initiator. +`_initiator_type` | `string` | Type of initiator (e.g., script). +`_priority` | `string` | Priority of the request. +`_initial_priority` | `string` | Initial priority of the request. +`_server_rtt` | `int` | Server round-trip time. +`_headers` | `object` | Headers for the request and response. +`_headers.request` | `array` | Request headers. +`_headers.response` | `array` | Response headers. +`_bytesOut` | `int` | Number of bytes sent. +`_score_cache` | `int` | Cache score. +`_score_cdn` | `int` | CDN score. +`_score_gzip` | `int` | Gzip compression score. +`_score_cookies` | `int` | Cookies score. +`_score_keep-alive` | `int` | Keep-alive score. +`_score_minify` | `int` | Minification score. +`_score_combine` | `int` | Combine score. +`_score_compress` | `int` | Compression score. +`_score_etags` | `int` | ETags score. +`_dns_ms` | `int` | DNS lookup time in milliseconds. +`_connect_ms` | `int` | Connection time in milliseconds. +`_ssl_ms` | `int` | SSL handshake time in milliseconds. +`_gzip_total` | `int` | Total size of the gzip-compressed content. +`_gzip_save` | `int` | Size saved due to gzip compression. +`_minify_total` | `int` | Total size of minified content. +`_minify_save` | `int` | Size saved due to minification. +`_image_total` | `int` | Total size of images. +`_image_save` | `int` | Size saved due to image optimization. +`_cache_time` | `int` | Cache time. +`_cdn_provider` | `string` | CDN provider used. +`_server_count` | `int` | Number of servers used. +`_created` | `int` | Creation time of the request. +`_dns_info` | `object` | DNS information. +`` | `int` | Indicates if the DNS query is secure. +`_dns_info.transactions_needed` | `array` | Transactions needed for DNS query. +`_dns_info.transactions_needed[].dns_query_type` | `string` | Type of DNS query. +`_dns_info.results` | `object` | Results of the DNS query. +`_dns_info.results.aliases` | `array` | Aliases for the domain. +`_dns_info.results.canonical_names` | `array` | Canonical names for the domain. +`_dns_info.results.endpoint_metadatas` | `array` | Endpoint metadata. +`_dns_info.results.expiration` | `string` | Expiration date of the DNS query. +`_dns_info.results.host_ports` | `array` | Host ports. +`_dns_info.results.hostname_results` | `array` | Hostname results. +`_dns_info.results.ip_endpoints` | `array` | IP endpoints. +`_dns_info.results.ip_endpoints[].endpoint_address` | `string` | IP address of the endpoint. +`_dns_info.results.ip_endpoints[].endpoint_port` | `int` | Port of the endpoint. +`_dns_info.results.text_records` | `array` | Text records. +`_socket_group` | `string` | Socket group. +`_http2_stream_id` | `int` | HTTP/2 stream ID. +`_http2_stream_dependency` | `int` | HTTP/2 stream dependency. +`_http2_stream_weight` | `int` | HTTP/2 stream weight. +`_http2_stream_exclusive` | `int` | HTTP/2 stream exclusivity. +`_http2_server_settings` | `object` | HTTP/2 server settings. +`_tls_version` | `string` | TLS version used. +`_tls_resumed` | `string` | Indicates if the TLS session was resumed. +`_tls_next_proto` | `string` | Next protocol used. +`_tls_cipher_suite` | `int` | Cipher suite used. +`_netlog_id` | `int` | Netlog ID. +`_certificates` | `array` | Certificates used. +`_server_port` | `string` | Server port. +`_final_base_page` | `int` | Indicates if the request is the final base page. +`_is_base_page` | `int` | Indicates if the request is the base page. +`_load_end` | `int` | Load end time. +`_ttfb_start` | `int` | Time to first byte start time. +`_ttfb_end` | `int` | Time to first byte end time. +`_download_start` | `int` | Download start time. +`_download_end` | `int` | Download end time. +`_download_ms` | `int` | Download time in milliseconds. +`_all_start` | `int` | Start time of all operations. +`_all_end` | `int` | End time of all operations. +`_all_ms` | `int` | Total time taken for all operations. +`_index` | `int` | Index of the request. +`_number` | `int` | Number of the request. +`_body_file` | `string` | File containing the body of the request. + +### `pageref` + +Reference to the page containing this request. + +### `_run` + +The run number of the test. + +### `_cached` + +Indicates if the request was cached (0 or 1). + +### `startedDateTime` + +Start time of the request. + +### `time` + +Total time taken for the request in milliseconds. + +### `request` + +Details of the request. + +- #### `request.method` + + HTTP method used for the request. + +- #### `request.url` + + URL of the requested resource. + +- #### `request.headersSize` + + Size of the request headers. + +- #### `request.bodySize` + + Size of the request body. + +- #### `request.cookies` + + Cookies sent with the request. + +- #### `request.headers` + + Headers sent with the request. + +- #### `request.headers[].name` + + Header name. + +- #### `request.headers[].value` + + Header value. + +- #### `request.httpVersion` + + HTTP version used for the request. + +- #### `request.queryString` + + Query string parameters. + +### `response` + +Details of the response. + +- #### `response.status` + + HTTP response status code. + +- #### `response.statusText` + + Status text of the response. + +- #### `response.headersSize` + + Size of the response headers. + +- #### `response.bodySize` + + Size of the response body. + +- #### `response.headers` + + Headers sent with the response. + +- #### `response.headers[].name` + + Header name. + +- #### `response.headers[].value` + + Header value. + +- #### `response.httpVersion` + + HTTP version used for the response. + +- #### `response.content` + + Content details of the response. + +- #### `response.content.size` + + Size of the content. + +- #### `response.content.mimeType` + + MIME type of the content. + +- #### `response.cookies` + + Cookies received with the response. + +### `cache` + +Cache details (empty in this example). + +### `timings` + +Timing details of various stages of the request. + +- #### `timings.blocked` + + Time spent in blocking. + +- #### `timings.dns` + + Time spent in DNS lookup. + +- #### `timings.connect` + + Time spent in establishing a connection. + +- #### `timings.ssl` + + Time spent in SSL handshake. + +- #### `timings.send` + + Time spent in sending the request. + +- #### `timings.wait` + + Time spent in waiting for the response. + +- #### `timings.receive` + + Time spent in receiving the response. + +### `_type` + +Type identifier for the request. + +### `_id` + +Unique identifier for the request. + +### `_request_id` + +Identifier for the original request. + +### `_ip_addr` + +IP address of the requested server. + +### `_full_url` + +Full URL of the request. + +### `_is_secure` + +Indicates if the request is secure (0 or 1). + +### `_method` + +HTTP method used for the request. + +### `_host` + +Host of the request. + +### `_url` + +URL path of the request. + +### `_raw_id` + +Raw ID for the request. + +### `_frame_id` + +Frame ID where the request was made. + +### `_documentURL` + +Document URL of the request. + +### `_responseCode` + +HTTP response code. + +### `_request_type` + +Type of the request (e.g., Document). + +### `_load_ms` + +Load time in milliseconds. + +### `_ttfb_ms` + +Time to first byte in milliseconds. + +### `_load_start` + +Start time of load in milliseconds. + +### `_load_start_float` + +float | Precise start time of load. + +### `_bytesIn` + +Number of bytes received. + +### `_objectSize` + +Size of the object received. + +### `_objectSizeUncompressed` + +Uncompressed size of the object received. + +### `_chunks` + +array | Array of chunks received. + +- #### `_chunks[].ts` + + Timestamp of the chunk. + +- #### `_chunks[].bytes` + + Size of the chunk. + +- #### `_chunks[].inflated` + + Size of the inflated chunk. + +### `_expires` + +Expiry date of the request. + +### `_cacheControl` + +Cache control header value. + +### `_contentType` + +Content type of the response. + +### `_contentEncoding` + +Content encoding of the response. + +### `_socket` + +Socket used for the request. + +### `_protocol` + +Protocol used for the request. + +### `_dns_start` + +DNS start time. + +### `_dns_end` + +DNS end time. + +### `_connect_start` + +Connection start time. + +### `_connect_end` + +Connection end time. + +### `_ssl_start` + +SSL handshake start time. + +### `_ssl_end` + +SSL handshake end time. + +### `_securityDetails` + +Security details of the request. + +- #### `_securityDetails.protocol` + + Security protocol used. + +- #### `_securityDetails.keyExchange` + + Key exchange used. + +- #### `_securityDetails.keyExchangeGroup` + + Key exchange group used. + +- #### `_securityDetails.cipher` + + Cipher used. + +- #### `_securityDetails.certificateId` + + Certificate ID. + +- #### `_securityDetails.subjectName` + + Subject name of the certificate. + +- #### `_securityDetails.sanList` + + Subject alternative names. + +- #### `_securityDetails.issuer` + + Issuer of the certificate. + +- #### `_securityDetails.validFrom` + + Valid from date of the certificate. + +- #### `_securityDetails.validTo` + + Valid to date of the certificate. + +- #### `_securityDetails.signedCertificateTimestampList` + + List of signed certificate timestamps. + +- #### `_securityDetails.certificateTransparencyCompliance` + + Certificate transparency compliance. + +- #### `_securityDetails.serverSignatureAlgorithm` + + Server signature algorithm. + +- #### `_securityDetails.encryptedClientHello` + + Indicates if the client hello is encrypted. + +### `_initiator` + +Initiator of the request. + +### `_initiator_line` + +Line number of the initiator. + +### `_initiator_column` + +Column number of the initiator. + +### `_initiator_type` + +Type of initiator (e.g., script). + +### `_priority` + +Priority of the request. + +### `_initial_priority` + +Initial priority of the request. + +### `_server_rtt` + +Server round-trip time. + +### `_headers` + +Headers for the request and response. + +- #### `_headers.request` + + Request headers. + +- #### `_headers.response` + + Response headers. + +### `_bytesOut` + +Number of bytes sent. + +### `_score_cache` + +Cache score. + +### `_score_cdn` + +CDN score. + +### `_score_gzip` + +Gzip compression score. + +### `_score_cookies` + +Cookies score. + +### `_score_keep-alive` + +Keep-alive score. + +### `_score_minify` + +Minification score. + +### `_score_combine` + +Combine score. + +### `_score_compress` + +Compression score. + +### `_score_etags` + +ETags score. + +### `_dns_ms` + +DNS lookup time in milliseconds. + +### `_connect_ms` + +Connection time in milliseconds. + +### `_ssl_ms` + +SSL handshake time in milliseconds. + +### `_gzip_total` + +Total size of the gzip-compressed content. + +### `_gzip_save` + +Size saved due to gzip compression. + +### `_minify_total` + +Total size of minified content. + +### `_minify_save` + +Size saved due to minification. + +### `_image_total` + +Total size of images. + +### `_image_save` + +Size saved due to image optimization. + +### `_cache_time` + +Cache time. + +### `_cdn_provider` + +CDN provider used. + +### `_server_count` + +Number of servers used. + +### `_created` + +Creation time of the request. + +### `_dns_info` + +DNS information. + +- #### `` + + Indicates if the DNS query is secure. + +- #### `_dns_info.transactions_needed` + + Transactions needed for DNS query. + +- #### `_dns_info.transactions_needed[].dns_query_type` + + Type of DNS query. + +- #### `_dns_info.results` + + Results of the DNS query. + +- #### `_dns_info.results.aliases` + + Aliases for the domain. + +- #### `_dns_info.results.canonical_names` + + Canonical names for the domain. + +- #### `_dns_info.results.endpoint_metadatas` + + Endpoint metadata. + +- #### `_dns_info.results.expiration` + + Expiration date of the DNS query. + +- #### `_dns_info.results.host_ports` + + Host ports. + +- #### `_dns_info.results.hostname_results` + + Hostname results. + +- #### `_dns_info.results.ip_endpoints` + + IP endpoints. + +- #### `_dns_info.results.ip_endpoints[].endpoint_address` + + IP address of the endpoint. + +- #### `_dns_info.results.ip_endpoints[].endpoint_port` + + Port of the endpoint. + +- #### `_dns_info.results.text_records` + + Text records. + +### `_socket_group` + +Socket group. + +### `_http2_stream_id` + +HTTP/2 stream ID. + +### `_http2_stream_dependency` + +HTTP/2 stream dependency. + +### `_http2_stream_weight` + +HTTP/2 stream weight. + +### `_http2_stream_exclusive` + +HTTP/2 stream exclusivity. + +### `_http2_server_settings` + +HTTP/2 server settings. + +### `_tls_version` + +TLS version used. + +### `_tls_resumed` + +Indicates if the TLS session was resumed. + +### `_tls_next_proto` + +Next protocol used. + +### `_tls_cipher_suite` + +Cipher suite used. + +### `_netlog_id` + +Netlog ID. + +### `_certificates` + +array | Certificates used. + +### `_server_port` + +Server port. + +### `_final_base_page` + +Indicates if the request is the final base page. + +### `_is_base_page` + +Indicates if the request is the base page. + +### `_load_end` + +Load end time. + +### `_ttfb_start` + +Time to first byte start time. + +### `_ttfb_end` + +Time to first byte end time. + +### `_download_start` + +Download start time. + +### `_download_end` + +Download end time. + +### `_download_ms` + +Download time in milliseconds. + +### `_all_start` + +Start time of all operations. + +### `_all_end` + +End time of all operations. + +### `_all_ms` + +Total time taken for all operations. + +### `_index` + +Index of the request. + +### `_number` + +Number of the request. + +### `_body_file` + +File containing the body of the request. diff --git a/src/content/docs/reference/structs/ b/src/content/docs/reference/structs/ index 0bea6aa..77a9b2b 100644 --- a/src/content/docs/reference/structs/ +++ b/src/content/docs/reference/structs/ @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: Request summary struct description: Reference docs for the request summary struct --- -_Appears in: [`requests` table](/reference/tables/requests/)_\ +_Appears in: [`requests` table](/reference/tables/requests/#summary)_\ _As: `summary`_ JSON-encoded summarization of request data. diff --git a/src/content/docs/reference/tables/requests.mdx b/src/content/docs/reference/tables/requests.mdx index 9e58c4f..03f9792 100644 --- a/src/content/docs/reference/tables/requests.mdx +++ b/src/content/docs/reference/tables/requests.mdx @@ -216,12 +216,14 @@ Simplified description of the type of resource (script, html, css, text, other, ### `index` -The sequential 0-based index of the request +The sequential 1-based index of the request ### `payload` JSON-encoded WebPageTest result data for this request +See the [`payload`](/reference/structs/request-payload/) reference for more details. + ### `summary` JSON-encoded summarization of request data