- [01000000] (4 bytes Little-Endian)
- [01] Number of TxIn (CompactSize)
- [0123449fad6289dda5365a197fa822e320cdfc106bed243bf773cac64cfdb237] TxIn’s TxId (32 bytes) Reversed!
- [05000000] TxId index (4 bytes Little-Endian)
- [6a] Unlocking Script length (CompactSize)
- Unlocking Script
- [47] Signature length (ScriptNum)
- [<DER-SIG>] Der encoded signature
- [21] Public Key length (ScriptNum)
- [<PKEY>] Public Key
- [feffffff] Sequence (4 bytes)
- [02] Number of TxOut (CompactSize)
- [0021390000000000] Amount in satoshis (8 bytes Little-Endian)
- [19] Locking Script length (CompactSize)
- Locking Script
- [76] OP_DUP
- [a9] OP_HASH160
- [14] PubKey Hash160 Length (ScriptNum)
- [<RECIPIENT_ADDRESS>] PubKey Hash160
- [2c480700] Locktime (< 500m = Block Height || > 500m = Unix epoch time)