GithubUserSearch Public
GitHub 유저 목록을 검색하여 보여주는 안드로이드 샘플 앱
APK-Downloader-n-Installer Public
📦 An android library to download apk and install it.
Catless Public
🐈 Android Sample Project with MVVM and recycler view.
community-meetups Public
Forked from innovationacademy-kr/community-meetups한국에서 벌어지는 커뮤니티 행사들, by
UpdatedFeb 10, 2020 -
Forked from Heavybros/KKITALK💬 끼톡 – 다자간 실시간 대화 프로그램
Java MIT License UpdatedJan 7, 2020 -
OtpRetriever Public
⛏️ A OTP retriever from email inbox for DBSafer
android-cookie-store Public
Forked from gotev/android-cookie-storeAndroid InMemory and persistent Cookie Store for HttpURLConnection and OkHttp, with extensions to easily sync cookies in Android WebViews.
Kotlin Apache License 2.0 UpdatedDec 30, 2019 -
PythonStudy Public
Forked from Heavybros/PythonStudy✏️ 무거운 형제들의 파이썬 스터디 🐍
AngryMouse Public
Forked from Longi94/AngryMouseWindows implementation of OS X's shake to find
Lunch_Shift_Alert_SMS_Sender Public
🥪 점심당직알림 문자발송 서비스
Android-Multi-Module-Sample Public
➗ Android Multi-Module Sample Project.
Espresso Public
☕ Caffeine for Windows. Keep your Windows awake.
CheckNewAppVersionAvailable Public
Forked from jrvansuita/CheckNewAppVersionAvailableIt makes a request to Play Store to check if there is a new version of your published app
Trialer Public
Forked from pzienowicz/TrialerA small and simple library for managing trial period in your android app.