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Arduino plugin for uploading files to ESP32 file system
Arduino library for communicating with the InvenSense ICM42688 nine-axis IMUs.
Firmware for stm32f051 based speed controllers for use with mutirotors
墨鱼去广告计划 | QuantumultX 去广告 | 去开屏广告 | 应用净化 | 会员解锁 | 墨鱼配置 | 应用增强 | 网页优化 | 网盘资源 | 模块去广告 | Shadowrocket配置 | 墨鱼规则 | Clash配置 | 小火箭去广告 | 资源库 | AdBlock | 网页广告 | 不完全指北
Abstracton for DY-XXXX mp3 player modules over UART.
ESP32 code to run on a 16x16 WS2812B matrix with Tetris, Snake, Breakout and Bluetooth control
Tetris on a WS2812B LED Matrix using FastLED with Android Bluetooth control
FC/NES模拟器,在线畅玩八十款任天堂红白机游戏,小霸王游戏机其乐无穷。支持魂斗罗/超级玛丽/双截龙等等几十款任天堂红白机游戏。 非常适合在手机/电脑上在线游玩,近乎完美的还原任天堂FC/NES原版ROM游戏的视频和声音。
PTVO firmware for CC2530, CC2531, and CC2652 Zigbee chips
Demo of Apple HomeKit accessory server library
A Modbus ASCII/RTU and TCP implementation
🐦 Digital ESC firmware for controlling brushless motors in multirotors
Clash流媒体等策略组规则整合. Clash proxy rules. Make a website/media be proxied by a specific country server.
Configuration files and examples for the Finite State Machine feature (FSM) available in STMicroelectronics MEMS sensors
Platform-independent drivers for STMicroelectronics MEMS motion and environmental sensors, based on standard C programming language.
科学上网订阅转换托管服务 docker 版,已去除自动选择url-test以解决连接数爆涨问题.提供免费托管服务.
An opensource OpenWrt variant for mainland China users.
BLDC 3 phase motor speed controller hardware design working with open source BLHeli_S firmware.
A compact MODBUS RTU/TCP C library for embedded/microcontrollers