- Common Hardware Initiative has been renamed to Hardware Performance Archive a more fitting name to the archive.
- Changes to the documentaion to make it easier to navigate.
Current changes logged:
Updating the documentation
- Updated Readme.md
- Changes to copyright
Change of the default tool, instead of OpenhardwareMonitor, i moved towards using LibreHardwareMonitor, instead as a temperary solution. The reason for it, is due to OpenHardwareMonitor has become deprecated and therefor is not updated or patched anymore.
- Addition of librehardwaremonitor in the datasets csv directory.
Updated cover image.
Files larger than 80 mb will be moved to LFS.
Updated licenses files.
Addition of performance data to the dataset.
- Added a directory for a new laptop. ASUS TUF A15.
Made changes to which files should be exported.
- Documents has been removed from exports as they will be changed often. Making them old and 'out of date' really quickly.
Have added data for about a month, recorded from my GL553VD laptop.
1.0.51 will add additional csv files to the dataset. Could be a thing to look into visualising it and converting it to other formats.
2.0.02 Will be the last version and after that the data will be updated at Collections. Will be done to make it easier to branch the data and the versioning from the given source it originates from. It means that the data will be seberated into sub-repositories than to have it all collected into one repository.
- Updated documentation so it's up to date
- Updated cover images
- Renamed repository and changed the owner of the data from KentVejrupMadsen to Common Hardware Initiative's account
Have been adding data for a month, from my laptop. For 1.0.43, will see if i can automate the versioning process.
- Have created more structure to the dataset and documentation.
- Updated readme.md file.
- Updated links to download the dataset.
- Removed space from license files. as they are markup files and it will wrap the text automaticly.
- Added directory for netdata data, so it's ready-
- Added workflows to automate the process and make pull request searcheble.