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第 14 章 保持模型的完整性

Fourteen. Maintaining Model Integrity

I once worked on a project where several teams were working in parallel on a major new system. One day, the team working on the customer-invoicing module was ready to implement an object they called Charge, when they discovered that another team had already built one. Diligently, they set out to reuse the existing object. They discovered it didn’t have an “expense code,” so they added one. It already had the “posted amount” attribute they needed. They had been planning to call it “amount due,” but—what’s in a name?—they changed it. Adding a few more methods and associations, they got something that looked like what they wanted, without disturbing what was there. They had to ignore many associations they didn’t need, but their application module ran.

我曾经参加过一个项目,在这个项目中几个团队同时开发一个重要的新系统。有一天,当负责“客户发票”模块的团队正准备实现一个他们称之为Charge(收费)的对象时,他们发现另一个团队已经构建了这个对象,于是决定重复使用这个现有对象。他们发现它没有expensecode(费用代码)属性,因此添加了一个。对象中有一个posted amount(过账金额)属性是他们所需要的。他们本来计划把这个属性叫做amount due(到期金额),但名称不同有什么关系呢?于是他们把名称改成了“posted amount”。又添加了几个方法和关联后,他们得到了所需的对象,而且没有扰乱任何事情。虽然他们必须忽略掉一些不需要的关联,但他们的模块运行很正常。

A few days later, mysterious problems surfaced in the bill-payment application module for which the Charge had originally been written. Strange Charges appeared that no one remembered entering and that didn’t make any sense. The program began to crash when some functions were used, particularly the month-to-date tax report. Investigation revealed that the crash resulted when a function was used that summed up the amount deductible for all the current month’s payments. The mystery records had no value in the “percent deductible” field, although the validation of the data-entry application required it and even put in a default value.

几天之后,“账单支付”模块出现了一些奇怪的问题(Charge对象最初就是为这个模块编写的)。系统中出现了一些奇怪的Charge,没有人记得曾经输入过它们,而且它们也没有任何意义。当使用某些函数时,特别是使用当月月初至今(month-to-date)的税务报表时,程序就会崩溃。调查发现,当用于计算所有当月付款的可扣除总额的函数被调用时,程序就会崩溃。那些来历不明的记录在percent deductible(可扣除百分比)字段中没有值,尽管数据录入应用程序的验证需要这个值,甚至为它设臵了一个默认值。

The problem was that these two groups had different models, but they did not realize it, and there were no processes in place to detect it. Each made assumptions about the nature of a charge that were useful in their context (billing customers versus paying vendors). When their code was combined without resolving these contradictions, the result was unreliable software.


If only they had been more aware of this reality, they could have consciously decided how to deal with it. That might have meant working together to hammer out a common model and then writing an automated test suite to prevent future surprises. Or it might simply have meant an agreement to develop separate models and keep hands off each other’s code. Either way, it starts with an explicit agreement on the boundaries within which each model applies.


What did they do once they knew about the problem? They created separate Customer Charge and Supplier Charge classes and defined each according to the needs of the corresponding team. The immediate problem having been solved, they went back to doing things just as before. Oh well.

他们在知道了问题所在之后采取了什么措施呢?他们创建了两个不同的类:CustomerCharge(客户收费)类和Supplier Charge(供应商收费)类。并根据各自的需求定义了每个类。解决了眼前这个问题之后,他们又按以前的方式开始工作了。

Although we seldom think about it explicitly, the most fundamental requirement of a model is that it be internally consistent; that its terms always have the same meaning, and that it contain no contradictory rules. The internal consistency of a model, such that each term is unambiguous and no rules contradict, is called unification. A model is meaningless unless it is logically consistent. In an ideal world, we would have a single model spanning the whole domain of the enterprise. This model would be unified, without any contradictory or overlapping definitions of terms. Every logical statement about the domain would be consistent.


But the world of large systems development is not the ideal world. To maintain that level of unification in an entire enterprise system is more trouble than it is worth. It is necessary to allow multiple models to develop in different parts of the system, but we need to make careful choices about which parts of the system will be allowed to diverge and what their relationship to each other will be. We need ways of keeping crucial parts of the model tightly unified. None of this happens by itself or through good intentions. It happens only through conscious design decisions and institution of specific processes. Total unification of the domain model for a large system will not be feasible or cost-effective.


Sometimes people fight this fact. Most people see the price that multiple models exact by limiting integration and making communication cumbersome. On top of that, having more than one model somehow seems inelegant. This resistance to multiple models sometimes leads to very ambitious attempts to unify all the software in a large project under a single model. I know I’ve been guilty of this kind of overreaching. But consider the risks.


  1. Too many legacy replacements may be attempted at once.
  2. Large projects may bog down because the coordination overhead exceeds their abilities.
  3. Applications with specialized requirements may have to use models that don’t fully satisfy their needs, forcing them to put behavior elsewhere.
  4. Conversely, attempting to satisfy everyone with a single model may lead to complex options that make the model difficult to use.

  1. 一次尝试对遗留系统做过多的替换。
  2. 大项目可能会陷入困境,因为协调的开销太大,超出了这些项目的能力范围。
  3. 具有特殊需求的应用程序可能不得不使用无法充分满足需求的模型,而只能将这些无法满足的行为放到其他地方。
  4. 另一方面,试图用一个模型来满足所有人的需求可能会导致模型中包含过于复杂的选择,因而很难使用。

What’s more, model divergences are as likely to come from political fragmentation and differing management priorities as from technical concerns. And the emergence of different models can be a result of team organization and development process. So even when no technical factor prevents full integration, the project may still face multiple models.


Given that it isn’t feasible to maintain a unified model for an entire enterprise, we don’t have to leave ourselves at the mercy of events. Through a combination of proactive decisions about what should be unified and pragmatic recognition of what is not unified, we can create a clear, shared picture of the situation. With that in hand, we can set about making sure that the parts we want to unify stay that way, and the parts that are not unified don’t cause confusion or corruption.


We need a way to mark the boundaries and relationships between different models. We need to choose our strategy consciously and then follow our strategy consistently.


This chapter lays out techniques for recognizing, communicating, and choosing the limits of a model and its relationships to others. It all starts with mapping the current terrain of the project. A BOUNDED CONTEXT defines the range of applicability of each model, while a CONTEXT MAP gives a global overview of the project’s contexts and the relationships between them. This reduction of ambiguity will, in and of itself, change the way things happen on the project, but it isn’t necessarily enough. Once we have a CONTEXT BOUNDED, a process of CONTINUOUS INTEGRATION will keep the model unified.

本章将介绍一些用于识别、沟通和选择模型边界及关系的技术。讨论首先从描绘项目当前的范围开始。BOUNDED CONTEXT(限界上下文)定义了每个模型的应用范围,而CONTEXTMAP(上下文图)则给出了项目上下文以及它们之间关系的总体视图。这些降低模糊性的技术能够使项目更好地进行,但仅仅有它们还是不够的。一旦确立了CONTEXT的边界之后,仍需要持续集成这种过程,它能够使模型保持统一。

Then, starting from this stable situation, we can start to migrate toward more effective strategies for BOUNDING CONTEXTS and relating them, ranging from closely allied contexts with SHARED KERNELS to loosely coupled models that go their SEPARATE WAYS.

其后,在这个稳定的基础之上,我们就可以开始实施那些在界定和关联CONTEXT方面更有效的策略了——从通过共享内核(SHARED KERNEL)来紧密关联上下文,到那些各行其道(SEPARATE WAYS)地进行松散耦合的模型。

A navigation map for model integrity patterns

BOUNDED CONTEXT Image Cells can exist because their membranes define what is in and out and determine what can pass.

Multiple models coexist on big projects, and this works fine in many cases. Different models apply in different contexts. For example, you may have to integrate your new software with an external system over which your team has no control. A situation like this is probably clear to everyone as a distinct context where the model under development doesn’t apply, but other situations can be more vague and confusing. In the story that opened this chapter, two teams were working on different functionality for the same new system. Were they working on the same model? Their intention was to share at least part of what they did, but there was no demarcation to tell them what they did or did not share. And they had no process in place to hold a shared model together or quickly detect divergences. They realized they had diverged only after their system’s behavior suddenly became unpredictable.

Even a single team can end up with multiple models. Communication can lapse, leading to subtly conflicting interpretations of the model. Older code often reflects an earlier conception of the model that is subtly different from the current model.

Everyone is aware that the data format of another system is different and calls for a data conversion, but this is only the mechanical dimension of the problem. More fundamental is the difference in the models implicit in the two systems. When the discrepancy is not with an external system, but within the same code base, it is even less likely to be recognized. Yet this happens on all large team projects.

Multiple models are in play on any large project. Yet when code based on distinct models is combined, software becomes buggy, unreliable, and difficult to understand. Communication among team members becomes confused. It is often unclear in what context a model should not be applied.

Failure to keep things straight is ultimately revealed when the running code doesn’t work right, but the problem starts in the way teams are organized and the way people interact. Therefore, to clarify the context of a model, we have to look at both the project and its end products (code, database schemas, and so on).

A model applies in a context. The context may be a certain part of the code, or the work of a particular team. For a model invented in a brainstorming session, the context could be limited to that particular conversation. The context of a model used in an example in this book is that particular example section and any later discussion of it. The model context is whatever set of conditions must apply in order to be able to say that the terms in a model have a specific meaning.

To begin to solve the problems of multiple models, we need to define explicitly the scope of a particular model as a bounded part of a software system within which a single model will apply and will be kept as unified as possible. This definition has to be reconciled with the team organization.


Explicitly define the context within which a model applies. Explicitly set boundaries in terms of team organization, usage within specific parts of the application, and physical manifestations such as code bases and database schemas. Keep the model strictly consistent within these bounds, but don’t be distracted or confused by issues outside.

A BOUNDED CONTEXT delimits the applicability of a particular model so that team members have a clear and shared understanding of what has to be consistent and how it relates to other CONTEXTS. Within that CONTEXT, work to keep the model logically unified, but do not worry about applicability outside those bounds. In other CONTEXTS, other models apply, with differences in terminology, in concepts and rules, and in dialects of the UBIQUITOUS LANGUAGE. By drawing an explicit boundary, you can keep the model pure, and therefore potent, where it is applicable. At the same time, you avoid confusion when shifting your attention to other CONTEXTS. Integration across the boundaries necessarily will involve some translation, which you can analyze explicitly.


The issues are confused sometimes, but these are different patterns with different motivations. True, when two sets of objects are recognized as making up different models, they are almost always placed in separate MODULES. Doing so does provide different name spaces (essential for different CONTEXTS) and some demarcation.

But MODULES also organize the elements within one model; they don’t necessarily communicate an intention to separate CONTEXTS. The separate name spaces that MODULES create within a BOUNDED CONTEXT actually make it harder to spot accidental model fragmentation.

Example: Booking Context A shipping company has an internal project to develop a new application for booking cargo. This application is to be driven by an object model. What is the BOUNDED CONTEXT within which this model applies? To answer this question, we have to look at what is happening on the project. Keep in mind, this is a look at the project as it is, not as it ideally should be.

One project team is working on the booking application itself. They are not expected to modify the model objects, but the application they are building has to display and manipulate those objects. This team is a consumer of the model. The model is valid within the application (its primary consumer), and therefore the booking application is in bounds.

The completed bookings have to be passed to the legacy cargotracking system. A decision was made up front that the new model would depart from that of the legacy, so the legacy cargotracking system is outside the boundary. Necessary translation between the new model and the legacy is to be the responsibility of the legacy maintenance team. The translation mechanism is not driven by the model. It is not in the BOUNDED CONTEXT. (It is part of the boundary itself, which will be discussed in CONTEXT MAP.) It is good that translation is out of CONTEXT (not based on the model). It would be unrealistic to ask the legacy team to make any real use of the model because their primary work is out of CONTEXT.

The team responsible for the model deals with the whole life cycle of each object, including persistence. Because this team has control of the database schema, they’ve been deliberately keeping the object-relational mapping straightforward. In other words, the schema is being driven by the model and therefore is in bounds.

Yet another team is working on a model and application for scheduling the voyages of the cargo ships. The scheduling and booking teams were initiated together, and both teams had intended to produce a single, unified system. The two teams have casually coordinated with each other, and they occasionally share objects, but they are not systematic about it. They are not working in the same BOUNDED CONTEXT. This is a risk, because they do not think of themselves as working on separate models. To the extent they integrate, there will be problems unless they put in place processes to manage the situation. (The SHARED KERNEL, discussed later in this chapter, might be a good choice.) The first step, though, is to recognize the situation as it is. They are not in the same CONTEXT and should stop trying to share code until some changes are made.

This BOUNDED CONTEXT is made up of all those aspects of the system that are driven by this particular model: the model objects, the database schema that persists the model objects, and the booking application. Two teams work primarily in this CONTEXT: the modeling team and the application team. Information has to be exchanged with the legacy tracking system, and the legacy team has primary responsibility for the translation at this boundary, with cooperation from the modeling team. There is no clearly defined relationship between the booking model and the voyage schedule model, and defining that relationship should be one of those teams’ first actions. In the meantime, they should be very careful about sharing code or data.

So, what has been gained by defining this BOUNDED CONTEXT? For the teams working in CONTEXT: clarity. Those two teams know they must stay consistent with one model. They make design decisions in that knowledge and watch for fractures. For the teams outside: freedom. They don’t have to walk in the gray zone, not using the same model, yet somehow feeling they should. But the most concrete gain in this particular case is probably realizing the risk of the informal sharing between the booking model team and the voyage schedule team. To avoid problems, they really need to decide on the cost/benefit trade-offs of sharing and put in processes to make it work. This won’t happen unless everyone understands where the bounds of the model contexts are.

Image Image Image Of course, boundaries are special places. The relationships between a BOUNDED CONTEXT and its neighbors require care and attention. The CONTEXT MAP charts the territory, giving the big picture of the CONTEXTS and their connections, while several patterns define the nature of the various relationships between CONTEXTS. And a process of CONTINUOUS INTEGRATION preserves unity of the model within a BOUNDED CONTEXT.

But before proceeding to all that, what does it look like when unification of a model is breaking down? How do you recognize conceptual splinters?

Recognizing Splinters Within a BOUNDED CONTEXT Many symptoms may indicate unrecognized model differences. Some of the most obvious are when coded interfaces don’t match up. More subtly, unexpected behavior is a likely sign. The CONTINUOUS INTEGRATION process with automated tests can help catch these kinds of problems. But the early warning is usually a confusion of language.

Combining elements of distinct models causes two categories of problems: duplicate concepts and false cognates. Duplication of concepts means that there are two model elements (and attendant implementations) that actually represent the same concept. Every time this information changes, it has to be updated in two places with conversions. Every time new knowledge leads to a change in one of the objects, the other has to be reanalyzed and changed too. Except the reanalysis doesn’t happen in reality, so the result is two versions of the same concept that follow different rules and even have different data. On top of that, the team members must learn not one but two ways of doing the same thing, along with all the ways they are being synchronized.

False cognates may be slightly less common, but more insidiously harmful. This is the case when two people who are using the same term (or implemented object) think they are talking about the same thing, but really are not. The example in the beginning of this chapter (two different business activities both called Charge) is typical, but conflicts can be even subtler when the two definitions are actually related to the same aspect in the domain, but have been conceptualized in slightly different ways. False cognates lead to development teams that step on each other’s code, databases that have weird contradictions, and confusion in communication within the team. The term false cognate is ordinarily applied to natural languages. For example, English speakers learning Spanish often misuse the word embarazada. This word does not mean “embarrassed”; it means “pregnant.” Oops.

When you detect these problems, your team will have to make a decision. You may want to pull the model back together and refine the processes to prevent fragmentation. Or the fragmentation may be a result of groups who want to pull the model in different directions for good reasons, and you may decide to let them develop independently. Dealing with these issues is the subject of the remaining patterns in this chapter.

CONTINUOUS INTEGRATION Image Having defined a BOUNDED CONTEXT, we must keep it sound.

Image Image Image When a number of people are working in the same BOUNDED CONTEXT, there is a strong tendency for the model to fragment. The bigger the team, the bigger the problem, but as few as three or four people can encounter serious problems. Yet breaking down the system into ever-smaller CONTEXTS eventually loses a valuable level of integration and coherency.

Sometimes developers do not fully understand the intent of some object or interaction modeled by someone else, and they change it in a way that makes it unusable for its original purpose. Sometimes they don’t realize that the concepts they are working on are already embodied in another part of the model and they duplicate (inexactly) those concepts and behavior. Sometimes they are aware of those other expressions but are afraid to tamper with them, for fear of corrupting the existing functionality, and so they proceed to duplicate concepts and functionality.

It is very hard to maintain the level of communication needed to develop a unified system of any size. We need ways of increasing communication and reducing complexity. We also need safety nets that prevent overcautious behavior, such as developers duplicating functionality because they are afraid they will break existing code.

It is in this environment that Extreme Programming (XP) really comes into its own. Many XP practices are aimed at this specific problem of maintaining a coherent design that is being constantly changed by many people. XP in its purest form is a nice fit for maintaining model integrity within a single BOUNDED CONTEXT. However, whether or not XP is being used, it is essential to have some process of CONTINUOUS INTEGRATION.

CONTINUOUS INTEGRATION means that all work within the context is being merged and made consistent frequently enough that when splinters happen they are caught and corrected quickly. CONTINUOUS INTEGRATION, like everything else in domain-driven design, operates at two levels: (1) the integration of model concepts and (2) the integration of the implementation.

Concepts are integrated by constant communication among team members. The team must cultivate a shared understanding of the ever-changing model. Many practices help, but the most fundamental is constantly hammering out the UBIQUITOUS LANGUAGE. Meanwhile, the implementation artifacts are being integrated by a systematic merge/build/test process that exposes model splinters early. Many processes for integration are used, but most of the effective ones share these characteristics:

• A step-by-step, reproducible merge/build technique;

• Automated test suites; and

• Rules that set some reasonably small upper limit on the lifetime of unintegrated changes.

The other side of the coin in effective processes, although it is seldom formally included, is conceptual integration.

• Constant exercise of the UBIQUITOUS LANGUAGE in discussions of the model and application

Most Agile projects have at least daily merges of each developer’s code changes. The frequency can be adjusted to the pace of change, as long as any unintegrated change would be merged before a significant amount of incompatible work could be done by other team members.

In a MODEL-DRIVEN DESIGN, the integration of concepts smooths the way for the integration of the implementation, while the integration of the implementation proves the validity and consistency of the model and exposes splinters.


Institute a process of merging all code and other implementation artifacts frequently, with automated tests to flag fragmentation quickly. Relentlessly exercise the UBIQUITOUS LANGUAGE to hammer out a shared view of the model as the concepts evolve in different people’s heads.

Finally, do not make the job any bigger than it has to be. CONTINUOUS INTEGRATION is essential only within a BOUNDED CONTEXT. Design issues involving neighboring CONTEXTS, including translation, don’t have to be dealt with at the same pace.

Image Image Image CONTINUOUS INTEGRATION would be applied within any individual BOUNDED CONTEXT that is larger than a two-person task. It maintains the integrity of that single model. When multiple BOUNDED CONTEXTS coexist, you have to decide on their relationships and design any necessary interfaces. . . .

CONTEXT MAP Image An individual BOUNDED CONTEXT still does not provide a global view. The context of other models may still be vague and in flux.

Image Image Image People on other teams won’t be very aware of the CONTEXT bounds and will unknowingly make changes that blur the edges or complicate the interconnections. When connections must be made between different contexts, they tend to bleed into each other.

Code reuse between BOUNDED CONTEXTS is a hazard to be avoided. Integration of functionality and data must go through a translation. You can reduce confusion by defining the relationship between the different contexts and creating a global view of all the model contexts on the project.

A CONTEXT MAP is in the overlap between project management and software design. The natural course of events is for the boundaries to follow the contours of team organization. People who work closely will naturally share a model context. People on different teams, or those that don’t talk, even if they are on the same team, will split off into different contexts. Physical office space can have an impact too, as team members on opposite ends of a building—not to mention different cities—will probably diverge without extra integration effort. Most project managers intuitively recognize these factors and broadly organize teams around subsystems. But the interrelationship between team organization and software model and design is still not prominent enough. Both managers and team members need a clear view into the ongoing conceptual subdivision of the software model and design.


Identify each model in play on the project and define its BOUNDED CONTEXT. This includes the implicit models of non-object-oriented subsystems. Name each BOUNDED CONTEXT, and make the names part of the UBIQUITOUS LANGUAGE.

Describe the points of contact between the models, outlining explicit translation for any communication and highlighting any sharing.

Map the existing terrain. Take up transformations later.

Within each BOUNDED CONTEXT, you will have a coherent dialect of the UBIQUITOUS LANGUAGE. The names of the BOUNDED CONTEXTS will themselves enter that LANGUAGE so that you can speak unambiguously about the model of any part of the design by making your CONTEXT clear.

The MAP does not have to be documented in any particular form. I find diagrams like the ones in this chapter to be helpful in visualizing and communicating the map. Others may prefer a more textual description or a different graphical representation. In some situations, discussion among teammates may be sufficient. The level of detail can vary according to need. Whatever form the MAP takes, it must be shared and understood by everyone on the project. It must provide a clear name for each BOUNDED CONTEXT, and it must make the points of contact and their natures clear.

Image Image Image The relationships between BOUNDED CONTEXTS take many forms depending on both design issues and project organizational issues. Later, this chapter will lay out various patterns of relationships between CONTEXTS that are effective in different situations, and that can provide terms to describe the relationships you find in your own MAP. Keeping in mind that the CONTEXT MAP always represents the situation as it stands, the relationships you find may not fit these patterns initially. If they fall close, you may wish to use the pattern name, but don’t force it. Just describe the relationships you find. Later you can begin to migrate toward more standardized relationships.

So, what do you do if you’ve discovered a splinter—a model that is completely entangled but contains inconsistencies? Put a dragon on the map and finish describing everything. Then, with an accurate global view, address the points of confusion. A minor splinter can be repaired, and processes can be put in place to shore it up. If a relationship is vague, you can choose the nearest pattern and move toward it. Your first order of business is to arrive at a clear CONTEXT MAP, and this may mean fixing real problems you have found. But don’t let this necessary repair lead to wholesale reorganization. Until you have an unambiguous CONTEXT MAP that places all your work into some BOUNDED CONTEXT, with explicit relationships between all connected models, change only the outright contradictions.

Once you have a coherent CONTEXT MAP, you’ll see things you want to change. You can make considered changes to the organization of teams or to the design. Remember, don’t change the map until the change in reality is done.

Example: Two CONTEXTS in a Shipping Application We return again to the shipping system. One of the application’s major features was to be the automatic routing of cargos at booking time. The model was something like this:

The Routing Service is a SERVICE that encapsulates a mechanism behind an INTENTION-REVEALING INTERFACE made up of SIDEEFFECT-FREE FUNCTIONS. The results of those functions are characterized with ASSERTIONS.

  1. The interface declares that when a Route Specification is passed in, an Itinerary will be returned.

  2. The ASSERTION states that the returned Itinerary will satisfy the Route Specification that was passed in.

Nothing is stated about how this very difficult task is performed. Now let’s go behind the curtain to see the mechanism.

Initially on the project on which this example is based, I was too dogmatic about the internals of the Routing Service. I wanted the actual routing operation to be done with an extended domain model that would represent vessel voyages and directly relate them to the Legs in the Itinerary. But the team working on the routing problem pointed out that, to make it perform well and to draw on well-established algorithms, the solution needed to be implemented as an optimized network, with each leg of a voyage represented as an element in a matrix. They insisted on a distinct model of shipping operations for this purpose.

They were clearly right about the computational demands of the routing process as then designed, and so, lacking any better idea, I yielded. In effect, we created two separate BOUNDED CONTEXTS, each of which had its own conceptual organization of shipping operations. (See Figure 14.3.)

Two BOUNDED CONTEXTS formed to allow efficient routing algorithms to be applied

Our requirement was to take a Routing Service request, translate it into terms the Network Traversal Service could understand, then take the result and translate it into the form a Routing Service is expected to give.

This means it was not necessary to map everything in these two models, but only to be able to make two specific translations:

Route Specification → List of location codes

List of Node IDs → Itinerary

To do this, we have to look at the meaning of an element of one model and figure out how to express it in terms of the other.

Starting with the first translation (Route Specification → List of location codes), we have to think about the meaning of the sequence of locations in the list. The first in the list will be the beginning of the path, which will then be forced to pass through each location in turn until it reaches the last location in the list. So the origin and destination are the first and last in the list, with the customs clearance location (if there is one) in the middle.

Translation of a query to the Network Traversal Service

(Mercifully, the two teams used the same location codes, so we don’t have to deal with that level of translation.)

Notice that the reverse translation would be ambiguous, because the network traversal input allows any number of intermediate points, not just one specifically designated as customs clearance point. Fortunately, this is no problem because we don’t need to translate in that direction, but it gives a glimpse of why some translations are impossible.

Now, let’s translate the result (List of Node IDs → Itinerary). We’ll assume that we can use a REPOSITORY to look up the Node and Shipping Operation objects based on the Node IDs we receive. So, how do those Nodes map to Legs? Based on the operationType-Code, we can break the list of Nodes into departure/arrival pairs. Each pair then relates to one Leg.

Translation of a route found by the Network Traversal Service

The attributes for each Node pair would be mapped as follows:

departureNode.shippingOperation.vesselVoyageId → leg.vesselVoyageId → leg.loadDate departureNode.locationCode → leg.loadLocationCode → leg.unloadDate arrivalNode.locationCode → leg.unloadLocationCode

This is the conceptual translation map between these two models. Now we have to implement something that can do the translation for us. In a simple case like this, I typically create an object for the purpose, and then find or create another object to provide the service to the rest of our subsystem.

A two-way translator

This is the one object that both teams have to work together to maintain. The design should make it very easy to unit-test, and it would be a particularly good idea for the teams to collaborate on a test suite for it. Other than that, they can go their separate ways.

The Routing Service implementation now becomes a matter of delegating to the Translator and the Network Traversal Service. Its single operation would look something like this:

public Itinerary route(RouteSpecification spec) {
   Booking_TransportNetwork_Translator translator =
      new Booking_TransportNetwork_Translator();

   List constraintLocations =

   // Get access to the NetworkTraversalService
   List pathNodes =

   Itinerary result = translator.convert(pathNodes);
   return result;

Not bad. The BOUNDED CONTEXTS served to keep each of the models relatively clean, let the teams work largely independently, and if initial assumptions had been correct, would probably have served well. (We’ll return to that later in this chapter.)

The interface between the two contexts is fairly small. The interface of the Routing Service insulates the rest of the Booking CONTEXT’s design from events in the route-finding world. The interface is easy to test because it is made up of SIDE-EFFECT-FREE FUNCTIONS. One of the secrets to comfortable coexistence with other CONTEXTS is to have effective sets of tests for the interfaces. “Trust, but verify,” said President Reagan when negotiating arms reductions.1

It should be easy to devise a set of automated tests that would feed Route Specifications into the Routing Service and check the returned Itinerary.

Model contexts always exist, but without conscious attention they may overlap and fluctuate. By explicitly defining BOUNDED CONTEXTS and a CONTEXT MAP, your team can begin to direct the process of unifying models and connecting distinct ones.

Testing at the CONTEXT Boundaries Contact points with other BOUNDED CONTEXTS are particularly important to test. Tests help compensate for the subtleties of translation and the lower level of communication that typically exist at boundaries. They can act as a valuable early warning system, especially reassuring in cases where you depend on the details of a model you don’t control.

Organizing and Documenting CONTEXT MAPS There are only two important points here:

  1. The BOUNDED CONTEXTS should have names so that you can talk about them. Those names should enter the UBIQUITOUS LANGUAGE of the team.

  2. Everyone has to know where the boundaries lie, and be able to recognize the CONTEXT of any piece of code or any situation.

The second requirement could be met in many ways depending on the culture of the team. Once the BOUNDED CONTEXTS have been defined, it comes naturally to segregate the code of different CONTEXTS into different MODULES, which leaves the question of how to keep track of which MODULE belongs in which CONTEXT. A naming convention might be used to indicate this, or any other mechanism that is easy and avoids confusion.

Equally important is communicating the conceptual boundaries in such a way that everyone on the team understands them the same way. For this communication purpose, I like informal diagrams like the ones in the example. More rigorous diagrams or textual lists could be made, showing all packages in each CONTEXT, along with the points of contact and the mechanisms responsible for connecting and translating. Some teams will be more comfortable with this approach, while others will get by fine based on spoken agreement and lots of discussion.

In any case, working the CONTEXT MAP into discussions is essential if the names are to enter the UBIQUITOUS LANGUAGE. Don’t say, “George’s team’s stuff is changing, so we’re going to have to change our stuff that talks to it.” Say instead, “The Transport Network model is changing, so we’re going to have to change the translator for the Booking context.”

RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN BOUNDED CONTEXTS The following patterns cover a range of strategies for relating two models that can be composed to encompass an entire enterprise. These patterns serve the dual purpose of providing targets for successfully organizing development work, and supplying vocabulary for describing the existing organization.

An existing relationship may, by chance or by design, fall near one of these patterns, in which case you can describe it using that term, variations duly noted. Then, with each small design change, the relationship can be drawn closer to the chosen pattern.

On the other hand, you may find that an existing relationship is muddled or overcomplicated. Some reorganization might be necessary just to make an unambiguous CONTEXT MAP possible. In this situation, or any situation in which you are considering reorganization, these patterns present a range of choices that are favored in different circumstances. Prominent variables include the level of control you have over the other model, the level and type of cooperation between teams, and the degree of integration of features and data.

The following set of patterns covers some of the most common and important cases, which should give you a good idea of how to approach other cases. A crack team working closely on a tightly integrated product can deploy a large unified model. The need to serve different user communities or a limitation on the coordination abilities of the team might lead to a SHARED KERNEL or CUSTOMER/SUPPLIER relationships. Sometimes a good hard look at the requirements reveals that integration is not essential and it is best for systems to go their SEPARATE WAYS. And, of course, most projects have to integrate to some degree with legacy and external systems, which can lead to OPEN HOST SERVICES or ANTICORRUPTION LAYERS.

SHARED KERNEL Image When functional integration is limited, the overhead of CONTINUOUS INTEGRATION may be deemed too high. This may especially be true when the teams do not have the skill or the political organization to maintain continuous integration, or when a single team is simply too big and unwieldy. So separate BOUNDED CONTEXTS might be defined and multiple teams formed.

Image Image Image Uncoordinated teams working on closely related applications can go racing forward for a while, but what they produce may not fit together. They can end up spending more on translation layers and retrofitting than they would have on CONTINUOUS INTEGRATION in the first place, meanwhile duplicating effort and losing the benefits of a common UBIQUITOUS LANGUAGE.

On many projects I’ve seen the infrastructure layer shared among teams that worked largely independently. An analogy to this can work well within the domain as well. It may be too much overhead to fully synchronize the entire model and code base, but a carefully selected subset can provide much of the benefit for less cost.


Designate some subset of the domain model that the two teams agree to share. Of course this includes, along with this subset of the model, the subset of code or of the database design associated with that part of the model. This explicitly shared stuff has special status, and shouldn’t be changed without consultation with the other team.

Integrate a functional system frequently, but somewhat less often than the pace of CONTINUOUS INTEGRATION within the teams. At these integrations, run the tests of both teams.

It is a careful balance. The SHARED KERNEL cannot be changed as freely as other parts of the design. Decisions involve consultation with another team. Automated test suites must be integrated because all tests of both teams must pass when changes are made. Usually, teams make changes on separate copies of the KERNEL, integrating with the other team at intervals. (For example, on a team that CONTINUOUSLY INTEGRATES daily or better, the KERNEL merger might be weekly.) Regardless of when code integration is scheduled, the sooner both teams talk about the changes, the better.

Image Image Image The SHARED KERNEL is often the CORE DOMAIN, some set of GENERIC SUBDOMAINS, or both (see Chapter 15), but it can be any part of the model that is needed by both teams. The goal is to reduce duplication (but not to eliminate it, as would be the case if there were just one BOUNDED CONTEXT) and make integration between the two subsystems relatively easy.

CUSTOMER/SUPPLIER DEVELOPMENT TEAMS Image Often one subsystem essentially feeds another; the “downstream” component performs analysis or other functions that feed back very little into the “upstream” component, and all dependencies go one way. The two subsystems commonly serve very different user communities, who do different jobs, where different models may be useful. The tool set may also be different, so that program code cannot be shared.

Image Image Image Upstream and downstream subsystems separate naturally into two BOUNDED CONTEXTS. This is especially true when the two components require different skills or employ a different tool set for implementation. Translation is easier for having to operate in one direction only. But problems can emerge, depending on the political relationship of the two teams.

The freewheeling development of the upstream team can be cramped if the downstream team has veto power over changes, or if procedures for requesting changes are too cumbersome. The upstream team may even be inhibited, worried about breaking the downstream system. Meanwhile, the downstream team can be helpless, at the mercy of upstream priorities.

Downstream needs things from upstream, but upstream is not responsible for downstream deliverables. It takes a lot of extra effort to anticipate what will affect the other team, and human nature being what it is, and time pressures being what they are, well . . . . It makes everyone’s life easier to formalize the relationship between the teams. The process can be organized to balance the needs of the two user communities and schedule work on features needed downstream.

On an Extreme Programming project, there already is a mechanism in place for doing just that: the iteration planning process. All we have to do is define the relationship between the two teams in terms of the planning process. Representatives of the downstream team can function much like the user representatives, joining them in planning sessions, discussing directly with their fellow “customers” the trade-offs for the tasks they want. The result is an iteration plan for the supplier team that includes tasks the downstream team needs most or defers tasks by agreement, so there is no expectation of delivery.

If a process other than XP is used, whatever analogous method serves to balance the concerns of different users can be expanded to include the downstream application’s needs.


Establish a clear customer/supplier relationship between the two teams. In planning sessions, make the downstream team play the customer role to the upstream team. Negotiate and budget tasks for downstream requirements so that everyone understands the commitment and schedule.

Jointly develop automated acceptance tests that will validate the interface expected. Add these tests to the upstream team’s test suite, to be run as part of its continuous integration. This testing will free the upstream team to make changes without fear of side effects downstream.

During the iteration, the downstream team members need to be available to the upstream developers just as conventional customers are, to answer questions and help resolve problems.

Automating the acceptance tests is a vital part of this customer relationship. Even on the most cooperative project, although the customer can identify and communicate its dependencies, and the supplier can diligently try to communicate changes, without tests, surprises will happen. They will disrupt the downstream team’s work and force the upstream team to take on unscheduled, emergency fixes. Instead, have the customer team, in collaboration with the supplier team, develop automated acceptance tests that will validate the interface it expects. The upstream team will run these tests as part of its standard test suite. Any change to these tests calls for communication with the other team, because changing the tests implies changing the interface.

Customer/supplier relationships also emerge between projects in separate companies, in situations where a single customer is very important to the business of the supplier. The tail can wag the dog: an influential customer can make demands that are important to the upstream project’s success, but those demands can also be disruptive to the upstream project’s development. Both parties benefit from the formalization of the process of responding to requirements, because the cost/benefit trade-offs are even harder to see in external relationships than they are in the internal IT situation.

There are two crucial elements to this pattern.

  1. The relationship must be that of customer and supplier, with the implication that the customer’s needs are paramount. Because the downstream team is not the only customer, the different customers’ demands have to be balanced in negotiation—but they remain priorities. This situation is in contrast to the poor-cousin relationship that often emerges, in which the downstream team has to come begging to the upstream team for its needs.

  2. There must be an automated test suite that allows the upstream team to change its code without fear of breaking the downstream, and lets the downstream team concentrate on its own work without constantly monitoring the upstream team.

In a relay race, the forward runner can’t be looking backward all the time, checking. He or she has to be able to trust the baton carrier to make the handoff precisely, or else the team will be hopelessly slowed down.

Example: Yield Analysis Versus Booking Back to our trusty shipping example. A highly specialized team has been set up to analyze all the bookings that flow through the firm, to see how to maximize income. Team members might find that ships have empty space and might recommend more overbooking. They might find that the ships are filling up with bulk freight early, forcing the company to turn away more lucrative specialty cargoes. In that case they might recommend reserving space for these types of cargo or raising prices on the bulk freight.

To do this analysis, they use their own complex models. For implementation, they use a data warehouse with tools for building analytical models. And they need lots of information from the Booking application.

From the start, it is clear that these are two BOUNDED CONTEXTS, because they use different implementation tools and, most important, different domain models. What should the relationship between them be?

A SHARED KERNEL might seem logical, because yield analysis is interested in a subset of the Booking’s model, and their own model has some overlapping concepts of cargos, prices, and so on. But SHARED KERNEL is difficult in a case where different implementation technologies are being used. Besides, the modeling needs of the yield analysis team are quite specialized, and they continuously play with their models and try alternative ones. They may well be better off translating what they need from the Booking CONTEXT into their own. (On the other hand, if they can use a SHARED KERNEL, their translation burden will be much lighter. They will still have to reimplement the model and translate the data to the new implementation, but if the model is the same, the transfer should be simple.)

The Booking application has no dependency on the yield analysis, because there is no intention of automatically adjusting policies. Human specialists will make the decisions and convey them to the needed people and systems. So we have an upstream/downstream relationship. What downstream needs is this:

  1. Some data not needed by any booking operation

  2. Some stability in database schema (or at least reliable notification of change) or an export utility

Fortunately, the project manager of the Booking application development team is motivated to help the yield analysis team. This could have been a problem, because the operations department that actually does day-to-day booking reports to a different vice president than the people who actually do yield analysis. But the upper management cares deeply about yield management and, having seen past cooperation problems between the two departments, structured the software development project so that the project managers of both teams report to the same person.

Therefore, all the requirements are in place to apply CUSTOMER/SUPPLIER DEVELOPMENT TEAMS.

I’ve seen this scenario evolve in multiple places, where analysis software developers and operations software developers had a customer/supplier relationship. When the upstream team members thought of their role as serving a customer, things worked out pretty well. It was almost always organized informally, and in each case it worked out about as well as the personal relationship of the two project managers.

On one XP project, I saw this relationship formalized in the sense that, for each iteration, representatives of the downstream team played the “planning game” in the role of customers, huddling with the more conventional customer representatives (of application functionality) to negotiate which tasks made it into the iteration plan. This project was at a small company, and so the nearest shared boss was not far up the chain. It worked very well.

Image Image Image CUSTOMER/SUPPLIER TEAMS are more likely to succeed if the two teams work under the same management, so that ultimately they do share goals, or where they are in different companies that actually have those roles. When there is nothing to motivate the upstream team, the situation is very different. . . .

CONFORMIST Image When two teams with an upstream/downstream relationship are not effectively being directed from the same source, a cooperative pattern such as CUSTOMER/SUPPLIER TEAMS is not going to work. Naively trying to apply it will get the downstream team into trouble. This can be the case in a large company in which the two teams are far apart in the management hierarchy or where the shared supervisor is indifferent to the relationship of the two teams. It also arises between teams in different companies when the customer’s business is not individually important to the supplier. Perhaps the supplier has many small customers, or perhaps the supplier is changing market direction and no longer values the old customers. The supplier may just be poorly run. It may have gone out of business. Whatever the reason, the reality is that the downstream is on its own.

When two development teams have an upstream/downstream relationship in which the upstream has no motivation to provide for the downstream team’s needs, the downstream team is helpless. Altruism may motivate upstream developers to make promises, but they are unlikely to be fulfilled. Belief in those good intentions leads the downstream team to make plans based on features that will never be available. The downstream project will be delayed until the team ultimately learns to live with what it is given. An interface tailored to the needs of the downstream team is not in the cards.

In this situation, there are three possible paths. One is to abandon use of the upstream altogether. This option should be evaluated realistically, making no assumptions that the upstream will accommodate downstream needs. Sometimes we overestimate the value or underestimate the cost of such a dependency. If the downstream team decides to cut the strings, they are going their SEPARATE WAYS (see the pattern description later in this chapter).

Sometimes the value of using the upstream software is so great that the dependency has to be maintained (or a political decision has been made that the team cannot change). In this case, two paths remain open; the choice depends on the quality and style of the upstream design. If the design is very difficult to work with, perhaps for lack of encapsulation, awkward abstractions, or modeling in a paradigm the team cannot use, then the downstream team will still need to develop its own model. They will have to take full responsibility for a translation layer that is likely to be complex. (See ANTICORRUPTION LAYER, later in this chapter.).

Following Isn’t Always Bad

When using an off-the-shelf component that has a large interface, you should typically CONFORM to the model implicit in that component. Because the component and the application are clearly different BOUNDED CONTEXTS, based on team organization and control, adapters may be needed for minor format changes, but the model should be equivalent. Otherwise, you should question the value of having the component. If it is good enough to give you value, there is probably knowledge crunched into its design. Within its narrow sphere, it may well be much more advanced than your own understanding. Your model presumably extends beyond the scope of this component, and your own concepts will evolve for those other parts. But where they connect, your model is a CONFORMIST, following the lead of the component’s model. In effect, you could be dragged into a better design.

When your interface with a component is small, sharing a unified model is less essential, and translation is a viable option. But when the interface is large and integration is more significant, it usually makes sense to follow the leader.

On the other hand, if the quality is not so bad, and the style is reasonably compatible, then it may be best to give up on an independent model altogether. This is the circumstance that calls for a CONFORMIST.


Eliminate the complexity of translation between BOUNDED CONTEXTS by slavishly adhering to the model of the upstream team. Although this cramps the style of the downstream designers and probably does not yield the ideal model for the application, choosing CONFORMITY enormously simplifies integration. Also, you will share a UBIQUITOUS LANGUAGE with your supplier team. The supplier is in the driver’s seat, so it is good to make communication easy for them. Altruism may be sufficient to get them to share information with you.

This decision deepens your dependency on the upstream and limits your application to the capabilities of the upstream model—plus purely additive enhancements. It is very unappealing emotionally, which is why we choose it less often than we probably should.

If these trade-offs are not acceptable, but the upstream dependency is indispensable, the second option still remains: Insulate yourself as much as possible by creating an ANTICORRUPTION LAYER, an aggressive approach to implementing a translation map that will be discussed later.

Image Image Image CONFORMIST resembles SHARED KERNEL in that both have an overlapping area where the model is the same, areas where your model has been extended by addition, and areas where the other model does not affect you. The difference between the patterns is in the decision-making and development processes. Where the SHARED KERNEL is a collaboration between two teams that coordinate tightly, CONFORMIST deals with integration with a team that is not interested in collaboration.

We’ve been proceeding down a spectrum of cooperation in the integration between BOUNDED CONTEXTS, from highly cooperative SHARED KERNELS or CUSTOMER/SUPPLIER DEVELOPER TEAMS to the one-sidedness of the CONFORMIST. Now we’ll take the final step to an even more pessimistic view of the relationship, assuming neither cooperation nor a usable design on the other side. . . .

ANTICORRUPTION LAYER Image New systems almost always have to be integrated with legacy or other systems, which have their own models. Translation layers can be simple, even elegant, when bridging well-designed BOUNDED CONTEXTS with cooperative teams. But when the other side of the boundary starts to leak through, the translation layer may take on a more defensive tone.

Image Image Image When a new system is being built that must have a large interface with another, the difficulty of relating the two models can eventually overwhelm the intent of the new model altogether, causing it to be modified to resemble the other system’s model, in an ad hoc fashion. The models of legacy systems are usually weak, and even the exception that is well developed may not fit the needs of the current project. Yet there may be a lot of value in the integration, and sometimes it is an absolute requirement.

The answer is not to avoid all integration with other systems. I’ve been on projects where people enthusiastically set out to replace all the legacy, but this is just too much to take on at once. Besides, integrating with existing systems is a valuable form of reuse. On a large project, one subsystem will often have to interface with several other, independently developed subsystems. These will reflect the problem domain differently. When systems based on different models are combined, the need for the new system to adapt to the semantics of the other system can lead to a corruption of the new system’s own model. Even when the other system is well designed, it is not based on the same model as the client. And often the other system is not well designed.

There are many hurdles in interfacing with an external system. For example, the infrastructure layer must provide the means to communicate with another system that might be on a different platform or use different protocols. The data types of the other system must be translated into those of your system. But often overlooked is the certainty that the other system does not use the same conceptual domain model.

It seems clear enough that errors will result if you take some data from one system and misinterpret it in another. You may even corrupt the database. But even so, this problem tends to sneak up on us because we think that what we are transporting between systems is primitive data, whose meaning is unambiguous and must be the same on both sides. This assumption is usually wrong. Subtle yet important differences in meaning arise from the way the data are associated in each system. And even if primitive data elements do have exactly the same meaning, it is usually a mistake to make the interface to the other system operate at such a low level. A low-level interface takes away the power of the other system’s model to explain the data and constrain its values and relationships, while saddling the new system with the burden of interpreting primitive data that is not in terms of its own model.

We need to provide a translation between the parts that adhere to different models, so that the models are not corrupted with undigested elements of foreign models.


Create an isolating layer to provide clients with functionality in terms of their own domain model. The layer talks to the other system through its existing interface, requiring little or no modification to the other system. Internally, the layer translates in both directions as necessary between the two models.

Image Image Image This discussion of a mechanism to link two systems might bring to mind issues of transporting the data from one program to another or from one server to another. I’ll discuss the incorporation of the technical communications mechanism shortly. But such details shouldn’t be confused with an ANTICORRUPTION LAYER, which is not a mechanism for sending messages to another system. Rather, it is a mechanism that translates conceptual objects and actions from one model and protocol to another.

An ANTICORRUPTION LAYER can become a complex piece of software in its own right. Next I’ll outline some of the design considerations for creating one.

Designing the Interface of the ANTICORRUPTION LAYER The public interface of the ANTICORRUPTION LAYER usually appears as a set of SERVICES, although occasionally it can take the form of an ENTITY. Building a whole new layer responsible for the translation between the semantics of the two systems gives us an opportunity to reabstract the other system’s behavior and offer its services and information to our system consistently with our model. It may not even make sense, in our model, to represent the external system as a single component. It may be best to use multiple SERVICES (or occasionally ENTITIES), each of which has a coherent responsibility in terms of our model.

Implementing the ANTICORRUPTION LAYER One way of organizing the design of the ANTICORRUPTION LAYER is as a combination of FACADES, ADAPTERS (both from Gamma et al. 1995), and translators, along with the communication and transport mechanisms usually needed to talk between systems.

We often have to integrate with systems that have large, complicated, messy interfaces. This is an implementation issue, not an issue of conceptual model differences that motivated the use of ANTICORRUPTION LAYERS, but it is a problem you’ll encounter trying to create them. Translating from one model to another (especially if one model is fuzzy) is a hard enough job without simultaneously dealing with a subsystem interface that is hard to talk to. Fortunately, that is what FACADES are for.

A FACADE is an alternative interface for a subsystem that simplifies access for the client and makes the subsystem easier to use. Because we know exactly what functionality of the other system we want to use, we can create a FACADE that facilitates and streamlines access to those features and hides the rest. The FACADE does not change the model of the underlying system. It should be written strictly in accordance with the other system’s model. Otherwise, you will at best diffuse responsibility for translation into multiple objects and overload the FACADE and at worst end up creating yet another model, one that doesn’t belong to the other system or your own BOUNDED CONTEXT. The FACADE belongs in the BOUNDED CONTEXT of the other system. It just presents a friendlier face specialized for your needs.

An ADAPTER is a wrapper that allows a client to use a different protocol than that understood by the implementer of the behavior. When a client sends a message to an ADAPTER, it is converted to a semantically equivalent message and sent on to the “adaptee.” The response is converted and passed back. I’m using the term adapter a little loosely, because the emphasis in Gamma et al. 1995 is on making a wrapped object conform to a standard interface that clients expect, whereas we get to choose the adapted interface, and the adaptee is probably not even an object. Our emphasis is on translation between two models, but I think this is consistent with the intent of ADAPTER.

For each SERVICE we define, we need an ADAPTER that supports the SERVICE’S interface and knows how to make equivalent requests of the other system or its FACADE.

The remaining element is the translator. The ADAPTER’S job is to know how to make a request. The actual conversion of conceptual objects or data is a distinct, complex task that can be placed in its own object, making them both much easier to understand. A translator can be a lightweight object that is instantiated when needed. It needs no state and does not need to be distributed, because it belongs with the ADAPTER(S) it serves.

Those are the basic elements I use to create an ANTICORRUPTION LAYER. There are a few other considerations.

• Typically, the system under design (your subsystem) will be initiating action, as implied by Figure 14.8. There are cases, however, when the other subsystem may need to request something of your subsystem or notify it of some event. An ANTICORRUPTION LAYER can be bidirectional, defining SERVICES on both interfaces with their own ADAPTERS, potentially using the same translators with symmetrical translations. Although implementing the ANTICORRUPTION LAYER doesn’t usually require any change to the other subsystem, it might be necessary in order to make the other system call on SERVICES of the ANTICORRUPTION LAYER.

The structure of an ANTICORRUPTION LAYER

• You’ll usually need some communications mechanism to connect the two subsystems, and they could well be on separate servers. In this case, you have to decide where to place these communication links. If you have no access to the other subsystem, you may have to put the links between the FACADE and the other subsystem. However, if the FACADE can be integrated directly with the other subsystem, then a good option is to put the communication link between the ADAPTER and FACADE, because the protocol of the FACADE is presumably simpler than what it covers. There also will be cases where the entire ANTICORRUPTION LAYER can live with the other subsystem, placing communication links or distribution mechanisms between your subsystem and the SERVICES that make up the ANTICORRUPTION LAYER’s interface. These are implementation and deployment decisions to be made pragmatically. They have no bearing on the conceptual role of the ANTICORRUPTION LAYER.

• If you do have access to the other subsystem, you may find that a little refactoring over there can make your job easier. In particular, try to write more explicit interfaces for the functionality you’ll be using, starting with automated tests, if possible.

• Where integration requirements are extensive, the cost of translation goes way up. It may be necessary to make choices in the model of the system under design that keep it closer to the external system, in order to make translation easier. Do this very carefully, without compromising the integrity of the model. It is only something to do selectively when translation difficulty gets out of hand. If this approach seems the most natural solution for much of the important part of the problem, consider making your subsystem a CONFORMIST pattern, eliminating translation.

• If the other subsystem is simple or has a clean interface, you may not need the FACADE.

• Functionality can be added to the ANTICORRUPTION LAYER if it is specific to the relationship of the two subsystems. An audit trail for use of the external system or trace logic for debugging the calls to the other interface are two useful features that come to mind.

Remember, an ANTICORRUPTION LAYER is a means of linking two BOUNDED CONTEXTS. Ordinarily, we are thinking of a system created by someone else; we have incomplete understanding of the system and little control over it. But that is not the only situation where you need a little padding between subsystems. There are even situations in which it makes sense to connect two subsystems of your own design with an ANTICORRUPTION LAYER, if they are based on different models. Presumably, in such a case, you will have full control over both sides and typically can use a simple translation layer. However, if two BOUNDED CONTEXTS have gone SEPARATE WAYS yet still have some need of functional integration, an ANTICORRUPTION LAYER can reduce the friction between them.

Example: The Legacy Booking Application In order to have a small, quick first release, we will write a minimal application that can set up a shipment and then pass that to the legacy system through a translation layer for booking and support operations. Because we built the translation layer specifically to protect our developing model from the influence of the legacy design, this translation is an ANTICORRUPTION LAYER.

Initially, the ANTICORRUPTION LAYER will accept the objects representing a shipment, convert them, pass them to the legacy system and request a booking, and then capture the confirmation and translate it back into the confirmation object of the new design. This isolation will allow us to develop our new application mostly independently of the old one, though we’ll have to invest quite a bit in translation.

With each successive release, the new system can either take over more functions of the legacy or simply add new value without replacing existing capabilities, depending on later decisions. This flexibility, and the ability to continually operate the combined system while making a gradual transition, probably makes it worth the expense to build the ANTICORRUPTION LAYER.

A Cautionary Tale To protect their frontiers from raids by neighboring nomadic warrior tribes, the early Chinese built the Great Wall. It was not an impenetrable barrier, but it allowed a regulated commerce with neighbors while providing an impediment to invasion and other unwanted influence. For two thousand years it defined a boundary that helped the Chinese agricultural civilization to define itself with less disruption from the chaos outside.

Although China might not have become so distinct a culture without the Great Wall, the Wall’s construction was immensely expensive and bankrupted at least one dynasty, probably contributing to its fall. The benefits of isolation strategies must be balanced against their costs. There is a time to be pragmatic and make measured revisions to the model, so that it can fit more smoothly with foreign ones.

There is overhead involved in any integration, from full-on CONTINUOUS INTEGRATION inside a single BOUNDED CONTEXT, through the lesser commitments of SHARED KERNELS or CUSTOMER/SUPPLIER DEVELOPER TEAMS, to the one-sidedness of the CONFORMIST and the defensive posture of the ANTICORRUPTION LAYER. Integration can be very valuable, but it is always expensive. We should be sure it is really needed. . . .

SEPARATE WAYS Image We must ruthlessly scope requirements. Two sets of functionality with no indispensable relationship can be cut loose from each other.

Image Image Image Integration is always expensive. Sometimes the benefit is small.

In addition to the usual expense of coordinating teams, integration forces compromises. The simple specialized model that can satisfy a particular need must give way to the more abstract model that can handle all situations. Perhaps some completely different technology could provide certain features very easily, but it is difficult to integrate. Maybe some team is just so hard to get along with that nothing works very well when other teams try to collaborate with them.

In many circumstances, integration provides no significant benefit. If two functional parts do not call upon each other’s functionality, or require interactions between objects that are touched by both, or share data during their operations, then integration, even through a translation layer, may not be necessary. Just because features are related in a use case does not mean they must be integrated.


Declare a BOUNDED CONTEXT to have no connection to the others at all, allowing developers to find simple, specialized solutions within this small scope.

The features can still be organized in middleware or the UI layer, but there will be no sharing of logic, and an absolute minimum of data transfer through translation layers—preferably none.

Example: An Insurance Project Slims Down One project team had set out to develop new software for insurance claims that would integrate into one system everything a customer service agent or a claims adjuster needed. After a year of effort, team members were stuck. A combination of analysis paralysis and a major up-front investment in infrastructure had found them with nothing to show an increasingly impatient management. More seriously, the scope of what they were trying to do was overwhelming them.

A new project manager forced everyone into a room for a week to form a new plan. First they made lists of requirements and tried to estimate their difficulty and assign importance. They ruthlessly chopped the difficult and unimportant ones. Then they started to bring order to the remaining list. Many smart decisions were made in that room that week, but in the end, only one turned out to be important. At some point it was recognized that there were some features for which integration provided little added value. For example, adjusters needed access to some existing databases, and their current access was very inconvenient. But, although the users needed to have this data, none of the other features of the proposed software system would use it.

Team members proposed various ways of providing easy access. In one case, a key report could be exported as HTML and placed on the intranet. In another case, adjusters could be provided with a specialized query written using a standard software package. All these functions could be integrated by organizing links on an intranet page or by placing buttons on the user’s desktop.

The team launched a set of small projects that attempted no more integration than launching from the same menu. Several valuable capabilities were delivered almost overnight. Dropping the baggage of these extraneous features left a distilled set of requirements that seemed for a while to give hope for delivery of the main application.

It could have gone that way, but unfortunately the team slipped back into old habits. They paralyzed themselves again. In the end, their only legacy turned out to be those small applications that had gone their SEPARATE WAYS.

Image Image Image Taking SEPARATE WAYS forecloses some options. Although continuous refactoring can eventually undo any decision, it is hard to merge models that have developed in complete isolation. If integration turns out to be needed after all, translation layers will be necessary and may be complex. Of course, this is something you will face anyway.

Now, turning back to more cooperative relationships, let’s look at ways to scale up integration. . . .

OPEN HOST SERVICE Typically for each BOUNDED CONTEXT, you will define a translation layer for each component outside the CONTEXT with which you have to integrate. Where integration is one-off, this approach of inserting a translation layer for each external system avoids corruption of the models with a minimum of cost. But when you find your subsystem in high demand, you may need a more flexible approach.

Image Image Image When a subsystem has to be integrated with many others, customizing a translator for each can bog down the team. There is more and more to maintain, and more and more to worry about when changes are made.

The team may be doing the same thing again and again. If there is any coherence to the subsystem, it is probably possible to describe it as a set of SERVICES that cover the common needs of other subsystems.

It is a lot harder to design a protocol clean enough to be understood and used by multiple teams, so it pays off only when the subsystem’s resources can be described as a cohesive set of SERVICES and when there are a significant number of integrations. Under those circumstances, it can make the difference between maintenance mode and continuing development.


Define a protocol that gives access to your subsystem as a set of SERVICES. Open the protocol so that all who need to integrate with you can use it. Enhance and expand the protocol to handle new integration requirements, except when a single team has idiosyncratic needs. Then, use a one-off translator to augment the protocol for that special case so that the shared protocol can stay simple and coherent.

Image Image Image This formalization of communication implies some shared model vocabulary—the basis of the SERVICE interfaces. As a result, the other subsystems become coupled to the model of the OPEN HOST, and other teams are forced to learn the particular dialect used by the HOST team. In some situations, using a well-known PUBLISHED LANGUAGE as the interchange model can reduce coupling and ease understanding. . . .

PUBLISHED LANGUAGE The translation between the models of two BOUNDED CONTEXTS requires a common language.

Image Image Image When two domain models must coexist and information must pass between them, the translation process itself can become complex and hard to document and understand. If we are building a new system, we will typically believe that our new model is the best available, and so we will think in terms of translating directly into it. But sometimes we are enhancing a set of older systems and trying to integrate them. Choosing one messy model over the other may be choosing the lesser of two evils.

Another situation: When businesses want to exchange information with one another, how do they do it? Not only is it unrealistic to expect one to adopt the domain model of the other, it may be undesirable for both parties. A domain model is developed to solve problems for its users; such a model may contain features that needlessly complicate communication with another system. Also, if the model underlying one of the applications is used as the communications medium, it cannot be changed freely to meet new needs, but must be very stable to support the ongoing communication role.

Direct translation to and from the existing domain models may not be a good solution. Those models may be overly complex or poorly factored. They are probably undocumented. If one is used as a data interchange language, it essentially becomes frozen and cannot respond to new development needs.

The OPEN HOST SERVICE uses a standardized protocol for multiparty integration. It employs a model of the domain for interchange between systems, even though that model may not be used internally by those systems. Here we go a step further and publish that language, or find one that is already published. By publish I simply mean that the language is readily available to the community that might be interested in using it, and is sufficiently documented to allow independent interpretations to be compatible.

Recently, the world of e-commerce has become very excited about a new technology: Extensible Markup Language (XML) promises to make interchange of data much easier. A very valuable feature of XML is that, through the document type definition (DTD) or through XML schemas, XML allows the formal definition of a specialized domain language into which data can be translated. Industry groups have begun to form for the purpose of defining a single standard DTD for their industry so that, say, chemical formula information or genetic coding can be communicated between many parties. Essentially these groups are creating a shared domain model in the form of a language definition.


Use a well-documented shared language that can express the necessary domain information as a common medium of communication, translating as necessary into and out of that language.

The language doesn’t have to be created from scratch. Many years ago, I was contracted by a company that had a software product written in Smalltalk that used DB2 to store its data. The company wanted the flexibility to distribute the software to users without a DB2 license and contracted me to build an interface to Btrieve, a lighter-weight database engine that had a free runtime distribution license. Btrieve is not fully relational, but my client was using only a small part of DB2’s power and was within the lowest common denominator of the two databases. The company’s developers had built on top of DB2 some abstractions that were in terms of the storage of objects. I decided to use this work as the interface for my Btrieve component.

This approach did work. The software smoothly integrated with my client’s system. However, the lack of a formal specification or documentation of the abstractions of persistent objects in the client’s design meant a lot of work for me to figure out the requirements of the new component. Also, there wasn’t much opportunity to reuse the component to migrate some other application from DB2 to Btrieve. And the new software more deeply entrenched the company’s model of persistence, so that refactoring that model of persistent objects would have been even more difficult.

A better way might have been to identify the subset of the DB2 interface that the company was using and then support that. The interface of DB2 is made up of SQL and a number of proprietary protocols. Although it is very complex, the interface is tightly specified and thoroughly documented. The complexity would have been mitigated because only a small subset of the interface was being used. If a component had been developed that emulated the necessary subset of the DB2 interface, it could have been very effectively documented for developers simply by identifying the subset. The application it was integrated into already knew how to talk to DB2, so little additional work would have been needed. Future redesign of the persistence layer would have been constrained only to the use of the DB2 subset, just as before the enhancement.

The DB2 interface is an example of a PUBLISHED LANGUAGE. In this case, the two models are not in the business domain, but all the principles apply just the same. Because one of the models in the collaboration is already a PUBLISHED LANGUAGE, there is no need to introduce a third language.

Example: A PUBLISHED LANGUAGE for Chemistry Innumerable programs are used to catalog, analyze, and manipulate chemical formulas in industry and academia. Exchanging data has always been difficult, because almost every program uses a different domain model to represent chemical structures. And of course, most of them are written in languages, such as FORTRAN, that do not express the domain model very fully anyway. Whenever anyone wanted to share data, they had to unravel the details of the other system’s database and work out some sort of translation scheme.

Enter the Chemical Markup Language (CML), a dialect of XML intended as a common interchange language for this domain, developed and managed by a group representing academics and industry (Murray-Rust et al. 1995).

Chemical information is very complex and diverse, and it changes all the time with new discoveries. So they developed a language that could describe the basics, such as the chemical formulas of organic and inorganic molecules, protein sequences, spectra, or physical quantities.

Now that the language has been published, tools can be developed that would never have been worth the trouble to write before, when they would have only been usable for one database. For example, a Java application, called the JUMBO Browser, was developed that creates graphical views of chemical structures stored in CML. So if you put your data in the CML format, you’ll have access to such visualization tools.

In fact, CML gained a double advantage by using XML, a sort of “published meta-language.” The learning curve of CML is flattened by people’s familiarity with XML; the implementation is eased by various off-the-shelf tools, such as parsers; and documentation is helped by the many books written on all aspects of handling XML.

Here is a tiny sample of CML. It is only vaguely intelligible to nonspecialists like myself, but the principle is clear.

   1.17947   0.95091   0.97175   1.00000   1.17947   0.95090   0.97174   1.00000
   1.17946   0.98215   0.94049   1.00000   1.17946   0.95091   0.97174   1.00000
   1.17946   0.95091   0.97174   1.00000   1.17946   0.98215   0.94049   1.00000
   0.89789   0.89790   0.89789   0.89789   0.89790   0.89788

It was six men of Indostan
To learning much inclined,
Who went to see the Elephant
(Though all of them were blind),
That each by observation
Might satisfy his mind.

The First approached the Elephant,
And happening to fall
Against his broad and sturdy side,
At once began to bawl:
"God bless me! but the Elephant
Is very like a wall!"
                   . . .

The Third approached the animal,
And happening to take
The squirming trunk within his hands,
Thus boldly up and spake:
"I see," quoth he, "the Elephant
Is very like a snake."

The Fourth reached out his eager hand,
And felt about the knee.
"What most this wondrous beast is like
Is mighty plain," quoth he;
"’Tis clear enough the Elephant
Is very like a tree!"
                   . . .

The Sixth no sooner had begun
About the beast to grope,
Than, seizing on the swinging tail
That fell within his scope,
"I see," quoth he, "the Elephant
Is very like a rope!"

And so these men of Indostan
Disputed loud and long,
Each in his own opinion
Exceeding stiff and strong,
Though each was partly in the right,
And all were in the wrong!
                 . . .

—From “The Blind Men and the Elephant,” by John Godfrey Saxe (1816–1887), based on a story in the Udana, a Hindu text

Depending on their goals in interacting with the elephant, the various blind men may still be able to make progress, even if they don’t fully agree on the nature of the elephant. If no integration is required, then it doesn’t matter that the models are not unified. If they require some integration, they may not actually have to agree on what an elephant is, but they will get a lot of value from merely recognizing that they don’t agree. This way, at least they don’t unknowingly talk at cross-purposes.

The diagrams in Figure 14.9 are UML representations of the models the blind men have formed of the elephant. Having established separate BOUNDED CONTEXTS, the situation is clear enough for them to work out a way to communicate with each other about the few aspects they care about in common: the location of the elephant, perhaps.

Four contexts: no integration

Four contexts: minimal integration

As the blind men want to share more information about the elephant, the value of sharing a single BOUNDED CONTEXT goes up. But unifying the disparate models is a challenge. None of them is likely to give up his model and adopt one of the others. After all, the man who touched the tail knows the elephant is not like a tree, and that model would be meaningless and useless to him. Unifying multiple models almost always means creating a new model.

With some imagination and continued discussion (probably heated), the blind men could eventually recognize that they have been describing and modeling different parts of a larger whole. For many purposes, a part-whole unification may not require much additional work. At least the first stage of integration only requires figuring out how the parts are related. It may be adequate for some needs to view an elephant as a wall, held up by tree trunks, with a rope at one end and a snake at the other.

One context: crude integration

The unification of the various elephant models is easier than most such mergers. Unfortunately, it is the exception when two models purely describe different parts of the whole, although this is often one aspect of the difference. Matters are more difficult when two models are looking at the same part in a different way. If two men had touched the trunk and one described it as a snake and the other described it as a fire hose, they would have had more difficulty. Neither can accept the other’s model, because it contradicts his own experience. In fact, they need a new abstraction that incorporates the “aliveness” of a snake with the water-shooting functionality of a fire hose, but one that leaves out the inapt implications of the first models, such as the expectation of possibly venomous fangs, or the ability to be detached from the body and rolled up into a compartment in a fire truck.

Even though we have combined the parts into a whole, the resulting model is crude. It is incoherent, lacking any sense of following contours of an underlying domain. New insights could lead to a deeper model in a process of continuous refinement. New application requirements can also force the move to a deeper model. If the elephant starts moving, the “tree” theory is out, and our blind modelers may break through to the concept of “legs.”

One context: deeper model

This second pass of model integration tends to slough off incidental or incorrect aspects of the individual models and creates new concepts—in this case, “animal” with parts “trunk,” “leg,” “body,” and “tail”—each of which has its own properties and clear relationships to other parts. Successful model unification, to a large extent, hinges on minimalism. An elephant trunk is both more and less than a snake, but the “less” is probably more important than the “more.” Better to lack the water-spewing ability than to have an incorrect poison-fang feature.

If the goal is simply to find the elephant, then translating between each model’s expression of location will do. When more integration is needed, the unified model doesn’t have to reach full maturity in the first version. It may be adequate for some needs to view an elephant as a wall, held up by tree trunks, with a rope at one end and a snake at the other. Later, driven by new requirements and by improved understanding and communication, the model can be deepened and refined.

Recognizing multiple, clashing domain models is really just facing reality. By explicitly defining a context within which each model applies, you can maintain the integrity of each and clearly see the implications of any particular interface you want to create between the two. There is no way for the blind men to see the whole elephant, but their problem would be manageable if only they recognized the incompleteness of their perception.

CHOOSING YOUR MODEL CONTEXT STRATEGY It is important always to draw the CONTEXT MAP to reflect the current situation at any given time. Once that’s done, though, you may very well want to change that reality. Now you can begin to consciously choose CONTEXT boundaries and relationships. Here are some guidelines.

Team Decision or Higher First, teams have to make decisions about where to define BOUNDED CONTEXTS and what sort of relationships to have between them. Teams have to make these decisions, or at least the decisions have to be propagated to the entire team and understood by everyone. In fact, such decisions often involve agreements beyond your own team. On the merits, decisions about whether to expand or to partition BOUNDED CONTEXTS should be based on the cost-benefit trade-off between the value of independent team action and the value of direct and rich integration. In practice, political relationships between teams often determine how systems are integrated. A technically advantageous unification may be impossible because of reporting structure. Management may dictate an unwieldy merger. You won’t always get what you want, but at least you may be able to assess and communicate something of the cost incurred, and take steps to mitigate it. Start with a realistic CONTEXT MAP and be pragmatic in choosing transformations.

Putting Ourselves in Context When we are working on a software project, we are interested primarily in the parts of the system our team is changing (the “system under design”) and secondarily in the systems it will communicate with. In a typical case, the system under design is going to get carved into one or two BOUNDED CONTEXTS that the main development teams will be working on, perhaps with another CONTEXT or two in a supporting role. In addition to that are the relationships between these CONTEXTS and the external systems. This is a simple, typical view, to give some rough expectation for what you are likely to encounter.

We really are part of that primary CONTEXT we are working in, and that is bound to be reflected in our CONTEXT MAP. This isn’t a problem if we are aware of the bias and are mindful of when we step outside the limits of that MAP’s applicability.

Transforming Boundaries There are an unlimited variety of situations and an unlimited number of options for drawing the boundaries of BOUNDED CONTEXTS. But typically the struggle is to balance some subset of the following forces:


• Flow between user tasks is smoother when more is handled with a unified model.

• It is easier to understand one coherent model than two distinct ones plus mappings.

• Translation between two models can be difficult (sometimes impossible).

• Shared language fosters clear team communication.


• Communication overhead between developers is reduced.

• CONTINUOUS INTEGRATION is easier with smaller teams and code bases.

• Larger contexts may call for more versatile abstract models, requiring skills that are in short supply.

• Different models can cater to special needs or encompass the jargon of specialized groups of users, along with specialized dialects of the UBIQUITOUS LANGUAGE.

Deep integration of functionality between different BOUNDED CONTEXTS is impractical. Integration is limited to those parts of one model that can be rigorously stated in terms of the other model, and even this level of integration may take considerable effort. This makes sense when there will be a small interface between two systems.

Accepting That Which We Cannot Change: Delineating the External Systems It is best to start with the easiest decisions. Some subsystems will clearly not be in any BOUNDED CONTEXT of the system under development. Examples would be major legacy systems that you are not immediately replacing and external systems that provide services you’ll need. You can identify these immediately and prepare to segregate them from your design.

Here we must be careful about our assumptions. It is convenient to think of each of these systems as constituting its own BOUNDED CONTEXT, but most external systems only weakly meet the definition. First, a BOUNDED CONTEXT is defined by an intention to unify the model within certain boundaries. You may have control of maintenance of the legacy system, in which case you can declare the intention, or the legacy team may be well coordinated and be carrying out an informal form of CONTINUOUS INTEGRATION, but don’t take it for granted. Check into it, and if the development is not well integrated, be particularly cautious. It is not unusual to find semantic contradictions in different parts of such systems.

Relationships with the External Systems There are three patterns that can apply here. First, to consider SEPARATE WAYS. Yes, you wouldn’t have included them if you didn’t need integration. But be really sure. Would it be sufficient to give the user easy access to both systems? Integration is expensive and distracting, so unburden your project as much as you can.

If the integration is really essential, you can choose between two extremes: CONFORMIST or ANTICORRUPTION LAYER. It is not fun to be a CONFORMIST. Your creativity and your options for new functionality will be limited. In building a major new system, it is unlikely to be practical to adhere to the model of a legacy or external system (after all, why are you building a new system?). However, sticking with the legacy model may be appropriate in the case of peripheral extensions to a large system that will continue to be the dominant system. Examples of this choice include the lightweight decision-support tools that are often written in Excel or other simple tools. If your application is really an extension to the existing system and your interface with that system is going to be large, the translation between CONTEXTS can easily be a bigger job than the application functionality itself. And there is still some room for good design work, even though you have placed yourself in the BOUNDED CONTEXT of the other system. If there is a discernable domain model behind the other system, you can improve your implementation by making that model more explicit than it was in the old system, just as long as you strictly conform to the old model. If you decide on a CONFORMIST design, you must do it wholeheartedly. You restrict yourself to extension only, with no modification of the existing model.

When the functionality of the system under design is going to be more involved than an extension to an existing system, where your interface to the other system is small, or where the other system is very badly designed, you’ll really want your own BOUNDED CONTEXT, which means building a translation layer, or even an ANTICORRUPTION LAYER.

The System Under Design The software your project team is actually building is the system under design. You can declare BOUNDED CONTEXTS within this zone and apply CONTINUOUS INTEGRATION within each to keep them unified. But how many should you have? What relationships should they have to each other? The answers are less cut and dried than with the external systems because we have more freedom and control.

It could be quite simple: a single BOUNDED CONTEXT for the entire system under design. For example, this would be a likely choice for a team of fewer than ten people working on highly interrelated functionality.

As the team grows larger, CONTINUOUS INTEGRATION may become difficult (although I have seen it maintained for somewhat larger teams). You may look for a SHARED KERNEL and break off relatively independent sets of functionality into separate BOUNDED CONTEXTS, each with fewer than ten people. If all of the dependencies between two of these go in one direction, you could set up CUSTOMER/SUPPLIER DEVELOPMENT TEAMS.

You may recognize that the mind-sets of two groups are so different that their modeling efforts constantly clash. It may be that they actually need quite different things from the model, it may be just a difference in background knowledge, or it may be a result of the management structure the project is embedded in. If the cause of the clash is something you can’t change, or don’t want to change, you may choose to allow the models to go SEPARATE WAYS. Where integration is needed, a translation layer can be developed and maintained jointly by the two teams as the single point of CONTINUOUS INTEGRATION. This is in contrast with integration with external systems, where the ANTICORRUPTION LAYER typically has to accommodate the other system as is and without much support from the other side.

Generally speaking, there is a correspondence of one team per BOUNDED CONTEXT. One team can maintain multiple BOUNDED CONTEXTS, but it is hard (though not impossible) for multiple teams to work on one together.

Catering to Special Needs with Distinct Models Different groups within the same business have often developed their own specialized terminologies, which may have diverged from one another. These local jargons may be very precise and tailored to their needs. Changing them (for example, by imposing a standardized, enterprise-wide terminology) requires extensive training and analysis to resolve the differences. Even then, the new terminology may not serve as well as the finely tuned version they already had.

You may decide to cater to these special needs in separate BOUNDED CONTEXTS, allowing the models to go SEPARATE WAYS, except for CONTINUOUS INTEGRATION of translation layers. Different dialects of the UBIQUITOUS LANGUAGE will evolve around these models and the specialized jargon they are based on. If the two dialects have a lot of overlap, a SHARED KERNEL may provide the needed specialization while minimizing the translation cost.

Where integration is not needed, or is relatively limited, this allows continued use of customary terminology and avoids corruption of the models. It also has its costs and risks.

• The loss of shared language will reduce communication.

• There is extra overhead in integration.

• There will be some duplication of effort, as different models of the same business activities and entities evolve.

But perhaps the biggest risk is that it can become an argument against change and a justification for any quirky, parochial model. How much do you need to tailor this individual part of the system to meet specialized needs? Most important, how valuable is the particular jargon of this user group? You have to weigh the value of more independent action of teams against the risks of translation, keeping an eye out for rationalizing terminology variations that have no value.

Sometimes a deep model emerges that can unify these distinct languages and satisfy both groups. The catch is that deep models emerge later in the life cycle, after a lot of development and knowledge crunching, if at all. You can’t plan on a deep model; you just have to accept the opportunity when it arises, change your strategy, and refactor.

Keep in mind that, where integration requirements are extensive, the cost of translation goes way up. Some coordination of the teams, from the pinpoint modifications of one object that has a complicated translation ranging up to a SHARED KERNEL, can make translation easier while still not requiring full unification.

Deployment Coordinating the packaging and deployment of complex systems is one of those boring tasks that are almost always a lot harder than they look. The choice of BOUNDED CONTEXT strategy has an impact on the deployment. For example, when CUSTOMER/SUPPLIER TEAMS deploy new versions, they have to coordinate with each other to release versions that have been tested together. Both code and data migrations have to work in these combinations. In a distributed system, it may help to keep the translation layers between CONTEXTS together within a single process, so that you don’t have multiple versions coexisting.

Even deployment of the components of a single BOUNDED CONTEXT can be challenging when data migration takes time or when distributed systems can’t be updated instantaneously, resulting in two versions of the code and data coexisting.

Many technical considerations come into play depending on the deployment environment and technology. But the BOUNDED CONTEXT relationships can point you toward the hot spots. The translation interfaces have been marked out.

The feasibility of a deployment plan should feed back into the drawing of the CONTEXT boundaries. When two CONTEXTS are bridged by a translation layer, one CONTEXT can be updated just so a new translation layer provides the same interface to the other CONTEXT. A SHARED KERNEL imposes a much greater burden of coordination, not just in development but also in deployment. SEPARATE WAYS can make life much simpler.

The Trade-off To sum up these guidelines, there is a range of strategies for unifying or integrating models. In general terms, you will trade off the benefits of seamless integration of functionality against the additional effort of coordination and communication. You trade more independent action against smoother communication. More ambitious unification requires control over the design of the subsystems involved.

The relative demands of CONTEXT relationship patterns

When Your Project Is Already Under Way Most likely, you are not starting a project but are looking to improve a project that is already under way. In this case, the first step is to define BOUNDED CONTEXTS according to the way things are now. This is crucial. To be effective, the CONTEXT MAP must reflect the true practice of the teams, not the ideal organization you might decide on by following the guidelines just described.

Once you have delineated your true current BOUNDED CONTEXTS and described the relationships they currently have, the next step is to tighten up the team’s practices around that current organization. Improve your CONTINUOUS INTEGRATION within the CONTEXTS. Refactor any stray translation code into your ANTICORRUPTION LAYERS. Name the existing BOUNDED CONTEXTS and make sure they are in the UBIQUITOUS LANGUAGE of the project.

Now you are ready to consider changes to the boundaries and relationships themselves. These changes will naturally be driven by the same principles I’ve already described for a new project, but they will have to be bitten off in small pieces, chosen pragmatically to give the most value for the least effort and disruption.

The next section discusses how to go about actually making changes to your CONTEXT boundaries once you have decided to.

TRANSFORMATIONS Like any other aspect of modeling and design, decisions about BOUNDED CONTEXTS are not irrevocable. Inevitably, there will be many cases in which you have to change your initial decision about the boundaries and relationships between BOUNDED CONTEXTS. Generally speaking, breaking up CONTEXTS is pretty easy, but merging them or changing the relationships between them is challenging. I’ll describe a few representative changes that are difficult yet important. These transformations are usually much too big to be taken in a single refactoring or possibly even in a single project iteration. For that reason, I’ve outlined game plans for making these transformations as a series of manageable steps. These are, of course, guidelines that you will have to adapt to your particular circumstances and events.

Merging CONTEXTS: SEPARATE WAYS → SHARED KERNEL Translation overhead is too high. Duplication is too obvious. There are many motivations for merging BOUNDED CONTEXTS. This is hard to do. It’s not too late, but it takes some patience.

Even if your eventual goal is to merge completely to a single CONTEXT with CONTINUOUS INTEGRATION, start by moving to a SHARED KERNEL.

  1. Evaluate the initial situation. Be sure that the two CONTEXTS are indeed internally unified before beginning to unify them with each other.
  2. Set up the process. You’ll need to decide how the code will be shared and what the module naming conventions will be. There must be at least weekly integration of the SHARED KERNEL code. And it must have a test suite. Set this up before developing any shared code. (The test suite will be empty, so it should be easy to pass!)
  3. Choose some small subdomain to start with—something duplicated in both CONTEXTS, but not part of the CORE DOMAIN. This first merger is going to establish the process, so it is best to use something simple and relatively generic or noncritical. Examine the integrations and translations that already exist. Choosing something that is being translated has the advantage of starting out with a proven translation, plus you’ll be thinning your translation layer. At this point, you have two models that address the same subdomain. There are basically three approaches to merging. You can choose one model and refactor the other CONTEXT to be compatible. This decision can be made wholesale, setting the intention of systematically replacing one CONTEXT’S model and retaining the coherence of a model that was developed as a unit. Or you can choose one piece at a time, presumably ending up with the best of both (but taking care not to end up with a jumble).

The third option is to find a new model, presumably deeper than either of the originals, capable of assuming the responsibilities of both.

  1. Form a group of two to four developers, drawn from both teams, to work out a shared model for the subdomain. Regardless of how the model is derived, it must be ironed out in detail. This includes the hard work of identifying synonyms and mapping any terms that are not already being translated. This joint team outlines a basic set of tests for the model.
  2. Developers from either team take on the task of implementing the model (or adapting existing code to be shared), working out details and making it function. If these developers run into problems with the model, they reconvene the team from step 3 and participate in any necessary revisions of the concepts.
  3. Developers of each team take on the task of integrating with the new SHARED KERNEL.
  4. Remove translations that are no longer needed.

At this point, you will have a very small SHARED KERNEL, with a process in place to maintain it. In subsequent project iterations, repeat steps 3 through 7 to share more. As the processes firm up and the teams gain confidence, you can take on more complicated subdomains, multiple ones at the same time, or subdomains that are in the CORE DOMAIN.

A note: As you take on more domain-specific parts of the models, you may encounter cases where the two models have conformed to the specialized jargon of different user communities. It is wise to defer merging these into the SHARED KERNEL unless a breakthrough to a deep model has occurred, providing you with a language capable of superseding both specialized ones. An advantage of a SHARED KERNEL is that you can have some of the advantages of CONTINUOUS INTEGRATION while retaining some of the advantages of SEPARATE WAYS.

Those are some guidelines for merging into a SHARED KERNEL. Before going ahead, consider one alternative that satisfies some of the needs addressed by this transformation. If one of the two models is definitely preferred, consider shifting toward it without integrating. Instead of sharing common subdomains, just systematically transfer full responsibility for those subdomains from one BOUNDED CONTEXT to the other by refactoring the applications to call on the model of the more favored CONTEXT, and making any enhancements that model needs. Without any ongoing integration overhead, you have eliminated redundancy. Potentially (but not necessarily), the more favored BOUNDED CONTEXT could eventually take over completely, and you’ll have created the same effect as a merger. In the transition (which can be quite long or indefinite), this will have the usual advantages and disadvantages of going SEPARATE WAYS, and you have to weigh them against the pros and cons of a SHARED KERNEL.

Merging CONTEXTS: SHARED KERNEL → CONTINUOUS INTEGRATION If your SHARED KERNEL is expanding, you may be lured by the advantages of full unification of the two BOUNDED CONTEXTS. This is not just a matter of resolving the model differences. You are going to be changing team structures and ultimately the language people speak.

Start by preparing the people and the teams.

  1. Be sure that all the processes needed for CONTINUOUS INTEGRATION (shared code ownership, frequent integration, and so on) are in place on each team, separately. Harmonize integration procedures on the two teams so that everyone is doing things in the same way.
  2. Start circulating team members between teams. This will create a pool of people who understand both models, and will begin to connect the people of the two teams.
  3. Clarify the distillation of each model individually. (See Chapter 15.)
  4. At this point, confidence should be high enough to begin merging the core domain into the SHARED KERNEL. This can take several iterations, and sometimes temporary translation layers are needed between the newly shared parts and the not-yet-shared parts. Once into merging the CORE DOMAIN, it is best to go pretty fast. It is a high-overhead phase, fraught with errors, and should be shortened as much as possible, taking priority over most new development. But don’t take on more than you can handle.

To merge the CORE models, you have a few choices. You can stick with one model and modify the other to be compatible with it, or you can create a new model of the subdomain and adapt both contexts to use it. Watch out if the two models have been tailored to address distinct user needs. You may need the specialized power of both original models. This calls for developing a deeper model that can supersede both original models. Developing a deeper unifying model is very difficult, but if you are committed to the full merger of the two CONTEXTS, you no longer have the option of multiple dialects. There will be a reward in terms of the clarity of integration of the resulting model and code. Be careful that it doesn’t come at the cost of your ability to address the specialized needs of your users.

  1. As the SHARED KERNEL grows, increase the integration frequency to daily and finally to CONTINUOUS INTEGRATION.
  2. As the SHARED KERNEL approaches the point of encompassing all of the two former BOUNDED CONTEXTS, you will find yourself with either one large team or two smaller teams that have a shared code base that they INTEGRATE CONTINUOUSLY, and that trade members back and forth frequently.

Phasing Out a Legacy System All good things must come to an end, even legacy computer software. But it doesn’t happen on its own. These old systems can be so woven into the business and other systems that extricating them can take many years. Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be done all at once.

The possibilities are too various for me to do more than scratch the surface here. But I’ll discuss a common case: An old system that is used daily in the business has been supplemented recently by a handful of more modern systems that communicate with the legacy system through an ANTICORRUPTION LAYER.

One of the first steps should be to decide on a testing strategy. Automated unit tests should be written for new functionality in the new systems, but phasing out legacy introduces special testing needs. Some organizations run new and old in parallel for some period of time.

In any given iteration:

  1. Identify specific functionality of the legacy that could be added to one of the favored systems within a single iteration.
  2. Identify additions that will be required in the ANTICORRUPTION LAYER.
  3. Implement.
  4. Deploy.

Sometimes it will be necessary to spend more than one iteration writing equivalent functionality to a unit that can be phased out of the legacy, but still plan the new functions in small, iteration-sized units, only waiting multiple iterations for deployment.

Deployment is another point at which too much variation exists to cover all the bases. It would be nice for development if these small, incremental changes could be rolled out to production, but usually it is necessary to organize bigger releases. The users must be trained to use the new software. A parallel period sometimes must be completed successfully. Many logistical problems will have to be worked out.

Once it is finally running in the field:

  1. Identify any unnecessary parts of the ANTICORRUPTION LAYER and remove them.
  2. Consider excising the now-unused modules of the legacy system, though this may not turn out to be practical. Ironically, the better designed the legacy system is, the easier it will be to phase it out. But badly designed software is hard to dismantle a little at a time. It may be possible to just ignore the unused parts until a later time when the remainder has been phased out and the whole thing can be switched off.

Repeat this over and over. The legacy system should become less involved in the business, and eventually it will be possible to see the light at the end of the tunnel and finally switch off the old system. Meanwhile, the ANTICORRUPTION LAYER will alternately shrink and swell as various combinations increase or decrease the interdependence between the systems. All else being equal, of course, you should migrate first those functions that lead to smaller ANTICORRUPTION LAYERS. But other factors are likely to dominate, and you may have to live with some hairy translations during some transitions.

Open Host Service → Published Language You have been integrating with other systems with a series of ad hoc protocols, but the maintenance burden is mounting as more systems want access, or perhaps the interaction is becoming very difficult to understand. You need to formalize the relationship between the systems with a PUBLISHED LANGUAGE.

  1. If an industry-standard language is available, evaluate it and use it if at all possible.
  2. If no standard or prepublished language is available, then begin by sharpening up the CORE DOMAIN of the system that will serve as the host. (See Chapter 15.)
  3. Use the CORE DOMAIN as the basis of an interchange language, using a standard interchange paradigm such as XML, if at all possible.
  4. Publish the new language to all involved in the collaboration (at least).
  5. If a new system architecture is involved, publish that too.
  6. Build translation layers for each collaborating system.
  7. Switch over.

At this point, additional collaborators should be able to enter with minimal disruption.

Remember, the PUBLISHED LANGUAGE must be stable, yet you’ll still need the freedom to change the host’s model as you continue your relentless refactoring. Therefore, do not equate the interchange language and the model of the host. Keeping them close together will reduce translation overhead, and you may choose to make your host a CONFORMIST. But reserve the right to beef up the translation layer and diverge if the cost-benefit trade-off favors that.

Project leaders should define BOUNDED CONTEXTS based on functional integration requirements and relationships of development teams. Once BOUNDED CONTEXTS and a CONTEXT MAP are explicitly defined and respected, then logical consistency should be protected. Related communication problems will at least be exposed so they can be dealt with.

However, sometimes model contexts, whether consciously bounded or naturally occurring, are misapplied to solve problems other than logical inconsistency within a system. The team may find that the model of a large CONTEXT seems too complex to comprehend as a whole, or to analyze completely. By choice or by chance, this often leads to breaking down the CONTEXTS into more manageable pieces. This fragmentation leads to lost opportunities. Now, it is worth scrutinizing a decision to establish a large model in a broad CONTEXT, and if it is not organizationally or politically possible to keep together, if it is in reality fragmenting, then redraw the map and define boundaries you can keep. But if a large BOUNDED CONTEXT addresses compelling integration needs, and if it seems feasible apart from the complexity of the model itself, then breaking up the CONTEXT may not be the best answer.

There are other means of making large models tractable that should be considered before making this sacrifice. The next two chapters focus on managing complexity within a big model by applying two more broad principles: distillation and large-scale structure.