Due to the page limitation, we didn't include the raw data for hyperparameter study and all 10 rounds coverage/reach information in the paper. In this folder, we attached the raw coverage/reach data along with the script for p-value calculation.
In folder p-value
, we include the raw coverage/reach/bug data in csv format,
and script p-val-calc.py allows calcuate p-value based on FF_AFL or FF_AFL++.
We use scipy 1.10.0 and as indicated by the maintainer
, different version of scipy
might approximate differently, therefore can results in different p-values.
Regarding the hyperparameter study, the raw data could be found in folder hyperparam
we only briefly summarized the best vs worst results in the appendix.
In folder vuln
, we attached a full list of bugs and CVEs FishFuzz found.
In folder artifact
, we attached the dockerfile and the script to reproduce our evaluation results (todo).
In folder fuzzbench
, we include an experimental configuration for fuzzbench, to build it locally, copy the FF_AFL to that folder.