run gradle build
Playground app artifact will be under 'playground/build'
Weex Playground can be used to test and preview weex pages on Android and it has been added as a submodule.
- The playground submodule will be cloned and updated automatically when developers clone the ‘incubator-weex’ repo and build it.In this case, playground project will implement the source code of weex-sdk.
- When developer directly clone the 'weex-playground' repo and run it separately, the playground project will implement a corresponding aar version of weex-sdk.
When some commits of playground rely on unpublished features of weex-sdk,a SNAPSHOT of weex-sdk will be needed to support it.
cd android
./gradlew clean install ArtifactoryPublish -PweexVersion=$PUBLISH_VERSION -PbintrayUser=alibabaweex -PbintrayApiKey=$JCENTER_TOKEN
- Explanation for variable:
$PUBLISH_VERSION The version of snapshot, like
$JCENTER_TOKEN The private key for JCenter (, which is the distribution channel for Android