This little plugin for Leaflet will make a Marker bounce when you add it on a map on whenever you want it to.
Watch the demo.
Things may break in master, so please don't use this in production. There is tags which can be used in production.
Last stable: v1.0
Let's consider we have a Leaflet map:
var map ='map');
L.tileLayer('http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
attribution: 'Map data © <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a>'
Make your marker bounce when you add them to a map.
L.marker([48.85, 2.35], { boolean bounceOnAdd, object bounceOnAddOptions, function bounceOnAddCallback }).addTo(map);
###bounceOnAdd (boolean) (optionnal)
If true, your marker will bounce when added to the map. Default to false.
###bounceOnAddOptions (object) (optionnal)
bounceOnAddDuration (integer) (Default: 1000)
The duration of the animation in milliseconds.
bounceOnAddHeight (integer) (Default: top_y)
The height (in pixel) at which the marker is "dropped". The default is the top point on the y axis of the Marker.
###bounceOnAddCallback (function) (optionnal)
If you specify the callback parameter, it will be called at the end of the animation.
L.marker([48.85, 2.35], { bounceOnAdd: true, bounceOnAddOptions: {duration: 500, height: 100}, bounceOnAddCallback: function() {console.log("done");} }).addTo(map);
// take 500ms to bounce from 100px height
L.marker([48.85, 2.35], { bounceOnAdd: true, bounceOnAddDuration: 500, bounceOnAddHeight: 100 }).addTo(map);
Make a marker bounce at anytime you wish.
bounce(object options, function callback);
###options (object) (optionnal)
duration (integer) (Default: 1000)
The duration of the animation in milliseconds.
height (integer) (Default: top_y)
The height (in pixel) at which the marker is "dropped". The default is the top point on the y axis of the Marker.
###callback (function) (optionnal)
If you specify the callback parameter, it will be called at the end of the animation.
marker.bounce({duration: 500, height: 100}, function(){console.log("done")});
L.marker([48.85, 2.35])
.on('click', function () {
this.bounce(500, 100);