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Welcome to Pathfinder

A StarkNet full node giving you a safe view into StarkNet.

Pathfinder is currently in alpha so expect some rough edges but it is already usable today!


  • access the full StarkNet state history
    • includes contract code and storage, and transactions
  • verifies state using Ethereum
    • calculates the StarkNet state's Patricia-Merkle Trie root on a block-by-block basis and confirms it against L1
    • this means the contract code and storage are now locally verified
  • implements the StarkNet JSON-RPC API
    • Starknet APIs like starknet.js or fully support using our JSON-RPC API for interacting with Starknet
  • run StarkNet functions without requiring a StarkNet transaction
    • executed against the local state
  • do fee estimation for transactions


We appreciate any feedback, especially during this alpha period. This includes any documentation issues, feature requests and bugs that you may encounter.

For help or to submit bug reports or feature requests, please open an issue or alternatively visit the StarkNet discord channel.

Running with Docker

The pathfinder node can be run in the provided Docker image. Using the Docker image is the easiest way to start pathfinder. If for any reason you're interested in how to set up all the dependencies and the Python environment yourself please check the Installation from source guide.

The following assumes you have Docker installed and ready to go. (In case of Ubuntu installing docker is as easy as running sudo snap install docker.)

The example below uses $HOME/pathfinder as the data directory where persistent files used by pathfinder will be stored. It is easiest to create the volume directory as the user who is running the docker command. If the directory gets created by docker upon startup, it might be unusable for creating files.

The following commands start the node in the background, also making sure that it starts automatically after reboot:

# Ensure the directory has been created before invoking docker
mkdir -p $HOME/pathfinder
# Start the pathfinder container instance running in the background
sudo docker run \
  --name pathfinder \
  --restart unless-stopped \
  --detach \
  -p 9545:9545 \
  --user "$(id -u):$(id -g)" \
  -e RUST_LOG=info \
  -e PATHFINDER_ETHEREUM_API_URL="<project-id>" \
  -v $HOME/pathfinder:/usr/share/pathfinder/data \

To check logs you can use:

sudo docker logs -f pathfinder

The node can be stopped using

sudo docker stop pathfinder

Updating the Docker image

When pathfinder detects there has been a new release, it will log a message similar to:

WARN New pathfinder release available! Please consider updating your node! release=0.4.5

You can try pulling the latest docker image to update it:

sudo docker pull eqlabs/pathfinder

After pulling the updated image you should stop and remove the pathfinder container then re-create it with the exact same command that was used above to start the node:

# This stops the running instance
sudo docker stop pathfinder
# This removes the current instance (using the old version of pathfinder)
sudo docker rm pathfinder
# This command re-createst the container instance with the latest version
sudo docker run \
  --name pathfinder \
  --restart unless-stopped \
  --detach \
  -p 9545:9545 \
  --user "$(id -u):$(id -g)" \
  -e RUST_LOG=info \
  -e PATHFINDER_ETHEREUM_API_URL="<project-id>" \
  -v $HOME/pathfinder:/usr/share/pathfinder/data \

Available images

Our images are updated on every pathfinder release. This means that the :latest docker image does not track our main branch here, but instead matches the latest pathfinder release.

Docker compose

You can also use docker-compose if you prefer that to just using Docker.

Create the folder pathfinder where your docker-compose.yaml is

mkdir -p pathfinder

# replace the value by of PATHFINDER_ETHEREUM_API_URL by the HTTP(s) URL pointing to your Ethereum node's endpoint
cp example.pathfinder-var.env pathfinder-var.env

docker-compose up -d

To check if it's running well use docker-compose logs -f.


The pathfinder node options can be configured via the command line as well as environment variables.

The command line options are passed in after the after the docker run options, as follows:

sudo docker run --name pathfinder [...] eqlabs/pathfinder:latest <pathfinder options>

Using --help will display the pathfinder options, including their environment variable names:

sudo docker run --rm eqlabs/pathfinder:latest --help

Pending Support

Block times on mainnet can be prohibitively long for certain applications. As a work-around, StarkNet added the concept of a pending block which is the block currently under construction. This is supported by pathfinder, and usage is documented in the JSON-RPC API with various methods accepting "block_id"="pending".

Note that pending support is disabled by default and must be enabled by setting poll-pending=true in the configuration options.


Logging can be configured using the RUST_LOG environment variable. We recommend setting it when you start the container:

sudo docker run --name pathfinder [...] -e RUST_LOG=<log level> eqlabs/pathfinder:latest

The following log levels are supported, from most to least verbose:

info  # default

Network Selection

The StarkNet network can be selecting with the --network configuration option.

If --network is not specified, network selection will default to match your Ethereum endpoint:

  • StarkNet mainnet for Ethereum mainnet,
  • StarkNet testnet for Ethereum Goerli

Custom networks & gateway proxies

You can specify a custom network with --network custom and specifying the --gateway-url, feeder-gateway-url and chain-id options. Note that chain-id should be specified as text e.g. SN_GOERLI.

This can be used to interact with a custom StarkNet gateway, or to use a gateway proxy.


You can interact with StarkNet using the JSON-RPC API. Pathfinder supports the official StarkNet RPC API and in addition supplements this with its own pathfinder specific extensions such as pathfinder_getProof.

Currently pathfinder supports both v0.1 and v0.2.1 versions of the StarkNet JSON-RPC specification. v0.1 will be supported until the ecosystem has moved onto the next version. The path of the URL used to access the JSON-RPC server determines which version of the API is served:

  • the v0.1.0 API is exposed on the /rpc/v0.1 path
  • the v0.2.1 API is exposed on the / and /rpc/v0.2 paths
  • the pathfinder extension API is exposed on /rpc/pathfinder/v0.1

Note that the pathfinder extension is versioned separately from the StarkNet specification itself.

API v0.1.0

Pathfinder supports version v0.1.0 of the StarkNet JSON-RPC specification, with the following changes:

  • The starknet_protocolVersion method is not implemented. This method will be removed from the specification in its next version as its semantics and usage was questionable. We decided to not implement it.
  • To be able to represent L1 handler transactions introduced in Starknet 0.10.0, we use the L1_HANDLER_TXN type from v0.2.1-rc1 of the JSON-RPC specification.
  • To be able to represent DEPLOY_ACCOUNT transactions introduced in Starknet 0.10.1, we use the DEPLOY_ACCOUNT_TXN type from v0.2.1-rc1 of the JSON-RPC specification.

When browsing the specification project, please be aware of the following pitfalls:

  • It uses git tags for release versions. The link above should take you to the version supported by pathfinder.
  • The master branch is an active development branch and may contain unreleased specification changes.
  • The playground link listed there does not link to the specific version, but instead reflects the master branch. Here is a corrected playground link.

Transaction write API v0.1.0

Pathfinder also support's submitting StarkNet transaction's to the StarkNet gateway. Here are links to the specification and the playground.

Note that:

  • mainnet requires an additional token parameter to submit deploy and declare transactions
  • starknet_addInvokeTransaction allows an optional nonce parameter to support version 1 invoke transactions. To keep compatibility with existing clients using positional parameters the nonce parameter is the last in the list.
  • starknet_addDeployTransaction and starknet_addDeclareTransaction allow an optional abi property within the contract definition JSON object.

API v0.2.1-rc1

Pathfinder supports v0.2.1 of the Starknet JSON-RPC specification, with the following deviations:

  • starknet_estimateFee does not support estimating DEPLOY_ACCOUNT transactions.

Use the playground link to check the list of methods and the parameters.

Transaction write API v0.2.1-rc1

Here are links to the specification and the playground.

Note that:

  • mainnet requires an additional token parameter to submit deploy and declare transactions

pathfinder extension API

You can find the API specification here.

Monitoring API

Pathfinder has a monitoring API which can be enabled with the --monitor-address configuration option.


/health provides a method to check the health status of your pathfinder node, and is commonly useful in Kubernetes docker setups. It returns a 200 OK status if the node is healthy.


pathfinder does several things before it is ready to respond to RPC queries. In most cases this startup time is less than a second, however there are certain scenarios where this can be considerably longer. For example, applying an expensive database migration after an upgrade could take several minutes (or even longer) on testnet. Or perhaps our startup network checks fail many times due to connection issues.

/ready provides a way of checking whether the node's JSON-RPC API is ready to be queried. It returns a 503 Service Unavailable status until all startup tasks complete, and then 200 OK from then on.


/metrics provides a Prometheus metrics scrape endpoint. Currently the following metrics are available:

RPC related counters

  • rpc_method_calls_total,
  • rpc_method_calls_failed_total,

You must use the label key method to retrieve a counter for a particular RPC method, for example:


Python subprocess related counters

  • extpy_processes_launched_total incremented each time python subprocess is launched
  • extpy_processes_exited_total with labels, incremented each time python subprocess exits normally
  • extpy_processes_failed_total incremented each time python subprocess exits abnormally

Feeder Gateway and Gateway related counters

  • gateway_requests_total
  • gateway_requests_failed_total


  • method, to retrieve a counter for a particular sequencer request type
  • tag
    • works with: get_block, get_state_update
    • valid values:
      • pending
      • latest
  • reason
    • works with: gateway_requests_failed_total
    • valid values:
      • decode
      • starknet
      • rate_limiting

Valid examples:

gateway_requests_total{method="get_block", tag="latest"}
gateway_requests_failed_total{method="get_state_update", tag="pending"}
gateway_requests_failed_total{method="get_state_update", tag="pending", reason="starknet"}
gateway_requests_failed_total{method="get_state_update", reason="rate_limiting"}

These will not work:

  • gateway_requests_total{method="get_transaction", tag="latest"}, tag is not supported for that method
  • gateway_requests_total{method="get_transaction", reason="decode"}, reason is only supported for failures.


Licensed under either of

at your option.

Questions / FAQ

Questions are welcome! If you have any questions regarding Pathfinder, feel free to ask them using Newton.



Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.

If you would like to contribute to the py/ parts, which interface with cairo-lang, please include a mention that you agree to relicense the python parts as necessary to abide with future cairo-lang license. See for more information.


A Starknet full node written in Rust







No releases published


No packages published


  • Rust 90.9%
  • Python 4.7%
  • Shell 4.1%
  • Dockerfile 0.3%