This is a horizontal detector RetinaNet implementation on remote sensing ship dataset (SSDD).
This re-implemented retinanet has the almost the same mAP(iou=.5) with the MMdetection.
RetinaNet Detector original paper link is here.
The SSDD dataset, well-trained retinanet detector, resnet-50 pretrained model on ImageNet, loss curve, evaluation metrics results are below, you could follow my experiment.
- SSDD dataset BaiduYun
extraction code=pa8j
- gt labels for eval BaiduYun
extraction code=vqaw
- well-trained retinanet detector weight file BaiduYun
extraction code=
- pre-trained ImageNet resnet-50 weight file BaiduYun
extraction code=
- evaluation metrics(iou=.5)
Batch Size | Input Size | mAP (Mine) | mAP (MMdet) | Model Parameters |
32 | 416 x 416 | 0.89 | 0.8891 | 32.2 M |
- loss curve
- mAP metrics on training set and val set
- learning rate curve (using warmup lr rate)
conda create -n retinanet python=3.7
conda activate retinanet
conda install pytorch==1.7.0 torchvision==0.8.0 torchaudio==0.7.0 cudatoolkit=11.0 -c pytorch
pip install -r requirements.txt
Note: If you meet some troubles about installing environment, you can see the check.txt for more details.
cd utils/nms
you should download the trained weight file.
# run the simple inference script to get detection result.
you should structure your dataset files like this.
# dataset structure should be like this
# for example, coco2017
you should manual set projcet's hyper parameters in