📚 Freely available programming books
Technically-oriented PDF Collection (Papers, Specs, Decks, Manuals, etc)
Data Science at the Command Line
Open Data Policy — Managing Information as an Asset
clean, simple and fast access to public hydrology and climatology data.
Animated U.S. states border map with D3.js
Tool for generating map images from Mapbox tiles
A two column Bootstrap HTML portfolio template - created by Start Bootstrap
Mirror of the map icons used on
Convert a shapefile into an SVG you can use with JavaScript libraries
Functions to Create County-level Time Series of Hurricane Exposure
Space Apps NYC project to mine NASA datasets to better find interesting connections between data.
An interactive map of global infrastructure.
Deploy the ultimate web mapping server with a single command.
A guide to creating filled maps (or chloropleths) with Python
D3 experiment: follow a flight from SF to Honolulu to Majuro
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