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Backing up IBM Cloud Pak® for Watson AIOps

Follow the steps to back up IBM Cloud Pak® for Watson AIOps(CP4WAIOPS).

Before you begin

Enable backup on your cluster

  • Install Velero on your cluster, including the configuration of backup storage location. See ../install/

Prepare your workstation to run the backup

  • Workstation machine must have Linux base operating system and access to the internet.
  • To run and monitor the backup from a workstation, ensure the workstation has access to the cluster
  • Install velero, oc, jq, git and Helm CLIs on your workstation


1. Clone the GitHub repository

git clone

2. Log in to the OpenShift cluster

oc login --token=<TOKEN> --server=<URL>


  • <TOKEN> is the token that you use to log in to the OpenShift cluster.
  • <URL> is the OpenShift server URL.

3. Build the Docker image

  1. Go to the directory <Path of cp4waiops-bcdr>/bcdr by running the following command:

    cd <Path of cp4waiops-bcdr>/bcdr
  2. Build the cp4waiops-bcdr docker image by running following command:

    docker build -t cp4waiops-bcdr:latest -f backup/Dockerfile .

4. Tag and push the Docker image to the image registry

docker tag cp4waiops-bcdr:latest <Image Registry Server URL>/<Repository>/cp4waiops-bcdr:latest
docker login <Image Registry Server URL> -u <USERNAME>
docker push <Image Registry Server URL>/<Repository>/cp4waiops-bcdr:latest


  • <Image Registry Server URL> is the image registry server URL.
  • <Repository> is the repository where you put the image.
  • <USERNAME> is the username to log in to the image registry server.

5. Create an image pull secret by running the following command:

oc create secret docker-registry backup-secret -n velero --docker-server=<Image Registry Server URL> --docker-username=<USERNAME> --docker-password=<PASSWORD> --docker-email=<EMAIL>


  • <Image Registry Server URL> is the image registry server URL.
  • <USERNAME> is the username to log in to the image registry server.
  • <PASSWORD> is the password to log in to the image registry server.
  • <EMAIL> is the email for image registry server.

6. Package the Helm Chart

  1. Go to the directory <Path of cp4waiops-bcdr>/bcdr/backup by running the following command:

    cd <Path of cp4waiops-bcdr>/bcdr/backup
  2. Update the following parameters in values.yaml, values.yaml is located in ./helm:

    • repository: Name of the image for example Here is the image registry server URL, cp4waiops is the name of the repository and cp4waiops-bcdr is the name of the Docker image.

    • pullPolicy: Policy to determine when to pull the image from the image registry server. For example, To force pull the image, use the Always policy.

    • tag: Tag of the Docker image for example latest.

    • pullSecret: Name of the image pull secret. Refer to the value from step 6.

    • schedule: Cron expression for automated backup. For example, To take backup once a day, use the 0 0 * * * Cron expression.

    • backupStorageLocation: This is velero storage location where backed up data are stored. For example bcdr-s3-location. Use the oc get backupstoragelocation -n <velero-namespace> command to get the backupStorageLocation on the OpenShift cluster.

    • backupNameSuffix: This is the prefix for the backup name when backup is created using job. Generally, it can be name of source cluster itself. For example aiops-cluster-backup-106.

    • aiopsNamespace: Name of the namespace/project where CP4WAIOPS is installed in OpenShift source cluster. For example cp4waiops.

    • csNamespace: Name of the namespace/project where IBM Common Services is installed in OpenShift source cluster. For example ibm-common-services

    • veleroNamespace: Name of the namespace/project where Velero is installed in OpenShift source cluster. For example velero

    • ttl: Time to live for backup. It means backup data will be retained until TTL expires. For example 720h0m0s

    • enabledNamespaces: Lists the namespaces that are associated for installed components. For example, the ibm-common-services namespace represents the IBM Common Services component. You can delete the unused namespaces from the list to reduce the time taken for back up. You can update the list as shown if you have installed only two components, i.e. IBM Common Services and CP4WAIOPS

      - '"ibm-common-services"'
      - '"cp4waiops"'

      The following table lists the components and namespaces as an example:

      Components Namespaces
      IBM Common Services ibm-common-services
      IBM Cloud Pak® for Watson AIOps cp4waiops
    • enabledComponents: Backup & Restore of AIOPs now supports backing and restoring of AIOPs as well as IA (Infrastructure Automation) components. Since IA is optional component and it can be installed indepenently of AIOPs and vice versa. A new enabledComponents parameter is intorduced, this is passed as the List of the component to be backed up. Currently following two values are supported IA and AIOPS. This is mandatory parameter and expects one of the two or both are expected, any other values will be ignored and corresponding error message will generated.

      - '"IA"'
      - '"AIOPS"'
  3. Package the Helm Chart.

    helm package ./helm

7. Trigger an automated backup

  1. Go to the directory <Path of cp4waiops-bcdr>/bcdr/backup by running the following command:

    cd <Path of cp4waiops-bcdr>/bcdr/backup
  2. Deploy the backup job by running the following command:

    helm install backup-job clusterbackup-0.1.0.tgz

8. Monitor the backup Job

  1. Check the backup pods status by running the following command:

    oc get pods -n velero
  2. Check the backup job logs by running the following command:

    oc logs -f <backup-job-***>
  3. Check the backup status by running the following command:

    velero get backup <BACKUP_NAME>


    • <BACKUP_NAME> is the name of the Backup. You can see the backup name after the backup job is complete. For example, you might see the backup name aiops-cluster-backup-106-1622193915 in the backup job log as follows:

      Waiting for backup aiops-cluster-backup-106-1622193915 to complete

10. Trigger an on-demand backup

  1. Deploy the on-demand backup job by running the following command:

    oc create job --from=cronjob/backup-job on-demand-backup-job -n velero
    • This step is optional. Use only when you don't want to wait till the execution of the next scheduled backup job.
    • Deployment of an automated backup job is a prerequisite for the on-demand job. Only after you initiate an automated backup job, then you can trigger an on-demand backup.
  2. Check the on-demand backup pods status by running the following command:

    oc get pods -n velero
  3. Check the on-demand backup job logs by running the following command:

    oc logs -f <on-demand-backup-job-***>
  4. Check the backup status by running the following command:

    velero get backup <BACKUP_NAME>


    • <BACKUP_NAME> is the name of the Backup. You can see the backup name after the on-demand backup job is complete. For example, you might see the backup name aiops-cluster-backup-106-1622193915 in the on-demand backup job log as follows:

      Waiting for backup aiops-cluster-backup-106-1622193915 to complete


1. Velero backup is getting stuck in In progress state for long time.

Perform following steps to terminate the backup process :

  1. Delete the velero pod.

    oc delete pod <velero pod name> -n <velero installed namespace>

  2. Delete the backup which got stucked in In progress state.

    velero delete backup <backup name>

  3. Wait till backup script execution completion.

2. Command helm install backup-job clusterbackup-0.1.0.tgz failed with the following error:

Error: admission webhook "" denied the request:
Deny "<Image Registry Server URL>/<Repository>/cp4waiops-bcdr:latest", no matching repositories in ClusterImagePolicy and no ImagePolicies in the "velero" namespace


  • <Image Registry Server URL> is the image registry server URL.
  • <Repository> is the repository where you put the image.

As a fix perform the following steps:

  1. Uninstall backup-job by running the following command:

    helm uninstall backup-job -n velero
  2. Create a file backup-image-policy.yaml and add the following content to it:

    kind: ClusterImagePolicy
      name: backup-image-policy
      - name: "<Image Registry Server URL>/<Repository>/cp4mcm-bcdr:latest"
  3. Apply the policy by running the following command:

    oc apply -f backup-image-policy.yaml
  4. Deploy the backup job by running the following command:

    helm install backup-job clusterbackup-0.1.0.tgz