- pilkhuwa,uttar pradesh
- https://findingdata.ml/
A conversational voice-enabled chatbot like google assistant written with a powerful RASA framework.
Easy to use Gatsby Theme to create documentation websites ⚡️🔥
📇 A little directory of people's personal sites
scrapping blogs from medium.com (assessment of Gocomet campus placement)
Boston House Price Prediction web app created with streamlit having analysis and prediction both in single app deployed on Heroku
A Collection of GitHub Profiles with awesome readme
end to end implementation of predicting is two different text are similar or not.
IMsumitkumar / personalsit.es
Forked from xdesro/personalsit.es📇 A little directory of people's personal sites
prediction of extramarital affairs of women's using machine learning
decision tree assignment and prediction of survival of passengers on titanic disaster
Personalized Cancer Diagnosis or Predict the effect of Genetic Variants to enable Personalized Medicine
A repo for data science related questions and answers
IMsumitkumar / ImageClassifier_usingTensorflow
Forked from akshitasood63/ImageClassifier_usingTensorflowUdacity project - Image Classifier using Tensorflow
A data cleaning project from datacamp
All projects of deep learning nanodegree from Udacity
All projects from machine learning nanodegree with tensorflow from Udacity
A TODO web app using django rest framework, learned after django by building this project . serialized the tasks, update, create, delete using rest framework
Bank Note Authentication end to end implementation with Docker | Building UI with Flasgger | Deployed with Streamlit on Heroku | Flask
final project of t shirt we app using html css js by mermeto technologies ( on campus drive)
performed Exploratory Data Analysis and predictive analysis on given dataset from ANZ virtual intenship
machine learning masters with deployment and deep learning by iNeuron.ai by mr. sudhashu kumar sir, all assignments of the course started on 29 aug, 2020
Django based social network