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CCXT Cryptocurrency Trading Library Examples


To run the ccxt examples from any folder type one of the following commands in console.


JavaScript Examples

node path/to/example.js # substitute for actual filename here

These examples might require the following super-useful high-quality Node.js modules by xpl:

All of the modules above are installed with the ccxt library devDependencies by npm automatically.

bitcoin ascii chart


Python Examples


python path/to/ # substitute for actual filename here


PHP Examples

php -f path/to/example.php # substitute for actual filename here

See Also

CCXT Pro – a professional addon to CCXT with support for WebSocket streams.

Freqtrade – leading opensource cryptocurrency algorithmic trading software based on CCXT!

Blockpit – Tax reporting and portfolio tracking for Cryptocurrencies, Cryptoderivates and DeFi.

Projects based on ccxt – A list of hundreds of ccxt-based projects by developers from all over the world!

The Evolution Of CCXT – A Gource visualization on the development of the CCXT code repository.

Enigma Catalyst – The major effort towards decentralized exchanges integrates ccxt!

Playing with CCXT in Google Colab – An article on how useful Colab can be for quick prototyping and testing your trading ideas with CCXT.

What is the Best Crypto Trading Bot in 2020? – Ultimate guide on crypto trading bots in 2020 by HodlBlog.

Geographic Latency in Crypto: How to Optimally Co-Locate Your AWS Trading Server to Any Exchange API – An article overviewing the aspects of latencies for global cryptocurrency trading.

CCXT - Cryptocurrency Exchange Trading Library Tutorial – A YouTube video tutorial on CCXT!

CCXT Crypto Bot - Order Execution with Python – Making a CCXT Bot on YouTube!

FTX API (Crypto Exchange) and Google Cloud Functions – A video on trading with CCXT and Google Cloud Functions!

Coinbase Pro, TradingView Webhooks, and Google Cloud Functions – How to automate your trading by connecting Coinbase Pro to Google Cloud Functions using TradingView Webhooks and CCXT!

CCXT - Crypto Trading – An awesome video playlist on CCXT and tons of other cool videos by Part Time Larry!

Writing a crypto trading bot – How to write an automated trading bot, for fun and profit.

graphql-ccxt – Joins together GraphQL and CCXT: can fetch prices, read balance, open orders, ... on multiple exchanges at once.

ccxt-go – CCXT port to Go (Golang).

The GDAX Trading Toolkit (GTT) – a trading toolkit developed by the GDAX team that integrates the CCXT library!

CC Power Analytics Part 1: How to get the data of the exchanges – The first part of a series of articles on cryptocurrency analytics.

tv2bt: Kraken Example, without leverage – an article on using CCXT for backtesting.

Looking for arbitrage opportunies with ccxt – An article @steemit on getting arbitrage started with ccxt for crypto-arbitrage.

Use CCXT to calculate Cryptocurrency trade indicators – an article @ Medium on building basic indicators using CCXT.

A n00bs Guide To Deep Cryptocurrency Trading – An article @ Medium on deep neural trading using ccxt for backend tasks.

A Video Crash-Course On Using CCXT – A series of awesome video tutorials on getting started with CCXT!

Integrando el API de Binance y Kucoin con CCXT en Python – An article in Spanish on using CCXT in Python.

Let’s write a cryptocurrency bot – A multi-part advanced tutorial on a new cryptocurrency trading framework also integrating ccxt. CCXT Templates – Naas notebooks enable you to easily access data, automation and AI.

Download Cryptocurrency Data with CCXT – A sample script to download historical data from exchanges with a video overview: Easy Python script to download crypto currency market data with CCXT package.

How to Properly Download and Validate Cryptocurrency Data – An article explaining how to properly obtain cryptocurrency price and volume data for use in trading and statistical modeling (with CCXT).

ccxt 를 사용하여 가상화폐 데이터 다운로드하기 – A Korean translation of the above article.

Getting started with CCXT Crypto Exchange Library and Python – An article on using CCXT to pull different kinds of data from exchanges and for trading automation.

Experiments : Creating a Crypto Twitter Bot to Announce Newly Listed CryptoCoins – An article on how to integrate with CCXT and Twitter to get new currencies from exchanges automatically.

CCXT Exercise Index (Python) – All CCXT exercises for Python by number and subject. It will be continuously updated as more exercises are added!

How to make your own trading bot – A tutorial on algortrading in Python.

Writing crypto trading bot in Python with Telegram and ccxt – A tutorial on programming a Telegram bot in Python with CCXT

Data science is eating the world — Here’s how you can start exploring it – An article on collecting and analyzing financial big data.

Chasing fake volume: a crypto-plague – An article @ Medium on trading volumes analysis.

TradingBot series — Architecture for a trading bot – An article on building a trading bot using Python, exchange APIs, Backtrader, Telegram and CCXT.

Create Your Own Python Server to Gather High Granularity Market Data for Cryptocurrencies (And use it to create a Neural Network Trading Bot) – A read on collecting and analyzing data with neural neutworks and CCXT.

How to build an AI crypto robo trader on binance in python with jupyter notebook – An article on creating algorithhmic trading bots with Jupyter Notebooks and CCXT.

Advanced Cryptocurrency Trading Bot — Python — Open Source – An article in the course Creating a Cryptocurrency Trading Bot in Python by @BlockchainEngineer

Use of JavaScript for Blockchain Projects – An overview of the available tools for developers.

Crypto-Aggregator: My Open Source Alternative to CoinMarketCap – An article on how to make your own aggregator similar to CoinMarketCap with Node.js and CCXT.

Building some node js tools to setup machine learning trading – An article in a series on setting up some tools to get started with machine learning for crypto trading.

Trade and Invest Smarter — The Reinforcement Learning Way – A deep dive into trading and investing using deep reinforcement learning with Python.

Cryptocurrencies and APIs – A presentation given to kick off the Bloomberg cryptocurrency hackathon and as a Recurse Center talk.

Perform Currency Conversions And Get Bitcoin Prices In Python – an article showing how to use CCXT to get exchange rates, Bitcoin prices and perform currency conversions.

Using Apache Airflow ETL to fetch and analyze BTC data – how to use CCXT with Apache Airflow ETL for Bitcoin pricing data analysis.

Generic Position and Pnl Calculation – Using CCXT for fetching positions to calculate PnL.

TensorTrade: Trade Efficiently with Reinforcement Learning – TensorTrade is an open source Python framework for building, training, evaluating, and deploying robust trading algorithms using reinforcement learning.

Never Pay Fees Again: Mimic Market Buys with Limit Chase Orders in Python – A tutorial on how to automate your maker fees.

Step-By-Step Guide to Installing Python and CCXT Library – A step-by-step video guide to installing Python and CCXT library which are used by many tools and bots running on MT4 and MT5 platforms on Windows.

비트코인 해외 거래소 API - 바이낸스 CCXT설치 – Using CCXT to trade with Binance API, a video overview of CCXT in Korean.

ccxt_라이브러리 – A quick short demo of CCXT on YouTube.

CCXTが便利な理由!CCXTライブラリをインストールしよう – An article in Japanese on getting CCXT up and runining.

暗号通貨自動売買 RSI CCXTとpythonで自動売買 プログラミング bitget – Automatic cryptocurrency trading with CCXT and Python

Bitflyerや各取引所の個別APIをCCXTライブラリ経由で直接利用する方法 – How to use Bitflyer and individual API of each exchange directly via the CCXT library.

CCXTライブラリでBitflyerに注文を出す方法をマスターする – Master placing orders on Bitflyer with the CCXT library.

CCXTでBitflyerに出した注文を管理・キャンセルする方法 – How to manage and cancel orders placed on Bitflyer with CCXT

Bitflyerの未約定の全注文をCCXTで一括でキャンセルする方法 – How to cancel all uncommitted orders of Bitflyer in bulk with CCXT

Python3とCCXTライブラリを用いたBitMEX自動売買bot作成Tips – An article in Japanese on getting started with CCXT and a few bot tips.

ccxtの使い方:pythonで価格取得や残高確認できるAPI ccxt – An nice overview of using CCXT in Python.

CCXT 开发手册 – CCXT Manual translated to Chinese.

交易所接口开发 使用CCXT连接BINANCE交易所获取行情 StudyQuant – A video tutorial on CCXT in Chinese (part 1).

交易所接口开发 2使用CCXT连接BINANCE交易所获取订单余额 StudyQuant – A video tutorial on CCXT in Chinese (part 2).

如何学习CCXT框架,CCXT框架的使用以及修改交易所的API设置。 讲解如何学习CCXT框架,如何修改和设置CCXT框架中交易所实例的内容设置, 如何获取Tick和行情数据等。 – A video on getting started with CCXT and working with market data.

第二十课:如何使用CCXT框架获取交易所账户信息,下单和查询订单等私有API接口的调用, 以及如何处理交易所返回的数据 – A video on working with private data in CCXT.

第21课:如何开微信交易所下单机器人以及如何修改CCXT火币交易所api设置等问题解答 – A video explaining how to write a WeChat bot and how to configure CCXT.

Python数字货币量化交易开发入门视频-利用CCXT获取bitmex交易所的行情数据 – A video in Chinese on how to get started with CCXT in Python and a tutorial on OHLCV + Pandas export to CSV.

BitMEX自動売買Bot「MANA 1.0.1」の全て – An example of automatic BitMEX Bot MANA 1.0.1.

BitMEX 自動売買BOT開発 (API編) ① 開発環境の構築、APIライブラリの詳細、全APIマップ – An article on developing an automatic BitMEX trading bot.

仮想通貨トレード Bot 制作に便利な CCXT ライブラリに関する知見まとめ (Python 随時更新) – A summary on Python version of CCXT API in Japanese.

Python3とCCXTを使用して仮想通貨の自動売買プログラムを作る – Automatic cryptocurrency trading using Python 3 and CCXT

ccxtを使って裁定取引botを作ってみたらなぜか虚しくなった件 – An article in Japanese explaining the basics of programming an arbitrage bot with CCXT.

Python 3 / BitMEX の BOT を作ろう CCXT + BOT サンプルコード 〈基礎編〉 – A sample of basic BitMEX bot with CCXT in Python 3.

ccxtがbtcfxbot界隈でちょっと話題になっていたので使ってみた – Trying CCXT for a basic bot.

python異步加協程獲取比特幣市場信息 – An article in Chinese on using CCXT with Python.

数字货币量化交易1 【群友 Shadow 自制】ccxt 的python版本安装及使用入门 – Trading Digital Currencies 1: Installing and using the Python version of ccxt (video in Chinese)

数字货币量化交易2 【群友 林军 自制】ccxt Unified API命令详解及node版本使用演示 – Trading Digital Currencies 2: Using unified CCXT API (video in Chinese)

数字货币量化交易3 ccxt Custom API命令详解及node版本使用演示 – Trading Digital Currencies 3: Details on using custom exchange-specific implicit methods in ccxt (video in Chinese)

币圈程序化交易被使用最多的开源项目:ccxt – An article explaining what CCXT is.

CCXT框架爬取Bybit交易所历史行情数据和pandas数据处理 – A video explaining how to use CCXT with Pandas in Chinese.

Algorithmic Trading - Aula 4 – A video introduction to algorithmic trading with CCXT from Curso Algo Trading in Portuguese language.

Лучшая криптотрейдинг библиотека? – An article in Russian on setting up CCXT to connect and trade with crypto exchanges.

Présentation de projet - Créer un Bot Telegram de A à Z (+CCXT) – La création d'un bot Telegram en Node.js, qui va rechercher des informations sur les différentes marketpalce de crypto-monnaies, et cela via la librairie CCXT.

Simple trading bot in JavaScript using ~40 lines of code – A demo of how to make a trading bot with CCXT.

Using ccxt and technicalindicators to calculate MACD for BTC/USDT with Node.js – A runkit sample showing how to fetch data and run statistical calculations.

Which Bitcoin crypto currency bot project? Gekko vs ccxt vs Tribeca vs Blackbird – A video comparison of opensource cryptocurrency trading platforms.

LOC-Extension – a LibreOffice extension which embeds ccxt to provide cryptocurrency price lookup in your spreadsheets.

CryptoMon Bot - helps tracking of your cryptocurrency investments and making smart, informed buy/sell decisions.

ZenBot - a command-line cryptocurrency trading bot using Node.js and MongoDB.

bitcoin-chart-cli by madnight – a command-line console util that draws Bitcoin, Ether, Litecoin and many altcoin charts right in the terminal!


It uses the asciichart JavaScript module by kroitor for nice-looking lightweight ASCII line charting )) Both packages are available in npm!


Special thx to MitchTalmadge for porting this package to Java language! Java-people, check it out here: ASCIIGraph.