Releases: ITHit/WebDAVServerSamples
Releases · ITHit/WebDAVServerSamples
- .NET 5 is now supported by WebDAV wizards for Visual Studio 2019.
- The 'ASP.NET Core WebDAV Server Application' wizard now provides an option for specifying one of three .NET Core versions to be used by the new project: .NET Core 2.1, .NET Core 3.1, and .NET 5.0.
- 'Add WebDAV Server Implementation' wizard for Visual Studio now supports adding WebDAV to the ASP.NET 5 project.
- In case both WebDAV Engine and GSuite Engine are used in ASP.NET project, the 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header contains multiple values. This bug is now fixed.
- Azure Data Lake WebDAV Server sample now supports indexing and full-text search inside Microsoft Office documents.
- Azure Data Lake WebDAV Server sample updated to use the latest Data Lake client library. The sample is now using Azure.Storage.Files.DataLake v12.4.0.
- ASP.NET Core WebDAV server sample with Azure Blob / Data Lake Storage back-end now supports both cookies authentication and basic authentication. MS Office can now edit documents without the protocol application installation on the client machine.
- ASP.NET CalDAV and CardDAV server samples are now replaced with ASP.NET Core samples.
- Windows authentication in CalDAV/CardDAV server samples with file system back-end is now replaced with Basic authentication.
- ITHit.Collab library failed to validate the license file. The "ITHit.Collab.InvalidLicenseException: The license is obsolete. Your license works with updates issued before <date>." exception was thrown. This bug is now fixed.
- Mac OS X could not open URLs that contain characters that can have multiple representations in Unicode. Mac OS is sending requests encoded with Unicode Form D. If the file or folder name was created using Unicode Form C or any other normalization form URLs were considered non-equal. For example, the server sample code can not find URLs that contain 'ắ' character. Now Unicode Form C (NFC) normalization is used during URLs comparison in all WebDAV samples.
- Search in WebDAV sample servers with file system back-end does not return results if the search phrase contains underscore (“_”) or percent ("%") charachters. This bug is now fixed.
- Azure Blob/Data Lake WebDAV sample refactored.
- ITHit.Collab library can not deserialize some custom properties. This bug is now fixed.
- A new WebDAV server sample with Azure Data Lake storage is provided. The sample keeps documents content, locks and custom properties in Azure Data Lake.