The mission control package loads a mission from a .txt file, parses the given file and executes the mission. The node processes the mission step-by-step and interacts with other ROS nodes to actually execute the command on the robot itself. For example, waypoint commands are forwarded to the navigation stack.
roslaunch mission_control forest0_mission.launch
Defines the path to the mission file that will be parsed and executed. See Mission Definition for more details on its content.
Specify the maximum time in seconds to finish the execution of a single command. If the timeout is reached, we reset the simulation, abort the data capture and retry/skip the command.
Missions are defined in a plain text file that is parsed line by line. Each line represents one command. Lines that start with # are seen as comment and not parsed as command.
The following commands are currently supported in the parser and mission execution:
wp: 2.0 4.0 90.0
Waypoint command start with followed by three floats (x y yaw) specifying the position in meters and the orientation in degrees. The reference frame depends on the navigation stack, but should be the '/map' frame. If the execution of the waypoint is not successful, we skip it and continue with the next command in the mission file.
rd: 100 -5.0 5.0 -5.0 5.0
The random waypoints command samples N waypoints from a uniform distribution. The five floats after rd: define the number of waypoints N and the range in x and y direction, the waypoints are sampled from (N min_x max_x min_y max_y). The orientation is uniformly sampled from 0 to 360 degree. If the execution of the sampled waypoint is not successful, we resample it and try again.