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Data Sources for Tutorials

source format reference notes
Squirrel Activities csv results taken from nyc open data, in conjunction with the Squirrel Census
Politicians' Environmental Ratings json LCV Environmental Earth Score combined with GovTrack Ideology Score Cleaned, and compiled by Aucher Serr (2/21/2021)
Population Growth Over Time csv Gap Minder via Our World In Data
US GeoJson geojson Eric Tech via US Census Shapefiles
Unusually Hot Temperatures csv EPA and NOAA "The term ?unusually hot? refers to a daily maximum temperature that is hotter than the 95th percentile temperature during the 1948?2015 period."
TV Shows and Movies listed on Netflix csv Kaggle Some manipulation was done to add a 'genre' column based on the 'listed_in' column
Flare Library json Observable The file is references in most observables using hierarchical data. "Flare" is an old adobe flash library for data visualizations.
ACS Data csv Census Data Website