ROS 2 action, message, and service definitions used by the iRobot® Create® Platform.
For more information about ROS 2 interfaces, see
- DockServo: Command the robot to dock into its charging station.
- DriveArc: Command the robot to drive along an arc defined by radius.
- DriveDistance: Command the robot to drive a defined distance in a straight line.
- LedAnimation: Command the lights to perform specified animation.
- NavigateToPosition: Command the robot to drive to a goal odometry position using simple approach that rotates to face goal position then translates to goal position then optionally rotates to goal heading.
- RotateAngle: Command the robot to rotate in place a specified amount.
- Undock: Command the robot to undock from its charging station.
- WallFollow: Command the robot to wall follow on left or right side using bump and IR sensors.
- AudioNote: Command the robot to play a note.
- AudioNoteVector: Command the robot to play a sequence of notes.
- Button: Status for a button.
- Dock: Information about the robot sensing the its dock charging station.
- HazardDetection: An hazard or obstacle detected by the robot.
- HazardDetectionVector: All the hazards and obstacles detected by the robot.
- InterfaceButtons: Status of the 3 interface buttons on the Create® robot faceplate.
- IrIntensity: Reading from an IR intensity sensor.
- IrIntensityVector: Vector of current IR intensity readings from all sensors.
- IrOpcode: Opcode detected by the robot IR receivers.
- KidnapStatus: Whether the robot is currently kidnapped or not.
- LedColor: RGB values for an LED.
- LightringLeds: Command RGB values of 6 lightring lights.
- Mouse: Reading from a mouse sensor.
- SlipStatus: Whether the robot is currently slipping or not.
- StopStatus: Whether the robot is currently stopped or not.
- WheelStatus: Current/PWM readings from the robot's two wheels in addition to whether wheels are enabled.
- WheelTicks: Reading from the robot two wheels encoders.
- WheelVels: Indication about the robot two wheels current speed.
- EStop: Set system EStop on or off, cutting motor power when on and enabling motor power when off.
- ResetPose: Reset the robot pose estimate to the specified value.
- RobotPower: Power off robot.