![AI JKI and LabVIEW] (AI-JKI-LabVIEW.png)
[TS9758: Artificial Intelligence With LabVIEW: Deep Learning-Based Classification and Control] (http://forums.ni.com/t5/NIWeek-Session-Content/TS9758-Artificial-Intelligence-With-LabVIEW-Deep-Learning-Based/ta-p/3316028)
This is the example code for the NI Week 2016 presentation on AI and Deep Learning-Based Classification and Control with LabVIEW. The code includes examples on how to implement MLPs and CNNs in LabVIEW for handwriting recognition.
Deep learning has revolutionized autonomous classification and control, from autonomous vehicles to robotics to scientific instruments to industrial quality control systems. Deep learning-based algorithms have outperformed traditional machine learning techniques in nearly all domains. JKI has developed deep learning-based real-time machine learning classifiers for LabVIEW Real-Time and LabVIEW FPGA to offer the latest AI techniques to NI embedded platforms. FPGAs allow the execution of these state-of-the-art algorithms in a power-efficient way. At this session, explore the science and the art of deep learning and examine real-time image classifications applicable to a wide variety of real-life problems.