diff --git a/Add_Structure.ps1 b/Add_Structure.ps1
index f6dfedf..ae5d787 100644
--- a/Add_Structure.ps1
+++ b/Add_Structure.ps1
@@ -2,18 +2,18 @@
-# Author: Damien VAN ROBAEYS
-# Website: http://www.systanddeploy.com
-# Twitter: https://twitter.com/syst_and_deploy
$TEMP_Folder = $env:temp
$Log_File = "$TEMP_Folder\RunInSandbox_Install.log"
$Current_Folder = Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
+$Script:Current_User_SID = (Get-ChildItem Registry::\HKEY_USERS | Where-Object { Test-Path "$($_.pspath)\Volatile Environment" } | ForEach-Object { (Get-ItemProperty "$($_.pspath)\Volatile Environment") }).PSParentPath.split("\")[-1]
+$HKCU = "Registry::HKEY_USERS\$Current_User_SID"
+$HKCU_Classes = "Registry::HKEY_USERS\$Current_User_SID" + "_Classes"
+$Windows_Version = (Get-CimInstance -class Win32_OperatingSystem).Caption
If (Test-Path $Log_File) { Remove-Item $Log_File }
New-Item $Log_File -type file -Force | Out-Null
-Function Write_Log {
+Function Write-Log {
param (
@@ -24,60 +24,60 @@ Function Write_Log {
Write-Output "$MyDate - $Message_Type : $Message"
-Function Export_Reg_Config {
+Function Export-RegConfig {
param (
- Write_Log -Message_Type "INFO" -Message "Exporting registry path: $Reg_Path"
+ Write-Log -Message_Type "INFO" -Message "Exporting registry path: $Reg_Path"
- If (Test-Path "HKCR_SD:\$Reg_Path") {
+ If (Test-Path "Registry::HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\$Reg_Path") {
Try {
reg export "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\$Reg_Path" $Backup_Path /y | Out-Null
- Write_Log -Message_Type "SUCCESS" -Message "$Reg_Path has been exported"
+ Write-Log -Message_Type "SUCCESS" -Message "$Reg_Path has been exported"
Catch {
- Write_Log -Message_Type "ERROR" -Message "$Reg_Path has not been exported"
+ Write-Log -Message_Type "ERROR" -Message "$Reg_Path has not been exported"
Else {
- Write_Log -Message_Type "INFO" -Message "Can not find registry path: HKCR_SD:\$Reg_Path"
+ Write-Log -Message_Type "INFO" -Message "Can not find registry path: Registry::HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\$Reg_Path"
Add-Content $log_file ""
-Write_Log -Message_Type "INFO" -Message "Starting the configuration of RunInSandbox"
+Write-Log -Message_Type "INFO" -Message "Starting the configuration of RunInSandbox"
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Windows.Forms") | Out-Null
$Run_As_Admin = ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal] [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator)
If ($Run_As_Admin -eq $False) {
- Write_Log -Message_Type "ERROR" -Message "The script has not been lauched with admin rights"
+ Write-Log -Message_Type "ERROR" -Message "The script has not been launched with admin rights"
[System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("Please run the tool with admin rights :-)")
-Write_Log -Message_Type "INFO" -Message "The script has been launched with admin rights"
+Write-Log -Message_Type "INFO" -Message "The script has been launched with admin rights"
$Is_Sandbox_Installed = (Get-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online | Where-Object { $_.featurename -eq "Containers-DisposableClientVM" }).state
If ($Is_Sandbox_Installed -eq "Disabled") {
- Write_Log -Message_Type "ERROR" -Message "The feature Windows Sandbox is not installed !!!"
- [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("The feature Windows Sandbox is not installed !!!")
+ Write-Log -Message_Type "ERROR" -Message "The feature `"Windows Sandbox`" is not installed !!!"
+ [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("The feature `"Windows Sandbox`" is not installed !!!")
-Write_Log -Message_Type "INFO" -Message "The Windows Sandbox feature is installed"
+Write-Log -Message_Type "INFO" -Message "The `"Windows Sandbox`" feature is installed"
$Current_Folder = Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$Sources = $Current_Folder + "\" + "Sources\*"
If (-not (Test-Path $Sources)) {
- Write_Log -Message_Type "ERROR" -Message "Sources folder is missing"
+ Write-Log -Message_Type "ERROR" -Message "Sources folder is missing"
- [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("It seems you don't have dowloaded all the folder structure.`nThe folder Sources is missing !!!")
+ [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("It seems you haven´t downloaded all the folder structure.`nThe folder `"Sources`" is missing !!!")
-Write_Log -Message_Type "INFO" -Message "The sources folder exists"
+Write-Log -Message_Type "INFO" -Message "The sources folder exists"
Add-Content $log_file ""
@@ -86,37 +86,36 @@ Write-Progress -Activity $Progress_Activity -PercentComplete 1
$Check_Sources_Files_Count = (Get-ChildItem "$Current_Folder\Sources\Run_in_Sandbox" -Recurse).count
If ($Check_Sources_Files_Count -ne 39) {
- Write_Log -Message_Type "ERROR" -Message "Some contents are missing"
+ Write-Log -Message_Type "ERROR" -Message "Some contents are missing"
- [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("It seems you don't have dowloaded all the folder structure !!!")
+ [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("It seems you haven´t downloaded all the folder structure !!!")
-$ProgData = $env:ProgramData
-$Destination_folder = "$ProgData\Run_in_Sandbox"
+$Destination_folder = "$env:ProgramData\Run_in_Sandbox"
Try {
- Copy-Item $Sources $ProgData -Force -Recurse | Out-Null
- Write_Log -Message_Type "SUCCESS" -Message "Sources have been copied in $ProgData\Run_in_Sandbox"
+ Copy-Item $Sources $env:ProgramData -Force -Recurse | Out-Null
+ Write-Log -Message_Type "SUCCESS" -Message "Sources have been copied in $env:ProgramData\Run_in_Sandbox"
Catch {
- Write_Log -Message_Type "ERROR" -Message "Sources have not been copied in $ProgData\Run_in_Sandbox"
- Break
+ Write-Log -Message_Type "ERROR" -Message "Sources have not been copied in $env:ProgramData\Run_in_Sandbox"
+ break
$Sources_Unblocked = $False
Try {
Get-ChildItem -Recurse $Destination_folder | Unblock-File
- Write_Log -Message_Type "SUCCESS" -Message "Sources files have been unblocked"
+ Write-Log -Message_Type "SUCCESS" -Message "Sources files have been unblocked"
$Sources_Unblocked = $True
Catch {
- Write_Log -Message_Type "ERROR" -Message "Sources files have not been unblocked"
- Break
+ Write-Log -Message_Type "ERROR" -Message "Sources files have not been unblocked"
+ break
If ($Sources_Unblocked -ne $True) {
- Write_Log -Message_Type "ERROR" -Message "Source files could not be unblocked"
+ Write-Log -Message_Type "ERROR" -Message "Source files could not be unblocked"
[System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("Source files could not be unblocked")
@@ -129,8 +128,8 @@ If ($NoSilent) {
powershell .\RunInSandbox_Config.ps1
-$Sandbox_Icon = "$ProgData\Run_in_Sandbox\sandbox.ico"
-$Run_in_Sandbox_Folder = "$ProgData\Run_in_Sandbox"
+$Sandbox_Icon = "$env:ProgramData\Run_in_Sandbox\sandbox.ico"
+$Run_in_Sandbox_Folder = "$env:ProgramData\Run_in_Sandbox"
$XML_Config = "$Run_in_Sandbox_Folder\Sandbox_Config.xml"
$Get_XML_Content = [xml] (Get-Content $XML_Config)
@@ -149,9 +148,10 @@ $Add_PPKG = $Get_XML_Content.Configuration.ContextMenu_PPKG
$Add_HTML = $Get_XML_Content.Configuration.ContextMenu_HTML
$Add_MSIX = $Get_XML_Content.Configuration.ContextMenu_MSIX
$Add_CMD = $Get_XML_Content.Configuration.ContextMenu_CMD
+$Add_PDF = $Get_XML_Content.Configuration.ContextMenu_PDF
-If (-not (Test-Path "$ProgData\Run_in_Sandbox\RunInSandbox.ps1") ) {
- Write_Log -Message_Type "ERROR" -Message "File RunInSandbox.ps1 is missing"
+If (-not (Test-Path "$env:ProgramData\Run_in_Sandbox\RunInSandbox.ps1") ) {
+ Write-Log -Message_Type "ERROR" -Message "File RunInSandbox.ps1 is missing"
[System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("File RunInSandbox.ps1 is missing !!!")
@@ -161,749 +161,275 @@ $Backup_Folder = "$Destination_folder\Registry_Backup"
New-Item $Backup_Folder -Type Directory -Force | Out-Null
Write-Progress -Activity $Progress_Activity -PercentComplete 5
-$List_Drive = Get-PSDrive | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq "HKCR_SD" }
-If ($null -ne $List_Drive) { Remove-PSDrive $List_Drive }
-Write_Log -Message_Type "INFO" -Message "Mapping registry HKCR"
+Export-RegConfig -Reg_Path "exefile" -Backup_Path "$Backup_Folder\Backup_HKRoot_EXEFile.reg"
+Export-RegConfig -Reg_Path "cmdfile" -Backup_Path "$Backup_Folder\Backup_HKRoot_CMDFILE.reg"
+Export-RegConfig -Reg_Path "Microsoft.PowerShellScript.1" -Backup_Path "$Backup_Folder\Backup_HKRoot_PowerShellScript.reg"
+Export-RegConfig -Reg_Path "VBSFile" -Backup_Path "$Backup_Folder\Backup_HKRoot_VBSFile.reg"
+Export-RegConfig -Reg_Path "Msi.Package" -Backup_Path "$Backup_Folder\Backup_HKRoot_Msi.reg"
+Export-RegConfig -Reg_Path "CompressedFolder" -Backup_Path "$Backup_Folder\Backup_HKRoot_CompressedFolder.reg"
+Export-RegConfig -Reg_Path "WinRAR.ZIP" -Backup_Path "$Backup_Folder\Backup_HKRoot_WinRAR.reg"
+Export-RegConfig -Reg_Path "Directory" -Backup_Path "$Backup_Folder\Backup_HKRoot_Directory.reg"
-$HKCR_Mapped = $False
-Try {
- New-PSDrive -PSProvider registry -Root HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT -Name HKCR_SD | Out-Null
- Write_Log -Message_Type "SUCCESS" -Message "Mapping registry HKCR"
- $HKCR_Mapped = $True
-Catch {
- Write_Log -Message_Type "ERROR" -Message "Mapping registry HKCR"
- Break
-If ($HKCR_Mapped -ne $True) {
- Write_Log -Message_Type "ERROR" -Message "Could not map HKCR"
- [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Windows.Forms")
- [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("Could not map HKCR")
- break
Write-Progress -Activity $Progress_Activity -PercentComplete 10
-Export_Reg_Config -Reg_Path "exefile" -Backup_Path "$Backup_Folder\Backup_HKRoot_EXEFile.reg"
-Export_Reg_Config -Reg_Path "cmdfile" -Backup_Path "$Backup_Folder\Backup_HKRoot_CMDFILE.reg"
-Export_Reg_Config -Reg_Path "Microsoft.PowerShellScript.1" -Backup_Path "$Backup_Folder\Backup_HKRoot_PowerShellScript.reg"
-Export_Reg_Config -Reg_Path "VBSFile" -Backup_Path "$Backup_Folder\Backup_HKRoot_VBSFile.reg"
-Export_Reg_Config -Reg_Path "Msi.Package" -Backup_Path "$Backup_Folder\Backup_HKRoot_Msi.reg"
-Export_Reg_Config -Reg_Path "CompressedFolder" -Backup_Path "$Backup_Folder\Backup_HKRoot_CompressedFolder.reg"
-Export_Reg_Config -Reg_Path "WinRAR.ZIP" -Backup_Path "$Backup_Folder\Backup_HKRoot_WinRAR.reg"
-Export_Reg_Config -Reg_Path "Directory" -Backup_Path "$Backup_Folder\Backup_HKRoot_Directory.reg"
-Write-Progress -Activity $Progress_Activity -PercentComplete 15
Add-Content $log_file ""
-Write_Log -Message_Type "INFO" -Message "Creating a restore point"
-Checkpoint-Computer -Description "Add Windows Sandbox Context menus" -RestorePointType "MODIFY_SETTINGS" -ea silentlycontinue -ev ErrorRestore
-If ($null -ne $ErrorRestore) {
- Write_Log -Message_Type "SUCCESS" -Message "Creation of restore point 'Add Windows Sandbox Context menus'"
+Try {
+ Write-Log -Message_Type "INFO" -Message "Creating a restore point"
+ Checkpoint-Computer -Description "Add Windows Sandbox Context menus" -RestorePointType "MODIFY_SETTINGS" -ErrorAction Stop
+ Write-Log -Message_Type "SUCCESS" -Message "Creation of restore point `"Add Windows Sandbox Context menus`""
-Else {
- Write_Log -Message_Type "ERROR" -Message "Creation of restore point 'Add Windows Sandbox Context menus'"
- Write_Log -Message_Type "ERROR" -Message "$ErrorRestore"
+Catch {
+ Write-Log -Message_Type "ERROR" -Message "Creation of restore point `"Add Windows Sandbox Context menus`""
+ Write-Log -Message_Type "ERROR" -Message "$($_.Exception.Message)"
-Add-Content $log_file ""
-Write-Progress -Activity $Progress_Activity -PercentComplete 20
-If ($Add_PS1 -eq $True) {
- $PS1_Main_Menu = "Run PS1 in Sandbox"
- $PS1_SubMenu_RunAsUser = "Run PS1 as user"
- $PS1_SubMenu_RunAsSystem = "Run PS1 as system"
- $PS1_SubMenu_RunwithParams = "Run PS1 with parameters"
- $Command_For_Basic_PS1 = 'C:\\Windows\\system32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe -WindowStyle Hidden -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -sta -File C:\\ProgramData\\Run_in_Sandbox\\RunInSandbox.ps1 -Type PS1Basic -ScriptPath "%V"'
- $Command_For_Params_PS1 = 'C:\\Windows\\system32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe -WindowStyle Hidden -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -sta -File C:\\ProgramData\\Run_in_Sandbox\\RunInSandbox.ps1 -Type PS1Params -ScriptPath "%V"'
- $Command_For_System_PS1 = 'C:\\Windows\\system32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe -WindowStyle Hidden -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -sta -File C:\\ProgramData\\Run_in_Sandbox\\RunInSandbox.ps1 -Type PS1System -ScriptPath "%V"'
- $Windows_Version = (Get-CimInstance -class Win32_OperatingSystem).Caption
- If ($Windows_Version -like "*Windows 10*") {
- Write_Log -Message_Type "INFO" -Message "Running on Windows 10"
- $PS1_Shell_Registry_Key = "HKCR_SD:\SystemFileAssociations\.ps1\Shell"
- $Main_Menu_Path = "$PS1_Shell_Registry_Key\$PS1_Main_Menu"
- New-Item -Path $PS1_Shell_Registry_Key -Name $PS1_Main_Menu -Force | Out-Null
- New-ItemProperty -Path $Main_Menu_Path -Name "subcommands" -PropertyType String | Out-Null
- New-Item -Path $Main_Menu_Path -Name "Shell" -Force | Out-Null
- $Main_Menu_Shell_Path = "$Main_Menu_Path\Shell"
- New-Item -Path $Main_Menu_Shell_Path -Name $PS1_SubMenu_RunAsUser -Force | Out-Null
- New-Item -Path $Main_Menu_Shell_Path -Name $PS1_SubMenu_RunAsSystem -Force | Out-Null
- New-Item -Path $Main_Menu_Shell_Path -Name $PS1_SubMenu_RunwithParams -Force | Out-Null
- New-Item -Path "$Main_Menu_Shell_Path\$PS1_SubMenu_RunAsUser" -Name "Command" -Force | Out-Null
- New-Item -Path "$Main_Menu_Shell_Path\$PS1_SubMenu_RunAsSystem" -Name "Command" -Force | Out-Null
- New-Item -Path "$Main_Menu_Shell_Path\$PS1_SubMenu_RunwithParams" -Name "Command" -Force | Out-Null
+Write-Progress -Activity $Progress_Activity -PercentComplete 15
- Set-Item -Path "$Main_Menu_Shell_Path\$PS1_SubMenu_RunAsUser\command" -Value $Command_For_Basic_PS1 -Force | Out-Null
- Set-Item -Path "$Main_Menu_Shell_Path\$PS1_SubMenu_RunwithParams\command" -Value $Command_For_Params_PS1 -Force | Out-Null
- Set-Item -Path "$Main_Menu_Shell_Path\$PS1_SubMenu_RunAsSystem\command" -Value $Command_For_System_PS1 -Force | Out-Null
- New-ItemProperty -Path "$Main_Menu_Path" -Name "icon" -PropertyType String -Value $Sandbox_Icon | Out-Null
- New-ItemProperty -Path "$Main_Menu_Shell_Path\$PS1_SubMenu_RunwithParams" -Name "icon" -PropertyType String -Value $Sandbox_Icon | Out-Null
- New-ItemProperty -Path "$Main_Menu_Shell_Path\$PS1_SubMenu_RunAsUser" -Name "icon" -PropertyType String -Value $Sandbox_Icon | Out-Null
- New-ItemProperty -Path "$Main_Menu_Shell_Path\$PS1_SubMenu_RunAsSystem" -Name "icon" -PropertyType String -Value $Sandbox_Icon | Out-Null
- }
- If ($Windows_Version -like "*Windows 11*") {
- Write_Log -Message_Type "INFO" -Message "Running on Windows 11"
- $HKCU_Classes = "Registry::HKEY_USERS\$Current_User_SID" + "_Classes"
+Function Add-RegKeys {
+ param (
+ $Reg_Path = "Registry::HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT",
+ $Sub_Reg_Path,
+ $Type,
+ $Entry_Name = $Type,
+ $Info_Type = $Type,
+ $Key_Label = "Run $Entry_Name in Sandbox"
+ )
+ Write-Log -Message_Type "INFO" -Message "Adding context menu for: $Type"
+ Try {
+ $Base_Registry_Key = "$Reg_Path\$Sub_Reg_Path"
+ $Shell_Registry_Key = "$Base_Registry_Key\Shell"
+ $Key_Label_Path = "$Shell_Registry_Key\$Key_Label"
+ $Command_Path = "$Key_Label_Path\Command"
+ $Command_for = "C:\\Windows\\system32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe -WindowStyle Hidden -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -sta -File C:\\ProgramData\\Run_in_Sandbox\\RunInSandbox.ps1 -Type $Type -ScriptPath `"%V`""
+ If (-not (Test-Path $Base_Registry_Key)) {
+ New-Item $Base_Registry_Key -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
+ }
+ If (-not (Test-Path $Shell_Registry_Key)) {
+ New-Item $Shell_Registry_Key -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
+ }
+ If (Test-Path $Key_Label_Path) {
+ Write-Log -Message_Type "INFO" -Message "Context menu for $Type has already been added"
+ return
+ }
+ New-Item $Key_Label_Path -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
+ New-Item $Command_Path -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
+ # Add Sandbox Icons
+ New-ItemProperty -Path $Key_Label_Path -Name "icon" -PropertyType String -Value $Sandbox_Icon -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
+ # Set the command path
+ Set-Item -Path $Command_Path -Value $Command_for -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
+ Write-Log -Message_Type "INFO" -Message "Context menu entry for `"$Info_Type`" has been added"
+ }
+ Catch {
+ Write-Log -Message_Type "ERROR" -Message "Context menu for $Type couldn´t be added"
+ }
+If ($Add_PS1 -eq $True){
+ $PS1_Main_Menu = "Run PS1 in Sandbox"
+ If ($Windows_Version -like "*Windows 10*") {
+ Write-Log -Message_Type "INFO" -Message "Running on Windows 10"
+ $PS1_Shell_Registry_Key = "Registry::HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\SystemFileAssociations\.ps1\Shell"
+ $Main_Menu_Path = "$PS1_Shell_Registry_Key\$PS1_Main_Menu"
+ New-Item -Path $PS1_Shell_Registry_Key -Name $PS1_Main_Menu -Force | Out-Null
+ New-ItemProperty -Path $Main_Menu_Path -Name "subcommands" -PropertyType String | Out-Null
+ New-Item -Path $Main_Menu_Path -Name "Shell" -Force | Out-Null
+ Add-RegKeys -Sub_Reg_Path "SystemFileAssociations\.ps1\Shell\Run PS1 in Sandbox" -Type "PS1Basic" -Entry_Name "PS1 as user"
+ Add-RegKeys -Sub_Reg_Path "SystemFileAssociations\.ps1\Shell\Run PS1 in Sandbox" -Type "PS1System" -Entry_Name "PS1 with parameters"
+ Add-RegKeys -Sub_Reg_Path "SystemFileAssociations\.ps1\Shell\Run PS1 in Sandbox" -Type "PS1Params" -Entry_Name "PS1 as system"
+ }
+ If ($Windows_Version -like "*Windows 11*") {
+ Write-Log -Message_Type "INFO" -Message "Running on Windows 11"
+ $Default_PS1_HKCU = "$HKCU_Classes\.ps1"
If (Test-Path $HKCU_Classes) {
- $Default_PS1_HKCU = "$HKCU_Classes\.ps1"
$rOpenWithProgids_Key = "$Default_PS1_HKCU\rOpenWithProgids"
- Write_Log -Message_Type "INFO" -Message "Checking programs from $rOpenWithProgids_Key"
If (Test-Path $rOpenWithProgids_Key) {
+ Write-Log -Message_Type "INFO" -Message "Checking programs from $rOpenWithProgids_Key"
$Get_OpenWithProgids_Default_Value = (Get-Item $rOpenWithProgids_Key).Property
ForEach ($Prop in $Get_OpenWithProgids_Default_Value) {
- $Default_HKCU_PS1_Shell_Registry_Key = "$HKCU_Classes\$Prop\Shell"
- If (Test-Path $Default_HKCU_PS1_Shell_Registry_Key) {
- $Main_Menu_Path = "$Default_HKCU_PS1_Shell_Registry_Key\$PS1_Main_Menu"
- Write_Log -Message_Type "INFO" -Message "Adding context menu for: $Main_Menu_Path"
- New-Item -Path $Default_HKCU_PS1_Shell_Registry_Key -Name $PS1_Main_Menu -Force | Out-Null
- New-ItemProperty -Path $Main_Menu_Path -Name "subcommands" -PropertyType String | Out-Null
- New-Item -Path $Main_Menu_Path -Name "Shell" -Force | Out-Null
- $Main_Menu_Shell_Path = "$Main_Menu_Path\Shell"
- New-Item -Path $Main_Menu_Shell_Path -Name $PS1_SubMenu_RunAsUser -Force | Out-Null
- New-Item -Path $Main_Menu_Shell_Path -Name $PS1_SubMenu_RunAsSystem -Force | Out-Null
- New-Item -Path $Main_Menu_Shell_Path -Name $PS1_SubMenu_RunwithParams -Force | Out-Null
- New-Item -Path "$Main_Menu_Shell_Path\$PS1_SubMenu_RunAsUser" -Name "Command" -Force | Out-Null
- New-Item -Path "$Main_Menu_Shell_Path\$PS1_SubMenu_RunAsSystem" -Name "Command" -Force | Out-Null
- New-Item -Path "$Main_Menu_Shell_Path\$PS1_SubMenu_RunwithParams" -Name "Command" -Force | Out-Null
- Set-Item -Path "$Main_Menu_Shell_Path\$PS1_SubMenu_RunAsUser\command" -Value $Command_For_Basic_PS1 -Force | Out-Null
- Set-Item -Path "$Main_Menu_Shell_Path\$PS1_SubMenu_RunwithParams\command" -Value $Command_For_Params_PS1 -Force | Out-Null
- Set-Item -Path "$Main_Menu_Shell_Path\$PS1_SubMenu_RunAsSystem\command" -Value $Command_For_System_PS1 -Force | Out-Null
- New-ItemProperty -Path "$Main_Menu_Path" -Name "icon" -PropertyType String -Value $Sandbox_Icon | Out-Null
- New-ItemProperty -Path "$Main_Menu_Shell_Path\$PS1_SubMenu_RunwithParams" -Name "icon" -PropertyType String -Value $Sandbox_Icon | Out-Null
- New-ItemProperty -Path "$Main_Menu_Shell_Path\$PS1_SubMenu_RunAsUser" -Name "icon" -PropertyType String -Value $Sandbox_Icon | Out-Null
- New-ItemProperty -Path "$Main_Menu_Shell_Path\$PS1_SubMenu_RunAsSystem" -Name "icon" -PropertyType String -Value $Sandbox_Icon | Out-Null
- }
+ $PS1_Shell_Registry_Key = "$HKCU_Classes\$Prop\Shell"
+ $Main_Menu_Path = "$PS1_Shell_Registry_Key\$PS1_Main_Menu"
+ New-Item -Path $PS1_Shell_Registry_Key -Name $PS1_Main_Menu -Force | Out-Null
+ New-ItemProperty -Path $Main_Menu_Path -Name "subcommands" -PropertyType String | Out-Null
+ New-Item -Path $Main_Menu_Path -Name "Shell" -Force | Out-Null
+ Add-RegKeys -Reg_Path "$PS1_Shell_Registry_Key" -Sub_Reg_Path "$PS1_Main_Menu" -Type "PS1Basic" -Entry_Name "PS1 as user"
+ Add-RegKeys -Reg_Path "$PS1_Shell_Registry_Key" -Sub_Reg_Path "$PS1_Main_Menu" -Type "PS1System" -Entry_Name "PS1 with parameters"
+ Add-RegKeys -Reg_Path "$PS1_Shell_Registry_Key" -Sub_Reg_Path "$PS1_Main_Menu" -Type "PS1Params" -Entry_Name "PS1 as system"
- $OpenWithProgids_Key = "$Default_PS1_HKCU\OpenWithProgids"
- If (Test-Path $OpenWithProgids_Key) {
- Write_Log -Message_Type "INFO" -Message "Checking programs from: $OpenWithProgids_Key"
- $Get_OpenWithProgids_Default_Value = (Get-Item $OpenWithProgids_Key).Property
- ForEach ($Prop in $Get_OpenWithProgids_Default_Value) {
- $Default_HKCU_PS1_Shell_Registry_Key = "$HKCU_Classes\$Prop\Shell"
- If (Test-Path $Default_HKCU_PS1_Shell_Registry_Key) {
- $Main_Menu_Path = "$Default_HKCU_PS1_Shell_Registry_Key\$PS1_Main_Menu"
- Write_Log -Message_Type "INFO" -Message "Adding context menu for: $Main_Menu_Path"
- New-Item -Path $Default_HKCU_PS1_Shell_Registry_Key -Name $PS1_Main_Menu -Force | Out-Null
- New-ItemProperty -Path $Main_Menu_Path -Name "subcommands" -PropertyType String | Out-Null
- New-Item -Path $Main_Menu_Path -Name "Shell" -Force | Out-Null
- $Main_Menu_Shell_Path = "$Main_Menu_Path\Shell"
- New-Item -Path $Main_Menu_Shell_Path -Name $PS1_SubMenu_RunAsUser -Force | Out-Null
- New-Item -Path $Main_Menu_Shell_Path -Name $PS1_SubMenu_RunAsSystem -Force | Out-Null
- New-Item -Path $Main_Menu_Shell_Path -Name $PS1_SubMenu_RunwithParams -Force | Out-Null
- New-Item -Path "$Main_Menu_Shell_Path\$PS1_SubMenu_RunAsUser" -Name "Command" -Force | Out-Null
- New-Item -Path "$Main_Menu_Shell_Path\$PS1_SubMenu_RunAsSystem" -Name "Command" -Force | Out-Null
- New-Item -Path "$Main_Menu_Shell_Path\$PS1_SubMenu_RunwithParams" -Name "Command" -Force | Out-Null
- Set-Item -Path "$Main_Menu_Shell_Path\$PS1_SubMenu_RunAsUser\command" -Value $Command_For_Basic_PS1 -Force | Out-Null
- Set-Item -Path "$Main_Menu_Shell_Path\$PS1_SubMenu_RunwithParams\command" -Value $Command_For_Params_PS1 -Force | Out-Null
- Set-Item -Path "$Main_Menu_Shell_Path\$PS1_SubMenu_RunAsSystem\command" -Value $Command_For_System_PS1 -Force | Out-Null
- New-ItemProperty -Path "$Main_Menu_Path" -Name "icon" -PropertyType String -Value $Sandbox_Icon | Out-Null
- New-ItemProperty -Path "$Main_Menu_Shell_Path\$PS1_SubMenu_RunwithParams" -Name "icon" -PropertyType String -Value $Sandbox_Icon | Out-Null
- New-ItemProperty -Path "$Main_Menu_Shell_Path\$PS1_SubMenu_RunAsUser" -Name "icon" -PropertyType String -Value $Sandbox_Icon | Out-Null
- New-ItemProperty -Path "$Main_Menu_Shell_Path\$PS1_SubMenu_RunAsSystem" -Name "icon" -PropertyType String -Value $Sandbox_Icon | Out-Null
- }
- }
- }
- }
- # The userchoice for PS1 is located in: HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\.ps1\UserChoice
- # $Current_User_SID = (Get-ChildItem Registry::\HKEY_USERS | Where-Object { Test-Path "$($_.pspath)\Volatile Environment" } | ForEach-Object { (Get-ItemProperty "$($_.pspath)\Volatile Environment")}).PSParentPath.split("\")[-1] # RUN ON ISO
- $HKCU = "Registry::HKEY_USERS\$Current_User_SID"
- $HKCU_Classes = "Registry::HKEY_USERS\$Current_User_SID" + "_Classes"
- If (Test-Path $HKCU) {
- $PS1_UserChoice = "$HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\.ps1\UserChoice"
+ $OpenWithProgids_Key = "$Default_PS1_HKCU\OpenWithProgids"
+ If (Test-Path $OpenWithProgids_Key) {
+ Write-Log -Message_Type "INFO" -Message "Checking programs from: $OpenWithProgids_Key"
+ $Get_OpenWithProgids_Default_Value = (Get-Item $OpenWithProgids_Key).Property
+ ForEach ($Prop in $Get_OpenWithProgids_Default_Value) {
+ $PS1_Shell_Registry_Key = "$HKCU_Classes\$Prop\Shell"
+ $Main_Menu_Path = "$PS1_Shell_Registry_Key\$PS1_Main_Menu"
+ New-Item -Path $PS1_Shell_Registry_Key -Name $PS1_Main_Menu -Force | Out-Null
+ New-ItemProperty -Path $Main_Menu_Path -Name "subcommands" -PropertyType String | Out-Null
+ Add-RegKeys -Reg_Path "$PS1_Shell_Registry_Key" -Sub_Reg_Path "$PS1_Main_Menu" -Type "PS1Basic" -Entry_Name "PS1 as user"
+ Add-RegKeys -Reg_Path "$PS1_Shell_Registry_Key" -Sub_Reg_Path "$PS1_Main_Menu" -Type "PS1System" -Entry_Name "PS1 with parameters"
+ Add-RegKeys -Reg_Path "$PS1_Shell_Registry_Key" -Sub_Reg_Path "$PS1_Main_Menu" -Type "PS1Params" -Entry_Name "PS1 as system"
+ }
+ }
+ # The userchoice for PS1 is located in: HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\.ps1\UserChoice
+ # $Current_User_SID = (Get-ChildItem Registry::\HKEY_USERS | Where-Object { Test-Path "$($_.pspath)\Volatile Environment" } | ForEach-Object { (Get-ItemProperty "$($_.pspath)\Volatile Environment")}).PSParentPath.split("\")[-1]
+ $PS1_UserChoice = "$HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\.ps1\UserChoice"
$Get_UserChoice = (Get-ItemProperty $PS1_UserChoice).ProgID
- Write_Log -Message_Type "INFO" -Message "Checking programs from: $PS1_UserChoice"
+ Write-Log -Message_Type "INFO" -Message "Checking programs from: $PS1_UserChoice"
- $HKCR_UserChoice_Key = "HKCR_SD:\$Get_UserChoice"
- $HKCR_UserChoice_Shell = "$HKCR_UserChoice_Key\Shell"
+ $HKCR_UserChoice_Key = "Registry::HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\$Get_UserChoice"
+ $PS1_Shell_Registry_Key = "$HKCR_UserChoice_Key\Shell"
If (Test-Path $HKCR_UserChoice_Shell) {
- $HKCR_UserChoice_Label = "$HKCR_UserChoice_Shell\$PS1_Main_Menu"
+ $Main_Menu_Path = "$PS1_Shell_Registry_Key\$PS1_Main_Menu"
+ New-Item -Path $PS1_Shell_Registry_Key -Name $PS1_Main_Menu -Force | Out-Null
+ New-ItemProperty -Path $Main_Menu_Path -Name "subcommands" -PropertyType String | Out-Null
- If (-not (Test-Path $HKCR_UserChoice_Label) ) {
- Write_Log -Message_Type "INFO" -Message "Adding context menu for: $HKCR_UserChoice_Label"
- New-Item -Path $HKCR_UserChoice_Label -Force | Out-Null
- New-ItemProperty -Path $HKCR_UserChoice_Label -Name "subcommands" -PropertyType String | Out-Null
- New-Item -Path $HKCR_UserChoice_Label -Name "Shell" -Force | Out-Null
- $Main_Menu_Shell_Path = "$HKCR_UserChoice_Label\Shell"
- New-Item -Path $Main_Menu_Shell_Path -Name $PS1_SubMenu_RunAsUser -Force | Out-Null
- New-Item -Path $Main_Menu_Shell_Path -Name $PS1_SubMenu_RunAsSystem -Force | Out-Null
- New-Item -Path $Main_Menu_Shell_Path -Name $PS1_SubMenu_RunwithParams -Force | Out-Null
- New-Item -Path "$Main_Menu_Shell_Path\$PS1_SubMenu_RunAsUser" -Name "Command" -Force | Out-Null
- New-Item -Path "$Main_Menu_Shell_Path\$PS1_SubMenu_RunAsSystem" -Name "Command" -Force | Out-Null
- New-Item -Path "$Main_Menu_Shell_Path\$PS1_SubMenu_RunwithParams" -Name "Command" -Force | Out-Null
- Set-Item -Path "$Main_Menu_Shell_Path\$PS1_SubMenu_RunAsUser\command" -Value $Command_For_Basic_PS1 -Force | Out-Null
- Set-Item -Path "$Main_Menu_Shell_Path\$PS1_SubMenu_RunwithParams\command" -Value $Command_For_Params_PS1 -Force | Out-Null
- Set-Item -Path "$Main_Menu_Shell_Path\$PS1_SubMenu_RunAsSystem\command" -Value $Command_For_System_PS1 -Force | Out-Null
- New-ItemProperty -Path "$HKCR_UserChoice_Label" -Name "icon" -PropertyType String -Value $Sandbox_Icon | Out-Null
- New-ItemProperty -Path "$Main_Menu_Shell_Path\$PS1_SubMenu_RunwithParams" -Name "icon" -PropertyType String -Value $Sandbox_Icon | Out-Null
- New-ItemProperty -Path "$Main_Menu_Shell_Path\$PS1_SubMenu_RunAsUser" -Name "icon" -PropertyType String -Value $Sandbox_Icon | Out-Null
- New-ItemProperty -Path "$Main_Menu_Shell_Path\$PS1_SubMenu_RunAsSystem" -Name "icon" -PropertyType String -Value $Sandbox_Icon | Out-Null
- }
+ Add-RegKeys -Reg_Path "$PS1_Shell_Registry_Key" -Sub_Reg_Path "$PS1_Main_Menu" -Type "PS1Basic" -Entry_Name "PS1 as user"
+ Add-RegKeys -Reg_Path "$PS1_Shell_Registry_Key" -Sub_Reg_Path "$PS1_Main_Menu" -Type "PS1System" -Entry_Name "PS1 with parameters"
+ Add-RegKeys -Reg_Path "$PS1_Shell_Registry_Key" -Sub_Reg_Path "$PS1_Main_Menu" -Type "PS1Params" -Entry_Name "PS1 as system"
- }
+ }
- Write_Log -Message_Type "INFO" -Message "Context menus for PS1 have been added"
+ Write-Log -Message_Type "INFO" -Message "Context menus for PS1 have been added"
Write-Progress -Activity $Progress_Activity -PercentComplete 25
-If ($Add_Intunewin -eq $True) {
- $Intunewin_Shell_Registry_Key = "HKCR_SD:\.intunewin"
- $Intunewin_Key_Label = "Test intunewin in Sandbox"
- $Intunewin_Key_Label_Path = "$Intunewin_Shell_Registry_Key\Shell\$Intunewin_Key_Label"
- $Intunewin_Command_Path = "$Intunewin_Key_Label_Path\Command"
- $Command_for_Intunewin = 'C:\\Windows\\system32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe -WindowStyle Hidden -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -sta -File C:\\ProgramData\\Run_in_Sandbox\\RunInSandbox.ps1 -Type Intunewin -ScriptPath "%V"'
- If (-not (Test-Path $Intunewin_Shell_Registry_Key) ) {
- New-Item $Intunewin_Shell_Registry_Key -Force | Out-Null
- New-Item "$Intunewin_Shell_Registry_Key\Shell" -Force | Out-Null
- }
- New-Item $Intunewin_Key_Label_Path -Force | Out-Null
- New-Item $Intunewin_Command_Path -Force | Out-Null
- # Set the command path
- Set-Item -Path $Intunewin_Command_Path -Value $Command_for_Intunewin -Force | Out-Null
- # Add Sandbox Icons
- New-ItemProperty -Path $Intunewin_Key_Label_Path -Name "icon" -PropertyType String -Value $Sandbox_Icon -Force | Out-Null
- Write_Log -Message_Type "INFO" -Message "Context menus for IntuneWin have been added"
+If ($Add_Intunewin -eq $True){
+ Add-RegKeys -Sub_Reg_Path ".intunewin" -Type "Intunewin"
Write-Progress -Activity $Progress_Activity -PercentComplete 30
-If ($Add_Reg -eq $True) {
- $Reg_Shell_Registry_Key = "HKCR_SD:\regfile\Shell"
- $Reg_Key_Label = "Test reg file in Sandbox"
- $Reg_Key_Label_Path = "$Reg_Shell_Registry_Key\$Reg_Key_Label"
- $Reg_Command_Path = "$Reg_Key_Label_Path\Command"
- $Command_for_Reg = 'C:\\Windows\\system32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe -WindowStyle Hidden -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -sta -File C:\\ProgramData\\Run_in_Sandbox\\RunInSandbox.ps1 -Type REG -ScriptPath "%V"'
- If (Test-Path $Reg_Shell_Registry_Key) {
- New-Item $Reg_Key_Label_Path | Out-Null
- New-Item $Reg_Command_Path | Out-Null
- # Set the command path
- Set-Item -Path $Reg_Command_Path -Value $Command_for_Reg -Force | Out-Null
- # Add Sandbox Icons
- New-ItemProperty -Path $Reg_Key_Label_Path -Name "icon" -PropertyType String -Value $Sandbox_Icon | Out-Null
- Write_Log -Message_Type "INFO" -Message "Context menus for REG have been added"
- }
+If ($Add_Reg -eq $True){
+ Add-RegKeys -Sub_Reg_Path "regfile" -Type "REG" -Key_Label "Test reg file in Sandbox"
Write-Progress -Activity $Progress_Activity -PercentComplete 35
-If ($Add_ISO -eq $True) {
- $ISO_Key_Label = "Extract ISO file in Sandbox"
- $Command_for_ISO = 'C:\\Windows\\system32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe -WindowStyle Hidden -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -sta -File C:\\ProgramData\\Run_in_Sandbox\\RunInSandbox.ps1 -Type ISO -ScriptPath "%V"'
- Write_Log -Message_Type "INFO" -Message "Checking content of HKCR\.ISO"
- $ISO_Key = "HKCR_SD:\.ISO"
- If (Test-Path $ISO_Key) {
- Write_Log -Message_Type "INFO" -Message "The key HKCR\.ISO exists"
- $Get_ISO_Keys = Get-Item $ISO_Key
- ForEach ($Key in $Get_ISO_Keys) {
- $Get_Properties = $Key.Property
- Write_Log -Message_Type "INFO" -Message "Following subkeys found: $Get_Properties"
- foreach ($Property in $Get_Properties) {
- $Prop = (Get-ItemProperty $ISO_Key)."$Property"
- Write_Log -Message_Type "INFO" -Message "Following property found: $Prop"
- $ISO_Property_Key = "HKCR_SD:\$Prop"
- Write_Log -Message_Type "INFO" -Message "Reg path to test: $ISO_Property_Key"
- If (Test-Path $ISO_Property_Key) {
- Write_Log -Message_Type "INFO" -Message "The following reg path exists: $ISO_Property_Key"
- $ISO_Property_Shell = "$ISO_Property_Key\Shell"
- If (-not (Test-Path $ISO_Property_Shell) ) {
- New-Item $ISO_Property_Shell | Out-Null
- }
- $ISO_Key_Label_Path = "$ISO_Property_Shell\$ISO_Key_Label"
- If (-not (Test-Path $ISO_Key_Label_Path) ) {
- $ISO_Command_Path = "$ISO_Key_Label_Path\Command"
- New-Item $ISO_Key_Label_Path | Out-Null
- New-Item $ISO_Command_Path | Out-Null
- # Set the command path
- Set-Item -Path $ISO_Command_Path -Value $Command_for_ISO -Force | Out-Null
- # Add Sandbox Icons
- New-ItemProperty -Path $ISO_Key_Label_Path -Name "icon" -PropertyType String -Value $Sandbox_Icon | Out-Null
- Write_Log -Message_Type "INFO" -Message "Creating following context menu for ISO under: $ISO_Key_Label_Path"
- }
- }
- Else {
- Write_Log -Message_Type "INFO" -Message "The following reg path does not exist: $ISO_Property_Shell"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- # Modify value from HKCU
- $HKCU_Classes = "Registry::HKEY_USERS\$Current_User_SID" + "_Classes"
- If (Test-Path $HKCU_Classes) {
- $Default_ISO_HKCU = "$HKCU_Classes\.iso"
- If (Test-Path $Default_ISO_HKCU) {
- $Get_Default_Value = (Get-ItemProperty $Default_ISO_HKCU)."(default)"
- $Default_HKCU_ISO_Shell_Registry_Key = "$HKCU_Classes\$Get_Default_Value\Shell"
- If (Test-Path $Default_HKCU_ISO_Shell_Registry_Key) {
- $ISO_HKCU_Key_Label_Path = "$Default_HKCU_ISO_Shell_Registry_Key\$ISO_Key_Label"
- If (-not (Test-Path $ISO_HKCU_Key_Label_Path) ) {
- $HKCU_ISO_Command_Path = "$ISO_HKCU_Key_Label_Path\Command"
- New-Item $ISO_HKCU_Key_Label_Path | Out-Null
- New-Item $HKCU_ISO_Command_Path | Out-Null
- # Set the command path
- Set-Item -Path $HKCU_ISO_Command_Path -Value $Command_for_ISO -Force | Out-Null
- # Add Sandbox Icons
- New-ItemProperty -Path $ISO_HKCU_Key_Label_Path -Name "icon" -PropertyType String -Value $Sandbox_Icon | Out-Null
- Write_Log -Message_Type "INFO" -Message "Context menu for ISO has been added"
- }
- }
- }
- }
+If ($Add_ISO -eq $True){
+ Add-RegKeys -Sub_Reg_Path "Windows.IsoFile" -Type "ISO" -Key_Label "Extract ISO file in Sandbox"
+ Add-RegKeys -Reg_Path "$HKCU_Classes" -Sub_Reg_Path ".iso" -Type "ISO" -Key_Label "Extract ISO file in Sandbox"
Write-Progress -Activity $Progress_Activity -PercentComplete 40
-If ($Add_PPKG -eq $True) {
- $PPKG_Shell_Registry_Key = "HKCR_SD:\Microsoft.ProvTool.Provisioning.1\Shell"
- $PPKG_Key_Label = "Run PPKG file in Sandbox"
- $PPKG_Key_Label_Path = "$PPKG_Shell_Registry_Key\$PPKG_Key_Label"
- $PPKG_Command_Path = "$PPKG_Key_Label_Path\Command"
- $Command_for_PPKG = 'C:\\Windows\\system32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe -WindowStyle Hidden -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -sta -File C:\\ProgramData\\Run_in_Sandbox\\RunInSandbox.ps1 -Type PPKG -ScriptPath "%V"'
- If (Test-Path $PPKG_Shell_Registry_Key) {
- New-Item $PPKG_Key_Label_Path | Out-Null
- New-Item $PPKG_Command_Path | Out-Null
- # Set the command path
- Set-Item -Path $PPKG_Command_Path -Value $Command_for_PPKG -Force | Out-Null
- # Add Sandbox Icons
- New-ItemProperty -Path $PPKG_Key_Label_Path -Name "icon" -PropertyType String -Value $Sandbox_Icon | Out-Null
- Write_Log -Message_Type "INFO" -Message "Context menu for PPKG has been added"
- }
+If ($Add_PPKG -eq $True){
+ Add-RegKeys -Sub_Reg_Path "Microsoft.ProvTool.Provisioning.1" -Type "PPKG"
+Write-Progress -Activity $Progress_Activity -PercentComplete 45
-Write-Progress -Activity $Progress_Activity -PercentComplete 40
-If ($Add_HTML -eq $True) {
- $HTML_Key_Label = "Run this web link in Sandbox"
- # RUN ON HTML for Edge
- $HTML_Edge_Shell_Registry_Key = "HKCR_SD:\MSEdgeHTM\Shell"
- If (Test-Path $HTML_Edge_Shell_Registry_Key) {
- $HTML_Edge_Key_Label_Path = "$HTML_Edge_Shell_Registry_Key\$HTML_Key_Label"
- If (-not (Test-Path $HTML_Edge_Key_Label_Path) ) {
- $HTML_Edge_Command_Path = "$HTML_Edge_Key_Label_Path\Command"
- $Command_for_HTML = 'C:\\Windows\\system32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe -WindowStyle Hidden -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -sta -File C:\\ProgramData\\Run_in_Sandbox\\RunInSandbox.ps1 -Type HTML -ScriptPath "%V"'
- New-Item $HTML_Edge_Key_Label_Path | Out-Null
- New-Item $HTML_Edge_Command_Path | Out-Null
- # Set the command path
- Set-Item -Path $HTML_Edge_Command_Path -Value $Command_for_HTML -Force | Out-Null
- # Add Sandbox Icons
- New-ItemProperty -Path $HTML_Edge_Key_Label_Path -Name "icon" -PropertyType String -Value $Sandbox_Icon | Out-Null
- Write_Log -Message_Type "INFO" -Message "Context menu for HTML has been added"
- }
- }
- # RUN ON HTML for Chrome
- $HTML_Chrome_Shell_Registry_Key = "HKCR_SD:\ChromeHTML\Shell"
- If (Test-Path $HTML_Chrome_Shell_Registry_Key) {
- $HTML_Chrome_Key_Label_Path = "$HTML_Chrome_Shell_Registry_Key\$HTML_Key_Label"
- If (-not (Test-Path $HTML_Chrome_Key_Label_Path) ) {
- $HTML_Chrome_Command_Path = "$HTML_Chrome_Key_Label_Path\Command"
- $Command_for_HTML = 'C:\\Windows\\system32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe -WindowStyle Hidden -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -sta -File C:\\ProgramData\\Run_in_Sandbox\\RunInSandbox.ps1 -Type HTML -ScriptPath "%V"'
- New-Item $HTML_Chrome_Key_Label_Path | Out-Null
- New-Item $HTML_Chrome_Command_Path | Out-Null
- # Set the command path
- Set-Item -Path $HTML_Chrome_Command_Path -Value $Command_for_HTML -Force | Out-Null
- # Add Sandbox Icons
- New-ItemProperty -Path $HTML_Chrome_Key_Label_Path -Name "icon" -PropertyType String -Value $Sandbox_Icon | Out-Null
- Write_Log -Message_Type "INFO" -Message "Context menu for HTML has been added"
- }
- }
- # RUN ON HTML for IE
- $HTML_IE_Shell_Registry_Key = "HKCR_SD:\IE.AssocFile.HTM\Shell"
- If (Test-Path $HTML_IE_Shell_Registry_Key) {
- $HTML_IE_Key_Label_Path = "$HTML_IE_Shell_Registry_Key\$HTML_Key_Label"
- If (-not (Test-Path $HTML_IE_Key_Label_Path) ) {
- $HTML_IE_Command_Path = "$HTML_IE_Key_Label_Path\Command"
- $Command_for_HTML = 'C:\\Windows\\system32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe -WindowStyle Hidden -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -sta -File C:\\ProgramData\\Run_in_Sandbox\\RunInSandbox.ps1 -Type HTML -ScriptPath "%V"'
- New-Item $HTML_IE_Key_Label_Path | Out-Null
- New-Item $HTML_IE_Command_Path | Out-Null
- # Set the command path
- Set-Item -Path $HTML_IE_Command_Path -Value $Command_for_HTML -Force | Out-Null
- # Add Sandbox Icons
- New-ItemProperty -Path $HTML_IE_Key_Label_Path -Name "icon" -PropertyType String -Value $Sandbox_Icon | Out-Null
- Write_Log -Message_Type "INFO" -Message "Context menu for HTML has been added"
- }
- }
- $URL_Shell_Registry_Key = "HKCR_SD:\IE.AssocFile.URL\Shell"
- If (Test-Path $URL_Shell_Registry_Key) {
- $URL_Key_Label_Path = "$URL_Shell_Registry_Key\Run this URL in Sandbox"
- If (-not (Test-Path $URL_Key_Label_Path) ) {
- $URL_Command_Path = "$URL_Key_Label_Path\Command"
- $Command_for_URL = 'C:\\Windows\\system32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe -WindowStyle Hidden -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -sta -File C:\\ProgramData\\Run_in_Sandbox\\RunInSandbox.ps1 -Type URL -ScriptPath "%V"'
- New-Item $URL_Key_Label_Path | Out-Null
- New-Item $URL_Command_Path | Out-Null
- # Set the command path
- Set-Item -Path $URL_Command_Path -Value $Command_for_URL -Force | Out-Null
- # Add Sandbox Icons
- New-ItemProperty -Path $URL_Key_Label_Path -Name "icon" -PropertyType String -Value $Sandbox_Icon | Out-Null
- Write_Log -Message_Type "INFO" -Message "Context menu for URL has been added"
- }
- }
+If ($Add_HTML -eq $True){
+ Add-RegKeys -Sub_Reg_Path "MSEdgeHTM" -Type "HTML" -Key_Label "Run this web link in Sandbox"
+ Add-RegKeys -Sub_Reg_Path "ChromeHTML" -Type "HTML" -Key_Label "Run this web link in Sandbox"
+ Add-RegKeys -Sub_Reg_Path "IE.AssocFile.HTM" -Type "HTML" -Key_Label "Run this web link in Sandbox"
+ Add-RegKeys -Sub_Reg_Path "IE.AssocFile.URL" -Type "HTML" -Key_Label "Run this URL in Sandbox"
+Write-Progress -Activity $Progress_Activity -PercentComplete 50
- # $Current_User_SID = (Get-ChildItem Registry::\HKEY_USERS | Where-Object { Test-Path "$($_.pspath)\Volatile Environment" } | ForEach-Object { (Get-ItemProperty "$($_.pspath)\Volatile Environment")}).PSParentPath.split("\")[-1] # RUN ON ISO
- $HKCU = "Registry::HKEY_USERS\$Current_User_SID"
- $HKCU_Classes = "Registry::HKEY_USERS\$Current_User_SID" + "_Classes"
- If (Test-Path $HKCU) {
- $HTML_UserChoice = "$HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\.html\UserChoice"
- $Get_UserChoice = (Get-ItemProperty $HTML_UserChoice).ProgID
- $HKCR_UserChoice_Key = "HKCR_SD:\$Get_UserChoice"
- $HKCR_UserChoice_Shell = "$HKCR_UserChoice_Key\Shell"
- If (Test-Path $HKCR_UserChoice_Shell) {
- $HKCR_UserChoice_Label = "$HKCR_UserChoice_Shell\$HTML_Key_Label"
- If (-not (Test-Path $HKCR_UserChoice_Label) ) {
- $HTML_UserChoice_Command_Path = "$HKCR_UserChoice_Label\Command"
- $Command_for_HTML = 'C:\\Windows\\system32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe -WindowStyle Hidden -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -sta -File C:\\ProgramData\\Run_in_Sandbox\\RunInSandbox.ps1 -Type HTML -ScriptPath "%V"'
- New-Item $HKCR_UserChoice_Label | Out-Null
- New-Item $HTML_UserChoice_Command_Path | Out-Null
- # Set the command path
- Set-Item -Path $HTML_UserChoice_Command_Path -Value $Command_for_HTML -Force | Out-Null
- # Add Sandbox Icons
- New-ItemProperty -Path $HKCR_UserChoice_Label -Name "icon" -PropertyType String -Value $Sandbox_Icon | Out-Null
- Write_Log -Message_Type "INFO" -Message "Context menu for HTML has been added"
- }
- }
- }
+If ($Add_MultipleApp -eq $True){
+ Add-RegKeys -Sub_Reg_Path ".sdbapp" -Type "SDBApp" -Entry_Name "application bundle"
+Write-Progress -Activity $Progress_Activity -PercentComplete 55
-Write-Progress -Activity $Progress_Activity -PercentComplete 45
-If ($Add_MultipleApp -eq $True) {
- # RUN ON bundle app
- $MultipleApps_Shell_Registry_Key = "HKCR_SD:\.sdbapp"
- $MultipleApps_Key_Label = "Test application bundle in Sandbox"
- $MultipleApps_Key_Label_Path = "$MultipleApps_Shell_Registry_Key\Shell\$MultipleApps_Key_Label"
- $MultipleApps_Command_Path = "$MultipleApps_Key_Label_Path\Command"
- $Command_for_MultipleApps = 'C:\\Windows\\system32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe -WindowStyle Hidden -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -sta -File C:\\ProgramData\\Run_in_Sandbox\\RunInSandbox.ps1 -Type SDBApp -ScriptPath "%V"'
- If (-not (Test-Path $MultipleApps_Shell_Registry_Key) ) {
- New-Item $MultipleApps_Shell_Registry_Key | Out-Null
- New-Item "$MultipleApps_Shell_Registry_Key\Shell" | Out-Null
- New-Item $MultipleApps_Key_Label_Path | Out-Null
- New-Item $MultipleApps_Command_Path | Out-Null
- # Set the command path
- Set-Item -Path $MultipleApps_Command_Path -Value $Command_for_MultipleApps -Force | Out-Null
- # Add Sandbox Icons
- New-ItemProperty -Path $MultipleApps_Key_Label_Path -Name "icon" -PropertyType String -Value $Sandbox_Icon | Out-Null
- Write_Log -Message_Type "INFO" -Message "Context menu for PS1 has been added"
- }
+If ($Add_VBS -eq $True){
+ $VBS_Main_Menu = "Run VBS in Sandbox"
-Write-Progress -Activity $Progress_Activity -PercentComplete 45
+ $VBS_Shell_Registry_Key = "Registry::HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\VBSFile\Shell"
+ $Main_Menu_Path = "$VBS_Shell_Registry_Key\$VBS_Main_Menu"
+ New-Item -Path $VBS_Shell_Registry_Key -Name $VBS_Main_Menu -Force | Out-Null
+ New-ItemProperty -Path $Main_Menu_Path -Name "subcommands" -PropertyType String | Out-Null
+ New-Item -Path $Main_Menu_Path -Name "Shell" -Force | Out-Null
-If ($Add_VBS -eq $True) {
- $VBS_Shell_Registry_Key = "HKCR_SD:\VBSFile\Shell"
- $VBS_Basic_Run = "Run VBS in Sandbox"
- $VBS_Parameter_Run = "Run VBS in Sandbox with parameters"
- $ContextMenu_Basic_VBS = "$VBS_Shell_Registry_Key\$VBS_Basic_Run"
- $ContextMenu_Parameters_VBS = "$VBS_Shell_Registry_Key\$VBS_Parameter_Run"
- New-Item -Path $VBS_Shell_Registry_Key -Name $VBS_Basic_Run -Force | Out-Null
- New-Item -Path $VBS_Shell_Registry_Key -Name $VBS_Parameter_Run -Force | Out-Null
- New-Item -Path $ContextMenu_Basic_VBS -Name "Command" -Force | Out-Null
- New-Item -Path $ContextMenu_Parameters_VBS -Name "Command" -Force | Out-Null
- $Command_For_Basic_VBS = 'C:\\Windows\\system32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe -WindowStyle Hidden -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -sta -File C:\\ProgramData\\Run_in_Sandbox\\RunInSandbox.ps1 -Type VBSBasic -ScriptPath "%V"'
- $Command_For_Params_VBS = 'C:\\Windows\\system32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe -WindowStyle Hidden -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -sta -File C:\\ProgramData\\Run_in_Sandbox\\RunInSandbox.ps1 -Type VBSParams -ScriptPath "%V"'
- # Set the command path
- Set-Item -Path "$ContextMenu_Basic_VBS\command" -Value $Command_For_Basic_VBS -Force | Out-Null
- Set-Item -Path "$ContextMenu_Parameters_VBS\command" -Value $Command_For_Params_VBS -Force | Out-Null
- # Add Sandbox Icons
- New-ItemProperty -Path $ContextMenu_Basic_VBS -Name "icon" -PropertyType String -Value $Sandbox_Icon | Out-Null
- New-ItemProperty -Path $ContextMenu_Parameters_VBS -Name "icon" -PropertyType String -Value $Sandbox_Icon | Out-Null
- Write_Log -Message_Type "INFO" -Message "Context menus for VBS have been added"
+ Add-RegKeys -Sub_Reg_Path "VBSFile\Shell\$VBS_Main_Menu" -Type "VBSBasic" -Entry_Name "VBS"
+ Add-RegKeys -Sub_Reg_Path "VBSFile\Shell\$VBS_Main_Menu" -Type "VBSParams" -Entry_Name "VBS with parameters"
+Write-Progress -Activity $Progress_Activity -PercentComplete 60
-Write-Progress -Activity $Progress_Activity -PercentComplete 50
-If ($Add_EXE -eq $True) {
- $EXE_Shell_Registry_Key = "HKCR_SD:\exefile\Shell"
- $EXE_Basic_Run = "Run EXE in Sandbox"
- $ContextMenu_Basic_EXE = "$EXE_Shell_Registry_Key\$EXE_Basic_Run"
- New-Item -Path $EXE_Shell_Registry_Key -Name $EXE_Basic_Run -Force | Out-Null
- New-Item -Path $ContextMenu_Basic_EXE -Name "Command" -Force | Out-Null
- # Add Sandbox Icons
- New-ItemProperty -Path $ContextMenu_Basic_EXE -Name "icon" -PropertyType String -Value $Sandbox_Icon | Out-Null
- $Command_For_EXE = 'C:\\Windows\\system32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe -WindowStyle Hidden -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -sta -File C:\\ProgramData\\Run_in_Sandbox\\RunInSandbox.ps1 -Type EXE -ScriptPath "%V"'
- # Set the command path
- Set-Item -Path "$ContextMenu_Basic_EXE\command" -Value $Command_For_EXE -Force | Out-Null
- Write_Log -Message_Type "INFO" -Message "Context menus for EXE have been added"
+If ($Add_EXE -eq $True){
+ Add-RegKeys -Sub_Reg_Path "exefile" -Type "EXE"
+Write-Progress -Activity $Progress_Activity -PercentComplete 65
-Write-Progress -Activity $Progress_Activity -PercentComplete 50
-If ($Add_MSI -eq $True) {
- $MSI_Shell_Registry_Key = "HKCR_SD:\Msi.Package\Shell"
- $MSI_Basic_Run = "Run MSI in Sandbox"
- $ContextMenu_Basic_MSI = "$MSI_Shell_Registry_Key\$MSI_Basic_Run"
- New-Item -Path $MSI_Shell_Registry_Key -Name $MSI_Basic_Run -Force | Out-Null
- New-Item -Path $ContextMenu_Basic_MSI -Name "Command" -Force | Out-Null
- # Add Sandbox Icons
- New-ItemProperty -Path $ContextMenu_Basic_MSI -Name "icon" -PropertyType String -Value $Sandbox_Icon | Out-Null
- $Command_For_MSI = 'C:\\Windows\\system32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe -WindowStyle Hidden -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -sta -File C:\\ProgramData\\Run_in_Sandbox\\RunInSandbox.ps1 -Type MSI -ScriptPath "%V"'
- # Set the command path
- Set-Item -Path "$ContextMenu_Basic_MSI\command" -Value $Command_For_MSI -Force | Out-Null
- Write_Log -Message_Type "INFO" -Message "Context menu for MSI has been added"
+If ($Add_MSI -eq $True){
+ Add-RegKeys -Sub_Reg_Path "Msi.Package" -Type "MSI"
+Write-Progress -Activity $Progress_Activity -PercentComplete 70
-Write-Progress -Activity $Progress_Activity -PercentComplete 55
+If ($Add_ZIP -eq $True){
+ #Run on ZIP
+ Add-RegKeys -Sub_Reg_Path "CompressedFolder" -Type "ZIP" -Key_Label "Extract ZIP in Sandbox"
-If ($Add_ZIP -eq $True) {
- $ZIP_Shell_Registry_Key = "HKCR_SD:\CompressedFolder\Shell"
- $ZIP_Basic_Run = "Extract ZIP in Sandbox"
- $ContextMenu_Basic_ZIP = "$ZIP_Shell_Registry_Key\$ZIP_Basic_Run"
- New-Item -Path $ZIP_Shell_Registry_Key -Name $ZiP_Basic_Run -Force | Out-Null
- New-Item -Path $ContextMenu_Basic_ZIP -Name "Command" -Force | Out-Null
- # Add Sandbox Icons
- New-ItemProperty -Path $ContextMenu_Basic_ZIP -Name "icon" -PropertyType String -Value $Sandbox_Icon | Out-Null
- $Command_For_ZIP = 'C:\\Windows\\system32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe -WindowStyle Hidden -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -sta -File C:\\ProgramData\\Run_in_Sandbox\\RunInSandbox.ps1 -Type ZIP -ScriptPath "%V"'
- # Set the command path
- Set-Item -Path "$ContextMenu_Basic_ZIP\command" -Value $Command_For_ZIP -Force | Out-Null
- Write_Log -Message_Type "INFO" -Message "Context menu for ZIP has been added"
- Write-Progress -Activity $Progress_Activity -PercentComplete 65
- # RUN ON ZIP if WinRAR is installed
- If (Test-Path "HKCR_SD:\WinRAR.ZIP\Shell") {
- $ZIP_WinRAR_Shell_Registry_Key = "HKCR_SD:\WinRAR.ZIP\Shell"
- $ZIP_WinRAR_Basic_Run = "Extract ZIP in Sandbox"
- $ContextMenu_Basic_ZIP_RAR = "$ZIP_WinRAR_Shell_Registry_Key\$ZIP_WinRAR_Basic_Run"
- New-Item -Path $ZIP_WinRAR_Shell_Registry_Key -Name $ZIP_WinRAR_Basic_Run -Force | Out-Null
- New-Item -Path $ContextMenu_Basic_ZIP_RAR -Name "Command" -Force | Out-Null
- # Add Sandbox Icons
- New-ItemProperty -Path $ContextMenu_Basic_ZIP_RAR -Name "icon" -PropertyType String -Value $Sandbox_Icon | Out-Null
- $Command_For_ZIP = 'C:\\Windows\\system32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe -WindowStyle Hidden -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -sta -File C:\\ProgramData\\Run_in_Sandbox\\RunInSandbox.ps1 -Type ZIP -ScriptPath "%V"'
- # Set the command path
- Set-Item -Path "$ContextMenu_Basic_ZIP_RAR\command" -Value $Command_For_ZIP -Force | Out-Null
+ # Run on ZIP if WinRAR is installed
+ If (Test-Path "Registry::HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\WinRAR.ZIP") {
+ Add-RegKeys -Sub_Reg_Path "WinRAR.ZIP" -Type "ZIP" -Key_Label "Extract ZIP in Sandbox"
- $7z_Key_Label = "Extract 7z file in Sandbox"
- # RUN ON 7z
- $7z_Shell_Registry_Key = "HKCR_SD:\Applications\7zFM.exe"
- If (Test-Path $7z_Shell_Registry_Key) {
- $Default_ZIP_Shell_Registry_Key = "$7z_Shell_Registry_Key\Shell"
- If (Test-Path $Default_ZIP_Shell_Registry_Key) {
- $Default_ZIP_Key_Label_Path = "$Default_ZIP_Shell_Registry_Key\$7z_Key_Label"
- $Default_ZIP_Command_Path = "$Default_ZIP_Key_Label_Path\Command"
- $Command_for_Default_ZIP = 'C:\\Windows\\system32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe -WindowStyle Hidden -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -sta -File C:\\ProgramData\\Run_in_Sandbox\\RunInSandbox.ps1 -Type 7Z -ScriptPath "%V"'
- If (Test-Path $Default_ZIP_Shell_Registry_Key) {
- New-Item $Default_ZIP_Key_Label_Path | Out-Null
- New-Item $Default_ZIP_Command_Path | Out-Null
- # Set the command path
- Set-Item -Path $Default_ZIP_Command_Path -Value $Command_for_Default_ZIP -Force | Out-Null
- # Add Sandbox Icons
- New-ItemProperty -Path $Default_ZIP_Key_Label_Path -Name "icon" -PropertyType String -Value $Sandbox_Icon | Out-Null
- Write_Log -Message_Type "INFO" -Message "Context menu for 7Z has been added"
- }
- }
- }
- # $Current_User_SID = (Get-ChildItem Registry::\HKEY_USERS | Where-Object { Test-Path "$($_.pspath)\Volatile Environment" } | ForEach-Object { (Get-ItemProperty "$($_.pspath)\Volatile Environment")}).PSParentPath.split("\")[-1] # RUN ON ISO
- $HKCU = "Registry::HKEY_USERS\$Current_User_SID"
- $HKCU_Classes = "Registry::HKEY_USERS\$Current_User_SID" + "_Classes"
- If (Test-Path $HKCU) {
- $ZIP_UserChoice = "$HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\.zip\OpenWithProgids"
- $Get_Properties = (Get-Item $ZIP_UserChoice).property
- ForEach ($Prop in $Get_Properties) {
- $HKCR_UserChoice_Key = "HKCR_SD:\$Prop"
- $HKCR_UserChoice_Shell = "$HKCR_UserChoice_Key\Shell"
- If (Test-Path $HKCR_UserChoice_Shell) {
- $HKCR_UserChoice_Label = "$HKCR_UserChoice_Shell\$ZIP_Basic_Run"
- If (-not (Test-Path $HKCR_UserChoice_Label) ) {
- $HTML_UserChoice_Command_Path = "$HKCR_UserChoice_Label\Command"
- $Command_for_HTML = 'C:\\Windows\\system32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe -WindowStyle Hidden -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -sta -File C:\\ProgramData\\Run_in_Sandbox\\RunInSandbox.ps1 -Type HTML -ScriptPath "%V"'
- New-Item $HKCR_UserChoice_Label | Out-Null
- New-Item $HTML_UserChoice_Command_Path | Out-Null
- # Set the command path
- Set-Item -Path $HTML_UserChoice_Command_Path -Value $Command_for_HTML -Force | Out-Null
- # Add Sandbox Icons
- New-ItemProperty -Path $HKCR_UserChoice_Label -Name "icon" -PropertyType String -Value $Sandbox_Icon | Out-Null
- Write_Log -Message_Type "INFO" -Message "Context menu for HTML has been added"
- }
- }
- }
+ # Run on 7z
+ If (Test-Path "Registry::HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Applications\7zFM.exe") {
+ Add-RegKeys -Sub_Reg_Path "Applications\7zFM.exe" -Type "ZIP" -Info_Type "7z" -Entry_Name "ZIP" -Key_Label "Extract 7z file in Sandbox"
Write-Progress -Activity $Progress_Activity -PercentComplete 75
-If ($Add_MSIX -eq $True) {
- $MSIX_Key_Label = "Run MSIX file in Sandbox"
- $Command_for_MSIX = 'C:\\Windows\\system32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe -WindowStyle Hidden -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -sta -File C:\\ProgramData\\Run_in_Sandbox\\RunInSandbox.ps1 -Type MSIX -ScriptPath "%V"'
- $MSIX_Shell_Registry_Key = "HKCR_SD:\.msix\OpenWithProgids"
+If ($Add_MSIX -eq $True){
+ $MSIX_Shell_Registry_Key = "Registry::HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.msix\OpenWithProgids"
If (Test-Path $MSIX_Shell_Registry_Key) {
$Get_Default_Value = (Get-Item $MSIX_Shell_Registry_Key).Property
- $MSIX_Shell_Registry = "HKCR_SD:\$Get_Default_Value\Shell"
- If (Test-Path $MSIX_Shell_Registry) {
- $MSIX_Key_Label_Path = "$MSIX_Shell_Registry\$MSIX_Key_Label"
- If (-not (Test-Path $MSIX_Key_Label_Path) ) {
- $MSIX_Command_Path = "$MSIX_Key_Label_Path\Command"
- New-Item $MSIX_Key_Label_Path | Out-Null
- New-Item $MSIX_Command_Path | Out-Null
- # Set the command path
- Set-Item -Path $MSIX_Command_Path -Value $Command_for_MSIX -Force | Out-Null
- # Add Sandbox Icons
- New-ItemProperty -Path $MSIX_Key_Label_Path -Name "icon" -PropertyType String -Value $Sandbox_Icon | Out-Null
- Write_Log -Message_Type "INFO" -Message "Context menu for MSIX has been added"
- }
- }
+ Add-RegKeys -Sub_Reg_Path "$Get_Default_Value" -Type "MSIX"
- # Modify value from HKCU
- # $Current_User_SID = (Get-ChildItem Registry::\HKEY_USERS | Where-Object { Test-Path "$($_.pspath)\Volatile Environment" } | ForEach-Object { (Get-ItemProperty "$($_.pspath)\Volatile Environment")}).PSParentPath.split("\")[-1] # RUN ON ISO
- $HKCU_Classes = "Registry::HKEY_USERS\$Current_User_SID" + "_Classes"
If (Test-Path $HKCU_Classes) {
$Default_MSIX_HKCU = "$HKCU_Classes\.msix"
$Get_Default_Value = (Get-Item "$Default_MSIX_HKCU\OpenWithProgids").Property
- $Default_HKCU_MSIX_Shell_Registry_Key = "$HKCU_Classes\$Get_Default_Value\Shell"
- If (Test-Path $Default_HKCU_MSIX_Shell_Registry_Key) {
- $MSIX_HKCU_Key_Label_Path = "$Default_HKCU_MSIX_Shell_Registry_Key\$MSIX_Key_Label"
- $HKCU_MSIX_Command_Path = "$MSIX_HKCU_Key_Label_Path\Command"
- New-Item $MSIX_HKCU_Key_Label_Path | Out-Null
- New-Item $HKCU_MSIX_Command_Path | Out-Null
- # Set the command path
- Set-Item -Path $HKCU_MSIX_Command_Path -Value $Command_for_MSIX -Force | Out-Null
- # Add Sandbox Icons
- New-ItemProperty -Path $MSIX_HKCU_Key_Label_Path -Name "icon" -PropertyType String -Value $Sandbox_Icon | Out-Null
- Write_Log -Message_Type "INFO" -Message "Context menu for ISO has been added"
- }
- }
+ Add-RegKeys -Reg_Path $HKCU_Classes -Sub_Reg_Path "$Get_Default_Value" -Type "MSIX"
+ }
+Write-Progress -Activity $Progress_Activity -PercentComplete 80
-Write-Progress -Activity $Progress_Activity -PercentComplete 75
-If ($Add_Folder -eq $True) {
- # Share this folder - Inside the folder
- $Folder_Inside_Shell_Registry_Key = "HKCR_SD:\Directory\Background\shell"
- $Folder_Inside_Basic_Run = "Share this folder in a Sandbox"
- # $Folder_Inside_Basic_Run = $Get_Language_File_Content.Folder
- # $ContextMenu_Folder_Inside = "$Folder_Inside_Shell_Registry_Key\$Folder_Inside_Basic_Run"
- $ContextMenu_Folder_Inside = "$Folder_Inside_Shell_Registry_Key\Share this folder in a Sandbox"
- New-Item -Path $Folder_Inside_Shell_Registry_Key -Name $Folder_Inside_Basic_Run -Force | Out-Null
- New-Item -Path $ContextMenu_Folder_Inside -Name "Command" -Force | Out-Null
- # Add Sandbox Icons
- New-ItemProperty -Path $ContextMenu_Folder_Inside -Name "icon" -PropertyType String -Value $Sandbox_Icon | Out-Null
- $Command_For_Folder_Inside = 'C:\\Windows\\system32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe -WindowStyle Hidden -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -sta -File C:\\ProgramData\\Run_in_Sandbox\\RunInSandbox.ps1 -Type Folder_Inside -ScriptPath "%V"'
- # Set the command path
- Set-Item -Path "$ContextMenu_Folder_Inside\command" -Value $Command_For_Folder_Inside -Force | Out-Null
- Write_Log -Message_Type "INFO" -Message "Context menus for folder have been added"
- Write-Progress -Activity $Progress_Activity -PercentComplete 85
- # Share this folder - Right-click on the folder
- $Folder_On_Shell_Registry_Key = "HKCR_SD:\Directory\shell"
- # $Folder_On_Run = $Get_Language_File_Content.Folder
- $Folder_On_Run = "Share this folder in a Sandbox"
- # $ContextMenu_Folder_On = "$Folder_On_Shell_Registry_Key\$Folder_On_Run"
- $ContextMenu_Folder_On = "$Folder_On_Shell_Registry_Key\Share this folder in a Sandbox"
- New-Item -Path $Folder_On_Shell_Registry_Key -Name $Folder_On_Run -Force | Out-Null
- New-Item -Path $ContextMenu_Folder_On -Name "Command" -Force | Out-Null
- # Add Sandbox Icons
- New-ItemProperty -Path $ContextMenu_Folder_On -Name "icon" -PropertyType String -Value $Sandbox_Icon | Out-Null
- $Command_For_Folder_On = 'C:\\Windows\\system32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe -WindowStyle Hidden -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -sta -File C:\\ProgramData\\Run_in_Sandbox\\RunInSandbox.ps1 -Type Folder_On -ScriptPath "%V"'
- # Set the command path
- Set-Item -Path "$ContextMenu_Folder_On\command" -Value $Command_For_Folder_On -Force | Out-Null
+If ($Add_Folder -eq $True){
+ Add-RegKeys -Sub_Reg_Path "Directory\Background" -Type "Folder_Inside" -Entry_Name "this folder" -Key_Label "Share this folder in a Sandbox"
+ Add-RegKeys -Sub_Reg_Path "Directory" -Type "Folder_On" -Entry_Name "this folder" -Key_Label "Share this folder in a Sandbox"
+Write-Progress -Activity $Progress_Activity -PercentComplete 85
-If ($Add_CMD -eq $True) {
- $CMD_Shell_Registry_Key = "HKCR_SD:\cmdfile\Shell"
- $CMD_Basic_Run = "Run CMD in Sandbox"
- $ContextMenu_Basic_CMD = "$CMD_Shell_Registry_Key\$CMD_Basic_Run"
- New-Item -Path $CMD_Shell_Registry_Key -Name $CMD_Basic_Run -Force | Out-Null
- New-Item -Path $ContextMenu_Basic_CMD -Name "Command" -Force | Out-Null
- # Add Sandbox Icons
- New-ItemProperty -Path $ContextMenu_Basic_CMD -Name "icon" -PropertyType String -Value $Sandbox_Icon | Out-Null
- $Command_For_CMD = 'C:\\Windows\\system32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe -WindowStyle Hidden -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -sta -File C:\\ProgramData\\Run_in_Sandbox\\RunInSandbox.ps1 -Type CMD -ScriptPath "%V"'
- # Set the command path
- Set-Item -Path "$ContextMenu_Basic_CMD\command" -Value $Command_For_CMD -Force | Out-Null
- Write_Log -Message_Type "INFO" -Message "Context menus for CMD have been added"
- Write-Progress -Activity $Progress_Activity -PercentComplete 95
- $BAT_Shell_Registry_Key = "HKCR_SD:\batfile\Shell"
- $BAT_Basic_Run = "Run BAT in Sandbox"
- $ContextMenu_Basic_BAT = "$BAT_Shell_Registry_Key\$BAT_Basic_Run"
- New-Item -Path $BAT_Shell_Registry_Key -Name $BAT_Basic_Run -Force | Out-Null
- New-Item -Path $ContextMenu_Basic_BAT -Name "Command" -Force | Out-Null
- # Add Sandbox Icons
- New-ItemProperty -Path $ContextMenu_Basic_BAT -Name "icon" -PropertyType String -Value $Sandbox_Icon | Out-Null
- $Command_For_BAT = 'C:\\Windows\\system32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe -WindowStyle Hidden -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -sta -File C:\\ProgramData\\Run_in_Sandbox\\RunInSandbox.ps1 -Type CMD -ScriptPath "%V"'
- # Set the command path
- Set-Item -Path "$ContextMenu_Basic_BAT\command" -Value $Command_For_BAT -Force | Out-Null
- Write_Log -Message_Type "INFO" -Message "Context menus for BAT have been added"
+If ($Add_CMD -eq $True){
+ Add-RegKeys -Sub_Reg_Path "cmdfile" -Type "CMD"
+ Add-RegKeys -Sub_Reg_Path "batfile" -Type "BAT"
+Write-Progress -Activity $Progress_Activity -PercentComplete 90
-If ($null -ne $List_Drive) { Remove-PSDrive $List_Drive }
+If ($Add_PDF -eq $True){
+ If (-not (Test-Path "Registry::HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\SystemFileAssociations\.pdf") ) {
+ New-Item "Registry::HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\SystemFileAssociations\.pdf" -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
+ }
+ Add-RegKeys -Sub_Reg_Path "SystemFileAssociations\.pdf" -Type "PDF" -Key_Label "Open PDF in Sandbox"
Write-Progress -Activity $Progress_Activity -PercentComplete 100
-Copy-Item $Log_File $Destination_folder -Force
+Copy-Item $Log_File $Destination_folder -Force
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index be28e75..685bf22 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -8,6 +8,13 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0
## Unreleased
+## 2023-03-29
+### Added
+- Added context menu entry for opening PDF in Sandbox
+### Changed
+- Completely rewrote alot of code in Add_Structure.ps1
## 2023-03-22
### Added
- Added context menu entry for running CMD/BAT in Sandbox
diff --git a/Remove_Structure.ps1 b/Remove_Structure.ps1
index 09d1392..bee1888 100644
--- a/Remove_Structure.ps1
+++ b/Remove_Structure.ps1
@@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ $Add_PPKG = $Get_XML_Content.Configuration.ContextMenu_PPKG
$Add_HTML = $Get_XML_Content.Configuration.ContextMenu_HTML
$Add_MSIX = $Get_XML_Content.Configuration.ContextMenu_MSIX
$Add_CMD = $Get_XML_Content.Configuration.ContextMenu_CMD
+$Add_PDF = $Get_XML_Content.Configuration.ContextMenu_PDF
$List_Drive = Get-PSDrive | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq "HKCR_SD" }
If ($null -ne $List_Drive) { Remove-PSDrive $List_Drive }
@@ -212,6 +213,7 @@ If ($Add_ISO -eq $True) {
If ($Add_MSIX -eq $True) {
Write-Output "Removing context menu for MSIX"
$MSIX_Key_Label = "Run MSIX file in Sandbox"
+ $MSIX_Key_Label_new = "Run MSIX in Sandbox"
$MSIX_Shell_Registry_Key = "HKCR_SD:\.msix\OpenWithProgids"
If (Test-Path $MSIX_Shell_Registry_Key) {
@@ -222,6 +224,7 @@ If ($Add_MSIX -eq $True) {
If (Test-Path $MSIX_Key_Label_Path) {
Remove_Reg_Item -Reg_Path $MSIX_Key_Label_Path
Remove_Reg_Item -Reg_Path "$MSIX_Shell_Registry\$MSIX_Key_Label"
+ Remove_Reg_Item -Reg_Path "$MSIX_Shell_Registry\$MSIX_Key_Label_new"
@@ -409,6 +412,17 @@ If ($Add_CMD -eq $True) {
+If ($Add_PDF -eq $True) {
+ Write-Output "Removing context menu for PDF"
+ $PDF_Shell_Registry_Key = "HKCR_SD:\SystemFileAssociations\.pdf\Shell"
+ $PDF_Key_Label = "Open PDF in Sandbox"
+ If (Test-Path "$PDF_Shell_Registry_Key\$PDF_Key_Label") {
+ Remove_Reg_Item -Reg_Path "$PDF_Shell_Registry_Key\$PDF_Key_Label"
+ }
If ($null -ne $List_Drive) { Remove-PSDrive $List_Drive }
Remove-Item $Sandbox_Folder -Recurse -Force
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Sources/Run_in_Sandbox/Sandbox_Config.xml b/Sources/Run_in_Sandbox/Sandbox_Config.xml
index 868c26f..d9f0256 100644
--- a/Sources/Run_in_Sandbox/Sandbox_Config.xml
+++ b/Sources/Run_in_Sandbox/Sandbox_Config.xml
@@ -24,5 +24,6 @@
+ True