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AMBER is designed to generate a tumor BAF file for use in PURPLE from a provided VCF of likely heterozygous SNP sites.

When using paired reference/tumor bams, AMBER confirms these sites as heterozygous in the reference sample bam then calculates the allelic frequency of corresponding sites in the tumor bam. In tumor only mode, all provided sites are examined in the tumor with additional filtering then applied.

The Bioconductor copy number package is then used to generate pcf segments from the BAF file.

When using paired reference/tumor data, AMBER is also able to:

  • detect evidence of contamination in the tumor from homozygous sites in the reference; and
  • facilitate sample matching by recording SNPs in the germline


To install, download the latest compiled jar file from the download links.

Ref genome versions 37 and 38 of the likely heterozygous sites are available to download from HMFTools-Resources > Amber.

The Bioconductor copynumber package is required for segmentation. After installing R or RStudio, the copy number package can be added with the following R commands:


AMBER requires Java 1.8+ to be installed.

Paired Normal/Tumor Mode

This is the default and recommended mode.

Mandatory Arguments

Argument Description
reference Name of the reference sample
reference_bam Path to indexed reference BAM file
tumor Name of the tumor sample
tumor_bam Path to indexed tumor BAM file
output_dir Path to the output directory. This directory will be created if it does not already exist.
loci Path to vcf file containing likely heterozygous sites (see below). Gz files supported.

The vcf file used by HMF (GermlineHetPon.37.vcf.gz) is available to download from HMF-Pipeline-Resources. The sites were chosen by running the GATK HaplotypeCaller over 1700 germline samples and then selecting all SNP sites which are heterozygous in 800 to 900 of the samples. The 1.3 million sites provided in this file typically result in 450k+ BAF points. A 38 equivalent is also available.

Approximately 1000 sites scattered evenly through the VCF have been tagged with a SNPCHECK flag. The allelic frequency of these sites in the reference bam are written to the REFERENCE.amber.snp.vcf.gz file without any filtering to be used downstream for sample matching.

AMBER supports both BAM and CRAM file formats.

Optional Arguments

Argument Default Description
threads 1 Number of threads to use
min_mapping_quality 1 Minimum mapping quality for an alignment to be used
min_base_quality 13 Minimum quality for a base to be considered
min_depth_percent 0.5 Only include reference sites with read depth within min percentage of median reference read depth
max_depth_percent 1.5 Only include reference sites with read depth within max percentage of median reference read depth
min_het_af_percent 0.4 Minimum allelic frequency to be considered heterozygous
max_het_af_percent 0.65 Maximum allelic frequency to be considered heterozygous
ref_genome NA Path to the reference genome fasta file. Required only when using CRAM files.
validation_stringency STRICT SAM validation strategy: STRICT, SILENT, LENIENT

Example Usage

java -Xmx32G -cp amber.jar com.hartwig.hmftools.amber.AmberApplication \
   -reference COLO829R -reference_bam /run_dir/COLO829R.bam \ 
   -tumor COLO829T -tumor_bam /run_dir/COLO829T.bam \ 
   -output_dir /run_dir/amber/ \
   -threads 16 \
   -loci /path/to/GermlineHetPon.37.vcf.gz 

Tumor Only Mode

In the absence of a reference bam, AMBER can be put into tumor only mode with the tumor_only flag.

Multiple Reference / Donor mode

The reference and reference_bam arguments supports multiple arguments separated by commas. When run in this mode the heterozygous baf points are taken as the intersection of each of the reference bams. No change is made to the SNPCheck or contamination output. These will be run on the first reference bam in the list.

Mandatory Arguments

Argument Description
tumor_only Flag to put AMBER into tumor only mode
tumor Name of the tumor sample
tumor_bam Path to indexed tumor BAM file
output_dir Path to the output directory. This directory will be created if it does not already exist.
loci Path to vcf file containing likely heterozygous sites (see below). Gz files supported.

Optional Arguments

Argument Default Description
threads 1 Number of threads to use
min_mapping_quality 1 Minimum mapping quality for an alignment to be used
min_base_quality 13 Minimum quality for a base to be considered
tumor_only_min_vaf 0.05 Min VAF in ref and alt in tumor only mode
tumor_only_min_support 2 Min support in ref and alt in tumor only mode
ref_genome NA Path to the reference genome fasta file. Required only when using CRAM files.

Example Usage

java -Xmx32G -cp amber.jar com.hartwig.hmftools.amber.AmberApplication \
   -tumor_only \
   -tumor COLO829T -tumor_bam /run_dir/COLO829T.bam \ 
   -output_dir /run_dir/amber/ \
   -threads 16 \
   -loci /path/to/GermlineHetPon.37.vcf.gz 

Performance Characteristics

Performance numbers were taken from a 72 core machine using COLO829 data with an average read depth of 35 and 93 in the normal and tumor respectively. Elapsed time is measured in minutes. CPU time is minutes spent in user mode. Peak memory is measure in gigabytes.

Threads Elapsed Time CPU Time Peak Mem
1 144 230 15.04
8 22 164 18.40
16 12 164 21.00
32 8 170 21.60
48 7 199 21.43
64 6 221 21.78


File Description
TUMOR.amber.baf.tsv Tab separated values (TSV) containing reference and tumor BAF at each heterozygous site.
TUMOR.amber.baf.pcf TSV of BAF segments using PCF algorithm.
TUMOR.amber.qc Contains median tumor baf and QC status. FAIL may indicate contamination in sample.
TUMOR.amber.baf.vcf.gz Similar information as BAF file but in VCF format.
TUMOR.amber.contamination.vcf.gz Entry at each homozygous site in the reference and tumor.
REFERENCE.amber.snp.vcf.gz Entry at each SNP location in the reference.

Patient Matching

The REFERENCE.amber.snp.vcf.gz contains some 1000 SNP points that can be used to identify if a new sample belongs to an existing patient. This is particularly important when doing cohort analysis as multiple samples from the same patient can skew results.

To enable patient matching a database is required with three tables, AmberSample, AmberMapping and AmberPatient. Scripts to generate these tables are available here.

Each sample is loaded into AmberSample with the LoadAmberData application which downsamples the REFERENCE.amber.snp.vcf.gz file to 100 loci and describes each locus as:

  • 1: Homozygous ref
  • 2: Hetrozygous
  • 3: Homozygous alt
  • 0: Other (including insufficient depth (<10))

The sample is compared to all other AmberSample entries and if there is a match (>=90% of sites match), an entry is added to the AmberMapping table. The sample is assigned either a new patient id or an existing one (if it matches an existing sample) and the amberPatient table is updated.

A sample can be loaded with the following command:

java -cp amber.jar com.hartwig.hmftools.patientdb.LoadAmberData \
    -sample TUMOR \
    -amber_snp_vcf /path/to/REFERENCE.amber.snp.vcf.gz \
    -snpcheck_vcf /path/to/Amber.snpcheck.37.vcf \
    -db_user username \
    -db_pass password \
    -db_url mysql://localhost:3306/hmfpatients?serverTimezone=UTC

The Amber.snpcheck.37.vcf (and 38 equivalent) are available to download from HMFTools-Resources > Amber.

An example query to check if a sample is one of many for a patient is:

SELECT * FROM amberPatient WHERE patientId IN 
(SELECT patientId FROM amberPatient WHERE sampleId = 'SAMPLE');

The following query shows all patients with multiple samples:

SELECT patientId, count(*) AS sampleCount, GROUP_CONCAT(sampleId ORDER BY sampleId SEPARATOR ' ') AS samples
FROM amberPatient
GROUP BY patientId
HAVING sampleCount > 1
ORDER BY sampleCount desc;

Version History and Download Links

  • 3.5
  • 3.4
    • Fixed bug where SNPCHECK loci were not written to REFERENCE.amber.snp.vcf.gz where read depth = 0
    • Added AmberSample and AmberPatient DB tables. Database patch required.
    • Added patient matching functionality
  • 3.3
    • Improved contamination check for very shallow sequencing
    • Support for multiple references
  • 3.2
    • Fixed IndexOutOfBoundsException.
  • 3.1
    • Added validation_stringency parameter.
    • Added explicit stringsAsFactors = T to R script
  • 3.0
    • Support for tumor_only mode
    • Replaced input bed file with VCF file and will match only on specified target allele. Any entries with SNPCHECK info flags will be used for sample matching locations.
    • ref_genome argument now only required when using CRAM files
    • remove snp_bed argument in favour of SNPCHECK flag in loci VCF
    • reference and reference_bam arguments only required when not in tumor_only mode
  • 2.5
    • Fixed bug in contamination model if absolute zero contamination
  • 2.4
    • Added optional snp_bed parameter to output germline snps at specified locations
    • Changed file names and headers for better consistency with other HMF tools
  • 2.3
    • Gracefully handle contigs outside the ref genome.
    • Fixed bug where TumorContamination file had two copies of tumor info rather than normal and tumor
    • CRAM support
  • 2.2
    • Fixed typo in header of TUMOR.amber.baf file.
  • 2.1
    • Add statistical contamination check.
  • 2.0
    • Read directly from BAMs without intermediary pileup step for significant performance improvements.