Fits sample SNV counts to trinucleotide signature definitions.
To install, download the latest compiled jar file from the download links.
Sigs requires a signature definition file, for example the COSMIC 30 SNV signatures. These can be downloaded here HMFTools-Resources:
Argument | Description |
sample | Sample ID |
signatures_file | SNV signature definitions file |
somatic_vcf_file | SNV VCF file |
output_dir | Output directory for sample SNV fits |
Argument | Default | Description |
min_alloc | 0.01 | Allocate counts to a signature if exceeds this number of total SNV counts |
min_alloc_perc | 0.0005 | Allocate counts to a signature if exceeds this % of total SNV counts |
db_url,db_user,db_pass | - | My SQL config - for sourcing SNV data instead of from a VCF |
upload_to_db | - | If present will upload signature fit results to the HMF Patients signature table |
Sigs can generate genomic position frequencies by rounding positions to a specified position bucket size.
Argument | Default | Description |
position_bucket_size | 0 | 0 means no position frequencies are generated, otherwise bucket size |
max_sample_count | 20000 | Cap any individual position bucket's SNV count to this level |
VCF sourced:
java -jar sigs.jar \
-sample COLO829T
-signatures_file /reference_file/snv_cosmic_signatures.csv \
-somatic_vcf_file /sample_data/COLO829T.purple.somatic.vcf.gz \
-output_dir /output_dir/ \
Database sourced and uploading results
java -jar sigs.jar \
-sample COLO829T
-signatures_file /reference_file/snv_cosmic_signatures.csv \
-db_url [db_url] -db_user [username] -db_pass [password] \
-upload_to_db \
-output_dir /output_dir/ \