「Java学习+面试指南」一份涵盖大部分 Java 程序员所需要掌握的核心知识。准备 Java 面试,首选 JavaGuide!
Design patterns implemented in Java
An image loading and caching library for Android focused on smooth scrolling
👨🎓 Java Core Sprout : basic, concurrent, algorithm
Luban(鲁班)—Image compression with efficiency very close to WeChat Moments/可能是最接近微信朋友圈的图片压缩算法
Views and Drawable for displaying animated GIFs on Android
AgentWeb is a powerful library based on Android WebView.
Some Android learning materials, hoping to help you learn Android development.
Epoxy is an Android library for building complex screens in a RecyclerView
Android library (AAR). Highly configurable, easily extendable deep zoom view for displaying huge images without loss of detail. Perfect for photo galleries, maps, building plans etc.
A diagram of the Android Activity / Fragment lifecycle
Thumbnailator - a thumbnail generation library for Java
☑️ [Cheatsheet] Tips and tricks for Android Development
This repository contains a detailed sample app that implements MVP architecture using Dagger2, GreenDao, RxJava2, FastAndroidNetworking and PlaceholderView
For resolve the layout conflict when keybord & panel are switching (Android键盘面板冲突 布局闪动处理方案)
VisualVM is an All-in-One Java Troubleshooting Tool
本项目是Android快速开发框架,采用AndroidStudio进行开发。 预想集成工具包,采用MVP开发模式,EventBus数据分发,沉浸式状态栏,ORM,网络请求(HTTPClint,Volley,OkHttps),数据解析,依赖注入(AndroidAnnotations),xutils,图片异步加载,二维码扫描等等,后续会进行逐步添加
[Deprecated] The Holo version of my popular Android Talon for Twitter app, 100% open-source
FPSAnimator is very easy animation library for Android TextureView and SurfaceView.
A Android ListView Demo with a parallax effect header like Path.
Automatically exported from
A library that builds on the AppCompat Design Library and provides additional common components such as AccountHeaderView, FloatingActionMenu, CircleImageView, Picker Dialogs, FlexibleToolbarLayout…
A different approach to implement android material chips since using transformed images inside an EditText cause too many exceptions on older devices and older versions.