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File metadata and controls

291 lines (206 loc) · 8.86 KB

@function can.compute @parent canjs @release 1.1 @link ../docco/compute/compute.html docco

@description Create an observable value.

@signature can.compute( getterSetter[, context] )

Create a compute that derives its value from [can.Map]s and other [can.computed can.compute]s.

@param {function(+,+)} getterSetter(newVal,oldVal) A function that gets and optionally sets the value of the compute. When called with no parameters, getterSetter should return the current value of the compute. When called with a single parameter, getterSetter should arrange things so that the next read of the compute produces that value. This compute will automatically update its value when any [can.Map observable] values are read via [can.Map.prototype.attr].

@param {Object} [context] The this to use when calling the getterSetter function. @return {can.computed} A new compute.

@signature can.compute( initialValue [, settings] )

Creates a compute from a value and optionally specifies how to read, update, and listen to changes in dependent values. This form of can.compute can be used to create a compute that derives its value from any source.

@param {*} initialValue The initial value of the compute. If settings is not provided, the compute simply updates its value to whatever the first argument to the compute is.

var age = can.compute(30);
age() //-> 30
age(31) //-> fires a "change" event

@param {computeSettings} [settings]

Configures all behaviors of the [can.computed compute]. The following cross binds an input element to a compute:

var input = document.getElementById("age")
var value = can.compute("",{
	get: function(){
		return input.value;
	set: function(newVal){
		input.value = newVal;
	on: function(updated){
		input.addEventListener("change", updated, false);
	off: function(updated){
		input.removeEventListener("change", updated, false);

@return {can.computed} The new compute.

@signature can.compute( initialValue, setter(newVal,oldVal) )

Create a compute that has a setter that can adjust incoming new values.

var age = can.compute(6,function(newVal, oldVal){
    return +newVal;
  } else {
    return oldVal;

@param {*} initialValue

The initial value of the compute.

@param {function(,):*} setter(newVal,oldVal)

A function that is called when a compute is called with an argument. The function is passed the first argumented passed to [can.computed compute] and the current value. If set returns a value, it is used to compare to the current value of the compute. Otherwise, get is called to get the current value of the compute and that value is used to determine if the compute has changed values.

@return {can.computed} A new compute.

@signature can.compute( object, propertyName [, eventName] )

Create a compute from an object's property value. This short-cut signature lets you create a compute on objects that have events that be listened to with [can.bind].

var input = document.getElementById('age')
var age = can.compute(input,"value","change");

var me = new can.Map({name: "Justin"});
var name = can.compute(me,"name")

@param {Object} object An object that either has a bind method or a has events dispatched on it via [can.trigger].

@param {String} propertyName The property value to read on object. The property will be read via object.attr(propertyName) or object[propertyame].

@param {String} [eventName=propertyName] Specifies the event name to listen to on object for propertyName updates.

@return {can.computed} A new compute.



can.compute lets you make an observable value. Computes are similar to [can.Map Observes], but they represent a single value rather than a collection of values.

can.compute returns a [can.computed compute] function that can be called to read and optionally update the compute's value.

It's also possible to derive a compute's value from other computes, [can.Map]s, and [can.List]s. When the derived values change, the compute's value will be automatically updated.

Use [can.computed.bind compute.bind] to listen for changes of the compute's value.

Observing a value

The simplest way to use a compute is to have it store a single value, and to set it when that value needs to change:

var tally = can.compute(12);
tally(); // 12

tally.bind("change",function(ev, newVal, oldVal){

tally(); // 13

Any value can be observed. The following creates a compute that holds an object and then changes it to an array.

var data = can.compute({name: "Justin"})
data([{description: "Learn Computes"}])

Derived computes

If you use a compute that derives its value from properties of a [can.Map] or other [can.compute]s, the compute will listen for changes in those properties and automatically recalculate itself, emitting a change event if its value changes.

The following example shows creating a fullName compute that derives its value from two properties on the person observe:

var person = new can.Map({
    firstName: 'Alice',
    lastName: 'Liddell'

var fullName = can.compute(function() {
    return person.attr('firstName') + ' ' + person.attr('lastName');
fullName.bind('change', function(ev, newVal, oldVal) {
    console.log("This person's full name is now " + newVal + '.');

person.attr('firstName', 'Allison'); // The log reads:
//-> "This person's full name is now Allison Liddell."

Notice how the definition of the compute uses [can.Map.prototype.attr attr] to read the values of the properties of person. This is how the compute knows to listen for changes.

Translator computes - computes that update their derived values

Sometimes you need a compute to be able to translate one value to another. For example, consider a widget that displays and allows you to update the progress in percent of a task. It accepts a compute with values between 0 and 100. But, our task observe has progress values between 0 and 1 like:

var task = new can.Map({
  progress: 0.75

Use can.compute( getterSetter ) to create a compute that updates itself when task's progress changes, but can also update progress when the compute function is called with a value. For example:

var progressPercent = can.compute(function(percent){
    task.attr('progress', percent / 100)
  } else {
    return task.attr('progress') * 100

progressPercent() // -> 75


task.attr('progress') // -> 1

The following is a similar example that shows converting feet into meters and back:

var wall = new can.Map({
    material: 'brick',
    length: 10 // in feet

var wallLengthInMeters = can.compute(function(lengthInM) {
    if(arguments.length) {
        wall.attr('length', lengthInM / 3.28084);
    } else {
        return wall.attr('length') * 3.28084;

wallLengthInMeters(); // 3.048

// When you set the compute...
wallLengthInMeters(); // 5
// ...the original Observe changes too.
wall.length;          // 16.4042


When a compute's value is changed, it emits a change event. You can listen for this change event by using [can.computed.bind bind] to bind an event handler to the compute:

var tally = can.compute(0);
tally.bind('change', function(ev, newVal, oldVal) {
    console.log('The tally is now at ' + newVal + '.');

tally(tally() + 5); // The log reads:
                    // 'The tally is now at 5.'

Using computes to build Controls

It's a piece of cake to build a [can.Control] off of the value of a compute. And since computes are observable, it means that the view of that Control will update itself whenever the value of the compute updates. Here's a simple slider that works off of a compute:

var project = new can.Map({
    name: 'A Very Important Project',
    percentDone: .35

SimpleSlider = can.Control.extend({ }, {
    init: function() {
        this.element.html(can.view(this.options.view, this.options));
    '.handle dragend': function(el, ev) {
        var percent = this.calculateSliderPercent();
        // set the compute's value
    '{percentDone} change': function(ev, newVal, oldVal) {
	       // react to the percentage changing some other way
    // Implementing calculateSliderPercent and moveSliderTo
    // has been left as an exercise for the reader.

new SimpleSlider('#slider', {percentDone: project.compute('percentDone')});

Now that's some delicious cake. More information on Controls can be found under [can.Control]. There is also a full explanation of can.Map's [can.Map.prototype.compute compute], which is used in the last line of the example above.