Pushing metrics to Influxdb via Kafka, and graphing them in Grafana
The metrics captured by telegraf to shipped to kafka, we still need to push them to influxdb.
Let's do that with
image: telegraf:1.5
restart: unless-stopped
- ./telegraf-kafka-to-influxdb.conf:/etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf:ro
- kafka-1
- kafka-2
- kafka-3
- influxdb
The telegraf configuration is as simple as this
interval = "5s"
flush_interval= "5s"
topics = ["telegraf"]
brokers = ["kafka-1:9092","kafka-2:9092","kafka-3:9092"]
consumer_group = "telegraf-kafka-to-influxdb"
offset = "oldest"
urls = ["http://influxdb:8086"]
database = "telegraf"
see https://github.com/framiere/monitoring-demo
As we are using volumes down, to tear down this step please use
$ docker-compose down --volumes