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Synesthesia - A (mildly) optimizing brainfuck compiler implemented as Nim macros

How this came about

My career has been mostly in the embedded space, and while this arena is largely dominated by C (which I have a great affinity for), one thing I've always enjoyed is playing with interesting languages that work on small targets to scratch my language polyglot itch.

Nim has been my weapon of choice for this lately, but I had been toying around with the idea of writing a forth interpreter/compiler in Nim to work on small embedded targets.

While I was working on my first draft (which I don't think will ever see the light of day since it's so dreadful), it struck me that the self-modifying and compile-time-evaluation nature of forth programs were a very good fit for nim's compile time macro system, and that it would be a really neat project to implement a forth->nim compiler as nim macros, which could then be compiled targeting embedded devices to produce efficient native machine code rather than interpreting on the fly.

To that end, I decided that a proof of concept was in order, and decided that brainfuck would be a great target for a first attempt given its simplicity, and the wealth of knowledge on the subject on the internet and great sites like esolangs.

Once I got started, I found that there was also a bunch of great information about optimizing BF, so I figured "why not implement some of that too?" and it just sort of ran away from me.

Whew, sorry about that novel, but before going any further, I'd like to thank the proprieters of the following sites for their excellent descriptions of various optimizations as they were critical for the outcome of this project:


  • Nim compiler (v 0.18) (I recommend using the excellent choosenim)
  • Some brainfuck source code you'd like to compile



  • Install the nim compiler (see above)
  • Clone the repo
  • Type nimble install

(I plan to eventually upload this to the nimple package directory)

Compiling BF files

To compile, use the -c flag like so:

synesthesia -c

By default, the compiler will generate an a.out file in the current directory. If you'd like to specify an alternative output file, one can be specified with the -o flag;

synesthesia -c -o mendelbrot

Interpreting BF files

synesthesia also includes an optimizing brainfuck interpreter. To interpret a file, use the -i flag:

synesthesia -i

How compilation works

Nim includes a number of useful properties that uniquely position it for this sort of project. The first is its hygienic macro system which allows for compile time code generation.

The second is the ability to execute 'pure' code at compile time (pure being code that doesn't use FFI). Not everything works (I've found nested generators to fail pretty interestingly), but the vast majority of the nim language can be used. Combining this with the Macro/AST generation system allows one to perform interesting transforms on AST nodes.

Finally, nim allows one to read files at compile time and act on their contents. In the past, I've used this to generate register defnitions for microcontrollers from their header files, but in this instance, this functionality is used to slurp the BF source file and iterate over its contents.

(Note before reading further: I'm hardly an expert on compiler construction, so please be gentle if I use incorrect terminology :) )

Step 0: Generate a temp source file

For simplicity, we generate a very simple nim source file containing the imports required to use the compiler module, and a call to synesthesia.compile(<path/to/bf/source>). We then call out to the nim compiler with this file as the target to begin compilation.

This file is compiled with the release and optimize-for-size flags applied (size optimization tends to produce faster code than speed optimization due to the nature of the code generated)

Step 1: Transformation to a list of tokens

Once a BF source file has been opened and the contents read into a sequence of characters, this sequence is iterated over and each relevant character is converted into an object: BFToken. BFToken is a variant type (i.e. it includes a kind field, think tagged unions in c).

For example, the '>' character causes the AP (memory cell index) to be incremented by one, and '<' causes it to be decremented by one.

Given that, we can conclude that we need an ApAdjust token for +1, and another for -1. With variant types, we can simply include an amt field in the bfsApAdjust token, and generate an appropriate variant when each token is encountered.

(The same idea goes for memory adjustment with the bfsMemAdjust variant)

A full listing of charcter => token mappings can be found in src/synesthesiapkg/common.nim

Step 2: Optimization

synesthesia implements a set of peephole optimizers that are applied to the resulting list of tokens. Some of these optimizations are obvious from the top level BF source (coalescing adjustments for example), while others work best if applied after other optimizations have already been made (dead adjustments / combining memory sets)

A full accounting of the optimizations applied can be found in src/synesthesiapkg/optimizer.nim, but to give the reader an idea of the sorts of things that are going on:

  • Adjacent AP and Mem adjustments (i.e. >>>>> or +++) can be squished into single instructions (ap + 5 and mem[ap] + 3 accordingly). We use the amt field in the object to track the total amount. Note that this works by tracking the total amount, so +++--- becomes mem[ap] + 0
  • Dead adjustments can be eliminated, so any ap or mem adjustment with an amt of 0 can simply be removed from the set of instructions.
  • Clearing the current memory cell is a common pattern in BF [-]. Rather than sitting in a loop and decrementing the current cell until it hits zero, one can simply translate this to mem[ap] = 0, which is constant time.

More interesting optimizations include things like transforming loops into multiplication instructions and deferring AP adjustments by using offsets.

Step 3: AST Generation

Once all optimizations are applied, AST generation can begin. For the most part, ast generation is pretty strait forward, tokens are simply transformed into NimNode objects representing their underlying purpose.

For example:

  • bfsApAdjust(amount) => ap += amount
  • bfsMemAdjust(offset, amount) => mem[ap + offset] += amount
  • bfsPrint => putChar(mem[ap])

One notable exception to this is bfsBlock and bfsBlockEnd (i.e. loops in BF).

synesthesia implements blocks as while loops (sort of, but we use if => doWhile for performance reasons)

As we need to keep track of loops, we maintain a stack of 'blocks' during compilation. As other tokens are decoded, their NimNodes are added to the top block in the stack (i.e. their statements exist under the lexical scope of the last known open loop). When a new block is encountered ([ in BF), we generate a while loop scope and push it onto the stack. When a block ends (]), we pop the block off the stack and continue on.

Once all AST nodes have been generated, the resulting nim code (which we never see) is compiled to C, and then to machine code.


The synesthesia compiler is licensed under the GPLv2. Any resulting binaries are licensed at the creator's discretion.