This is a simpler version of the gnu's du. This project was
developed for a UNIX OS development university class.
Check this repo's collaborators section to see my project partners.
This project was developed by João Costa (me), João Lucas and Ricardo Fontão for our Operating Systems class (SOPE) at MIEIC, FEUP (2019/2020).
Use make
to compile the program.
Use make clean
to delete old compilation files + binary.
To run the program: simpledu -l [path] [-a] [-b] [-B size] [-L] [-S] [--max-depth=N]
. You can also specify multiple options using a single
argument: simpledu -lLabS
Run the
script like so:
./ [optional_path [-L]]
You can pass an optional path for it to run on (instead of only the defaults).
You can also specify the -L options which runs the tests that involve dereferencing.
The code in this repository is published under a GNU General Public License: gpl-3.0.