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Test Coverage

This is a work in progress..

This README would normally document whatever steps are necessary to get the application up and running.

Things you may want to cover:

  • Ruby version

  • System dependencies

  • Configuration

  • Database creation

  • Database initialization

How to run the test suite and linters

You will need first build the project or get an image with test setup Images are available at docker hub

Before run docker-compose commands please get in the monolith folder first

cd monolith

Build and Database setup

Building an container image and up the test environment containers:

docker-compose up -d --build tester
docker-compose exec tester rake db:setup

Running linters

docker-compose exec tester rubocop
docker-compose exec tester brakeman --no-pager
docker-compose exec tester rake factory_bot:lint

Running tests

docker-compose exec tester rspec

stopping the container


docker-compose up -d --build app

Debugging the app inside the container

When you attach the your terminal with the app, will be possible interact with the application using breaking points like binding.pry To attach the terminal to the app container use:

docker attach $(docker-compose ps -q app)

You can also build, up and attach in one line

docker-compose up --build -d && docker attach $(docker-compose ps -q app)

Stop containers

docker-compose down

Services (job queues, cache servers, search engines, etc.)

Work in progress..


The building and deploy is usually done by CI when there is changes on branch master for production and on branch release/number for beta.

The build deploy has 3 basics steps:

  • Set build enrollment variables
  • Get the cache images
  • Building the image

Tagging the docker image

This project use the docker tag system as cache to improve the speed build and save some resources

When building a DEV

This it's used just to share/deploy an image on the early development stages

Set build enrollment variables You will must have the $BRANCH_NAME without slashes('/') set eg:

export BRANCH_NAME="$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD | tr '/' '_')"

Get the cache images

docker pull josimarcamargo/ticketfy:latest > /dev/null && echo "production image found" || echo "production image not found"

Build the docker image following the instructions, then tag and send the image to docker hub

docker tag ticketfy_app:latest josimarcamargo/ticketfy:$BRANCH_NAME-dev
docker push josimarcamargo/ticketfy:$BRANCH_NAME-dev

When building a Beta image

This is usually done in the branch release/number with the VERSION file updated to version to be released eg: Set build enrollment variables

export VERSION=`cat VERSION` # set a environment variable with the content of file VERSION
export DOCKER_IMAGE_CACHE_BRANCH_VERSION=josimarcamargo/ticketfy:$VERSION-beta # set the docker image that will be used as cache for this build

Get the cache images

docker pull $DOCKER_IMAGE_CACHE_BRANCH_VERSION > /dev/null && echo "branch image found" || echo "branch image not found"
docker pull josimarcamargo/ticketfy:latest > /dev/null && echo "production image found" || echo "production image not found" # needs to be improved, to run only when the 'docker pull $DOCKER_IMAGE_CACHE_BRANCH_VERSION' fail

Building the image

docker-compose build production
docker tag ticketfy_production:latest $DOCKER_IMAGE_CACHE_BRANCH_VERSION

When building a production ready image

This is should be done in the branch master

Set build enrollment variables

export VERSION=`cat VERSION` # set a environment variable with the content of file VERSION
export DOCKER_IMAGE_CACHE_BRANCH_VERSION=josimarcamargo/ticketfy:$VERSION # set the docker image that will be used as cache for this build

Get the cache images

docker pull $DOCKER_IMAGE_CACHE_BRANCH_VERSION > /dev/null && echo "branch image found" || echo "branch image not found"
docker pull josimarcamargo/ticketfy:latest > /dev/null && echo "production image found" || echo "production image not found" # needs to be improved, to run only when the 'docker pull $DOCKER_IMAGE_CACHE_BRANCH_VERSION' fail

Building the image

docker-compose build production
docker tag ticketfy_production:latest josimarcamargo/ticketfy:$VERSION
docker tag ticketfy_production:latest josimarcamargo/ticketfy:latest
docker push josimarcamargo/ticketfy:$VERSION
docker push josimarcamargo/ticketfy:latest

Building release image

Considering that you will deploy the docker image build on Heroku, you will need a Heroku releaser image

This is usually done by CI, this image used only by heroku to run deploy tasks like: rake db:migrate and etc, It's really IMPORTANT that you build an Heroku releaser image with the same code that you are deploying at your environment, to avoid side effects like running more or less database migrations that you need

Here is used the same docker image as cache, that was used at the build step, so if the cache it's not been used, check if steps 'Set build enrollment variables' and 'Get the cache images' are done, and always respect if are building a release image for beta or production environment

docker-compose build heroku_releaser

Tag the Heroku releaser image for beta

docker tag ticketfy_heroku_releaser:latest

Tag the Heroku releaser image for production

docker tag ticketfy_heroku_releaser:latest

Deployment instructions

Sending images to heroku container registry You will need to be logged first heroku login ´heroku container:login` for beta

docker push
docker push

for production

docker push
docker push

Telling heroku to deploy the new image

with the heroku cli installed: heroku container:release web release -a ticketfy-beta

Some CI's has the heroku cli available, if that is not your case, this also can be done with a docker image, without installing the heroku cli:

docker run --rm -e HEROKU_API_KEY=$HEROKU_API_KEY josimarcamargo/heroku_cli container:release web release -a ticketfy-beta
  • Default User :

    • email: admin@ticketfy
    • pass: changeme
  • Add Todo