A simple application with three screens:
- Main screen
- Details screen
- Sign in screen
A sandbox freestyle application that you can add a testing framework to. Anyone of:
- UI Automator
- Appium
- Espresso
- Kalabash
- Sikuli
Main screen:
Given I am viewing the apps
When I am signed out
Then only one app is visible
Given I am viewing the apps
When I am signed in
Then a full list of apps is visible
Given I am viewing the apps (signed in or out)
When I click an app
Then I go to the apps details
Given I am signed in
When I click sign out button
Then I sign out
Given I am signed out
When I click sign in button
Then I go to the sign in page
Sign in:
Given I try and click submit
When I have not entered a username or password
Then the submit button is not clickable
Given I try and click submit
When I have entered a username or password
Then the submit button is clickable
Given I try and click submit
When the username is less than 4 characters
Then I am not allowed to sign in
Details screen:
Given I am viewing the details
When I click launch application
Then the 3rd party app is opened
*There may also be other non-documented features / acceptance criteria / bugs *