- Parameters:
- end_points (np.ndarray) - Shape=(nnz,)
- ind_ptr (np.ndarray) - Shape=(#row+1,)
- row_ids (np.ndarray) - Shape=(#row, )
- col_ids (np.ndarray) - Shape=(#col, )
- values (np.ndarray or None) - Shape(nnz,) Default is True. If None, then all the value will be 1.
- force_contiguous (bool) - Default is True.
- staticmethod:
- from_spy(mat) : Param - mat (sp.csr_matrix)
- load(fname): Param - fname (str)
- property:
- size --> return #end_points
- nnz --> return #nnz
- shape --> return (#row, #col)
- node_pair_indices --> return (2, size)
- node_pair_ids --> return (2, size)
- row_degrees --> return (#row, )
- col_degrees --> return (#col, )
- T --> transpose a CSRMat
- function:
- row_id_to_ind(node_ids)
- col_id_to_ind(node_ids)
- save(fname)
- submat(row_indices, col_indices)
- submat_by_id(row_ids, col_ids)
- fetch_edges_by_ind(node_pair_indices)
- fetch_edges_by_id(node_pair_ids)
- remove_edges_by_ind(node_pair_indices)
- remove_edges_by_id(node_pair_ids)
- summary()
- info()
- features (dict) - {node_key : np.ndarray (#node, fea_dim)} if None then set dict value=np.zeros(#node,)
- node_ids (dict or None) - {node_key, np.ndarray (#node, )}
- meta_graph (dict or None) - {node_key1: {node_key2: 1} }
- csr_mat_dict (dict or None) - {(node_key1, node_key2) : CSRMat}
- load(dir_name): Param - dir_name (str)
- node_names --> return list
- node_id_rmaps --> return np.array (Generate node_id_to_ind mappings)
- features_by_id(key, node_ids)
- get_multi_link_structure() --> return dict
- multi_link_structure = {(node_key1, node_key2): len(multi_link) or None}
- the keys are the same as those in csr_mat_dict
- multi_link_structure = {(node_key1, node_key2): len(multi_link) or None}
- save(dir_name)
- node_id_to_ind(key, node_ids)
- fetch_edges_by_id(src_key, dst_key, node_pair_ids)
- fetch_edges_by_ind(src_key, dst_key, node_pair_indices)
- remove_edges_by_id(src_key, dst_key, node_pair_ids)
- remove_edges_by_ind(src_key, dst_key, node_pair_indices)
- sel_node_by_id(key, node_id)
- gen_nd_features(ctx)
- summary()