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=========== WTF? ===========

This folder includes installation scripts for some useful tools for Drupal

 * Aegir     - Hosting management platform
 * Hudson    - Continious integration server
 * memcached - Memory object caching system
 * Oracle    - Insanity in a DB server.  Legacy apps.
 * Solr      - Search server
 * Squid     - Proxy server

=========== Tips ===========

Look in the top of each file for info on
Notes and tips on using the tools are included at the tops of the scripts.

=========== How to contribute ===========

If you have something to decrease the learning curve of these tools, I'd be
happy to include it:

 * Patches to the install-*.sh files
 * URL's (preferably on that link to information and tutorials
 * .make files
 * Installation profiles.

=========== Support ===========

I don't offer any help with these tools.

Your best place for support is:

 * Listed at the bottom of the help in each of the scripts.
 * Each project's home page and ask a question there.

Good luck!